![]() J. Scott Coatsworth has a new queer YA/Crossover Sci-Fantasy book out - The Dragon Eater, Tharassas Cycle book one. There's a giveaway, and a free book with purchase too! Raven's a thief who just swallowed a dragon. A small one, sure, but now his arms are growing scales, the local wildlife is acting up, and his snarky AI familiar is no help whatsoever. Raven's best friend Aik is a guardsman carrying a torch for the thief. A pickpocket and a guard? Never going to happen. And Aik’s ex-fiancé Silya, an initiate priestess in the midst of a magical crisis, hates Raven with the heat of a thousand suns. This unlikely team must work together to face strange beasts, alien artifacts, and a world-altering threat. If they don’t figure out what to do soon, it might just be the end of everything. Things are about to get messy. About the Series: The Tharassas Cycle is a four book sci-fantasy series set on the recently colonized world of Tharassas. When humans first arrived on planet, they thought they were alone until the hencha mind made itself known. But now a new threat has arisen to challenge both humankind and their new allies on this alien world. Preorder and Get the Prequel Free Order and Get the Prequel Free: I’m giving away the prequel, Tales From Tharassas, with all orders – it contains The Last Run, The Emp Test, and a brand new short story the Fallen Angel. Just order the book and email me a proof of purchase at [email protected], and I’ll send you the eBook. Universal Buy LinkGiveaway Scott is giving away a $20 book gift card with this reveal – your choice of Amazon, B&N, Kobo or Smashwords. Enter for a chance to win: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47276/? Excerpt Spin’s voice echoed in his ear. “This is a bad idea, boss.” “Shush,” Raven whispered to his familiar. He needed to concentrate. Cheek and jowl against the smooth cobblestones, he held his breath and prayed to the gods that no one had seen him duck under the sea master’s ornate carriage. The setting sun cast long shadows from a pair of boots so close to his face that the dust and leather made him want to sneeze. Their owner was deep in conversation with the sea master, the hem of her fine mur silk trousers barely visible. The two women’s voices were hushed, and he could only make out the occasional word. Raven rubbed the old burn scar on his cheek absently, wishing they would go away. “Seriously, boss. I’m not from this world, and even I know it’s a bad idea to steal from the sea master.” Though only he could hear Spin’s voice, Raven wished the little silver ay-eye would just shut up. The hencha cloth-wrapped package in the carriage above was calling to him. He’d wanted it since he’d first seen it through the open door. No, needed it. Like he needed air, even though he had no idea what was inside. He scratched the back of his hand hard to distract himself from its disturbing pull. An inthym popped its head out of the sewer grate in front of him, sniffing the air. Raven glared at the little white rodent, willing it to go away. Instead, the cursed thing nibbled at his nose. Raven sneezed, then covered his mouth. He held his breath, staring at the boots. Don’t let them hear me. A shiny silver feeler poked out of his shirt pocket, emitting a golden glow that illuminated the cobblestones underneath him. “Boss, you all right?” Spin’s whisper had that sarcastic edge he often used when he was annoyed. “Your heart rate is elevated.” “Be. Quiet.” Raven gritted his teeth. Spin had the worst sense of timing. The woman — one of the guard, maybe? — and the sea master stepped away, their voices fading into the distance. Raven said a quick prayer of thanks to Jor’Oss, the goddess of wild luck, and flicked the inthym back into the sewer. “Shoo!” He popped his head out from under the carriage to take a quick look around. There was no one between him and the squat gray Sea Guild headquarters. It was time. Grab it and go. He reached into the luxurious carriage — a host of mur beetles must have spent years spinning all the red silk that lined the interior — and snagged the package. He hoped it was the treasury payment for the week. If so, it should hold enough coin to feed an orphanage for a month, and he knew just the one. “Got it.” “Good. Now get us out of here.” A strange tingling surged through his hand. Raven frowned. Must have pinched a nerve or something. Ignoring it, he stuck the package under his arm, slipped around the carriage, and set off down Gullton’s main thoroughfare. He walked as casually as he could, hoping no one would notice the missing package until he was long gone. “We clear?” Spin’s feeler blinked red. “No. Run! They’ve seen you.” Raven ran. Author Bio Scott lives with his husband Mark in a yellow bungalow in Sacramento. He was indoctrinated into fantasy and sci fi by his mother at the tender age of nine. He devoured her library, but as he grew up, he wondered where all the people like him were. He decided that if there weren’t queer characters in his favorite genres, he would remake them to his own ends. A Rainbow Award winning author, he runs Queer Sci Fi, QueeRomance Ink, and Other Worlds Ink with Mark, sites that celebrate fiction reflecting queer reality, and is the committee chair for the Indie Authors Committee at the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA). Author Website: https://www.jscottcoatsworth.com Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/jscottcoatsworth/ Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/jscottcoatsworthauthor Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/jscoatsworth Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jscottcoatsworth/ Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8392709.J_Scott_Coatsworth Author Mastodon: https://mastodon.otherworldsink.com/@jscottcoatsworth Author Liminal Fiction (LimFic.com): https://www.limfic.com/mbm-book-author/j-scott-coatsworth/ Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/j-scott-coatsworth/ Author Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/J.