Jarod The club was packed. Dozens of young subs lined up along the wall, obviously hoping to catch the gaze of the Doms who entered the club. There were so many people on the dance floor, it may well have been an orgy in the making with the sweat-glistened bodies mashed together. I did my best to ignore the stares as Eli and I entered, and just like that I felt his hand on my back, as if to reassure me of his presence. “Breathe.” The quiet instruction was meant for my ears only. I did as I was told, inhaling deeply and expelling my nerves in a silent push of air. “Good. Just like that.” His praise warmed me, and my stomach settled. I followed him to the bar where he ordered two glasses of club soda and then sat at a table. I stood, uncertain of what he would like me to do. The smile calmed my nerves a bit, and he gestured to the chair beside him. “I wanted to thank you,” he began. “Thank me? For what?” He laced his fingers with mine, and I drew strength from his touch. “During this week you’ve given me so much of yourself, even if I didn’t deserve it.” I started to speak, but he held up his other hand. “Let me finish, please. I won’t defend my actions, because I know I was unfair to you and to myself. When we were here last, I saw you there, kneeling on the floor, and everything I’d ever wanted in my life was there. I grabbed it with both hands and didn’t want to let go. The next morning, finding you in my kitchen, having breakfast ready? That was my idea of heaven, because my needs were being met. I was lost in the moment, a perfect bubble that I didn’t want to pop. “Then a friend of mine told me—twice—that I was being a right bastard to you, and not giving you anything in return. For that, I am truly sorry, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to make things right between us.” A sigh of relief slid from me. I’d been walking on eggshells for fear that Eli would realize he’d made a mistake and put me out, but that wasn’t the case at all. I reached into my pocket and felt the strip of leather he’d wrapped around my throat the first night. I wondered if he had any idea how many times a day I touched it, wishing I had earned the right to wear it. I slid it from my pocket and placed it on the table. Eli gave me a curious glance. “I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed taking care of you. Since Master Phillip died, I’ve been alone, and it took me coming into your house to realize just how lonely I’d been. I would have done anything to stay and make you happy. Submissive, slave, or even just houseboy, I would have done it gladly, because I finally felt whole again.” Eli picked the collar up and smiled at me. “I know we have a lot to discuss, but for tonight, here at the club, would you wear this for me? I want everyone to see that you’re mine, and I’m very proud of that fact.” “Yes, Sir. I would be honored.” He pointed at the floor, a wide grin playing on his face, and I hurried to kneel at Eli’s side, my head down. How I’d missed this position. When Eli touched my neck and slid the collar back where it belonged, I twitched slightly. He stroked my nape with gentle fingers, rubbing gently. “You’re doing well, pet. I’m very proud to be here with you.” My heart thumped hard. It had been too long since I’d heard those words. And then it registered: he’d called me pet. Warmth spread out from somewhere deep inside me, filling me, bringing with it a sense of peace. He understood that I wasn’t a boy, and it wouldn’t make sense for him to call me that, but he wanted to show me that he claimed me as his. Warmth infused me. I was Eli’s pet. Yeah, I could definitely live with that. “What’s going on here, then?” I heard a lilting voice ask. I tensed. It was quiet for a moment before Eli replied. “I’m here with my pet. Is there a problem?” There was a new edge to his voice, one I hadn’t heard before. The man laughed. “He’s pretty old to be a pet. Maybe you should put him down and get a new one.” My belly rolled over, and my throat tightened. Eli increased the pressure of his hand on my neck. “That’s disrespectful. Would you say something like that to any other Dom?” So the speaker was a submissive. Something coiled in the pit of my stomach, a feeling of uneasiness and fear. “I’d be a better sub for you.” His words tasted of arrogance. I felt the tears welling up. I should have known this was going to happen. Any happiness I’d felt at being Eli’s pet was chewed up and spat out as reality hit hard. That last week had been wonderful, but we couldn’t stay at home all the time. He’d want to go to the clubs. Eli might make the right noises and say it was fine, but I knew that eventually he’d see what everyone else saw. I was an embarrassment to Eli, and no matter where we went, this was going to happen again. And again. So why prolong the inevitable? I pushed up off the floor and turned to him. “I’m sorry, Sir. I hope you’ll forgive me.” I spun around and fled the club, too mortified to see Eli’s face. The other sub was right. He deserved someone he could show off. It would never be me.
