![]() Warren Rochelle has a new MM alternate history fantasy out: In Light's Shadow. Gavin Booker, a school librarian, leads an orderly, normal life. Work, jogging, friends from work, his son every other weekend. Gavin is also a secret. He is a hybrid, or part-fairy, and in the Columbian Empire, hybrids are under an automatic death sentence. Magic is illegal. So is loving another man, another capital crime. Fairies are locked away in ghettoes, magical beasts, such as gryphons, unicorns, and pegasi are kept in zoos. Also in zoos: werewolves and other wers, centaurs, and Cheshire cats. The others, the tree and water spirits, the talking beasts, fauns, and the rest, are in hiding. This is the world in which Gavin grew up. He survived, thanks to his mother. He can never forget he is different: ministers preach against people like him constantly; hating the other is a part of every school’s curriculum. But now, things are changing fast, and apparently, for the worst. Earthquakes, volcanoes, killer storms. The medicine Gavin takes to suppress his body’s glowing, isn’t working. The spells cast by his doctor, a witch, are losing their power. If anyone finds out what Gavin is, he is dead. Under threat, the Empire always goes after its marginalized people. Can Gavin survive the common catastrophe? Will he ever recover from losing the boys he loved? Can he find the fairy man who has haunted his dreams all is life before it is too late? Can his scarred heart ever heal? Warnings: Suicide (off-stage), suicidal thoughts and suicide attempt, and self-harm Universal Buy LinkGiveaway Warren is giving away a $20 Amazon gift card with this tour: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47257/? Excerpt The name on the sign by the empty cage read Equus caballus malum. No government-authorized sign would ever have any reference to human for a centaur. His mother had taught him the other name that morning beneath the Big Trees. A pair of golden gryphons, also with clipped wings, and as unhappy looking as the pegasi, were in the next cage. “There are supposed to be two silver gryphons, too,” Gavin said, after he read the sign. “I guess they are hiding in that cave in the back. Maybe the female is sitting on her eggs, or nursing her cubs.” Latisha just nodded and tightened her grip on his hand. God only knows what her parents told her before this field trip. The werewolf was next, sitting hunched over a rock in its forest habitat. It was an eastern red werewolf, with intensely blue human-like eyes. Listed on the sign in front of the cage were instructions for identifying werewolves in human form, and ways to protect oneself from such monsters. Canis lupus malum, evil wolf. The werewolf seemed even sadder than the rest of the Bestiary’s denizens. It hadn’t looked up, no matter how loud the kids ahead of Gavin and Latisha had been, or how many faces they had made. But it did look up just as Gavin got to the cage and stared at him with those very bright blue eyes. Human eyes. Homo sapiens lupus. Gavin froze. “Mr. Booker?” He didn’t answer Latisha at first. Instead, Gavin watched as the werewolf, shaking its big shaggy head, came slowly over to the corner of the cage where they stood. Its eyes were focused intently on Gavin. It jumped on its hind legs, its big paws only separated from Gavin’s face by the glass. “Help me, please, fairy, help me. They won’t me let change. They make me take drugs,” it said in a rough voice. “I need to change. Get me out of here.” “I’m not a fairy. Shut up,” Gavin snapped back. “Mr. Booker? Look, the silver ones came out,” Latisha said. She was staring at the gryphon cage. She turned when the werewolf asked again for the fairy to get him out. “Mr. Booker? What’s it talking about? What fairy?” Latisha asked, looking back and forth between the silver gryphons and the werewolf. The silver gryphons ran back in their cave. “Not a fairy? Look at your hands, fairy,” the werewolf hissed. Gavin dropped Latisha’s hand and looked at his own. The tips of all his fingers glowed, a faint, faint yellow glow, as if he had dipped them in fluorescent paint. He quickly slid them into his pockets. I took the pills this morning. This shouldn’t be happening. Suppress, suppress, suppress. “I’m not a fucking fairy,” he yelled at the werewolf who only growled and snarled in return. He looked quickly around the Bestiary. Was there anybody who’d hear him yelling? What was he thinking? Thank God nobody but Latisha was anywhere near Gavin and the werewolf. Latisha stared at Gavin and the werewolf. “You aren’t supposed to say that word; it’s not nice. Mama told me so. What fairy is it talking about?” Gavin took a deep breath. Seeing the fear in the little girl’s face, he spoke slowly, in as even and as calm a tone as he could muster. “I don’t know what fairy it's talking about. There's just you and me and we're certainly not fairies.” The glowing had stopped, he felt it. He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I got upset—that thing upset me. Your mother is absolutely right; you shouldn’t say that.” "Fairies are bad, too," Latisha said. He could guess what she was thinking. Latisha was remembering what she had been taught in school, the same things he had been taught in kindergarten and first grade, in Sunday school, and all the way through high school and college. Never mind the ads on TV and that radio that played over and over. The government made sure the lesson got through, that it was repeated over and over so no one could ever miss it. Even the youngest knew what the warning signs were, what to look out for. And what to do if they saw glowing people. For your country and your Emperor, for God, for your family and friends, and because Jesus loves you: call the police. Just hit the big blue star on the nearest Automatic Reporting Machine and start talking. If you don’t know how to use the phone or the ARM, or neither is nearby, find the nearest normal adult and tell them. Normal people, good people, do not glow. “Fairy, please. Help me.” Gavin ignored the werewolf. “It’s not supposed to talk to us. Let's go find Mr. Phillips and the rest of the class." Latisha nodded and reached for his hand. They walked away quickly, not looking back. The werewolf yelled. “Fairy, help me, please!” Then it howled. They walked faster, Latisha looking over her shoulder. Author