-Scott-Coatsworth/e/B011AFO4OQ ![]() My snippet this week is from Electric Candle, book 2 of The Sleepless City. Series cowritten with Anne Barwell. “This has got to be a joke. A really bad joke.” Forge ran to the edge and dove in. The only thing that prevented him from ejaculating the second his fingers touched the man was the cold water. He shuddered when he pulled the guy against his chest and wrapped one arm around him, using the other to help propel them to the surface. When he got to the concrete edge, he hefted the guy over and onto the ground. Forge hoisted himself out of the water and hit the guy, who looked to be in his twenties, between the shoulder blades to expel lake water. A shiver and spark of electricity ran from Forge’s palm and coursed down his spine to settle in his groin. This couldn’t be his soulmate. Yet even as he finished that thought, he knew, and there was no denying what his body was telling him. The fool dressed as some superhero wannabe in a really bad outfit was Jonas Forge’s mate for eternity. Forge wondered if other vampires would penalize him for killing his soulmate. Read more snippets in the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Electric Candle is available in eBook, paperback and in Kindle Unlimited.
RELEASE BLITZ ![]() Book Title: Love Among the Stars (Entertaining Love, Book 1) Author: Claerie Kavanaugh Publisher: Half Caff Press Cover Artist: Cath Grace Designs Release Date: March 19, 2023 Genre: Contemporary F/F Romance Tropes: Matchmaker, Celebrity Themes: Coming out Heat Rating: 3 flames Length: 40 000 words/ 250 pages It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger. Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited ![]() Hollywood's best matchmaker may have finally met her match. Blurb Genevieve “Eve” Davis is Hollywood’s best, most sought-after matchmaker. Just about everyone in the City of Angels owes her for their happily ever afters. She’s been in the business for ten years and has never made a false move. The only person she hasn’t been able to hit with Cupid’s arrow? Herself. Then Jemma, Hollywood’s most recent “it” girl, appears on her doorstep. But rather than having an extra bounce in her step, she looks like a dog just crapped all over her brand-new designer boots. The date Eve set up for her was anything but a fairy tale beginning. In fact, it was a downright disaster. The first bad review Eve has ever had. If she can’t fix this, her perfect reputation will be torn to shreds. Even worse, the deeper she digs for that secret ingredient that will help her find Jemma’s perfect match, the harder she falls. ![]() Excerpt When I finally drag myself home, it's nearly 1:00 AM. I'm asleep on my feet, but the Sandman won't claim me no matter how hard I try. That stupid reporter's grilling session keeps repeatedly playing in my mind. Could I have said something better? Different? More... Relatable? Even as I lay here, I can't help laughing. I sound ridiculous, so saying it out loud would make it worse. Right? After two hours of tossing and turning, I finally give up, kick the covers off, and wander into my living room. I paddle across the hardwood floor—it’s so much easier to clean up all the cat hair without any carpet getting in the way—and plop on my fluffiest white sectional littered with cowgirl-themed throw pillows. I grab my favorite one. The one with Montana's state flower on it--the Bitterroot, a beautiful purple blossom that looks like an orchids I pick up one of the controllers, turn on the flatscreen and toy with a few buttons, but ultimately, it ends up back on the coffee table. I don't have enough energy to play another level of Black Ops, so I flip on a random TV channel instead. Kiki hops up beside me, and I run my fingers over the underside of her chin-- her favorite spot-- as the television lands on yet another red carpet. Of course, it does. I know this is Hollywood, but what are the odds that I can't escape the press even in my apartment? My parents had warned me before I moved out here, but I didn't fully believe them until now. They do have eyes everywhere. Sighing, I pick up the remote again--maybe there's something good on HBO-but, as usual, Kiki's timing is impeccable. She headbutts the control right out of my grip just as the next guest steps into the frame. "Welcome back to the premiere of Crazy About Cupid." The reporter waves his microphone in the air as if he's twirling a baton, and I can't stifle a snort. "Now that you've met the stars let me introduce you to the woman who started it all. I'm here with Genevieve Davis, owner and mastermind behind the world-renowned matchmaking company Matches Ever After. Genevieve, it's so nice to see you again." The camera pans over slightly, and my heart skips a beat. The woman can't be much older than me. Thirty at most. She has long, wavy brown hair, complemented by piercing green eyes. Her skin is pale and smooth, with a few freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose. A dimple is barely visible on her left cheek when she smiles. Even standing an entire foot shorter than the reporter towering over her, she somehow commands the entire carpet's attention. The back of the dress is just as stunning with a low scoop that dips almost to the small of her back and hugs every single part of her deliciously curved figure in just the right place. When she turns to face the camera more fully, I barely see a tiny scar on her left cheek above her jawline. Kiki purrs softly, and the remote slips from my grip, landing on the cushions with a thump. "Nice to see you too, Seth. And how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Eve; Genevieve was my mother." They laugh, and I settle back against the pillows as my palms grow clammy. Even her voice sounds sexy. "Sorry, Eve," Seth waves a hand and tries to smirk at the camera as he corrected himself. I guess I'm just so excited. Rumor has it that you’re the reason we're even here tonight?" Eve giggles and playfully swats his arm. " Oh, I'm not sure I would go that far." She adjusts the silk shawl draped over her shoulders. " I may have introduced Cole and