Meet the Authors
K.C. Wells: Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C. Wells always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way. K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, where the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings—writing about men in love was even hotter.... K.C. now writes full time and is loving every minute of her new career. The laptop still has no idea of what hit it... it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes. Parker Williams: Parker Williams began to write as a teen, but never showed his work to anyone. As he grew older, he drifted away from writing, but his love of the written word moved him to reading. A chance encounter with an author changed the course of his life as she encouraged him to never give up on a dream. With the help of some amazing friends, he rediscovered the joy of writing, thanks to a community of writers who have become his family. Parker firmly believes in love, but is also of the opinion that anything worth having requires work and sacrifice (plus a little hurt and angst, too). The course of love is never a smooth one, and Happily Ever After always has a price tag. Where to find the authors: KC: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KCWellsWorld Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/KCWells/223608907761521 Twitter: @K_C_Wells Parker: Connect with Parker on: Twitter: @ParkerWAuthor Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parker.williams.75641 Or you can visit his website: http://www.ParkerWilliamsAuthor.com
Tour Dates & Stops:
Parker Williams, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie, Decadent Delights, 3 Chicks After Dark, Gay Book Reviews, Unquietly Me, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Alpha Book Club, The Hat Party, Divine Magazine, BFD Book Blog, Happily Ever Chapter, Love Bytes, Lee Brazil, Jessie G. Books, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, TTC Books and More, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Book Lovers 4Ever, My Fiction Nook, Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Charley Descoteaux, Carly’s Book Reviews, Molly Lolly, Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance, KathyMac Reviews, Three Books Over the Rainbow, Bonkers About Books, Emotion in Motion, A.M. Leibowitz, Foxylutely Book Reviews, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Velvet Panic, Cheekypee Reads and Reviews
Parker was kind enough to answer the question of where his inspiration for Haven's Creed came from.
The story of Haven began at the place I used to work. There was a woman there, who (coincidentally, of course) was named Valerie (like the character in Haven). This woman had made threats against people (she’d like to take them out in the alley and show them not to f*ck with her), she was surly and rude, demanding, and all around just an awful person. I worked with her for a couple years, and each one she got progressively worse. It got to the point where I made her a character in a story, and all of the ways I planned for her to be dispatched made it into the book.
The cover? I had gone looking for a cover image for something else one day, and stumbled on the picture for Haven’s book. I could have died a happy man, because this cover was absolutely perfect for his story. Author.Services created it for me, and when they showed me the results, I was over the moon. Haven is an assassin. He’s one of the best operatives of the shadow organization he works for, and his job is to take out the bad guys who prey on children. It’s bloody and, at times, gruesome, and this cover could have been tailor made for the story. The thing about Haven is that he’s been doing the job for ten years, first as a sniper in the Army, then as a member of the organization. He’s tired. His emotional detachment has begun to fray, and he’s no longer sure he can do the job. Then he meets Samuel, who is going to show him that it’s okay to let someone in, and hold the pieces of yourself together. It’s a love story, but not a romance, and I wanted the gritty cover to show that, because let’s face it, up until now, most of the stories I’ve done have been more romance oriented. If you decide to give Haven a chance, thank you! I hope that he’s going to be someone you enjoy. ![]()
When I was fifteen, I killed my first man. Every time Arnie, the guy my mother was shacking up with at the time, drank, he got it into his head she was cheating on him. He’d start slapping her, and that turned into full-fledged beating within a few months. When he was done, he’d start on my sister. There were nights she’d crawl into bed with me, sobbing. For the longest of times, she wouldn’t tell me what happened, but when I found blood on her pajamas, I knew. I’d tried to stand up to him, but he beat me badly enough that I couldn’t go to school for two weeks until the bruises faded. But I got off lucky. The things he did to Chrissy gave me nightmares. I’d hear her cry out and knew there was nothing I could do but hide in my bed, my pillow covering my head. He was bigger, meaner, and stronger than me, and he reminded me of that fact constantly. The old lady never said boo about it. She always forgave him and tried to justify what he did by telling me how much stress he was under. How he was a good man and didn’t mean it. It was just the drinking, she swore. It was more like he was a bastard and she was his meal ticket. I came home one night and found him whaling on her, my sister’s body crumpled in a heap, her head smashed in. The son of a bitch had a gun in his hand, slick with blood, and he threatened to kill them both, screaming he wouldn’t let her leave. She slapped him. It wasn’t hard, but it shocked him enough that he dropped the gun. I picked it up. He sneered at me and called me a weak-willed fag. I looked at the gun I held in my hand. The instrument of my revenge. The means to saving my sister. “Give me the gun, you fuck. It’s not a dick, you wouldn’t know what to do with it.” The bullet I put in his forehead showed him how wrong he was. He lay on the floor, blood bubbling from the wound, and his eyes locked on mine as he took his last breath. I wanted that fucker to know it was the weak-willed fag who had done this to him. Meet Parker Williams
Parker Williams believes that true love exists, but it always comes with a price. No happily ever after can ever be had without work, sweat, and tears that come with melding lives together.