Bio Warren Rochelle lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, with his husband and their little dog, Gypsy, after retiring teaching English and Creative Writing at the University of Mary Washington in 2020. His short fiction and poetry have been published in such journals and anthologies as Icarus, North Carolina Literary Review, Forbidden Lines, Aboriginal Science Fiction, Collective Fallout, Queer Fish 2, Empty Oaks, Quantum Fairy Tales, Migration, The Silver Gryphon, Jaelle Her Book, Colonnades, and Graffiti, as well as the Asheville Poetry Review, GW Magazine, Crucible, The Charlotte Poetry Review, and Romance and Beyond. His short story, “The Golden Boy,” was a finalist for the 2004 Spectrum Award for Short Fiction. Rochelle is the author of a book of academic criticism, Communities of the Heart: the Rhetoric of Myth in the Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin, published by Liverpool University Press in 2001. Other articles and book reviews on science fiction and fantasy have appeared in various journals, including Extrapolation, Foundation, North Carolina Literary Review, and the SFRA Review. Rochelle is also the author of four novels: The Wild Boy (2001), Harvest of Changelings (2007), and The Called (2010), all published by Golden Gryphon Press, and The Werewolf and His Boy, published by Samhain Publishing in September 2016. The Werewolf and His Boy was re-released by JMS Books in August 2020. His first story collection, The Wicked Stepbrother and Other Stories, was published by JMS Books in September 2020. His second collection, To Bring Him Home and Other Tales, was published in September 2021, by JMS Books. A stand-alone story, “Seagulls,” was released by JMS Books in September 2021. Author Website: https://kingdomofjoria.com Author Facebook (Personal): https://facebook.com/warrenrochelle Author Facebook (Author Page): https://facebook.com/warrenwriter Author Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/WarrenRochelle Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/38355.Warren_Rochelle Author Liminal Fiction (LimFic.com): https://limfic.com/WarrenRochelle ![]() My teaser this week is from Shifting Chaos, book 4 of The Sleepless City. This series was cowritten with Anne Barwell. His trip through airport security was quick since there were very few people in line. Once on the correct concourse he found a Starbucks and bought the largest cup of coffee they offered. A quick glance at his watch told him he had at least an hour before the plane would board. He stood, sipping his coffee, gazing out the large windows at the airport. When he heard the sports segment of whatever news program was playing on the TV, he wandered over to watch. It wasn’t so long ago he and Blair had come to this city to attend a baseball game. They’d had so much fun. Then a week later Blair announced he was returning to New Mexico to take care of his father’s house. He hadn’t said anything else, but Forge felt Blair’s apprehension thanks to their bond. Forge also felt grief, but he wasn’t sure what the origin of Blair’s grief was, his father, or his relationship with Forge. Like all soulbonded vampires they were able to sense each other’s emotions. In their case, sometimes too well. Shifting Chaos is available in eBook, paperback
and through Kindle Unlimited. BLOG TOUR ![]() Book Title: Prince of Flowers (Wild Hearts Book 1) Author and Publisher: Nazri Noor Cover Artist: Christian Bentulan Release Date: September 30, 2022 Genres: Contemporary MM, Fantasy M/M Romance Tropes: Enemies to lovers, forced proximity, shared bed, found family Themes: Trust, truth (Both MCs spend a good amount of the book deceiving each other, and have to learn that maybe they shouldn’t!) Heat Rating: 4 flames Length: approx 62 000 words This is book 1 in a series and does not end on a cliffhanger. HFN. Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited Universal Link | Amazon US | Amazon UK Also available on audio - narrated by Greg Boudreaux ![]() He captured a fae prince, but can he capture his heart? Blurb Lochlann Wilde walks in the shadow of his father, a legendary summoner who commanded mythical beasts in battle. But Locke isn't legendary. He’s barely a summoner, never passing his academy’s trial of the elements. And then he accidentally summons a fae prince with a beautiful body and a bad attitude. Sylvain is fiery and ferocious, stronger than anything Locke has ever encountered. And hotter, too. But time is running out. Locke must tame the prince’s wild heart. If he fails his trial, he’ll lose his inheritance and ruin his family's name. Without Sylvain, Locke could lose his chance to become a true summoner… along with his shot at true love. Excerpt The invisible entity’s breath rushed on the breeze, seductive and strong. The faint beat of its heart sounded like the playing of a distant drum. Above all things else I could taste the overwhelming power on the tip of my tongue, a palpable flavor of strange, alien magic. I had to have it. I needed to earn my Summoner’s Crest. It was finally my time. I had to make my father proud, wherever he could be. I thrust my hand out, the grimoire levitating at eye level, pages fluttering in an eldritch wind as it turned to the correct section. The binding, the forging of a powerful contract. “With iron will and stalwart heart I beseech you, great force of the ether. Make yourself known. Manifest. In the name of the summoners that have come before me, hear my words. Heed my call.” A new wind swirled at my feet, sending leaves tumbling upward, whipping at the branches. Gooseflesh rose all over my skin, my body’s response to the tingle and thrum of gathering power. Something was here. Something was responding. Time to finish the incantation, the barest minimum for me to qualify for the Summoner’s Crest. Time to complete the Pact of the Unknown. “I invoke you, thing of the ether, unseen and unnamed. Grant me time and space enough to bargain and barter, to forge a bond that may yet be fruitful for us both.” The wind howled, ripping at my cloak, shearing through my hair, screaming into my ears. It was coming. It was here. Time to bring it all home. “Nameless of the ether, dweller in the unknown, I call you. I summon you. Come forth. Reveal yourself!” Grass, leaves, and petals exploded in a burst from the