Phoenix, but they put in the real work to make the relationship last, and they were the ones who allowed their story to be made into a movie." Seth grins. "Of course, but one could argue that their story wouldn't exist if it weren't for you. How long have you been in the matchmaking business?" Eve chuckles. "Seth, are you trying to make me discuss my age?" The reporter feigns a gasp. "Who me? Never!" Eve narrowed her eyes. "Sure, sure. Honestly, though I've been in the matchmaking game for as long as I can remember, even back in college, I loved setting up my friends whenever I could. I've always been a firm believer in the idea that everyone deserves their happily ever after. Even and especially Hollywood starlets. Love is hard to find in a business like this, and I will do anything I can do to help." Seth nods along. "So true. What's most incredible, though, is that my sources tell me you've never once made a bad match?" Eve shrugs, but I can tell by the mischievous gleam in her eye that she’s proud of that statistic. Hell, I would be, too. "So far, so good." Seth whistled. "Well, you heard it here first, folks. If you live in the Los Angeles area and are looking for love, what better time to try Eve’s services? Go to her website at www.matcheseverafter.com, answer simple questions, and let the sparks fly." With that, he moves on to the next guest, but my mind remains stuck on that address. A matchmaker who had never made one bad move? My mom always used to say if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. A statistic like that fits that bill. Still, is there any harm in trying? As if on cue, Kiki promptly climbs off my lap, allowing me to grab my laptop. When I return and type in the address, Kiki leans over her shoulder and gently nudges my cheek. "What is it, girl? Do you think this is crazy too?" Kiki shakes her head, and her little collar jingles around her neck. I laugh. "At least somebody believes in me." For the first couple of questions, I’m oddly nervous. Why is anybody's guess. It’s not like I’m staring at an actual person who will judge me. Computer forms don’t have feelings. Nonetheless, I take my time thinking out strategic and honest answers, and by the time I finally hit send, it’s nearly 5:00 AM. Eventually, I fall into a fitful sleep, dreaming of baby cupids dancing around my head. Maybe love won't be so hard to find in Hollywood after all. If I have the right help. About the Author ![]() Claerie Kavanaugh has spent most of her life telling stories, but she never imagined herself writing romance. In fact, she used to think it should only be reserved for Hallmark movies. It wasn't until college, when she discovered fanfiction, that she learned what romance was truly about: not just fluffy relationships and happily ever afters, but human connection, the desire to push one another to be better, and create hope that somewhere, somehow, everyone has someone. When she's not writing, she loves to travel and explore new cultures, helping other authors polish their works as a freelance editor, and singing while doing so. Broadway musicals are her soul-food, something her mother and sister know well. She constantly blasts the newest soundtrack through the halls of their Missouri home, much to the chagrin of her very sassy and spoiled cat. Social Media Links Blog/Website | Facebook | Instagram | Newsletter Sign-up Giveaway Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win one of 5 ebook copies of Love Among the Stars ![]() “How much detail do you give out about our lives?” “Griff. They’re dogs. However, if you’d rather, I can write about my overly paranoid US Marshal boyfriend and his exploits.” “Clint, Dylan has focused on every little detail you have posted on your website and Facebook. Does he know your real name? Because keeping all of your friends and their secret identities straight is a challenge. Coming from me that says a lot; I’m supposed to be good at tracking aliases.” Griff’s voice was steadily going up in volume. “Oh, for God’s sakes. Yes. A lot of people know Bishop Gryven and Clint Bishop are the same man. And they’re not aliases, Griff, they’re pen names!” Clint was shouting now. Because of Griff’s job, Clint used a pseudonym, combining his own last name and a play on Griff’s first name of Griffen. “I don’t advertise it, but it’s not a big secret, and you’ve known that for years.” “This guy right here is not normal. How can you not see that?” “Griff, he’s harmless.” Clint tried to sound convincing, but the truth was he wasn’t so sure. The way Griff’s eyes narrowed a small amount was a sure sign he sensed Clint’s resolve faltering. “He is,” Clint insisted. “How do you know for sure?” Griff asked. He wasn’t shouting anymore, but Clint heard the anger and concern in his voice. “Because not everyone is the criminal you think they are,” Clint grumbled. Maybe neither he nor Griff should have had that last beer. “You know what? I’m not doing this. Not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever.” Without waiting for a response, Clint stood abruptly, brushed past Griff, and stalked to the living room. He grabbed the remote control, flopped on the couch, made room for Fern when she jumped up with him, and stared at the television, not even knowing what he was watching. Griff grunted and mumbled a few more unkind words about Dylan under his breath that Clint pretended not to hear, which was silly. The house was small, and just about everything Griff said could be heard. Clint heard Griff march through the room’s other door in the office, headed down the short hall and to their bedroom. When Clint woke up, the room was lighter, the television off, and a blanket had been thrown over him. “Aww, crap,” he grumbled and swung around to sit up. Fern stood on his thighs; she licked his cheek and wagged her tail while he rubbed her ears. “Yeah, you guys hungry? Need out?” She barked, jumped off the couch, and turned in a few circles while Phoenix ran back and forth from the living room to the side door, his tail wagging as well. “You two are no help; what did you let me sleep here all night for?” he said and opened the door for them. He heard the shower running, but the bathroom door was closed. They never closed the damn thing, and having one bathroom meant sometimes using it at the same time. Clint sighed. “I guess if I’m desperate, I can go outside and pee on a bush with the dogs.” Knocking on the bathroom door, Clint asked, “Want coffee?” There was no answer. Clint leaned against the wall and waited. When the water turned off, he repeated his question. The door opened and Griff stepped out. “I’m late. I’ll grab something downtown.” Clint grabbed Griff’s arm. “Griff—” Griff leaned in and brushed his lips over Clint’s cheek. “I’m late, really I am. Candice will twist my balls about it all day. It’s no big deal, honestly. I’ll call you later if I get the chance, and we’ll talk tonight.” Jewel Cave is available in eBook, paperback