Living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Parker held his job for nearly 28 years before he decided to retire and try new things. He enjoys his new life as a stay-at-home author and also working on Pride-Promotions, an LGBT author promotion service.
Tour Dates & Stops:
14-Dec Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Multitasking Mommas, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Cate Ashwood, Wake Up Your Wild Side 15-Dec Love Bytes, MM Good Book Reviews, Book Lovers 4Ever, A.M. Leibowitz, 3 Chicks After Dark 16-Dec Divine Magazine, Cathy Brockman Romances, Unquietly Me, Louise Lyons, KathyMac Reviews, Havan Fellows 17-Dec Bayou Book Junkie, Inked Rainbow Reads, Happily Ever Chapter, Nephy Hart, Iyana Jenna, Lee Brazil 18-Dec The Blogger Girls, Carly’s Book Reviews, Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews, Mikky's World of Books, Tara Lain, Emotion in Motion 19-Dec Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, BFD Book Blog, Jessie G. Books 21-Dec Joyfully Jay, Molly Lolly, Bonkers About Books, Open Skye Book Reviews
Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing LAURA STONE author of BITTER SPRINGS.
Hi Laura, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself, your background, and your current book. I'm so excited to be here today, so thank you very much for the opportunity! I'm a writer, Texas master Gardener, and was trained in the Apocalypse Arts, aka, canning, tanning, fire building, etc. I can tie most knots with one hand, because you never know what could go wrong! A lot of that know-how came in handy when writing Bitter Springs, as our two fellas, Renaldo and Hank, spend months out on the prairie living off the land. I've eaten most of the foods they come across out there. It was so much fun to write about these two, quiet yet passionate men who honor the relationship between Man and Nature, especially the relationship between horse and rider. The story follows them in the 1870s when most people today wouldn't think it would be possible for two men to openly be in love, especially given the hyper-masculine nature of their jobs. ![]()
The day before the wedding, a visitor arrived at Vista Verde an entire week early. Renaldo, ready to wash up and eat dinner after a long, hard day—his side ached from roping cattle as a part of Paloma's training, his hands were full of bits of raw hemp from the stock lassos, and one of the calves had kicked him high on the thigh—walked back from the barn using his hat to slap at the dust on his chest and thighs. He noticed a tall, striking young black man standing at the door to their home speaking with their father. They didn't see many black men this far from civilization—with the Civil War ending so recently, many were staying close to where they'd been forced to live, were heading far out west where there were more opportunities to make a new life or were going north seeking less hostile society. Who he could be? He was about as tall as Renaldo, maybe an inch or two more, broad-shouldered and whip-thin, dressed in well-worn, simple clothes. He had a close-cropped beard, but instead of hiding the shape of his jaw, it accented its sharpness. His light eyes, almost luminescent even at this distance and glowing like amber, were ringed with thick lashes, nearly to the point of being girlish, but there was nothing feminine about the man. With his lean but strong-looking chest, muscular arms and curved backside, he managed to carry himself with a confident air while standing idly; his body was still, but in a way that made Renaldo think of a raptor sitting on an abutment, watching and waiting. “Oh, here he is,” Estebán said, motioning for Renaldo to join them, saying, “Señor Burnett, allow me to introduce to you my son, Renaldo.” This? This was the legendary mesteñero, Henry Burnett? He couldn't be much older than Renaldo, who realized his jaw had dropped. He closed his mouth quickly and moved toward them as if drawn like metal shavings to a magnet. Burnett, however, looked amused, as the edge of his mouth quirked up. “Pleased to meet you,” he said, his voice deep and husky. Renaldo couldn't look away, shocked that his expectations couldn't have been more wrong. This was a vibrant young man. But... this was the man he would be alone with on the prairie for months? His stomach twisted at that thought, and at how unexpected it