There was no doubt in Todd’s mind Witze’s orders had been if the Rugers were found they were to be taken alive at all costs. More soldiers ran in, getting between Nick and the train car. When they raised their rifles, he threw both hands in the air, sliding over the gravel for a few feet before he started backpedaling. “Down!” It was the captain shouting at them. Nick did what Todd knew was a fake drop, not going completely down. As a second set of soldiers were closing in, he bounced back to his feet, kicking out, leg going in a wide arc. Nick relieved one of the soldiers of his rifle when the blow sent the weapon wheeling through the air before it crashed into the train car, cracking into pieces. Todd stopped so quickly two of the soldiers chasing him ran right past. He did another turn and sprinted away from the train car. The second the soldiers caught up to him, he stopped again, spun on his heels, and landed a punch to the closest man’s face. Caught off guard, the soldier stumbled, dropped his rifle, and landed on his ass, sprawled in the dirt. Nick ran full speed, parallel to the train. He’d likely seen the same opening Todd did and was going for it, with Todd right behind him. The train picked up speed, pulling away from the station. If they weren’t on it soon, it would be moving too fast for them to jump into a car. A sharp whistle slithering through the air as Todd turned toward Nick caused his heart to skip, then thud against his sternum. Whirling along, no more than a foot off the ground, a bolas collided with Nick’s legs just below his knees. The balls wrapped the rope around his legs, taking him down. Nick pitched forward and hit the ground with a harsh grunt, hands out, preventing him from landing face-first in the gravel. He looked up, watching the movements of the rifles trained on him. One of the soldiers motioned with his rifle and said, “On your back.” At once, Nick obeyed, rolling onto his back, hands held up and to his sides. A few more strides brought Todd to Nick. He dropped beside Nick, holding one hand out and pressing the other against Nick’s chest. Todd might have expected Nick to follow through and escape without Todd, but there was no way Todd would ever consider abandoning Nick. “You two are very slippery, and I’ve had quite enough of your shenanigans,” the captain said. She strode through her troops and stood in front of them, staring down at Todd. She jerked her chin at Nick’s legs. “Get that thing off him and get them cuffed. We’ll take them to the stockade and get this mess with Witze straightened out. In the meantime, you two are under arrest. Try running again and the other gets a bullet between his eyes.” Nick lifted his legs so the bolas could be unwound. Todd climbed to his feet. He grabbed one of Nick’s hands for Todd to pull up against. Their packs were taken, and they were forced a few paces apart, hands pulled behind their backs and cuffs slapped into place. A horse was brought forward. “Time to mount up,” one of the soldiers said and shoved Todd at the animal. He slung the packs’ straps over the saddle pommel. Another soldier dropped a noose around Nick’s neck, gave a tug, and tied him to the horse’s saddle. Todd dug his heels in. “Where’s his horse?” “He’s roped to it. Now get on.” The soldier slammed a fist into Todd’s back, forcing him forward a few steps. “Either he rides with me or I walk with him,” Todd ground out. “Oh, for the love of…if the fool wants to walk, let him,” the captain said. She held out her hand, fingers waggling. “Give me another rope.” A second noose was handed over to her, which she promptly dropped around Todd’s neck, then gave a jerk, pulling it tight. When he groaned out a breath, she smirked and stepped closer to Todd. “My advice? Don’t piss me off again or I’ll forget my orders and put you both out of my misery.”
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