NEW RELEASE ![]() Book Title: SKIN and BONES (London Love) Author and Publisher: Sophia Soames Cover Artist: Christina Stern Release Date: January 31, 2024 Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance Tropes: Hurt/Comfort, Grumpy/Sunshine Themes: Eating disorder, domestic violence, hotel setting. Heat Rating: 3 flames Length: 92 000 words SKIN AND BONES is best enjoyed if read after TASTE. It does not end on a cliffhanger. Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited Universal Link | Amazon US | Amazon UK ![]() Blurb Hugo Burrows has life under control.
Excerpt So, the new concierge, his name was Hugo, and he was tall and skinny—far too skinny if you asked me—with a head full of bouncy blonde curls, thick, dark eyebrows over deep-set eyes, sharp cheekbones and plump, puffy lips. He seemed like a nice bloke, stood up for himself. Finn moaned about him, saying something about the guy being great at his job but an untidy bugger. The floor around his desk was always a disaster zone of scrunched-up pieces of paper and torn-up leaflets. Finn wasn’t wrong. I could see stuff on the floor from where I was, while Hugo gave directions to some guests, arms flailing, his phone miraculously still pinched between his cheek and his shoulder. He smiled at something. I smiled too. He had that kind of smile. Dropping my cigarette on the ground, I squashed out the embers with my shoe. So sue me. I was French. Had grown up there, then moved to England with my mum in my teens and had to adapt to being Ben instead of Benjamin after my arsehole dad kicked us out. I didn’t take shit from anyone. It hadn’t been bad. Just…my life hadn’t become quite what I’d expected. I strode back through the lobby with confidence, smiling politely at our maître d’hôtel, who pursed their lips at me. Yeah, I was a dick. I had tomato juice down my front, and my apron was covered in cooking fat. I looked a state and shouldn’t be anywhere near paying guests. I knew it. Mabel knew it. I actually liked them. A lot. Today, our super-efficient restaurant leader rocked a shocking-pink dress and sky-high heels with a face full of make-up. Some days, they presented as a stunning bloke, other days, like today, they wouldn’t look out of place on the cover of a women’s fashion magazine, and they knew it too. “Looking good, Mabs.” “Oh shut it, Ben.” They grinned and blushed while giving me a full head-to-toe inspection. “You really need to go change, babes. Honestly, you’ll give Mark a heart attack.” “You mean I look that good?” I laughed, enjoying another of Mabel’s many smirks. “You look like shit, babes. How are you ever going to get laid when you walk around looking like someone has dragged you face down through the walk-in fridge?” “Bah,” I huffed and left them to it. I washed my hands and ripped off my apron, dropping it in the laundry chute and grabbing a fresh one from the shelf before glancing over the line. All under control. Nobody panicking. “Watch the liquid,” I commented to one of the trainees as they flipped a tray of mushrooms into a serving dish and splattered juice all over the hot plate. Yeah. Newbies. They had to learn, usually the hard way, and there wasn’t much I could do other than show them how to do it the right way, remind them to watch the bloody timings, let them make mistakes and hope they didn’t kill themselves in the process. I looked down at my own battered hands. I had too many scars to count. Cuts, burns. My hands had survived years of being battered on the rugby pitch, which was nothing compared to getting fingers stuck in blenders and close encounters with sharp knives. I blamed my mum, getting me into cooking when my hand-eye coordination had been blasted to hell. I had to concentrate, not be stressed, keep focused for my mind to function the way it was supposed to, not that it ever did, and this was a working kitchen. My entire shift was always one huge, stress-induced, disaster-prone trial. “You all right?” Mark appeared next to me in his immaculate suit, his hair up in a tidy man-bun and eyebrows tightly knitted. Arms crossed, he surveyed our little world. Him and me, we were brothers, partners in crime, a duo of idiots who should have known better, but we worked well together, and there was nowhere else I would rather work than here with him by my side. “All good,” I said, mirroring his pose. “The boys out there,” he said conspiratorially. “They’re