Hello Snippetters! My snippet this week is from Scintilla, book one of the El Corazon series. I'm hoping to have book two out around the end of 2022 or early 2023. Once settled in Brandon’s room again they turned on the TV. Raul scooted the chair around so he could prop his feet on the end of Brandon’s bed. “That doesn’t look very comfortable for sleeping.” Brandon inched to the far side of the bed and patted the empty space beside him. “We can make it work.” “You sure?” Brandon smiled and nodded. “No funny business, I’m on duty.” Raul stretched on the bed next to Brandon. After a minute of shuffling around they found a comfortable position. Raul’s wolf was by nature a protector and took a great deal of satisfaction from having Brandon pressed against him, their legs intertwined and arms around each other. Raul agreed wholeheartedly with his wolf. Brandon shifted so his ear rested on Raul’s solar plexus and it wasn’t long before Brandon got heavier against Raul and his breathing evened out. Raul didn’t have much time to think about it before the television shut off and the lights on the floor dimmed. He yawned and let his eyelids close. Read more snippets on the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Scintilla is available in paperback, eBook and in Kindle Unlimited. For the whole month of August the eBook is on sale for $2.99.
My snippet this week is from Jewel Cave, book 3 of Circles. By the time they arrived at the police station closest to the Motel 8 and collected the note, it was getting too late in the day to go into a rugged area with undermapped caves. As they’d asked, the paper towel had been put into a plastic sandwich bag. Liam turned it over a few times, then held it up to the light. “Red crayon. Not blood,” Liam said and handed it to Griff. “Not much in the way of prints or trace DNA,” Liam read off an accompanying report. “It’s Clint’s handwriting,” Griff said. Liam set the report on a desk. They thanked the local police. Griff tucked the bag into his pocket, and they left. Matt had arrived shortly before them and rented rooms at the same motel where Clint left the note. The room where the note had been discovered had been thoroughly searched, but nothing was found. Unfortunately, the boy who’d found the note was good at his job, and the room had been scrubbed before he’d placed the call to Griff. Griff entered the room and sat on the bed, running his hands over the soft bedspread. There was no sign of Clint or that he’d been there, yet Griff knew for a fact Clint had been in this room only hours ago. He rested his elbows on his knees and leaned down, covering his face with his hands. “Hey, Griff, the park ranger is here,” Matt said. Griff straightened just in time to see Matt standing half in and half out of the doorway, then stepping aside fast. A man marched through the door. He was tall, with coal black hair sprinkled with gray around the sideburns. He had deep blue eyes and looked as if he could bench-press a Buick. “Park ranger? That’s all we could get?” Griff looked up, the words leaving his mouth before he really thought about the fact that he didn’t exactly know what rangers did. The man held out one hand. “Mason Arquette. I have a master’s degree in criminology and can shoot the gray hairs off a squirrel at twenty paces.” Find a diverse collection of snippets on the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group! Jewel Cave is available in paperback, eBook and in Kindle Unlimited.
The eBook is on sale for $2.99 this month. My snippet this week is from Strays. Fingers pressing into the muscles along Kyle’s back, Daniel turned them and walked them backward until Kyle’s legs hit the bed. Flopping back he pulled Daniel down on top of him. Fisting the material of Daniel’s shirt, Kyle pulled and tugged until Daniel lifted his arms and the clothing slid away. “Maybe you could, you know, be naked too?” “If you insist,” Daniel said, kissing along Kyle’s collarbone and chest as he eased away, sat back, rolled to the side, and unlaced his boots. He got his belt loosened and shimmied out of his pants before covering Kyle’s body with his own again. Find other snippets at the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Strays is available in eBook and in Kindle Unlimited.
My snippet this week is from Whiskey and Moonshine. There were several hundred people attending, and it took Mal less than a minute to remember why he avoided social interactions such as this. People were gathered around three long buffet tables placed at different parts of the room. “Room” was a relative term since Mal was sure several football teams could play comfortably within its walls. “This place is huge,” Colt whispered. “I think they have the space shuttle parked over there.” Mal leaned close enough that only Colt would hear him. Colt grinned. “Another joke, right?” Mal shrugged. “I don’t know. Go look.” Colt gave him an incredulous stare, making Mal chuckle. Colt smiled at a few people as they walked farther into the room. “I guess we should mingle.” “Yeah, I guess we should.” Mal stood beside Colt as they both watched all the people milling around the room. “We could do our socializing together,” Mal suggested. “Just like we’d do if we were on a date?” Colt ventured, then bit his lower lip and looked around the room again. Mal’s gaze slid sideways to Colt. “I’d like that—a date.” Colt turned to him and smiled softly. “Me too. I’d like it a lot.” Whiskey and Moonshine is available in Kindle Unlimited, in eBook and paperback formats. Read more snippets in the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group.
