Lucas supervised while Declan, Ori, and Madison moved some of the equipment into the main lab. Fortunately, most of what he needed was already in the larger lab. “What are you doing with those remains? You have no right,” Kruger challenged Forge. He and Kai were putting the remains they’d lined up in the lab into containers to move them. Forge faced Kruger and leveled a glare at him that almost made Kai cringe. He had to turn away for a few seconds to conceal his smile because Forge was having none of Kruger’s superior attitude. “You have an incinerator in this facility. All the biological samples we don’t require to fix this fuck up of yours will be destroyed. There is one hard and fast rule: fire kills everything,” Forge said. When Kai turned back to them Forge’s eyes turned solid blue and his fangs descended for a few seconds before his features were normal again. “Not negotiable.” Kruger took a step back, crossed his arms in front of his chest and scowled. It was the rare vampire who could intimidate an adult werewolf so well, but Forge certainly seemed to have perfected his method. He certainly gave Kai pause on occasion. Ori met Kai’s gaze and raised his eyebrows. He’d no doubt felt Kai’s slight intimidation by Forge. Kai certainly sensed Ori’s surprise. A feeling of threat wouldn’t be an emotion Ori was accustomed to feeling from him. Lucas helped guide a piece of machinery into the lab. “Right here should be fine,” he said to Madison and Ori. “Do you even know what that is? How are you qualified to work with anything in this facility other than the trash compactor?” Kruger stomped toward Lucas, Ori, and Madison. Ori stepped forward and smiled that broad, charming smile of his that could win over Satan himself. “I think Dr. Coate here,” he motioned back at Lucas, “is qualified enough. Me? I’m just the moving guy.” Kruger pulled up fast. “Coate? Lucas Coate?” Lucas nodded and Kruger’s hostility dialed down. “We offered you a position with our parent company.” “Huh?” Forge said. “What? When?” Declan sputtered. He’d been following behind Ori and Madison, arms laden with yet more equipment. All of Kai’s team turned to stare at Lucas. Endosymbiont is available in eBook and through Kindle Unlimited.
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