3/10/14 – Blogging at All Gay Romance Stories today about ‘Winter Duet’ on the topic of Lovers in a Dangerous Time. The post is also up on Christopher Hawthorne Moss’ site –That’s All I Read 1/10/14 – Interviewed by Charlie Cochrane today. Fun questions about writing, reading, and publishing, and I’m sharing a secret. 23/9/14 – Blogging at Charlie Cochet‘s about Winter Duet and the use of code in music. 19/9/14 – Blogging at Nic Starr‘s about locations in my upcoming release, Winter Duet 2/9/14 – Blogging at Jessica Skye Davies‘ about historicals and some of the reasons I write in that genre. 18/8/14 – I was invited by Gillian St Kevern to take part in the Fabulous Five Blog Hop. You can find my post and answers to the questions on my LJ. 13/8/14 – Tempeste O’Riley‘s series spotlight this week is The Sleepless City. There’s blurbs, and excerpts for the first 4 books – including the two that are still being written. 8/8/14 – Blogging at Grace R. Duncan‘s about my WWII series ‘Echoes’ and sharing an excerpt from my upcoming release ‘Winter Duet’ which is book 2 in the series. 2/4/14 – Interviewed by Lynley Wayne as part of her Wordsmith Wednesday series. Leave a comment and be in to win an ebook copy of ‘Shades of Sepia’. 12/3/14 – Interviewed by Lou Sylvre about my ‘series habit’, The Sleepless City and my current WIPs. There’s also an excerpt from Winter Duet. 17/2/14 – Blogging at Deanna Wadsworth‘s today about Shades of Sepia and choosing titles for my stories. 14/2/14 – Blogging today at JP Barnaby‘s about Shades of Sepia and co-writing The Sleepless City. 13/2/14 – Blogging at Lane Hayes‘ on ‘A Different Perspective of History.’ Simon, fromShades of Sepia, is a vampire and a history professor – it’s an interesting combination. 6/2/14 – Blogging over at Andrew Q Gordon‘s on something I get asked every time I have a new release. When do I get time to write? 6/2/14 – Blogging over at Tempeste O’Riley‘s about graphic novels, why I like to read them and why it’s a blog topic that fits in well with my new release Shades of Sepia. 28/1/14 – Blogging over at Posy Roberts’ today about soundtracks for my upcoming release Shades of Sepia and asking the question: Do you listen to songs and think about characters or stories you’ve written or read? 21/1/14 – An interview with Ben from Shades of Sepia at Brynn Stein‘s. There’s a giveaway – leave a comment for a story suggestion for Ben and/or Simon and I’ll pick one and write 500 words or so. 7/1/14 – Interviewed by Helen Pattskyn :) She asked some very interesting questions across a range of subjects including writing, music, casting The Sleepless City, and reading. Just the subjects I love talking about, and more. Pop over, read the interview, leave a comment, and check out the rest of Helen’s site. 18/12/13 – Taking part in Brita Addams‘ Advent Calendar celebrations. There’s a free short Christmas story Under the Mistletoe for Cat and Tomas from Hidden Places, a recipe for Russian Fudge, and my thoughts on what Christmas means to me 5/12/13 – Blogging at Kim Fielding’s about Kiwi Slang and sharing an excerpt from Shades of Sepia 31/10/13 – Simon – from my upcoming release Shades of Sepia features at Cate Ashwood’s Rap Sheet interviews today. His answers to the questions on the arrest sheet were ‘interesting’, and a lot of fun to answer, although he didn’t think so ;) There’s also a short bit of fiction to set the scene. 25/9/13 – Blogging over at Charlie Cochet’s The Purple Rose Tea House about a Kiwi in the US. While I haven’t been to there myself I have written several American characters and a Kiwi character there. It wasn’t the stuff I expected that made me go ‘huh’ but the little things… New Releases from Anne!![]() Winter Duet is the 2nd book in the Echoes series, which is set in WW2, and the sequel to Shadowboxing. Book 3 will be called Comes a Horseman—I’m planning to start writing it next year. Buy Link Echoes book 2 - Sequel to Shadowboxing Germany 1944 With Kristopher finally fit enough to travel, he and Michel leave the security of their safe house and continue their journey across Germany toward Switzerland. Caught in a series of Allied bombings, they stop to help civilians and narrowly escape capture by German forces. While investigating a downed aircraft in the Black Forest, the two men discover an injured RAF pilot. After they are separated, Kristopher and the pilot are discovered by a German officer who claims he is not who he appears to be. Determined to find Michel again, Kristopher has to trust the stranger and hope he is not connected to those searching for him and the information he carries. Meanwhile Michel is intercepted by one of the Allied soldiers he met in Berlin. His help is needed to save one of their own. Time quickly runs out. Loyalties are tested and betrayed as the Gestapo closes in. Michel can only hope that they can reach safety before information is revealed that could compromise not only his and Kristopher’s lives, but those of the remaining members of their team—if it is not already too late.
The Sleepless CityThe
Sleepless City is a contemporary urban fantasy series which is a joint project
between Anne Barwell and Elizabeth Noble. It is set in the fictional city of
Flint, Ohio. ArchivesCategories |