My snippet this week is from my scifi romance, Strays. As fast as they’d been surrounded by people, they were left alone. Daniel pulled Kyle into a fierce hug, holding the shivering young man close and tight. Moving one hand up, he got a fistful of Kyle’s hair and dragged him close, pressing their mouths together. His tongue slipped between Kyle’s lips, gliding over Kyle’s and welcoming his into Daniel’s mouth. Then his brain kicked into gear. He didn’t want to ruin the relationship he’d forged with Kyle or take advantage of a scary situation, not with this young man; he meant too much to Daniel. Forcing himself to stop and push away only far enough he could rest his forehead against Kyle’s. Breathing in deeply, he whispered, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t do that, take advantage of you like that.” Kyle’s fingers gripped his shoulders with enough force it hurt and jerked him back in. He wound one arm around Daniel’s back and brushed his lips over Daniel’s. “Are y-you k-kid-ding? I’ve been w-w-waiting for you to take ad-d-dvantage of me since I la-laid eyes on you.” Daniel’s mind was scrambled and it took him a few beats to let the thought form: Kyle wanted him as much as he wanted Kyle. He wanted him closer and didn’t seem able to hold him tightly enough. Sucking Kyle’s lower lip between his lips, he pressed his tongue into Kyle’s very welcoming mouth, their tongues slipping and sliding over one another. He pushed his thigh between Kyle’s and pressed up. Kyle immediately rocked against him, igniting every nerve ending Daniel owned. His blood turned to liquid heat and all he was able to process was want and need directed at Kyle. Kyle’s hands roamed up and down his back, fingers splayed wide, heaving chest pressed to Daniel’s. “Can we… in the van…?” He was still shivering violently, making Daniel’s rational side kick back in. Read a fantastic collection of snippets at the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group.
This week my snippet is from A Barlow Lens, book 2 of the Circles series. A Barlow Lens is two, intertwining stories in one book. There is a story told in the present and a second story set in 1927. My snippet is from one of the 1927 chapters. The first time was always fast, hard, and desperate. Particularly after waiting so many days. Later would come the slow passion when they took a back room inside the Canary. After night descended, Tom pointed out constellations and showed Philip his favorite views through his telescope. “Emma’s ma said she expects me for dinner again next week,” Philip said. He wouldn’t quite meet Tom’s gaze. “I’ll probably hafta marry her eventually.” Tom nodded. He didn’t like it, but there was nothing he, or Philip, could do about it. “I know. We’ll make do. Just like now.” “I wish—Tom, I don’t—you didn’t grow up in that neighborhood. Certain people, they expect….” He hung his head. “I’m sorry.” “I grew up in a neighborhood. Same thing all over. Nothing we can do about it. Like I said, we’ll make do.” Read more fabulous snippets in The Rainbow Snippets Facebook group! A Barlow Lens is available from Amazon in eBook and paperback and is available in Kindle Unlimited. My snippet this week is from Together Bound (Sentries book 2) When he arrived, he scanned the large room, searching out his mate. The slaves were working as servers, and Nick was among them. Moving toward the bar, Todd said hello to a few of the people he’d met earlier in the day. Biting back a smile, Todd sipped his beer, gaze slipping to Nick every few minutes. His heart fluttered along with his stomach. The way Nick’s eyes raked over Todd, the shocked expression on his face, quickly covered, the way Nick’s breathing sped up for a few seconds, and the thick, slow swallow accompanied by the slight flush rising up Nick’s neck, Todd knew. Nick liked the suit. Read lots of great snippets on Rainbow Snippets Facebook group.