all was, causing his heart to race and face flush. Yes, it was unexpected. That Burnett had come so much sooner than they'd expected had to be why Renaldo couldn't find his voice and felt so upended. “Mijo,” his father said sharply. Renaldo shook himself slightly, and then nodded, saying, “Señor Burnett, it's very good to meet you, finally. Please forgive my shock, as I don't believe we expected you so soon.” Burnett laughed, a rolling, melodious sound, and replied, “Well, then just imagine my shock when I come here all the way from Nacogdoches expecting one Valle man, only to find him gone and you in his place.” He smiled. “Your padre seems to think you're a better match, so that works for me.” That smile, bright teeth framed by full lips, eyes crinkled at the corners, helped lessen some of Renaldo's shock and, if he was being honest, some of the worry that he carried about spending a lot of time with a hard, taciturn man Renaldo knew he would be unable to please. At the realization that this was who he would be with on the plains, just the two of them with no one else for weeks on end, Renaldo became excited, finally looking forward to this task. A young man with an infectious grin wouldn't be such a chore to be stuck with after all. PurchaseMeet Laura Stone
Laura Stone is a born and bred Texan, but don't hold that against her. She's a former comedian, actress and Master Gardener, and currently keeps busy as a media blogger, ghostwriter and novelist when not busy raising her three children. They're not fully raised, but then, neither is she.
She lives in Texas as proof that it's not completely populated by hard-line right-wingers. And because that's where the good tamales are. Her first novel, The Bones of You, was published by Interlude Press in 2014 and was named a finalist for two Foreword Reviews IndieFab Book of the Year Award.
Tour Dates & Stops:
3-Dec: MM Good Book Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Velvet Panic, It’s Raining Men, Hearts on Fire 4-Dec: Vampires, Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My, Gay Book Reviews, Divine Magazine 7-Dec: Two Chicks Obsessed With Books and Eye Candy, Unquietly Me, Elisa - My Reviews and Ramblings, Bayou Book Junkie 8-Dec: Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, My Fiction Nook 9-Dec: Elin Gregory, TTC Books and More 10-Dec: Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Michael Mandrake, Love Bytes 11-Dec: Inked Rainbow Reads, Jessie G. Books 14-Dec: Dawn’s Reading Nook, QUEERcentric Books, Happily Ever Chapter 15-Dec: Cheekypee Reads and Reviews, Emotion in Motion 16-Dec: BFD Book Blog, Prism Book Alliance
Hello, and thank you so much for inviting me to you blog today to celebrate the release of my new YA LGBTQ Edgy Contemporary Romance, Clean.
What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about your writing? Readers have said that Inclination changed their lives, as they never thought of gay Christianity in the way I suggested in the book. I have been told that somewhere inside me is the heart of a teenage boy, which felt like a high compliment. Are you a full-time or part-time writer? How does that impact your writing? I am a full-time author, which means that I spend probably 50+ hours each week writing—but I might be writing blog posts, interviews, promos on Facebook, or my novels. A lot of writing goes with being an author that has nothing to do with literature! I think if I didn’t have family obligations, I’d write and sleep, maybe eat a little something with my coffee, and then write and sleep some more. What interested you about the theme of this book? I think I was interested in portraying a journey that some teens take—a road to disaster because they think they are taking the easy way out, and more importantly, how they find the road back out of the pit they landed in. Teens do a lot of incomprehensible and irresponsible things. Abusing drugs and alcohol, included. But I am interested in showing readers that even if you make very poor choices, with some hard work, you can change your life for the better. There is hope. What is the most difficult part of writing for you? Absolutely, the most difficult and terrifying aspect of my job as an author is using technology effectively and conquering social media, neither of which I have done. Name your four most important food groups. Cookies, Candy Corn (Halloween is close!)
