Raul closed his eyes, focusing on his task. He heard Bisset walk across the room when his phone chimed. “Where? What the hell…okay, I’ll be there,” Bisset’s voice was low enough a human wouldn’t hear but a werewolf could. Bob shifted his weight and rumbled a low growl from somewhere behind Raul. “Whatever,” Bisset snarled, probably in response to Bob’s reactions. Raul heard Bisset leave the room, slamming the door as he went. It wasn’t difficult to guess the general subject of Bisset’s call. Raul would’ve preferred Bisset not left, but there wasn’t much he could do about it without destroying his own cover. For the next ten minutes he heard movement in the building, but nothing he could pinpoint. There shouldn’t be anyone but them, however the building was creaky and some windows were damaged so he tried to chalk it up to wind. Like Bisset’s leaving, there was nothing Raul could do about odd noises without blowing his--and Brandon’s—cover. He tried to remember, if it was it always this noisy in the building, but he couldn’t. When he had Brandon fully under, his other senses dulled. An army could’ve marched through the building and it was likely Raul wouldn’t have noticed. Raul almost let go of Brandon to jerk around when he got the faintest hint of an unknown scent…a human scent. Something clunked softly at the opposite end of the building then all was quiet. Bob was a werewolf. He’d know how to confuse Raul’s senses. You’re imagining things, Fierro. Get a grip and stay focused. Something was wrong. Yeah, your ability to work. Brandon’s body twitched. A responding shiver worked down Raul’s spine. Crap, he’s going too deep. For fuck’s sake focus you asshole! Again, there was a whiff of some unknown scent, slightly stronger. Raul struggled to control Brandon’s descent, concentrate on his task and figure out what he was smelling. He couldn’t do both, so chose to remain centered on Brandon. A minute went by, maybe two before Raul’s nose prickled at another strange odor in the air. It surrounded him. Next came a few soft crackles. He knew that sound and smell. This time he did wrench away from Brandon, but it was too late. The hair on his arms and the back of his neck stood on end. The air around him tingled viciously. Its intensity rose and by the time Raul spun around he was confronted with a curtain of blue and white that covered him in the blink of an eye. The charge from an average scintilla wouldn’t hurt a werewolf, though it could knock him on his ass. On the other hand, an aimed and pinpointed discharge from a scintilla trained to use their power as a weapon could fling a werewolf across the room and slam him into a wall. Raul’s thought as he slid to the floor and into unconsciousness was even though he wouldn’t die, he was going to hurt like hell when he came to. Scintilla is available in eBook, paperback and through Kindle Unlimited. Comments are closed.
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