center of the clearing, filling the air with a swirl of green and gold. I shielded my eyes, watching through the gaps in my fingers. Had it worked? It must have. I said all the words correctly, channeled the torrent of great magic through my soul, my flesh. Nothing short of a god could have resisted my summons. And there he knelt in the center of the glade, his head low, his neck loose, a powerfully built man wearing leather trousers and little else. He propped himself up by one hand, groaning, rubbing at his forehead with the other, like someone recovering from a hangover. A side effect of the invocation, possibly. Black hair fell in soft wisps over his brow, across his pale gold eyes. They took their time to focus, then filled with defiance, with wild devilry. He glanced up at me, eyes widening, mouth turning up in anger. But even in fury the man was devastating. That face, those lips, that — oh, gods, that body. He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. And then he opened his mouth. About the Author ![]() Nazri Noor is a California-based author of Filipino and Malaysian descent. While capable of fluently cursing in three languages, he only writes in English, and has been doing so in a professional capacity for over 20 years. His urban fantasy novels feature wise-cracking heroes who save the world with wits, style, and magic: think sass and class, while kicking ass. Author Links Facebook Page | Newsletter Sign-up ![]() Giveaway Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card, an ebook from the author's backlist, and 2 exclusive postcards featuring the Wild Hearts MCs (with greetings from author, not blank). ![]() SERIES TOUR ![]() Kings of the MountainBooks 1 and 2 by Morgan BriceMM Supernatural Suspense Fast cars, outlaw country boys, snarky werewolves, vengeful ghosts, menacing monsters, and a love that can’t be denied. NEW RELEASE - BOOK 2 Book Title: Sins of the Fathers—MM Supernatural Suspense Author: Morgan Brice Publisher: Darkwind Press Cover Artist: Natania Barron Length: 62 000 words/ 213 pages Release Date: August 28, 2022 Genres: Urban fantasy, MM paranormal romance Tropes: Hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, established relationship, evolving relationship, learning to trust, dealing with the past, dealing with family secrets. Themes: Letting go of the past, moving on after loss, intergenerational trauma, family secrets Heat Rating: 4 flames It is book 2 in the series but can be read standalone. It does not end on a cliffhanger. Buy Links ![]() Reckoning with the past just might destroy Grady and Dawson’s plans for the future Blurb Three deadly accidents that might have been magical murder. A dark witch with a grudge against the King family. Federal agents with supernatural abilities. And, as usual, Dawson and Grady are smack dab in the crosshairs of trouble even they can’t outrun. When Grady King’s brother Knox is targeted by shady characters, old secrets, coverups, and lies come to light. Grady and his boyfriend Dawson begin to question what really happened when Grady’s grandparents and Dawson’s parents died. Then agents with the Tennessee Bureau of Supernatural Investigation show up pursuing a different case, only to discover that the crimes appear to be connected, with a vengeful dark witch at the center of the plot. And since monsters never sleep, Grady and Dawson are still carrying out their duty to hunt dangerous paranormal creatures, restless spirits, nefarious faeries, Civil War ghosts, creepy cryptids, and things that go bump in the night. It’s all part of the centuries-old King family mandate to protect the people of Cunanoon Mountain and Transylvania County, a mission Grady and Dawson are sworn to fulfill. But when it looks like something is hunting the people Grady loves, it’s time to dig into the family’s painful past, uncovering dangerous details of long-ago hunts against immortal creatures who never forget—or forgive. Can they solve the mystery and figure out who’s behind the deaths, or will they bear the deadly consequences of their hidden history? Reckoning with the past just might destroy Grady and Dawson’s plans for the future and set loose a tide of malicious magic that could sweep them all away. Sins of the Fathers is a thrill-packed MM romance adventure full of fast cars, outlaw country boys, snarky werewolves, vengeful ghosts, menacing monsters, and a love that can’t be denied. Excerpt from Sins of the Fathers Dawson’s heart went out to Jason, worried about his long-time partner without news of how he was doing and now afraid of being left alone. “Lily sent us here to talk.” Grady tag teamed. “She knew you’d be upset. She also knew how much you two loved each other.” Lily Franklin was the long-time Meals on Wheels volunteer who had delivered to Jason and Everett for many years. She’d become a good friend and was Everett’s emergency contact once Jason passed away. A door slammed. Grady’s head snapped up, and he shot a questioning look at Dawson. Dawson reached out to take his hand, intertwining their fingers and holding their hands in the air. “We’re like you and Everett. We understand wanting to stay together.” Dawson picked up the conversation. The planchette trembled before beginning to move. “D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S,” Dawson said as the pointer moved. “Dangerous to admit what you and Jason were to each other?” Grady asked. The planchette moved to “YES.” “It can be, but plenty of people are ‘out’ these days. Even married,” Dawson answered. A framed photo rocked back and forth on the mantle. Dawson saw that it showed two men in their thirties decades ago on a sunny day, grinning with arms slung over each other’s shoulders. “If Everett can’t come home, do you think you could go to him?” Grady asked. The planchette went wild, circling “YES” over and over. “Is there something here that means a lot to you that you could ‘travel’ with if we took it to Everett?” Dawson looked around, wondering what objects among the collections of a shared lifetime might be special enough to anchor a ghost. A crash sounded from the back of the house. They headed toward the noise and found the door to a bedroom open and a painting on the floor in a broken frame. As soon as Dawson entered, he was shoved by invisible hands sending him stumbling toward one side of an unmade king-size bed. He nearly fell, and when he braced himself against the edge of the mattress, he saw a leather jewelry tray on the nightstand, and in it, two silver military rings. “These?” Dawson felt a puff of cold air in response. “What are they?’ Grady stood in the doorway, respecting the privacy of the old man who had lived there. “Army service rings. Vietnam, if I’m right.” Dawson picked up the rings and looked at them in the light. “Lily said they met when Everett was a nurse at the VA hospital, and Jason came home wounded from the war,” Grady replied. Dawson’s gaze went to a photo of a younger version of the two men standing together in uniform. They were circumspect in their pose, but Dawson imagined that he could see a slight lean, a bit less space between them than usual, and broad grins. That could have been Grady and me if we’d been born then. I’m glad they found each other and were happy. BOOK 1 Book Title: Kings of the Mountain Author: Morgan Brice Cover Artist: Natania Barrron Release Date: May 21, 2020 Genre/s: Urban Fantasy, MM paranormal romance Trope/s: Hurt/comfort, mutual pining, friends-to-lovers, childhood best friends, second chance Themes: Coming of age, forgiveness for self and others, crush maturing into love, letting go of guilt, family Heat Rating: 4 flames Length: 63 000 words/238 pages It’s the first book in the series Buy Links ![]() Fast cars. Outlaw country boys. A love that can’t be denied. Snarky werewolves, vengeful ghosts and menacing monsters. Blurb Fast cars. Outlaw country boys. Snarky werewolves, vengeful ghosts, and menacing monsters. Dawson King’s family has been hunting things that go bump in the night in Transylvania County, North Carolina, since before the Revolutionary War. Dawson was never happier than when he was racing his souped-up Mustang along winding mountain roads and hunting monsters with his best friend, Grady. Then Grady fell in love with him, which should have been perfect since Dawson had already fallen hard for Grady. But Grady was only seventeen, and Dawson feared that sooner or later, Grady would realize his feelings were just a first crush, and then he’d be gone, leaving Dawson devastated. They both needed space to figure things out. So Dawson joined the army, while Grady stayed on the mountain. Four years later, Dawson is coming home. He’s more sure than ever Grady is his forever love, and they’ve both agreed to begin this new aspect of their relationship as soon as Dawson gets back. Then Grady’s father is killed in a werewolf hunt gone wrong. Grady is devastated, and he’s throwing mixed signals about moving forward. Dawson knows he needs to hold off on this new thing between them until Grady has time to grieve. But monsters never sleep, and one hunt after another throws Dawson and Grady into constant danger, while tension and unresolved feelings ripple between them. Making it even harder, Dawson’s got a secret. He’s dreamed of death omens—which point to something stalking Grady. Can Dawson figure out who’s trying to kill Grady, save his life, and win back his heart? Plenty of mutual pining, hurt/comfort, spooky chills, sexy thrills, and a very happy ending. The Kings of the Mountain is the first novel in the series. It is a MM romance intended for readers 18 years of age and older. Excerpt from Kings of the Mountain The longer they spent time on the road and on hunts together, the more Dawson felt a powerful attraction to Grady. He’d always been fond of the younger man, but Dawson found himself admiring the person Grady was growing into. Grady deserved to find the right guy—if that’s what he wanted—who could make him happy. And as much as Dawson wished fervently that could be him, he knew he couldn’t take the chance that Grady might feel pressured or obligated to respond if Dawson made any advances. Not to mention how Grady’s mother had always carried on about how awful it was to marry a “cousin,” something that she claimed no one in her family had ever done. She’d made her position loud and clear while she was married to Aaron, which had not endeared her to the rest of the community. Such marriages were legal in North Carolina, and not uncommon in the rural areas. The fact that Grady wasn’t a cousin by blood probably wouldn’t matter to Camille. But what if Grady had accepted his mother’s bias? Maybe Dawson had imagined the flirtation, or worse, projected his own feelings onto the other man. So Dawson took the edge off with hookups and out-of-town one-night stands, very aware that he tended to choose partners with a resemblance to Grady. Until he couldn’t stand it any longer. That’s when Dawson enlisted. Once they were on the main highway, Dawson turned to watch Colt’s profile. “So…what happened with Uncle Denny and Grady?” Colt’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, and the tic in his jaw told Dawson that the other man didn’t want to have this conversation. “They’re both alive. But a hunt went wrong a week ago, and Grady isn’t dealing with it very well.” A week, Dawson thought. That was when he’d stopped getting emails from Grady. He had tried to convince himself the silence was due to any number of impersonal reasons, but Dawson knew in his gut something wasn’t right. His responses from Uncle Denny had gotten short and less frequent around the same time. Was this what his nightmare had been warning him about? “Could you be a little clearer?” Dawson knew Colt could read the warning in his tone. “Grady got hurt. Aaron was killed. Grady’s not dealing well with it. Uncle Denny didn’t want to leave Grady alone. So they sent me.” Dawson’s head swam. Uncle Aaron, dead? That’s hard to even imagine. He was always so full of life. And Grady—it’s got to be bad if he couldn’t come. Oh, God. I almost lost him. Plus there’s something Colt isn’t saying, something even worse. Because if Uncle Aaron died on a hunt, then Grady had to have been right there when it happened. That’s bad, really bad. No one should see their parent die, especially not like that. About the Author ![]() Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy male/male paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic fantasy and urban fantasy, and together with co-author hubby Larry N. Martin, steampunk and comedic horror, all of which have less romance, more explosions. Characters from her Gail books make