PROLOGUE Lanny Trevor wouldn’t even look at me when I walked over to the gas station this morning to say hi. And Jimmy’s Fuel Stop is like three miles from my house so it took a major effort to walk there, especially since I’ve been feeling like total crap lately. Another one of my shaky human bonds bites the dust. I need to go out and get myself a cat. “Can’t you see I’m working, Keating?” That was all he said. But I’ve always been good at reading between the lines. I could tell what he was thinking as he stood beside the gas pumps, totally caught up in not looking at me. “Take a hike before you get me fired, loser. Some of us got goals in life....” So I took off before he had a chance to make me feel like I shouldn’t have ever made an appearance on the planet earth. But I still know it would have been better had I never been born...maybe Joelle would still be okay. It’s Saturday afternoon and nobody’s home. Mom and Dad are probably off at the park with Joelle, sloshing through the wet snow together so she gets her daily exercise. Or maybe they took her to the make- your-own-sundae-place to improve her fine motor skills by sprinkling sweet toppings on big scoops of ice cream. I’m in Mom and Dad’s bathroom, bent in half with my head stuck in the closet, searching the cluttered shelves for anything that will get me high enough to escape. And I mean anything. That’s when I see the cough syrup. The bottle in front is almost new, and there’s an older bottle of a different brand right behind it, little more than halfway full. Seeing these medicine bottles reminds me of something Chad suggested about a week or two ago— that we should try robo-tripping. He told me that if we drink enough cough syrup, the DXM in it would get us high in a “super blissful, tingling-body-parts way,” which sounded pretty decent to me then and still does now. Not completely surprised I remembered Chad’s exact description of a DXM high, I thank God for this dextromethorphan stuff that suppresses nasty coughs, because it looks like I’m going to find my much-needed buzz after all. Pleased that I don’t have to resort to sniffing glue from the tube on my father’s basement workbench or huffing my mother’s hairspray—and believe me I came close—I snatch the bottles with a shaky hand. They’re both sticky with the syrup that dripped down the side last time one of the Keating’s had a major head cold accompanied by a hacking cough. Licking my fingers provides me with a hint of the cherry flavor I’m probably going to be barfing up later tonight. But I don’t care. I can’t get through a single day without some help, and by that I don’t mean help from my human friends, seeing as I have none left. The walk to the shed seems longer than ever. It’s an effort to so much as put one foot in front of the other. I haven’t eaten anything for a full day; I’m sure that’s why I feel like such crap. And it’s not like I want to think about this stuff, but I can’t stop myself. The “stuff” I don’t want to think about is really people. The people I have hurt so much lately because of my bad habits. This list starts with my little sister Joelle, who I told to “stuff a sock in it” when she asked me to read that goddamned book about a kid going to school—for the zillionth time! “School’s not all it’s cracked up to be, Jo. Stop being so damned excited about it! Those kids are gonna tear you to pieces and won’t even wait until you turn your back to do it!” It hurts too much to remember the expression on her face right after I told her that, so instead I stare beyond the leafless trees into the gray sky and think about my parents. I’ve hurt Mom and Dad a lot too, because they know I’m sick, they just don’t know exactly what’s wrong with me. And I’m not sure how much they care. Their plates are too full already with Joelle’s problems, I guess. I glance down at the two bottles of cough medicine dangling from between my fingers and remember Chrissy and Robyn, who I use like toilet paper. They can do way better than me in the study-buddy department. I trip over a root that crosses my path and fall to my knees, but just as quickly drag myself back to my feet. A stray root isn’t enough to stop me from getting to where I’m going. I’m almost at the shed now, and I can’t avoid thinking about him any longer. Trevor hates me. He never calls anymore, never asks me to go to the shed to drink some beer and fool around. He just looks at me in the hallway at school with angry disgusted eyes, and tells me every chance he gets “you’re fucking up your life and I’m not gonna let you fuck up mine.” Trevor Ladd...the ultimate untouchable. If I could’ve made somebody like him want to be with me, I would’ve surely been able to win my parents back. Well, no such luck. I’m more of a zero to Trevor than I ever was...and Mom and Dad still don’t care. Blew my entire life sky high. Which is where I’ll be soon, if all goes according to plan. I lift each bottle of sticky sweet cough medicine to my lips and kiss them, one by one. Just the sight of the tiny, beat-up brown shed fills me with an indescribable sense of relief, probably like