and through Kindle Unlimited. SERIES TOUR Two Tribes Series by Kristian Parker ![]() The mean streets of Manchester are the scene for a blood thirsty gang war. But with battle lines drawn, three heroes find themselves falling in love at the worst possible time. The war for supremacy has begun. NEW RELEASE - BOOK 1 ![]() Book Title: Fool’s Gold Author: Kristian Parker Publisher: Pride Publishing Cover Artist: Erin Dameron-Hill Release Date: March 14, 2023 Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance Tropes: Forbidden love, opposites attract Themes: Gangster, action Heat Rating: 4 flames Length: 52 069 words/233 pages It is not a standalone book, but does not end on a cliffhanger Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited First for Romance | Amazon US | Amazon UK ![]() Falling in love can be a deadly business. Blurb Liam Moseley has been living a lie ever since he joined Manchester’s notorious crime boss Jonny Wellingham ten years ago. Liam is gay, and that could get him killed in the deadly world he has fallen into. When he meets handsome Italian Marco Ponti, Liam’s whole world is turned on its head. Marco is in town looking for business opportunities for his uncle in Rome, and makes Liam see his life in a brand-new light. But all is not as it seems, especially when Marco shows Liam the past isn’t always as it appears and the future can change in the blink of an eye. In a dangerous world where each job could be Liam’s last, he finds himself fighting for love as well as survival. Liam will have to put everything he holds dear on the line to make his dreams come true. Excerpt “So you’re Manchester born and bred?” Marco asked. “Can’t you tell by the accent?” Liam replied. Marco beamed. “I love the Manc accent. It’s so…expressive.” “That’s the first time I’ve heard it called that before,” Liam said. “I’d rather have an Italian one.” “You find it sexy?” Marco’s eyes dared him to answer honestly. Something about this guy gave Liam confidence. No man had ever had this effect on him. “Yeah, I do,” he replied before glancing down. “Why do you do that?” Marco asked, leaning forward, his elbows on the table. “Do what?” he asked. “Break eye contact every time you say something. Are you ashamed?” Liam shifted uncomfortably. “No, it’s not that.” “Tell me what it is, then?” Marco asked, his voice soothing and sincere. “I guess I don’t think I have anything to say worth listening to,” he replied, eventually. To his astonishment, Marco’s foot connected with his leg. The pressure told him it was absolutely on purpose. “I respectfully disagree, Liam. I think I’d listen to you. Whatever you had to say.” He had that burning sensation on his neck again. It had made him so paranoid at school. “Sorry, I have made you blush,” Marco continued. “Don’t worry about it. I always bloody blush. They called me Po at school because of it.” Marco frowned. “What?” “The red Teletubby?” Liam expected him to burst into that laughter again. Most people did when he confided this, but instead, Marco just shook his head. “Kids can be so cruel. But who cares? They are in your past.” “Yeah, they’re probably sweeping up shit in the hospital now. Serves them right.” This time Marco did seem amused. “Said with true passion. I like it. So, what do you do, Liam?” Here it came. The inevitable question. He could hardly say he was a lackey for one of the biggest gangsters in the northwest of England, so he reverted to his stock answer. “Oh, you know, bit of this, bit of that. How about you?” “As I said, my uncle works in shipping. I’m over here seeing if there is any potential to expand to Manchester.” Liam nodded. “The city is booming. You could do a lot worse.” “That’s what I thought. I like what I see more and more.” The look which followed that statement practically oozed with intent. This time, Liam forced himself to meet Marco’s gaze. “I’ve never been to Italy, but maybe I should,” he replied. “Rome seems pretty good from where I’m sitting.” “Ah, you definitely should,” Marco said, leaning back. “It is beautiful. I’ve been the length and breadth of it with my job. I worked in Venice recently. Bellissima.” Liam had seen pictures of the water world on television. “Better than the canals in Manchester. They’re just full of shopping trolleys and used condoms.” Marco laughed again. It was so loud and carefree that Liam had to stop himself from looking around to see if anyone noticed. But he forced himself to relax and ended up giggling along with him. It had been so long since he’d done something like this. “This is better,” Marco said. “What is?” “You are relaxing. You seemed very tense earlier,” Marco said. “I thought perhaps you’d changed your mind about me.” “Oh, nothing like that,” Liam said hurriedly. “It’s just that I’m not out, you see. I don’t normally do this.” Marco’s stunning eyes widened. “Who isn’t out these days?” Shaking his head, Liam took a swig of his drink. “Me,” he said, placing the drink down. “In my line of work, it isn’t the done thing.” A group of lads banged through the door. Liam frantically scanned each face but didn’t recognise any of them. “Wow. I can’t imagine being in the closet. At my eighteenth birthday party, I came out. I figured if I had to enter