frequent appearances in secondary roles in her Morgan books, and vice versa. On the rare occasions Morgan isn’t writing, she’s either reading, cooking, or spoiling two very pampered dogs. Series include Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail, Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow. Watch for more in these series, plus new series coming soon! Author Links Facebook Group | Pinterest (for Morgan and Gail) | Twitter: @MorganBriceBook Sign up for my newsletter and never miss a new release Read a copy of my Badlands short story Restless Nights here for free Follow me on BookBub | Instagram Giveaway Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win one of threeebook copies of Kings of the Mountain ![]() My snippet this week is from Quarry, book 2 of The Vampire Guard. Blair knew he was impervious to thrall, since he was a vampire, but he couldn’t help feeling Varian was trying to impose his will on him. A fuzzy memory from his previous encounter with Varian surfaced. The urge to recoil, then run, threatened to consume him. “Shh, shh.” Forge rumbled a soft, comforting sound through Blair’s earbud. Varian glanced up for a second, and a chill coursed through Blair’s gut. Had Varian heard Forge’s voice through Blair’s earbud? The devices were designed to prevent such issues, but maybe there was a chance? Varian’s gaze shifted to somewhere across the room, and Blair relaxed when he realized Varian was watching one of the exhibits. It dawned on Blair that Varian was looking for Declan and Sayyna, who were, as far as Varian was likely concerned, competition. Find more snippets from a diverse group of authors in the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Quarry is available in eBook, paperback and through Kindle Unlimited.
![]() Ardy Kelly has a new MM paranormal romance (mpreg) out: Troy's Happy Ending. And there's a giveaway. When life gives me lemons, I use them as ammunition. I’ve had to fight for my happy ending." Once upon a time, an outcast boy met the love of his life…which was quite a surprise considering he didn’t know he was gay. Troy Merton wasn’t always Lone Wolves Ranch’s resident author and busybody. He was once a pregnant runaway teen battling pack alphas, kidnappers, and snotty rich omegas. This is his story, from coming of age in the Black Hills of South Dakota to a happy ending with his fated mate, Ryan. It’s the kind of tale TJ Macks would write…if it happened to someone else! Universal Buy LinkGiveaway Ardy is giving away a $20 Amazon gift card with this tour: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47256/? Excerpt A few dips in the dirt road woke Julian. He rubbed his eyes and peered out the RV window. “Turn right at the end of the fence.” Ryan pulled up to a gate. A large man stepped out of the guard house at the side. Julian rolled down his window. “Hey, Eddy.” Eddy pulled out his clipboard. “You aren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow.” “We had car trouble.” Julian gestured to the burnt-out vehicle being towed behind. “Ryan and Troy gave us a ride back.” Eddy narrowed his eyes. “And who are Ryan and Troy?” The back door popped open so fast, Eddy reached for his gun. “I’m Troy. Ryan is behind the wheel. He’s alpha of the Black Hills pack, in case that gets us a discount on RV parking. We also have Triple A.” “Anybody else inside?” Eddy asked. Julian yawned. “Just my sisters.” “I’ll have to check the vehicle.” Eddy drew his revolver and climbed the steps into the back. “Well, aren’t you a unique welcome committee,” Troy mumbled. Eddy scanned the interior. “Any weapons?” “Just my sharp tongue,” Troy said. When Eddy growled, he added, “Let me guess. No sense of humor.” “No.” “Well, they say there’s someone for everybody, but you might just be the exception.” Ryan put his hand on his mate’s shoulder. “Troy,” he warned. “He pulled a gun on me,” Troy replied. “I’m allowed to be peevish.” “He’s TJ Macks,” Sarah said, jumping to Troy’s defense. “The famous author.” “I wouldn’t say famous,” Troy replied. “But I’m glad you did. Though I bet my next book will be even better. In fact, I think I’ve found my new villain.” Eddy holstered his gun. “I’m going to have to call in before I can open the gate.” He went back to the guard house, but kept an eye on the RV while speaking into a walkie-talkie. In a few minutes, a wolf ran to the gate. He shifted into his naked human form at the door of the RV. “Hi. I’m Mack. I’m pack leader for Lone Wolves Ranch.” “What a pleasant surprise,” Troy said, staring at the newcomer. “Not so peevish now?” Ryan whispered, before stepping in front of his mate to block the view. “I’m Ryan, pack leader of the Black Hills wolves.” Ryan repeated their story, but before he could finish, a spry older woman pushed Mack out of the way and jumped inside the RV. She scanned the room before stalking toward Troy. Pulling his shirt up, she studied his belly. “You’re an omega. And you’ve had a cub.” Troy pulled the hem of his shirt down. “Some things are private.” Grabbing Troy’s hand, she pulled him to the door. “Come with me.” Mack blocked the way. “Helen, what are you doing?” “I’ve got an omega going into labor, and I’ve never delivered one before.” “How many omegas do you have here?” Troy asked. “Four, counting you,” Helen answered. “Now hurry.” After watching the two disappear into the night, Mack stuck out his hand to Ryan. “Welcome to Lone Wolves Ranch.” Troy followed Helen past rows of cottages to the one with lights blazing. She didn’t bother to knock as she pushed Troy inside. A pregnant omega sat in an easy chair, whimpering softly, while his mate rushed to greet them. “Where have you been?” “Getting backup,” Helen replied. “I’m Troy.” “Bill,” the anxious alpha replied, pointing to himself. “And Cory.” “He’s kicking harder now,” Cory said. “Or she,” Helen replied. She turned to the expert. “What do we do?” Troy crossed the room and lifted Cory’s shirt. “He hasn’t sprung a leak yet. But we should get you undressed.” He struggled to get the omega up out of the chair until Bill lent a hand. Troy put his hands on his hips. “When I gave birth, they had a chair with a motor to help you up. You may want to get one for next time.” “There’s never going to be a next time,” Cory yelled. “We’ll need some blankets and towels,” Troy informed Bill. “I suspect it’s