the feeling of coming home after years at sea. As soon as I push open the door, I see that Trevor isn’t here and I’m illogically disappointed. But Trevor can’t save me from myself. He did his duty; he tried to get me clean, and he got clean in the process. Way to go, Trevor. Alone in a frigid shed in the middle of the woods, I’m more than eager to suck down a couple bottles of cough medicine so I can be somewhere else...someone else. A vision of Landon Keating forms in my mind—not Lanny, the student, or Lanny, the athlete, or Lanny, the son and brother—but the near-future version of me when I’m “simultaneously mellow and stimulated,” if the online experiences I’ve read about taking DXM are accurate. Sad truth is, I’ll take just plain disoriented. Any effect will be fine if it whisks me away. I drop down to the cold floor and without ceremony open one of the small bottles. The cough medicine goes down more easily than I thought. Cherry-berry-sweet-thick-burning-soothing- pleasure-pain. It doesn’t take too long. Itchy as hell...belly’s on fire.... “Read to me, Lanny...read it again! ”Can’t feel my legs at all.... “Wishes don’t wash dishes, son.” Can’t stop barfing.... So sick.... “Take a hike, Keating—you filthy, no-good, loser boozer-druggie!” Blew it with Trevor...blew it with everybody. Can’t breathe...need a breath.... Gonna die here alone. ![]()
Buy the book:
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1RGrzbl Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1ZBPUEg Amazon CA: http://amzn.to/1VRKXCt Amazon AU: http://bit.ly/1MyfIfm Meet the author: Mia Kerick is the mother of four exceptional children—all named after saints—and five nonpedigreed cats—all named after the next best thing to saints, Boston Red Sox players. Her husband of twenty years has been told by many that he has the patience of Job, but don’t ask Mia about that, as it is a sensitive subject. Mia focuses her stories on the emotional growth of troubled young men and their relationships, and she believes that sex has a place in a love story, but not until it is firmly established as a love story. As a teen, Mia filled spiral-bound notebooks with romantic tales of tortured heroes (most of whom happened to strongly resemble lead vocalists of 1980s big-hair bands) and stuffed them under her mattress for safekeeping. She is thankful to CoolDudes Publishing, Dreamspinner Press, Harmony Ink Press for providing her with an alternate place to stash her stories. Mia is proud of her involvement with the Human Rights Campaign and cheers for each and every victory made in the name of marital equality. Her only major regret: never having taken typing or computer class in school, destining her to a life consumed with two-fingered pecking and constant prayer to the Gods of Technology. Where to find the author: Website (& Blog): www.miakerick.com Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6474518.Mia_Kerick Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Mia-Kerick/e/B009KSTG9E/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2?qid=1410298098&sr=8-2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiaKerick Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mia.kerick Clean Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CleanbyMiaKerick Mia Kerick Author Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Mia-KerickAuthor-231404220346244/ Newsletter Sign Up: http://eepurl.com/bCLWfT Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26954465-clean Publisher: Cool Dudes Publishing Cover Artist: Louis C. Harris Tour Dates & Stops: 30-Nov: The Hat Party, Mikky's World of Books, Hearts on Fire, Bayou Book Junkie 1-Dec: Gay Book Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Multitasking Mommas, Books A to Z 2-Dec: Elisa - My Reviews and Ramblings, The Jena Wade, Love Bytes 3-Dec: Lee Brazil, Gay Media Reviews, Divine Magazine 4-Dec: V's Reads, Posy Roberts, Nephy Hart 5-Dec: Dawn’s Reading Nook, Bonkers About Books 6-Dec: Cheekypee Reads and Reviews, Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews 7-Dec: The Day Before You Came, QUEERcentric Books, MM Good Book Reviews 8-Dec: Happily Ever Chapter, BFD Book Blog 9-Dec: Kimi-Chan, Inked Rainbow Reads 10-Dec: Emotion in Motion, Jessie G. Books 11-Dec: Havan Fellows, TTC Books and More, My Fiction Nook ![]() Just when free-spirited farm girl, Cara Spencer Holloway, feels the regulatory world of her closeted, Southern enclave will swallow her whole, her three miscreant brothers team up to carelessly throw her together with regimented, Northern software designer, Dre Martin, on a misguided stop en route to Florida. One steamy stop leads to another and soon the two women will learn more about what the right kind of partner can bring to life than they had ever suspected, but can Cara Spencer move forward and out of the pain of her past, or will she succumb to the doubts that have plagued her romantic life from its very inception? Pages or Words: 79,450 Categories: Erotica, Fiction, Humor, Lesbian Romance, Romance Excerpt: In the mirror over the pedestal sink, she saw Cara Spencer, hands on