adulthood, people should know what they were dealing with. Although I like to make a statement now and then. It keeps them on their toes.” The lads were being quite rowdy. Even the barman appeared nervous. “You’re very brave,” Liam said. “Not really. My uncle is gay too, so it was a well-beaten path. No one in our family cares as long as you’re healthy and happy.” “Sounds perfect.” Marco chuckled, but Liam couldn’t relax. He watched the group of lads out of the corner of his eye. He could spot trouble a mile off, and these lads were desperate for it. “We’re a long way from perfect, believe me,” Marco said. “But we get by.” Liam drained his glass. “You want another?” Marco shook his head. “There are a lot of things I’d like from you, Liam…but another drink is not one of them.” The change in tempo took Liam by surprise. Heat crept over his face and he didn’t know what to say in return. He had never been any good at the whole game-playing thing. “Just nipping to the loo,” he managed before bolting for the door. BOOK 2 - COMING SOON ![]() Book Title: Everything Changes Author: Kristian Parker Release Date: April 11, 2023 Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance Trope: Close proximity Themes: Gangster, action Heat Rating: 4 flames Length: 50 578 words It is not a standalone book, but does not end on a cliffhanger Buy Links - Available for Pre-Order First for Romance | Amazon US | Amazon UK Blurb Fear can open doors we never dreamt possible. Shaun Moseley is in a trap and it's all his brother, Liam' s fault. Living a normal life running a B&B in Blackpool, he finds himself right in the middle of a gang turf war in Manchester. Shaun is an alien in this horrifying new world of drugs, guns and violence. Shaun rebels against everyone, isolating himself in the process. But a terrifying experience opens his eyes to gang member Enzo Ponti. Shaun may be trapped for the time being, but that doesn’t mean he can't have a little fun along the way, right? He dismissed Enzo as just another hired killer but when he scratches the surface, he finds much more there. But evil gangster, Jonny Wellingham, wants revenge on the gang and has set his sights on Shaun. Can he live long enough to find just how deep Enzo' s waters are? BOOK 3 - COMING SOON ![]() Book Title: Don’t Look Back In Anger Author: Kristian Parker Release Date: May 30, 2023 Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance Trope: Second chance love Themes: Gangster, action Length: 50 123 words Heat Rating: 4 flames It is not a standalone book, but does not end on a cliffhanger. Available for Pre-Order Blurb Revenge is best served cold, yet old embers can burn hot. Lorenzo de Luca has come back to Manchester with revenge on his mind. Supposedly killed by evil gangster Jonny Wellingham’s hitmen fifteen years ago, Lorenzo has waited a long time for this. He has to stay focused. And he does…until a past lover comes back into his life. But old embers can spark a flame and the couple pick up where they left off—but the war has only just begun, and everyone is fair game…and Lorenzo’s distraction gives Jonny the opportunity he needs to strike a deadly blow. Torn between his burning need for vengeance and the scorching heat of love, which will Lorenzo sacrifice? Reader advisory: This book contains scenes of violence, murder, organised crime, sex work, and drugs trafficking. There are also instances of homophobia. About the Author I have written for as long as I could write. In fact, before, when I would dictate to my auntie. I love to read, and I love to create worlds and characters. I live in the English countryside. When I’m not writing, I like to get out there and think through the next scenario I’m going to throw my characters into. Inspiration can be found anywhere, on a train, in a restaurant or in an office. I am always in search of the next character to find love in one of my stories. In a world of apps and online dating, it is important to remember love can be found when you least expect it. Author Links Blog/Website | Facebook | Twitter Instagram | Newsletter Sign-up Giveaway Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win signed paperbacks of each book in the series. ![]() ![]() Jeremiah Cain has a new MM fantasy romance out: Thorns of Chaos. And there's a giveaway. "Cain crafts a vivid world ... rich with detail and myth-lore that traipses brightly through the darker themes of oppression and suffering." --BookLife Reviews Queer Grimdark Fantasy: Finn is no hero, chosen born, or noble. Despite escalating tensions from the Dayigan soldier's occupation of Feah lands, the happy-go-lucky twenty-five-year-old is content to spend his days fishing and flirting with the other men in his Celtic-like village. But everything changes at their midyear's eve festival when an angry Dayigan commander catches Finn in the arms of another man. Suddenly framed for murder, he must flee his village or face death. However, Finn isn't the Dayigans' only target. They believe all Feahs are wicked and intend to destroy them by any means necessary. The Feahs' one hope of stopping the reign of terror is to find a relic forged by dark faeries and able to control chaos magic-and claim it to protect themselves. With the fate of the Feah lands resting on his shoulders, Finn seeks out sorcerers who practice ancient, forbidden magic. Instead, he finds love with the handsome but fierce head of the sorcerers--and a power he never knew he could possess. But when the Dayigans strike, can Finn harness the perilous magic to save his people without losing himself in the process? Warnings: violence, sexual content, harsh language, homophobia, major character death Universal Buy LinkGiveaway Jeremiah is giving away a $20 Amazon gift card with this tour: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47278/? Excerpt Finn jumped up from the shore and spread his wings before pushing them down to gain lift. He kept a low flight of about thirty feet and could see their village as he passed. A dozen rowboats—wicker frames covered in skins—lay inverted in a line on the shore. Just past