placing bets on who can get a hook-up with Hugo. There’s good money involved.” “Hell.” I sighed, rolled my eyes harder than Mabel. “He gay then?” “I went over and asked him. He just laughed, so yeah. Between you and me, he lives with his long-term boyfriend down in Canary Wharf, so I think all the boys are barking up a dead tree, but I’m not going to tell them. Are you?” “Nah.” I laughed. I wasn’t. As long as they did their job and made my food look good, I wasn’t getting involved with anything. And anyway, this Hugo? None of my business. Rolling up my sleeves, I plonked my arse down by my little office set-up and logged into the laptop. I had orders to sign off, menus to plan, things to do. A life to live. Mark shook his head and disappeared back out to the restaurant. This Hugo? God help him. About the Author Sophia Soames should be old enough to know better but has barely grown up. She has been known to fangirl over TV shows, has fallen in and out of love with more popstars than she dares to remember, and has a ridiculously high-flying (un-)glamourous real-life job. Her long-suffering husband just laughs at her antics. Their children are feral. The dogs are too. She lives in a creaky old house in rural London, although her heart is still in her native Scandinavia. Discovering that the stories in her head make sense when written down has been part of the most hilarious midlife crisis ever, and she hopes it may long continue. Social Media Links Link Tree | Newsletter Sign-up | TikTok | Facebook readers group Facebook | Twitter | Instagram ![]() ![]() Raul darted forward so he was between Brandon and the others. Holding out both hands he spoke in a rush. “Whoa, easy, Brandon, remember me? Raul. It’s Raul. We spent a week together last year, been writing each other since.” He took a tentative step forward. “Sparky, remember that?” “You’re done stealing children,” Brandon screamed and leaned toward Raul. The electric wave brightened and rippled faster. Behind Raul Janey said in a soft voice, “I’ll get a rubberized blanket.” He heard her leave the room. Raul nodded, keeping his eyes on Brandon. “I just want to get them home, to their parents. Safe. I want you safe.” He swallowed hard and continued. “I don’t want to get fried, but I’m not leaving you or these kids here.” He bit his lip and took another step toward Brandon. Brandon didn’t lower his hands, but he didn’t power up the wave more than it was. He gulped and slowly looked at the other people. Raul took another tentative step to Brandon. “You gotta power down, dude, or we aren’t getting anymore pitchers of sangria.” He was close enough to the wave the hair on his body stood up and he felt tingling. “Don’t move!” One of the younger officers barked from behind Raul. He must have returned to assist with what was inside the building and probably hadn’t heard Raul’s statement about Brandon being a scintilla. Now he’d stepped into a tense scene. Brandon glared at the Taser and his hands sparked. He pointed his Taser at Brandon. “Stand down,” Iva ordered. “Crap!” Raul spat. He snatched the blanket from Janey the second she re-entered the room and holding it out like a toreador’s cape he went from a standstill to full speed in two strides. Brandon’s demeanor changed in a split second. He’d been sliding toward placid, but that was gone. The Taser’s prongs shot through the air straight toward Brandon’s chest. As they were about to make contact he swatted at them. The back of his hand connected with the charged weapon causing tiny bolts of electricity to explode outward and ricochet around the room. There were people diving to the floor, the kids started screaming and the air all around them popped and snapped as if they were inside a thundercloud. Raul tackled Brandon, breaking his contact with the Taser. He wrapped the blanket around Brandon and forced him to the floor, covering Brandon with his own body. Scintilla is available in eBook, paperback and through Kindle Unlimited. Mason grabbed his arm and hauled him up almost at once. “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. Keep going.” “Mason, I can’t—” Without warning Mason spun Riece around and shook him. He pointed one finger at Riece and snarled, “You listen to me. ‘I can’t’ is no longer in your vocabulary. You can and you will because I love you and there is no fucking way I’m leaving you here or losing you. I will keep you safe and get you out, but you will not goddamn give up on me.” He gulped in a few deep breaths and ran one hand through his hair. “Riece, we can do this. Now move your ass.” Read more snippets in the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Gone Away is available in eBook, paperback and through Kobo Plus.
