Right now the big back yard is the big MUDDY back yard. Snow, warmer weather, melted snow makes mud. Somehow Princess Paws (pictured below, she's the red one, with Heidi who I lost this past summer) manages to go outside in the mud and snow and slush and ick and come back in cleaner than when she went out! Not a speck of dirt on her pristine Princess self. My friend, Lisa, gave her the nickname Princess Paws.
My friend, Terry says his heart's in the right place but his brain isn't. Last night I put my broken vacuum cleaner on my front porch to haul it to the garbage this morning. It sat out there all day, sort of between the front door and the large picture window in my livingroom. After it got dark, Phoenix sat on my couch, GLARING out of the window, barking, growling, snarling. Then he ran to the door and stood in front of it, barking, growling, snarling for a few minutes before he took up position at the window with more barking, snarling and growling.
LOL...seems my dog was protecting us from the evol, broken vacuum cleaner on the porch. So, yea, heart in the right place, brain not so much! He's a great dog! That's my boy:
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PhoenixThis is Phoenix, aka The Great White Hunter Rosie![]() This is Rosie, in some circles known as Princess Paws
About Us:Life is better with a dog. These are my dogs, Phoenix and Rosie. Mostly they just hang around the house, but they have helped with school programs and fundraisers.
Phoenix came to me when he was 4.5 months, and my best buddy for the next 10 years. He'd been mistreated by is previous owner that resulted in a broken leg. His first month with me he had a pin in his leg. Not fun for a puppy! Rosie was only 3.5 weeks and three pounds the night a dog warden brought her into the animal hospital where I work. She, and we later found out others in her litter, had been dumped in the snow on a cold January night, just 2 degrees! I fostered her for the shelter, that lasted about four hours. Archives
January 2014