going to get messy pretty soon. And you might want to get naked, too.” Bill nodded. “For the cub?” “No,” Troy replied. “But it will help me stay awake.” There was a knock on the door, followed by Ryan’s voice. “Troy, are you in there?” Troy frowned. “Better yet, keep your clothes on.” It took fifteen minutes before water sprung from Cory’s birthing line, giving Troy enough time to extract the full story of Bill and Cory’s romance. The rest was quick. Once the cub (a girl) was delivered, they helped Cory shift to his wolf and then back to his healed human self. “You’re unusually quiet,” Ryan said as the two walked back to their RV. “Are you thinking of having another baby?” His mate knew him so well. “I don’t think Black Hills is ready to see a pregnant omega. They’re already barely civil to us.” “Who doesn’t love a baby?” Troy shrugged. “I was thinking of Cory and Bill’s cub. And Helen. She scared me until I saw her with the baby. There was love there.” Troy turned back to look at the cottage of the new parents. “I don’t think being an omega or the child of an omega is that big a deal here.” “Maybe we can learn how they did it and bring it back to Black Hills.” “Maybe. But Black Hills was never our dream. This might be the happiest I’ve been in months. The sad part is I didn’t even know how miserable I was. It felt normal.” He wrapped his arm through Ryan’s. “I’m scared when we go back, it will all feel normal again.” “We don’t have to decide anything tonight,” Ryan said. “We’ve got a long drive back to figure it out. Let’s get some sleep. I think we earned it.” Author Bio Ardy Kelly is my paranormal pen-name. I’m an accountant by day, a Netflix junkie by night, and occasionally a weekend writer of the Lone Wolves Ranch omegaverse series. When I’m not cursing myself for taking so long to produce a book I write the kind of stories I want to read, with an emphasis on humor, heart, and heat. My favorite characters are the ones who discover they aren’t as ordinary as society has led them to believe. Author Website: https://www.robynkellyauthor.com/ardykellyauthor Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/ardy.kelly.35 Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArdyKelly Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18510291.Ardy_Kelly Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/ardy-kelly/ Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Ardy-Kelly/e/B07J6N1HPL ![]() ![]() Vincent Traughber Meis has a new LGBTQ+ contemporary literary book out (gay, trans FTM, bi, gender fluid): First Born Sons. And there’s a giveaway. A group of coastal California residents battle wildfires, racism, and their own demons in five distinct narratives set in late 2019 and 2020. The book is populated by a cast of diverse LGBTQ+ individuals who struggle to find love, comfort, and fulfillment. As the novel progresses, characters interact across the separate narratives and are brought together for a birthday and a disastrous Black Lives Matter demonstration. A man returning to the horrors that made him leave Mississippi, a blind gay man flirting with love, an FTM transgender starting hormone therapy, a woman struggling to protect her sons from her husband’s surge to right-wing politics, and a teenager with two gay dads searching for his Black surrogate mom paint a disturbing tableau of modern-day America. Universal Buy LinkGiveaway Vincent is giving away a $20 Amazon gift card with this tour: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47255/? Excerpt August 2020
Each step took him closer to safety, one uncertain foot in front of the other, his biceps straining as he shifted the heavy load in his arms. On either side of the unpaved road he traversed, thick groves of redwoods towered above him and the forest air wrinkled with dust and heat and smoke, causing his useless eyes behind dark glasses to burn. But his legs knew the way, knew the number of steps to the nearest house. If the neighbors weren’t there, he would have to make it all the way to the main road and hope for a passing car to pick him up. A gust of hot wind rushed through the trees, and he heard the snap of a branch, followed by a thump on the ground. He picked up his pace, his breathing growing heavier, sweat trickling down his sides. He shifted the load again and hugged the equipment to his chest, things he couldn’t leave behind, the tools of his trade, his work, his life. A few minutes earlier he had been in a groove at the desk in front of the window, headphones on, crafting a set for an upcoming Zoom dance party called Apocalypse. Making a killer set was essential for people unable to go out, afraid of the virus, surrounded by wildfires, and bored with political discourse. They longed to dance, move their bodies, get their sexy on even if it was in a little Zoom window. With outlets of entertainment shut down, people spent excess income on pricey headphones and ear buds. He took that into account as his fingers danced over the knobs and levers, adjusting everything by sound and feel, pumping up the bass to shake their brains, rattle their hearts imprisoned in ribcages of discontent. His goal was to make them feel something, and he hunted for songs allowing extreme panning, mixes that bounced the sounds back and forth from ear to ear, playing with space and width as the music traveled through their heads. Getting them on their feet and shaking their asses made him happy, gave him a reason to go on when the darkness around him pressed in. The odor of burning, pungent and slightly sweet, had wafted in the open window, filled his nostrils, and snapped him out of the trance he fell into when manipulating pitch, timbre, texture, volume, and duration, pushing one up, another down. He removed the headphones and through the lingering pulsation in his ears heard the incessant chirp notifications from his phone. Five messages. They all told him the same thing. The fires were getting close. Get out. He unplugged his headphones and the controller from his laptop, gathered everything in his arms, felt his way to the door, and negotiated the steps to the ground. A car approached, still a couple of hundred yards away, and his panic subsided. As it was the last house on the road, someone had to be coming for him. He breathed easier, and the playlist returned to his head, the order and