NEW RELEASE ![]() Book Title: The Red Dragon of Oxford Author and Publisher: Joy Lynn Fielding Cover Artist: Miblart Release Date: January 15, 2024 Genre: M/M Paranormal Romance Tropes: Fish out of water, mutual pining, shifters Themes: Self-acceptance, empowerment Length: 66,000 words Heat Rating: 4 flames It is a standalone story (the first in a new series) and does not end on a cliffhanger. Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited ![]() Dragons aren’t real. Or so I used to think. Blurb Oxford isn’t exactly what I’d imagined. Sure, the colleges are romantic, and everyone is brilliant enough to trigger my impostor syndrome. I expected that. The dragon, however, was a big surprise. I saw him on my first day. The beautiful beast spoke to me, then disappeared. I’ve been looking for him ever since. But when I’m not on a wild dragon chase, I spend my time in the library. I’d like to think I’m only there to study, but who am I kidding? I’m there for him. Rufus Mortimer is the world’s hottest librarian. He’s strict, enigmatic, and sexy. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. But he has a secret. One that could destroy everything. So now, all I have to do is find a dragon, earn my doctorate, and try to not to let my new romance burn my life to the ground. Easy, right? I wish… The Red Dragon of Oxford, book 1 in the Wings Over Albion series, is a sweet and spicy paranormal m/m romance with a guaranteed happily ever after. Excerpt “You can’t take those.” The voice was deep, male, and came from very close behind me. I spun around, heart hammering. The guy standing there was big--broad-shouldered, and muscular as if he worked out. His blue shirt pulled slightly over his chest, reinforcing his build. Rich brown hair fell past his shoulders, and his eyes were velvety brown in a face that left me breathless. His jaw was defined, his nose straight with slightly flared nostrils, and the firm line of disapproval his lips were pressed into failed to hide their sensuality. He belonged in Hollywood, not an Oxford library. He was so close to me that it was intimidating. Moving back a few steps gave me the opportunity to take in allof him, and he was well worth it. The softest-looking faded jeans I’d ever seen outlined thick muscled thighs that had come straight out of my dreams. Callum was cute. This guy, though. This guy had me wanting to go to my knees for him. I was practically drooling. Unfortunately, he was glaring at me and showed no sign of bending me over the nearest table and having his way with me. I wrenched my mind back to the fact he’d said something to me. “Sorry, what?” “You can’t take those books.” “I’m a research student.” I tore my eyes away from his face long enough to thrust my library card at him. “I was told I could take up to twenty books out at once.” “Well, you can’t.” “It says so in the library rules. I live in college, so I wouldn’t have far to come if I got an alert saying someone else wanted them.” “I don’t care. That’s too many books to take out of here.” “Okay.” The intensity in him was something else, and I backed down. “How many am I allowed to take?” He glanced over them. “Four,” he said, and it sounded reluctant. My face must have shown my incredulity because he pointed out, “You can only read one at a time.” Anger stirred in me. These weren’t novels, to be read one after another. They needed to be compared and cross-referenced as they were read. It was why I’d applied to Mortimer in the first place—the college’s collection of scarcely remembered German theologians was unrivalled and precisely what I needed for my dissertation. “Sorry, who are you?” It finally occurred to me to ask. If he was just another research student throwing his weight around with the newbies, I’d tell him where to go. Surely he couldn’t be a tutor because he was only about thirty. “The librarian.” Holy crap, and I’d tried to argue the rules with him. “Good to meet you,” I said weakly and tried to smile at him. “I’m Mark Stevens.” He nodded and folded his arms. His shirt’s valiant attempt to cope with his movement resulted in acres