where sand turned to grass, but before turning to forest, a small cluster of homes stood within a fence of long, thin branches woven horizontally between rough posts. Each of the houses had low mud walls and tall conical roofs of thatch. Finn saw that all the villagers had gathered outside around the houses. Many held torches. A few children chased each other just above the roofs in aerial frolics. Down the shoreline, Finn continued flying toward the Dayigan fort. Ominous walls of thick logs, standing two stories high and sharpened, surrounded the roughly square fortress at a hundred and fifty feet across. When the Dayigans had first arrived four years ago and built their walls, Finn’s people were aghast that they would rip down so much of their forest for such a pointless thing. The structures inside the walls were wooden too, with roofs shingled with green-painted wood. Wooden docks extended from the fort out into the river. Three large sailing ships—not built from these forests but from some forest somewhere—rocked within the tide. At each corner of the fort, a tower extended higher, and from the center of each, a mast held a smaller horizontal pole at its peak. From each, an emerald green banner hung like a warning in the wind. In gold thread, it bore the sun and both moons in an upward-pointing triangle. A downward-pointing triangle, below the first, represented the distant island city of Dayigo. It screamed, “This is ours now, not yours,” a sentiment echoed by the fort’s inhabitants. Finn knew better than to enter the fort. Instead, he landed on the shore just outside the wall. There, the ground was planked over in a level boardwalk. Stalls ran along the edges. The area should have been bursting with goods from all across the continent, but it was empty. Holding his salmon like a smelly newborn, Finn stared, disappointed and unsure what to do. Lann landed beside him. “Won’t get much trading done here.” “’Tis market day, is it not?” “Aye, it were market day when it were day,” Lann said. “But ’tis not day no more. Come on then, let’s go back. Chief Kaie will have enough gifts without yours, so.” “I’ve come this far, though, haven’t I,” Finn said. “Might as well see if someone’s about.” Finn walked forward and stepped up on the boardwalk. He stopped and gasped, clutching his fish to his chest. A Dayigan soldier stood guard. He was Human—a race like the Terovae, but without wings. They had hairy faces, and though some were thin, like Terovaes, others could grow wider with either muscle or fat. This soldier was larger in the muscular variety, and a suit of chainmail, covered by a green tabard, armored him. The soldier eyed Finn but didn’t turn his way. Finn had also found Humans to be a little angry all the time. “Go on then,” Lann prompted behind Finn. “’Twill be midnight ’fore you’re done.” Finn breathed deeply and approached. “Good evening to you, Dayigan friend,” Finn said. “Hate to be a bother, sir, but I’ve come for a quick trade, and I’ll pop off.” Maintaining his rigid posture and staring forward, the Human replied gruffly. “The market’s shut for the month.” “Aye, that be true,” Finn said. “And I hate I missed it, but ’tis a special night, this. Tonight, my people—the Feah, well, all the Five Tribes really—celebrate Midyear’s Eve. That’s the end of the dark season and the start of the light season. I’m sure your God Déagar would have a special place in his heart for that, right? Light season, like. And you see, there’s this tradition where we all get a gift for the chief druidess, and I, fool I am, forgot. And to make things worse, me brother’s a temple guardian and his wife—my sister by marriage—she’s not only a druidess, herself, but no less the second-in-command of our whole fecking tribe.” He breathed. “So, ’twill go well noticed if I show up with naught but empty hands and shrugged shoulders, won’t it now?” The soldier said nothing. “Right,” Finn said. “What can I get for this then?” He held up the salmon. “A basket of eggs would be lovely. The druidesses use them for the beernog.” “There’s plenty of fish in the river. We can get our own.” “That be true, yes. But this fish isn’t in the river, is it? No, this fish is ready and waiting for yourself. And that saves you all the bother of fishing it out.” The Human turned his head toward Finn and glared a moment. He snatched the fish by its tail. He held it, looked at it, and threw it. The salmon flew a limp and uneventful flight to hit the boardwalk’s edge, head slapping wood with a spray of blood. It fell to splat on the beach at the water’s edge. The Human chuckled. “Looks like ’tis in the river to me.” “Fucking Human!” Lann charged forward to fight. The soldier drew his sword. “You want to fight me, savage? I’ll gut the both of you before you can—” “No call for that,” Finn said. “We’re all friends having a chat like.” Lann stopped but glared. Finn walked to Lann and patted his chest, now flexed along with the rest of his tense body. “I don’t think he wants to trade at all,” Finn said. Turning back to the soldier, he added, “We’ll be on our way then. Good night to you.” The soldier didn’t lower his sword, and Lann didn’t relax. “The village’ll be waiting for us now,” Finn insisted. Lann spit on the plank-covered ground. Finn pushed Lann’s shoulder to turn him. The Terovaes flew away. Author Bio Jeremiah Cain is a dark epic fantasy writer of a vivid world that BookLife Reviews called, “rich with detail and myth-lore that traipses brightly through the darker themes.” He served as an army medic and has a BA in Communication with a minor in English. In addition to reading and writing, he loves video games, particularly RPGs. Author Website: https://jeremiahcain.com Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/jeremiahcain.novelist/ Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3117212.Jeremiah_Cain Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jeremiah-Cain/author/B002QH4H2C ![]() ![]() Mary Rundle has a new MM parnormal audio romance out: Darkness Master. This is part of a continuing series by Amazon International Bestselling