choice of songs. The gravel crunched under his feet to the beat of the extended dance mix version he had found of the R.E.M. song, “It’s the End of the World as We Know It,” a trite but obvious choice for the set. The car got closer. He tilted his head. Though his ears recognized most of the cars that came down the road, this one was different, heavier. The vehicle stopped. Two doors opened, and the sounds of unfriendly steps, the vibration of danger ground toward him. Two men, he guessed. His spine tingled with the all-overs as Granny used to say. “Stop right there!” a man shouted. “Put your shit on the ground and raise your hands.” The command brought a brutal end to the tunes in Lamar’s head like a needle scratching across a record. “What? Who are you?” Lamar continued his trudge forward. The two cops turned to each other with confused expressions. The older officer with a thick mustache that hid his upper lip on a round face and a rookie who looked as if he spent way too much time admiring his blond good looks in front of the mirror at the gym unsnapped their holsters and put their hands on their guns. The senior cop growled, “I said stop. On your knees.” Lamar’s spirit tumbled into a muddy hole of fear. It had been four years since he had nearly lost his life, attacked by men with guns and robbed of his laptop with all his stored music. This time his files were backed up, but he wasn’t about to lose the couple of thousand dollars’ worth of equipment in his arms without a fight. “I don’t know who you are.” A murder of crows cawed a bitter song high in the trees above them. They could see what he couldn’t, looking down on the classic scenario of a Black man facing the police with their guns drawn, barking orders that made no sense. “Stop where you are. Are you deaf?” The birds cawed panic and flew away. “No, but he’s blind,” said a voice from behind the officers. The younger one swirled around and pointed his gun at a man walking up the road. Byron’s long hair blew wild in the wind and his beard was thick from not shaving since the beginning of the shutdown. He liked to joke that he now looked like the Unabomber. When Lamar hadn’t responded to his call, he had rushed out of the house in a dirty T-shirt and sweats and jumped in his car, a disheveled cavalry to the rescue. Author Bio Vincent Traughber Meis grew up in Decatur, Illinois where he got his start writing plays for his younger sisters to act in for a neighborhood audience. He graduated from Tulane University in New Orleans and worked for many years as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area, Spain, Saudi Arabia and Mexico, publishing many academic articles in his field. As result of his extensive travels and time abroad he published a number of pieces, mostly travel articles, but also a few poems and book reviews, in publications such as, The Advocate, LA Weekly, In Style, and Our World in the 1980’s and 90’s. He finally arrived at his true writing love: novels and short stories. Five of his six published novels are set at least partially in foreign countries and his book of short stories focuses on countries around the world. Several of his novels have won Rainbow Awards, and his most recent novel, The Mayor of Oak Street was awarded a Reader Views Silver Award. He has published short stories in a number of collections and has achieved Finalist status in a few short fiction contests. When he’s not writing, he works in the garden and travels with his husband. He lives in San Leandro, California. Author Website: https://www.vincentmeis.com Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/vincent.meis Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/vincenttraughbermeis/ Author Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/convince415 Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vincentmeisauthor Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5755735.Vincent_Meis Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B00J7YZQU4 ![]() My teaser today is from For the Long Run. Eric was sure the party would never end, and he’d be stuck at the thing forever in some bizarre political time-loop torture. Every time Kellie rested her hand on Jay’s arm or brushed her lips over his cheek, Jay would seek out eye contact with Eric. Sometimes it was a quick look before ducking his head, others a glance over his shoulder before dropping his gaze to his shoes. Eric varied his responses from allowing his jealousy to shine through loud and clear, to completely ignoring the couple. How Jay put up with these things on a regular basis was beyond Eric, but he supposed he was going to have to learn. He did enjoy watching Jay try to discreetly scratch what had to be itchy skin by now. When Jay walked Kellie to her car and bid her good night, Eric made sure he was in Jay’s line of sight but hung back by the building entrance, a constant presence. Eric didn’t get into his own car and drive home until Jay and his parents were getting ready to lock up and leave for Jay’s house. There had been a few times when Jay’s father and a few others had clustered in a corner, talking in hushed tones and breaking apart when other guests came near. He had no idea what that was all about or if it was even unusual. No one else seemed to care or even notice. He had no idea how long the charade with Kellie was going to go on, but he was definitely going to put some thought into cutting that time as short as possible. It was providing them with some fun for now but wasn’t anything Eric really wanted to have to deal with for the long term. Deciding he had plenty of time to work out that problem starting tomorrow, Eric yawned and pulled into his drive, happy to be home. Getting his clothes off quickly, he draped them over a chair. He’d deal with his laundry tomorrow. Right now he was plain worn out and fighting off a dull headache. Stretching, he headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower, happy to get under the hot spray of water. Wandering through the house, he collected something to drink, a magazine, and his phone, checking for messages. There were none. Settling on his bed to read for a bit and unwind so he could sleep, Eric couldn’t help smiling at the thought of poor Jay having fallen asleep all sticky and itchy from dried sweat and cum. Or worse, forced to sit politely and have