of silky material clinging to his muscles. I was staring again. “Sorry, I don’t know your name,” I said when it was clear he wasn’t going to speak. He was still watching me as if to check I only took four books. “Rufus Mortimer.” “Like the college!” It was a stupid thing to say, but it was better than telling him I wanted to lick him. He looked unimpressed. “Choose your four books. I’ll replace the others.” The guy was kind of a prick, though I wasn’t sure what he could have said to my comment. Once I'd found the four texts I most wanted, he gathered the remaining books into his arms. “Don’t forget to scan them,” he said as he moved away. “And don’t keep them long. They belong here.” Until he said that, it hadn’t dawned on me that there was a way to keep access to all twenty books. And so many more. “I could have them all out on my desk if I stayed in here?” “Of course.” The way he said that nagged at me. It reminded me of something, but I didn’t know what. “In that case, please don’t shelve them,” I said. “I’m going to get my stuff from my room and work here.” “Okay,” he said, but he didn’t put them down. He watched me leave, holding the books close, cradling them like they were his babies. About the Author Joy Lynn Fielding lives in a small English market town, where she indulges her passions for vintage aircraft, horse riding and gardening (though not all at the same time). Joy tends to wax lyrical about the fascinating facts she discovers during her research for books. Thankfully, she has a very patient Labrador who has a gift for looking interested in what she’s saying while he waits for the food to arrive. Social Media Links Blog/Website | Facebook | Newsletter Sign-up Giveaway Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card ![]() Their room had a small but functional bath, so they were able to clean up. They tended to each other’s small cuts and abrasions in privacy. When Nick’s stomach growled, Todd chuckled and rubbed the top of his head. “I could eat. You up to going out, or should I get something and bring it back here?” “Can we go out?” The thought of being alone, even for a short time made Nick queasy all over again. “She knew you were…” He looked down at his feet when tears pricked behind his eyes and threatened to cloud his vision. “She hated you and wanted you to die.” “Yeah, I just have that effect on the living and the dead sometimes. But I didn’t die, Nicky. Don’t worry about what could have happened, okay? It’ll make you crazy, trust me.” Nick swallowed the hard lump in his throat and squared his shoulders. “Okay.” Nick followed Todd down the stairs, onto the street and stopped when Todd paused and looked around. They’d eaten in the pub earlier, and Nick figured they would again. Todd tapped Nick’s arm and tipped his chin toward the street corner. “We have a stop to make first.” Marked Yours is available in eBook and paperback from many fine booksellers. SERIES TOUR ![]() The Félidés Clan series by Jae Greyn Birth is only the beginning... The books are not standalone and need to be read in order. Each book ends on a cliffhanger. Overall Heat Rating for the series: 3-4 flames BOOK DETAILS BOOK 1 ![]() Book Title: Nothing Burns Like Time Length: 95 pages Release Date: July 21, 2023 Genre: MM Paranormal Fantasy Tropes: Fighting to be together, fight for survival The book ends on a cliffhanger. Blurb Raven, Justice of Gemini, wanted nothing to do with the problems other gods created. He'd settled down in a quiet corner of The Veil, kept to himself, and continued to do his job. His twin, Scot, had become a jaded player in the name of boredom, and Raven had given up on any hope of dating until he met Cyan, a beautiful young God, thrust into an impossible position. Cyan, lord Ether and son of the Source, never thought about love until Raven saved him in a fight with Vampires. All they want is the next date, but the goddess of Time has other ideas. She wants Gemini dead by any means necessary. She thrusts them into a war that pits born gods against demigods, taking sibling rivalry to a brand new level. This is only the beginning for The Félidés Clan. Who will survive, and will Raven and Cyan have the second date? BOOK 2 ![]() Book Title: Predator’s Patience (#1.5) Length: 151 pages Release Date: September 8, 2023 Genre: MM paranormal romantasy Trope: Time Travel Blurb Cyan Revy FeLiSe has one beautiful afternoon with Raven, Justice