Author, Mary Rundle – reading the previous titles is advised. Readers will enjoy catching up with members of the Blackwood Pack and reading about what is happening to them as the pack does what it does best ̶ caring for one another and helping shifters everywhere. Pursuing his dream, Sawyer heads to LA for some sun, waves and surfing lessons. After a disappointing day of surfing, he heads back to his campsite and meets Alex, his Fated Mate, who runs away, valuing his freedom more than anything else. After the death of his wealthy, domineering father, Alex is can finally shed a lifetime of restrictions. Leaving New York City, he sets out on a long, cross-country RV trip, unaware that an overnight stop in a Los Angeles campground will yield not one Fated Mate, but two! Shocked at meeting Sawyer, Alex rejects him, vowing never to be under the thumb of any Alpha mate. Glenn, a career secret agent, is also in LA to seek help from his friend, Ghost, a surfing instructor, in his quest to find who is responsible for kidnapping Glenn’s mother and other rare shifters. After meeting up with Ghost, Glenn discovers his Fated Mate is Sawyer, his friend’s current surfing student. After the three mates finally meet, each has to face up to some hard facts about their past and present lives before coming to an understanding that leads them to find love and happiness with each other. Astounding surprises, rare and unique gifts, an action-packed mission, and many unexpected twists and turns make this passionate love story by Mary Rundle impossible to put down once you’ve read the first page. Get It On AmazonGiveaway Mary is giving away a $50 Amazon gift card with this tour: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47277/? Excerpt Sawyer studied his mate, wondering why Alex kept bringing it up until it suddenly dawned on him. “Hey…if you’re worried about not being a wolf, trust me, it won’t matter to any of my brothers…just like no one cared that Hunter’s mate is a dragon.” Alex’s eyes widened. “A dragon? Really?” “Yup…so you see…it won’t be a problem,” Sawyer said, setting his fork down. “So you're a fellow New Yorker. How did you end up in California?” Shrugging, Alex studied his empty plate. “I wanted to see what was beyond the place I grew up in.” “Hey, I get that…it’s why I decided to look at the bright side when my brother said we were going to visit our cousins.” Looking up sharply, Alex asked, “You haven’t gone anywhere either?” “Nope…well, I did live in California when I was very young, but my father moved us back east when he took over our pack from his father…so I really don’t remember much from that time.” “And you haven’t traveled since then?” asked Alex. “Uh-uh. I didn’t go to college like some of my brothers and my father never brought me along when he traveled for pack business…so, nope, the trip out here was pretty much my first time anywhere.” “Do you like it? You know…traveling?” asked Alex. “Not the way Hunter did it. We drove straight through, and it was boring as shit…even though I tried to get him to stop along the way to see some of the touristy stuff.” “Oh, I did that!” “Oh yeah? Which was your favorite? Oh wait, I bet it was the giant ball of twine!” Sawyer exclaimed. "What? No! Is there really such a thing?” asked Alex. Then, throwing his paper napkin at Sawyer while shaking his head, he said, “You’re full of bullshit.” “Me? Never!” Sawyer exclaimed. “It’s in Cawker City, Kansas. Here…I’ll show you.” Opening his browser on his phone, he searched for it, then finding the site, Sawyer handed the phone over to his mate. Quickly scanning the web site, Alex looked up and grinned. “That’s freaking amazing! And in August, there is a ‘Twine-a-thon’ where more twine is added to the ball.” “Told ya.” Smirking, Sawyer took his phone back. “So, you missed that on your trip out here…so what did you see?” Laughing, Alex said, “I was too busy stopping at national parks like the Grand Canyon. I spent almost a month there…it was just amazing. It’s so different when you are standing there in person, looking down and seeing millions of years of geological history, instead of looking at a photograph. I did all of the touristy stuff and then there were days, I just sat on the edge and stared at it, trying to commit it to memory. It truly is breathtaking.” “I take it that’s your favorite place?” Sawyer asked. “So far, it is…but then I haven’t seen the Redwoods yet,” grinned Alex. “Me neither, even though they aren’t that far from my cousins’ place,” Sawyer said, gathering up their dishes. “What are your plans for today?” Frowning slightly, Alex considered his mate’s question. What he was going to do was head to see the Pacific Ocean because he wanted to see if it was different from the Atlantic Ocean. When he left New York, he arrived in Cape May just in time to find himself on the outskirts of a tropical storm. Sitting on the beach, watching the wild waves crash ashore, Alex was mesmerized by the wind while watching the low hanging, heavy, gray clouds move across the sky. It spoke to his soul like nothing else ever had. The next day, after the storm had passed, he went back, but this time sat in the water among the steel-gray waves as they tumbled ashore. He’d never experienced anything like it, and he ended up staying a week at the Jersey Shore, spending hours a day at the beach. “Hey…hello, are you there?” asked Sawyer. “What’s on for today?” Shaking his head slightly to clear the memories from his mind, Alex replied, “Today is a relaxation day. Since I spent the last two days driving, I planned on spending the day at the beach.” “Sounds great…let me put this inside. Do you want me to drive, or would you rather do it?” Grateful his mate had given him a choice, Alex said, “If you don’t mind, I’ll drive.” “Not at all. Gimme a few minutes to change, okay?” Waving his hand at the motorhome, Alex replied, “Go ahead…I’ll be right here.” Giving his mate one of his trademark grins, Sawyer stood before grabbing the dishes and turning to head for his motorhome. Alex stared at Sawyer’s ass, admiring the flexing muscles as his mate