a conversation with his parents. He’d make sure to make it all up to the kid tomorrow and put a bright, happy smile on Jay’s face. He fanned through the magazine a few times, getting little more out of it than the breeze the pages moving created. When he realized he wasn’t really focusing on anything in particular, not even the pictures, he dropped the magazine onto his night table, drained his glass, and switched off the light. Shimmying under the sheet and blankets, Eric got as comfortable as possible, refusing to dwell too much on the fact he was a little bit lonely. It was only one night, and he was a grown-up; he should be able to cope much better. The obnoxious cop-show theme ringtone Jay had put on his phone blared. Sighing and smiling, Eric rolled over and grabbed the phone, wondering why Jay got the cop-show ringtone and not him. “Hey, buddy,” he yawned out. “I just about gave up on you tonight.” Jay’s soft, wet “Eric” had him sitting up, turning on the light, and any smart-ass comment died before it got out of his mouth. “Jay, are you okay? What’s wrong?” “I… God, my dad, he….” “He what?” Eric shouted, picturing Jay’s cringe and immediately feeling guilty. He was suddenly frustrated and afraid some harm had come to Jay. “Don’t yell, I’ve had enough of that crap for one night,” Jay snapped, though his voice was a low, raspy whisper. Throwing the blankets off, Eric swung around until he was sitting on the edge of the bed. “I’m coming to get you. Are you at home?” “Eric, no. Don’t come here. I—I just wanted to hear your voice. My dad went ballistic over the locks to the house, like I should be grounded or some stupid shit. He’s an asshole. My mom told me they split up, and she moved to an apartment almost six months ago. Which, according to him, is my fault too.” “Don’t be absurd, of course it wasn’t your fault.” Eric ran his free hand through his hair and took a few deep breaths. Jay’s words were coming too fast, slightly slurred and unsteady. “Did he hurt you? I want you to come here if you don’t want me there, but you’re not staying alone with him right now. Your mother needs to be out of there too.” Images of too many domestic violence victims—adults, children, men, women, gay, straight—that Eric had seen over the years thundered through his head. For the Long Run is available in eBook, paperback and through Kindle Unlimited. Until the end of September the eBook is 50% off ($2.99) and the paperback is only $9.99 (regularly $12.99).
AUDIOBOOK TOUR ![]() Book Title: Ambiguous Author: Leslie McAdam Narrator: Hamish Long and Kirt Graves Release Date: August 25, 2022 Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance Tropes: Rock star, slow burn, forbidden love, opposites attract, lawyer/politics, fake relationship (with a twist) Themes: Labels, coming out, being true to yourself Heat Rating: 5 flames Length: 8 hours and 17 minutes It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger. Buy Links ![]() Blurb Love is for other people, not for me… At least that’s what I believed, until I met him. Julian Hill. The most famous rock star on the planet. A music god with untidy hair and the voice of an angel. I’ll never be anything but out, and he has very good reasons to stay in the closet. After all, every move he makes is dissected, critiqued, and shared on social media, so he just wants a little privacy. I understand that. Truly, I do. But no one makes me feel the way he does, and I’m pretty sure he has feelings for me as well. Which is inconvenient since his record label just hired me to sue him. Guess I should’ve sorted things out before I kissed him… Oops. Ambiguous is an addictive MM bisexual romance novel about a fashion-forward rock singer who hates labels of all kinds (except for clothing), a dapper attorney who already has a (fake) boyfriend for a very good reason, and the possibility of love saving the day in a sensually stimulating “opposites-attract” romance story. In addition to the compassionate, big-hearted main characters and engaging, steamy interactions, LGBTQ+ romance readers are raving about the refreshingly honest discussions about homophobia, acceptance, bisexuality, and gay rights, which flow seamlessly into the heart-warming, soul-stirring love story. ![]() About the Author ![]() Leslie McAdam is a California girl who loves romance and well-defined abs. She lives in a drafty old farmhouse on a small orange tree farm in Southern California with her husband and two children. Leslie's first published book, The Sun and the Moon, won a 2015 Watty, which is the world's largest online writing competition. She's gone on to receive additional literary awards and has been featured in multiple publications, including Cosmopolitan.com. Her books have been Top 100 Bestsellers on both Amazon and Apple Books. Leslie is employed by day but spends her nights writing about the men of your fantasies. Author Links Blog/Website | Facebook | TikTok | Pinterest Twitter | Instagram | Newsletter ![]() ![]() My snippet this week comes from Jewel Cave, book 3 of Circles. “I’m sorry, baby, but this was safest for you,” Dylan said. He straddled Clint and leaned forward, taking the gag off. He cupped Clint’s face with both hands, brushing his thumbs over Clint’s cheeks. “You have such sexy eyes. I love how dark brown they are.” He raised one hand to Clint’s hair, but must have remembered what Clint had said the previous day and pulled away, fingers curling to a loose fist. “I bought some supplies. They’re in the van.” Dylan shimmied off Clint and used the chain between his wrists to pull him to his feet. The gag and locks were removed and the chains readjusted so Clint could walk. Dylan wound one arm around Clint’s waist and pulled Clint against him, then wormed his other hand between them, rubbing Clint’s cock. Clint pulled in a deep breath and held it, scrunched his eyes shut, and tried not to think about what was happening. Dylan took one of Clint’s hands and pressed his palm to Dylan’s groin. The shudder that ran through Clint was obviously mistaken for excitement, because Dylan groaned and ground his pelvis against Clint’s. There are so many wonderful snippets in the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Jewel Cave is available in eBook, paperback and through Kindle Unlimited.
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