of Gemini. He returns home and discovers the gods are going to war. Raven doesn't answer when Cy calls; the number belongs to someone else. Cy pretends he isn't hurt, but he's devastated. And then, the god Chaos, makes an extraordinary request. He wants Cy to find his sons. Time doesn't flow the same in the Garden, and Cy doesn't know the war has started, ended, and begun again. His mother, The Source of All Things, disagreed with the outcome the first time around. Several of his brothers died, and Raven and Scot had to be born again. Cy agrees to help Chaos find them, which leads them all from one Plane to another, trying to stop Gi, the goddess of Time, from tearing them apart. Within these pages is the story of Raven and Cyan. Journals and private memories between the couple who are just trying to find each other. BOOK 3 ![]() Book Title: Madness And Majick Length: 78 pages Release Date: August 21, 2023 Genre: MM Paranormal Romantasy Trope: Finding love Blurb Dear me, One time goddess named Gi started a war with my papas, Justice and War of Gemini. For some stupid reason, she assumed birth would make them lower than demigod. In truth, it only made them angry. They signed a contract to judge someone, and part of that agreement was kids. Nyx, the god of Peace, and one of my grandparents would only help if my dads had kids with a suitable female. He's only asshat number two. Number three would be my not-so-lovely Aunt CattyWhack, um, Catori, who has trapped my papas in the Veil club, which is under a Time spell, where every night is Samhain. She's trying to kill them. Then there is me, who's never been without my twin. We've shared everything but boyfriends since the womb, and suddenly he's somewhere else, and I'm stuck in The Veil, alone, living in a hotel suite, until my papas are free. Syra, The Source of All Things, and my honorary grandma, because family ain't always blood, gave me a job to do. And I'm trying. Only a god can sustain a god, and now that I'm grown, my papas' blood only gets me so far. I really need my twin right now. My big brother, Shiloh, would do, too. He's off looking for my mom, so she can replace Gi. What have I gotten myself into? Somebody save me. I don't want to do this by myself. Kansas Raine Félidés, Lord Cinis BOOK 4 ![]() Book Title: Sealed With A Tris Length: 108 pages Release Date: September 21, 2023 Genre: MM Paranormal Romantasy Trope: fated mates Blurb Dear Me, This would be the longest summer of my life, and it hadn’t started. You see, I’m the forgotten twin and what is referred to in my world as ‘the spare.’ Oddly enough, I do still hold my title, Lord Vitae, but it isn’t doing me much good in my current state. I arrived two weeks previously and landed in the shower, fully clothed. My twin slapped his hand over my mouth to keep me from shrieking the walls down at the shock of the water blasting me in the face. After helping one Jace Corrins with Clary Clatterbox My Mama Is The Soul Maker, I stayed hidden until we moved into the house Mamie bought for us, and then I finally got to stop shielding my presence from my brother’s most lovely mate. In precisely one month, Kansas and I will turn nineteen, and it will be the first time in our existence that he had a lover and I didn’t. I know. Getting laid should not be a priority, and it really isn’t. My focus at the moment is checking on the custom guitar I’m having made for Kansas, for said birthday. Material things hadn’t always mattered to us because before, we could wake up on a completely different plane, in a completely different year and age. Our honorary Mamie, the Source of all things, has assured us repeatedly that The Veil is home and we can’t be moved unless we move ourselves. We are trusting her judgment because, really? Who would tell her no? Tristan Storme Félidés BOOK 5 ![]() Book Title: See Who Loves You Now Length: 154 pages Release Date: October 21, 2023 Genre: MM Paranormal Romantasy Trope: Time travel Blurb The worst birthday turns into the best when Kansas and Shiloh meet Sam and Rye Lance. But are they part of Catori's plan to wipe the Felides Clan from existence, or is it forever and always? A spell stands between them and the truth. Only Time will tell. Giveaway Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card About the Author Jae Greyn is the author of the Fire Ridge Pride Series. Born in the United States, Jae is an advocate for