![]() Mickie B. Ashling has a new MMM contemporary romance out, The Basque Trilogy book one: A Unique Request. And there's a giveaway! Mickie has reduced the price of A Unique Request to $1.99 while the book is on tour.Seven years have passed since Paul Alcott and Mick Henley separated, but hearing the familiar voice reinforces what Paul has known all along―he still loves Mick and wants him back. Hope flares upon receiving a dinner invitation, but his dream evaporates when he learns that Mick is in a relationship with Basque jai alai player, Tono Garat. To make matters worse, Paul’s services as a book editor are solicited to help Tono through the final revision of a love story he’s written. Paul refuses until Mick reveals he’s been diagnosed with a fatal disease, and the novel is Tono’s only means of coping. Paul and Tono resent each other, but they can’t deny the strong sexual attraction between them. Will they overcome their differences to provide the loving support necessary to sustain the man they love or will their animosity destroy Mick’s final days? Warnings: Second chances, bittersweet, fatal disease Get It On Amazon | QueeRomance Ink | GoodreadsGiveaway Mickie is giving away a $20 Amazon gift card with this tour: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47320/ Excerpt A Unique Request Mickie B. Ashling © 2024 All Rights Reserved Paul stood outside the door, debating his decision to show up. He had a bottle of red wine in one hand and a bunch of colorful wildflowers in the other. He’d given in to a moment of sentimental weakness, and now he wondered what the hell he was doing. He turned to leave when the door was yanked open by a fractious brunet with a scowl on his face. “¿Sí?” “Hi. I’m Paul Alcott.” The stranger scowled and scrutinized him from the top of his shining head down his designer-clad body. Paul was unfazed. He was just as curious about the man who’d replaced him in Mick’s life. He inspected him like he would any rival, noting the chestnut-colored hair curling around his neckline. His upper body was hidden behind a loose T-shirt, but the corded muscles of his forearms were a clear indication of what was underneath. He was striking, no doubt about it. The heated gaze was bad enough, but it was his luscious mouth that sent Paul’s mind straight to the gutter. He was shocked by his body’s quick response to this stranger, despite the obvious antagonism. He brought his hand down, covering the evidence of his growing interest with the flowers. The Spaniard blinked and rewarded Paul with a tentative smile. “I’m Tono Garat,” he announced in a heavily accented voice. “Nice to meet you.” Paul nodded. “Is Mick around?” “Yes, of course. Come in, please.” Tono spun around, and Paul zeroed in on the rounded ass covered in tight white shorts. No garter lines meant he was naked underneath, and Paul couldn’t help but notice. “Paul!” Mick called out, rushing forward and hugging Paul tightly. “God, it’s been too long.” “I know,” Paul said, falling under Mick’s spell within seconds. It had always been so good between them, and despite the years and the distance, the sentiment remained the same. “You’re still as gorgeous as ever. “Oh, stop. You always were good for my ego.” “The years have been kind to you, my friend,” Paul continued, taking in every part of Mick. He did look great, trim and fit, clean-shaven. His hair was a little longer than Paul remembered, but the dark curls framed Mick’s tanned face, making the violet-tinged eyes pop. “You don’t look half-bad either.” Mick’s voice shifted, and the words came out like a soft caress. He toyed with a lock of Paul’s silky hair, curling it around his finger. “When did you let your hair grow?” “After my father died; no more memos about looking professional.” Paul smirked as he recalled Paul Senior’s edicts. “Shall I take the bottle?” Tono interrupted, looking uncomfortable. Perhaps he was aware of their long history, but seeing the chemistry was a different matter altogether. “Sure,” Paul replied, handing over the wine. “I made a pitcher of sangria. Would you like a glass?” Tono asked, never taking his eyes off Paul. “Sounds good. I’m assuming it’s authentic.” “I made it from scratch,” Tono huffed. “Come on,” Mick stepped in, trying to diffuse the situation. He took Paul by the arm and led him out to the tiny patio that had a wrought iron table for four and several wooden planters filled with assorted vegetables. The tomatoes were almost ripe and hanging from branches held up with green sticks. The Weber grill was off to one side―a tribute to summer and warm evenings. “This is nice, Mick. I had no idea this was out here.” “Not too many people do. I guess the owners were into gardening, so I benefit. It’s what attracted me to this unit in the first place.” Paul sat down and stretched out, loving the sight of Mick after so long. “So, what have you been up to?” “Living La Vida Loca.” Mick smiled. “I’ve been writing, of course, but mostly enjoying my life.” “Sounds great. Are you still working on your sequel?” “Yes, as well as something new.” “Oh?” “I’m helping Tono with his book.” Paul gave Tono a frosty look. “You’re a writer?” “I’m not,” Tono replied, placing a large wineglass with chunks of fruit in front of Paul. “I’m a professional jai alai player, but I’ve written a romance, based on my relationship with Mick.” “A romance?” Paul turned to Mick for the answer. “Why?” “Because I’m dying.” Author Bio MICKIE B. ASHLING is the pseudonym of a multi-published author who resides in a suburb outside Chicago. She is a product of her upbringing in various cultures, having lived in Japan, the Philippines, Spain, and the Middle East. Fluent in three languages, she’s a citizen of the world and an interesting mixture of East and West. A little bit of this and a lot of that have brought a unique touch to her literary voice she could never learn from textbooks. Since 2009, Mickie has written several dozen novels in the LGBTQ+ genre—which have been translated into French, Italian, Spanish, and German. Audiobooks and foreign translations are available at Amazon and Audible. Her award-winning novels have been described as "gut- wrenching, daring, and thought-provoking." Author Website: https://www.mickieashling.com Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/mickie.ashling Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mickieashling Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/217416171-a-unique-request Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/mickie-b-ashling/ Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Mickie-B.-Ashling/author/B004QSCN3E ![]()
Diane Fair
12/9/2024 01:12:36 pm
I can't wait to read this! Comments are closed.
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