opened the door and climbed the stairs. Blocked from seeing anything more when the door closed, a low moan escaped from his throat as he tried to reign in his lust. It was something he’d never felt before. Wondering if the feeling had something to do with being fated mates, Alex cursed himself again for not paying more attention to his classmates’ whisperings after the lights went out. But in all fairness, he never expected to have a mate…especially because he was so odd. His mind flitted back to Sawyer, wondering if his mate knew what he was…and if he didn’t…should I tell him? And what happens when I do…will he reject me then? So maybe I should tell him right away so if he doesn’t want me, I can just leave and go to Palm Springs like I planned to. NO! The rarely heard voice was so loud, Alex covered his ears as fire roared through his veins, removing any doubt about what to do. Glancing up at the motorhome door, he was surprised to find it still closed since he was certain Sawyer would have heard the voice. But when the door remained shut, Alex was relieved that his explanation could wait. Sighing, he knew it really didn’t matter when his mate found out because the results would be the same. No one ever wanted him…not even his father…and it would be the same with Sawyer. Imagining the disgust on his mate’s face when the truth came out, Alex never heard the door open. Author Bio A few years ago, I wrote my first book, Dire Warning. Readers loved it and I was on my way to chronicle the Blackwood Pack, seven brothers who are gay wolf shifters in search of their fated mates—stories about love at first sight with twists and turns, angst and humor, romance and adventure and, of course, happy endings. Since then, the pack has expanded, allowing more stories to be told and different paranormals to be included. The series has become, as one reader described it…an “Epic Saga.” Now, eleven books later, Blood Prophecy, has just been published. I love the M/M paranormal genre because it gives my imagination a lot of territory in which to roam. My mind can really run wild and come up with some amazing stuff when it doesn’t have to stay inside the box. My story ideas come to me as if they were being channeled by my characters, all of whom I love (except for a few villains). They are eager to recount their lives, loves and adventures, and are not reluctant to let it all out when it comes to revealing steamy details. My writing style is free-wheeling and uninhibited and my readers tell me they love it that way; that it makes them feel like they’re right in on the action and a member of the Blackwood Pack. I live in the Northeast and love the beautiful change of seasons, my husband, and our quirky calico cat, though not necessarily in that order. I read a lot (good for the mind) and love gardening (good for the soul). And I’m always happy to hear from my readers and can be reached through Facebook, my private Facebook Group, Twitter, Instagram, or my website. Author Website: https://www.maryrundle.com Author Facebook (Personal): https:// www.facebook.com/maryrundle69 Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/maryrundleauthor Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaryRundle69 Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryrundle69 Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14246427.Mary_Rundle Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/mary-rundle/ Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mary-Rundle/e/B0763CDQQ6/ ![]() My snippet this week is from my erotic thriller, For the Long Run. Jeanette could follow a trail in the woods. If he needed help finding Jay in the more remote areas, it was Jay’s mother who had the necessary skills. However, first Eric had to talk to her and admit to her that her only child was missing and possibly hurt or in danger. When Jay’s phone rang again, Eric didn’t hesitate or take time to think about it. He needed to dive right in this time. He answered the call. “Mrs. Molloy, this is Eric Keger.” Eric swallowed thickly and tried to stop his hands from shaking. Be professional, once a cop always a cop, for crap’s sake. “Eri—you have Jay’s phone.” It wasn’t really a question but a statement of fact. “Is Jay, is he—” Her voice faltered and cracked. There are more snippets on the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. For the Long Run is available in eBook, paperback
and through Kindle Unlimited. This month the eBook is priced at 50% off ($2.99) “Maybe they found him,” Todd suggested. Nodding, Nick said, “Maybe. There are a few physical things that seem to be universal in defending against a body inhabited by one: Anything blessed by a holy person, the religion doesn’t matter. A holy item, particularly something created on consecrated or holy ground, predominantly sacrosanct oil, which can be poured over the possessed body and ignited.” Todd wrinkled his nose and shook his head. “Why does everything have to burn?” “They can also be dispatched if the oil is ingested or inhaled by the possessed body or introduced into the body on sharpened wood or iron,” Nick continued. “Ha, the root of every vampire myth known.” “Probably,” Nick said. “They don’t like to cross lines of salt or magnetized iron, but can. It’s painful for them, however. There are certain symbols that protect people against them, or in some cases, can repel or even trap them.” He tapped his chest just under his left collarbone with two fingers. “Our protection symbol is a combination of an ancient Celtic one with a Mariner’s Star. Both are believed to provide general protection against the unholy, supernatural, and leprechauns, as well as guidance to safe harbor.” “So far my tattoo does seem to be working.” Todd took the book from Nick, looking through it for a minute. “Fortunately for us, this boat stops at a port every few days. We’ll send a message to Jimmy, see what he can dig up for us. Until we hear back, we’re on our own.” Todd shook his head and sighed. “Demons. I suppose the damn leprechauns are next.” |
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