being good humans to animals and people. A consumer of coffee, chocolate, and romances. Author Links Website and Newsletter sign-up | Facebook ![]() ![]() My snippet this week is from Shifting Chaos, book 4 of The Sleepless City (series cowritten with Anne Barwell). Jonas’s face fell and his shoulders sagged. “I tried. He told me he didn’t want help. I’m not even sure he’s coming back.” He picked up his damp tie and let it fall back into place. “Blair gave me this tie.” That made Declan feel about two inches tall. “Of course he’s coming back.” “How can he not come back? You’re soulmates.” Simon’s tone changed from angry and frustrated to concerned in a heartbeat. He and Jonas might’ve fought like rabid dogs at times, but they cared very deeply for each other. “According to Lucas and Ben, Blair did consider an apartment closer to downtown,” Declan said. Simon twisted around and sized up Ben. “You knew about this? And didn’t say anything?” There are more snippets to read in the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Shifting Chaos is available in eBook, paperback
and through Kindle Unlimited. Lucas was still going on about the as yet un-started painting when they were halfway down the stairs to the kitchen. He stopped and scrunched his nose. “What is that smell?” The all too familiar sound of Jonas and Simon arguing accompanied the foul odor up the steps. They’d had words almost every day for the last five days. The same amount of time Blair had been gone. Declan skirted one way around them and Lucas the other. Lucas poured some coffee and stood off to the side. “When was the last time you ate decently?” Simon barked. “I had a bag of blood yesterday, mom!” “Don’t take that tone with me,” Simon shot back. “Don’t take that tone? I’m not…” “If you weren’t acting like a petulant child, I wouldn’t treat you like one!” Ben rubbed the spot between his eyes, looked over at Declan and mouthed, “Stop them.” “Jonas, Simon is worried, we all are,” Declan said softly. At the same time, he took Jonas’s arm and turned him away from Simon. “Ach, what happened?” Jonas huffed and deflated. “I was on a call and some drunk threw up the last week’s meals all over me.” “I see that.” Declan put a hand on either side of Jonas’s neck and forced him to look directly at Declan. “Mon ami, go change your clothes, then drink some coffee and have some breakfast. Take time off, stop making us all miserable and go to New Mexico and be with Blair for as long as it takes him to make his arrangements. Please.” Jonas’s face fell and his shoulders sagged. “I tried. He told me he didn’t want help. I’m not even sure he’s coming back.” He picked up his damp tie and let it fall back into place. “Blair gave me this tie.” That made Declan feel about two inches tall. “Of course he’s coming back.” “How can he not come back? You’re soulmates.” Simon’s tone changed from angry and frustrated to concerned in a heartbeat. He and Jonas might’ve fought like rabid dogs at times, but they cared very deeply for each other. “According to Lucas and Ben, Blair did consider an apartment closer to downtown,” Declan said. Simon twisted around and sized up Ben. “You knew about this? And didn’t say anything?” “Bloody hell.” Ben shook both hands at them. “The three of you have been so wrapped up in each other’s lives for a hundred and whatever years you have no clue what’s it like to be the new guy. Lucas was new once, too, but you took him in for completely different reasons.” Ben stopped and ran a hand through his hair. “Yes, I went with Lucas and Blair and we looked at a few apartments about a mile from here six months ago!” “You went with him?” Jonas turned to Lucas. Lucas sighed. “Don’t look at me like a kicked puppy. Yes. Blair is my friend and he asked for help. All he needed to do was look around at his options. He spent five years in seclusion. You have to admit we can be a bit…” “Insane,” Ben finished for him. “I mean, this run around and dispatch ghosts and goblins and whatever else is thrilling and all but can be a little overwhelming. Never mind dealing with the Supernatural Council and their bullshit. The four of you have a system, Blair and I are learning to fit in.” He looked at Simon. “I never said anything because I didn’t want you or Forge or Declan to take my words the wrong way and hurt your feelings. Lucas and I lived with other people before we came here, and our only other family