Together Bound and the entire Sentries series is available through JMS Books, Amazon and other fine book sellers. Hello Snippetters! This week's snippet is from Whiskey and Moonshine, a sweet with heat, slow-burn romance. Mal’s inner—much more rational—voice screamed, Twenty-four! Not only was Colt, who was a mere twenty-four, about to become a representative for Mal’s whiskey empire, he and Mal were going to be spending a ridiculous amount of time together. That wouldn’t really be an issue if Mal could take his eyes off the kid--man, he was a man. Twenty-four! He was freaking bloody twenty-four. Mal was thirty-six. What the hell did one discuss with a twenty-four-year-old, drop-dead-gorgeous man? He wished he’d never seen Colt’s birthdate on his paperwork. “Do I look okay?” Colt asked. He seemed a little shy and unsure all of a sudden. Guilt assaulted Mal; he’d made Colt uncomfortable. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been staring, but you look amazing. A whole new you. I like it very much.” Colt glanced down and shrugged a bit, a slight blush covering his ears. “I shouldn’t have been staring either, so I guess we’re even?” He looked up, then away quickly. Mal stopped himself from blurting the words “You were staring at me? Why?” Instead he smiled softly. “We’re both guilty. Our little secret.” He pushed his chair back and stood up. “I’ll get the rest of our dinner.” “I’ll help.” Colt stood up so fast his chair nearly toppled over. Mal and Colt reached the sliding glass door at the same time, and Colt stopped seconds before running headlong into Mal. He stepped back quickly. “Sorry.” “No need to be sorry.” Mal waved Colt through the door. “After you. I’d love some help.” Colt blushed even more deeply and scooted through the door. Mal held the handle for a bit—one, two, three deep breaths—and then he followed Colt into the kitchen. His body definitely appreciated Colt, and accidentally colliding, feeling Colt’s lean body against his, even briefly, was a bonus. Read more snippets at Rainbow Snippet Facebook group. Whiskey and Moonshine is available
in eBook, paperback and is in Kindle Unlimited. My snippet this week is from For the Long Run. It's an erotic romance/supernatural suspense. It's also currently on sale for $3.99! This snippet is rated R for adult audiences. Eric stopped in the bathroom doorway, leaned inside and said, “Hey, morning. How are you?”
Jay peeked around the shower curtain and smiled at him. “Sort of lonely in here.” Already out of his boxers, Eric was across the small bathroom in a few strides. Without hesitation he stepped into the shower and under the hot water. The shower wasn’t really big enough for sex. The two times they’d tried had ended up with more bruising and bumping than pleasure, and they’d given up quickly. Eric did enjoy the slick feel of Jay’s wet, soaped-up skin, the closeness of them washing each other, and was delighted when offered the opportunity to share the shower with Jay. Almost immediately Jay’s warm body was pressed against Eric’s. Winding one arm around Jay’s trim waist, Eric felt a surge of protectiveness course through him. The fact he could encircle Jay almost completely with his arm always made him feel that way. Dipping his head, he pressed his mouth to Jay’s, slipping his tongue along Jay’s lips a few times before gliding it into Jay’s mouth. Jay’s arms came up and around his back, while they spent a few minutes twining their tongues together, sliding over one another and around each other’s mouths. Eric broke their kiss and leaned his head back far enough that he could look at Jay and still hold him. “Good morning.” “Oh hell yeah, it is,” Jay murmured and rubbed against Eric. “Very good.” They were both half-hard, but Eric had no intention of this going much farther right now, not in the too-small space of the shower. Taking hold of Jay’s hips, Eric turned him so Jay’s back was against Eric’s chest. Reaching around Jay, Eric snatched the tube of shower gel from a shelf and squirted some into his hands. Rubbing them together for a few seconds, he worked the soap to a lather, then slathered it over Jay’s lean body. Read a diverse and interesting selection of snippets on the Rainbow Snippet Facebook group. For the Long Run is available in eBook and in Kindle Unlimited. ![]() Hello Snippetteers! My snippet today is from The Art of Domination (book 2 of Pain and Pleasure). This is a BDSM erotic romance serial, but this snippet is rated PG. At the time Taren didn’t realize it, but the day he pulled a half frozen, hungry, scared twenty-something kid out of a wrecked car during a blizzard was the most significant day of his life. The ironic thing was Taren had lived in Idaho all of two weeks and Ian had been born here. If anyone should’ve been stranded in that blizzard it was Taren. What started as a rescue ended as a first date. Two years later Taren married the guy. Ian was not his usual type, but wasn’t that the way love worked? Ian was young, much younger than Taren, but not immature. He was a smart, interesting man who knew exactly what he wanted. A little bit of a perfectionist, but that was what made him a superb CEO and likely got him through Warton with honors and an MBA. After they’d come to know each other, Ian confessed he’d wanted Taren as a lover and as a Dom, from that first blizzardy day. Read more snippets at the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group! The Art of Domination and the entire Pain and Pleasure series is available from JMS Books LLC, Amazon and other booksellers.
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