hadn’t died.” Blair burst out laughing. “I thought it was panic. Which means you were dangling like a fish on a hook and I missed it,” he said and smirked. “It’ll be pretty cool to meet the president.” “I don’t know if we’ll get to meet him. Probably more like gaze at him from across a room. Sellers also requested Lucas and—” “And that means Declan in the same room with a world leader and whoever comes along with him,” Blair finished. “He avoids trying to hurt people. Not that he won’t if he’s pushed. I’m more concerned with all their jewelry, watches, and wallets,” Forge said. Blair winced, then chuckled. “He wouldn’t. Would he?” Forge shrugged. “He’ll explode if he can’t at least pick one pocket. I guess I can live with it as long as he doesn’t get caught and gives his findings back.” “He does that for sport?” “Oh, hell, yeah. He throws back as much as he steals. I think he likes picking pockets because he can,” Forge said. “You guys are weird,” Blair said and shrugged. “True. It’s part of the appeal.” Forge grinned. “Unraveling the mystery that is Declan and me.” “Uh-huh, sure. When is this dinner?” Blair asked. “I dunno. I’ll probably get more details in the next few days when the Secret Service contacts us. Sellers wasn’t specific on when that would happen. Tsekani is going to have his work cut out for him with this,” Forge said. Blair laughed. “Thanks for the snack, but I have class in a few minutes. You knew that didn’t you?” Forge arched an eyebrow and smiled. “You don’t have to keep this job. Find another one or teach only for Sans Institute, Tsekani and Ueda won’t care.” Ueda was Tsekani’s wife and Blair’s department head. “It’s good cover. Some days are better than others, though,” Blair said and shrugged. “The jeweler let me use this, too.” Forge dug a wire with plastic rings on it from his pants pocket. “Stick your finger in one of these and tell me what size you want.” “Your sheer emotion and preplanning blows me away.” Blair tried a few, then held one ring up. “Yeah, whatever.” Forge grinned and leaned in, lightly brushing Blair’s lips. “If I did this over candlelight and wine, the shock would likely kill you. Then where would I be?” Blair grabbed Forge’s tie and hauled him closer for a second kiss. “Go make the streets safe and don’t kill anyone. I’ll call you later.” Forge left the college campus thinking this Blair was a sharp contrast to the Blair of eighteen months ago when they’d first met. Forge’s initial impression of Blair was of a naïve young man who lived in his own little graphic-novel world. He’d shown up unannounced in Boggslake dressed all in black and wearing goggles because he’d been convinced vampires spontaneously combusted in sunlight. Then he’d fallen ass over teakettle down the stairs leading to the beach and made a big splash. Literally. Forge had needed to fish him out of Lake Erie since Blair couldn’t swim. Forge returned to the police station in search of Lucas. Code Name Jack Rabbit is available in eBook, paperback
and through Kindle Unlimited. BOOK BLAST ![]() Book Title: Facing the Curse Author: Patrick Bryce Wright Publisher: JMS Books, LLC Cover Artist: Written Ink Designs Release Date: December 2, 2023 Genres: Contemporary M/M Romance, paranormal thriller Tropes: Sexy neighbour, psychotic ex Themes: Found family, surviving abuse, healing from trauma Heat Rating: 1 flame Length: 70 375 words/281 pages It is a standalone book and does not end on a cliffhanger. Buy Links ![]() When Tito and Leo meet at a Wiccan event, they feel the spark. But Tito’s abusive ex-boyfriend Matt stands in the way. As Matt’s behavior becomes increasingly unhinged, can Tito and Leo survive? Blurb Tito Russell and his boyfriend Matt move into an apartment together despite past problems. Then Tito meets their new neighbor, Leo, who is Wiccan like Tito, and they strike up a friendship. Matt unleashes violent rage at Tito for even looking at another man, and Tito dumps him for his own safety. Matt’s behavior becomes progressively unhinged. He stalks and threatens Tito, even as Tito falls in love with Leo. Can Tito and Leo survive to live happily-ever-after? Excerpt Tito was struck by half of the secondary title of Ancestral Tarot: “Uncover Your Past.” Tingles erupted over his scalp, down the right side of his face, and then down his right arm. “I can’t tell you what’s happening to me, but I feel so drawn to this book.” He looked at the other one and felt a similar pulling sensation. “Cool.” Leo dropped into the chair across from Tito and sipped his coffee. Half a bagel sat on a plate in front of him. “You seemed pretty into it last night.” “I did a tarot reading when I got home.” Tito thumbed through the table of contents of Ancestral Tarot. “I can translate the reading as ‘Yes, totally do this.’ And there seems to be some kind of focus on my past or my childhood memories.” He flipped through the chapters, stopped on a tarot spread, and scanned the page. A website might give him some sample pages to look at, or it might not. He was glad he could just sample the book in person. Leo made a “mnph” sound in his throat. “You’re talking to someone who works with abused teens. Trust me when I say a lot of things go back to childhood trauma. Not everything. Adults get traumatized, too. It can alter their entire life course when it happens. But childhood trauma is my focus, so my brain always goes there.” Tito glanced out the window, checking to see if Matt’s car had arrived or was in sight. I can’t afford to get caught up here. He’ll never believe I’m just looking at books, and he’ll say I should have just sampled them online. A chilling thought swept through Tito: Will Matt try to stop me from working with my ancestors? He got super upset when I tried my first spirit summoning spell by myself. He said I was too much of a rookie and that I should never cast it without him, but when I ask him to do the spell with me, he won’t. “Well, I believe you.” Tito scanned another sample page. “All my friends when I was a kid were abused. When I was nine, I saw my best friend’s father beat up his brother. My best friend in middle school told me his father hit him. My best friend in high school said her father raped and molested both her and her brother, and she fantasized a lot about killing him. Then she ended up on drugs and died of an OD.” “Jesus! I’m sorry.” Leo set down his cup. Tito glanced up. “Oh, we weren’t friends anymore. She went psycho all over me, and I had to run away. But a friend of a friend told me last year that she’d ODed.” He switched to Ancestral Grimoire and read the table of contents. “But it is sad. I always believed her that she’d been abused. She was a wreck. The OD was believable, too.” “God.” Leo sighed. “There’s so much avoidable tragedy in the world. Why do so many parents abuse their children?” Tito flipped to chapter two and scanned it. “Too few people care. They’ll fight to the death to make sure a baby gets born, but then they don’t give a flying fuck what happens after the baby arrives. Children in the U.S. have less rights than children in most other first world countries, and Social Services is drowning. Plus very few people agree to foster kids. So abusive parents get their kids back or their kids are never removed in the first place.” He felt the explosion of rage he associated with triggering off. “The statistics are much worse than what we have recorded.” Leo leaned forward. “We can only track child abuse cases that are reported. And most cases aren’t reported. The same thing is true for rape statistics. It’s all much worse than we think.” Tito’s stomach knotted so hard he couldn’t sip his coffee. He glanced out the window. Still no Matt. “This stuff always blows me up. I’ve never been raped or molested, and my parents didn’t abuse me. But it doesn’t matter. I guess I just have that basic human decency old people claim our generation lacks. This stuff hits every rage button I’ve got.” Leo’s gaze rested on Tito. “It should piss off everyone. Always.” “Yeah.” Tito forced himself to sip more coffee. Good coffee should never go to waste, and I should be a good guest. His grandma’s obsession with social etiquette was still burned into his brain. The sound of a car door closing jerked Tito’s attention to the window. Shit! I’m in trouble. About the Author I’m a quirky English professor with tattoos, piercings, and an addiction to supernatural thriller, horror, fantasy, and science fiction. I'm proudly neurodivergent, third gender, and a trauma survivor, all things often reflected in my novels. I have degrees in both English and psychology, both of which inform my writing. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, off-road biking, and pyrography. ![]() Author Links Blog/Website | Facebook | Twitter ![]() |
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