her hourglass hips, skimming the half-inch of exposed flesh just below her navel. The scent of lavender and yellow jasmine hung in the air around her and her stare was intense, however intense did little to describe the feeling of being nailed with her almond, obsidian black eyes. Severe? Critical? Daring? Her deep and even breaths stole the air from the room and Dre put her hands to her own throat, heart racing. What was it with this woman? It was like she’d never really been attracted to anyone before, never fully had any appreciation or desire for a woman’s body until the moment she laid eyes on the dominant female standing in the lone stall doorway with a paper towel in her hands. “Hello?” Cara Spencer tittered. “You can’t possibly be that blind.” “Blind?” Was something on her face? Shit, was she blushing? Shit, shit, shit… “They’re all smitten with you, honey. All of the Holloway boys…Like you’re the last steak on the savanna.” Gross. Dre didn’t want to be anyone’s steak, least of all the steak any man wanted to sink his teeth into. The one male experience she’d had, back at Northwestern, had been far less than satisfying, not that it was any of his fault. Greg was his name, Greg Fillman. The only guy dumb enough to think the girl who shaved her head and dressed in men’s pants would ever want to be his girlfriend. Nope. It had been the one time in her life that Andrea had convinced herself to try a penis and see if the sensation was one she could live with… Hadn’t gone well. Had gone laughably unwell. Had necessitated ringing up Tris in the middle of the night, after she’d driven Greg home. “Your brothers aren’t really my… Type.” She slurred. Cara Spencer winked. “Ya don’t say…” Her hips swayed past and she put her hand on the door. “And what is your type?” “You are.” FUCK why had she said that? Why had Dre said something so stupid? Fuck this was embarrassing. Dre had never so much as approached a woman like this for a quarter at a pay phone (were pay phones even a thing anymore?) and here she was, doused with liquid courage (how many beers had she had now?), and flinging about pick-up lines in a public fucking bathroom. What the fuck?! Thankfully, and by the grace of God, Cara Spencer laughed, and not in a mocking way. Not at her, but with her. Like it was a good attempt, not a corny attempt. Like it was a real pick-up line. Like she was really, in fact, picking her up and it wasn’t wholly unsuccessful. Buy the book: http://www.amazon.com/Right-Kind-Woman-Voss-Porter-ebook/dp/B018ZMG10M/ http://www.darkhollowspress.com/#!voss-porter/c1a01 Meet the author: Writing under the pseudonym of Voss Porter, I am married to an amazing woman, I am mother to two human children who keep me on my toes, and four canine progeny. I am a proud lesbian in an LGBTQ community that is yet undiscovered, and I have been a writer from the age of six. I am a passionate storyteller, a little bit of a nerd, and a complete badass. Where to find the author: Facebook Author Page: facebook.com/vossporter Twitter: @vossporter Website: www.vossporter.com Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27830176-the-right-kind-of-woman Publisher: Dark Hollows Press Cover Artist: Eden Connors Tour Dates & Stops: Parker Williams, Cheekypee Reads and Reviews, Bayou Book Junkie, V's Reads, Havan Fellows, My Fiction Nook, Chris McHart, Butterfly-O-Meter, The Jena Wade, Angel Martinez, BFD Book Blog, The Hat Party, Bonkers About Books, A.M. Leibowitz, Two Chicks Obsessed With Books and Eye Candy, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Emotion in Motion, Open Skye Book Reviews, Elisa - My Reviews and Ramblings, Elin Gregory, Divine Magazine, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Jessie G. Books, Inked Rainbow Reads, Kirsty Loves Books a Rafflecopter giveaway I'm very excited to announce that Jewel Cave was a runner up in the Gay Mystery/Thriller category of the 2015 Rainbow Awards. Being named among other such wonderful authors is a special honor. A million thank yous!
My newest book is fast approaching its release date! Today it is on Dreamspinner Press website and can be pre-ordered!
![]() Author Name: E E Montgomery Book Name: The Planet Whisperer Release Date: December 4, 2015 Blurb: Jonah Starovski, a Planet Whisperer, harnesses the energy surrounding dead planets and redirects it into new growth. Abandoned by the man who bought him from a brothel sixteen years ago, Jonah flounders in a world he’s ill equipped to deal with. He must accept the help of a stranger in order to rebuild his life. First Lieutenant Marcus Davis volunteers as Jonah’s assistant without realizing the terraforming process requires Jonah’s sexual release. Balanced on the knife-edge of fear and ambition, Marcus is faced with his mother’s machinations and threats to his career. Marcus’s parents bring their illegal scientific experiments to the planets Jonah is terraforming just as Marcus learns to accept himself and his feelings for Jonah. At the same time, Jonah’s past catches up to him, putting them both in danger. Jonah and Marcus must trust in each other to put a stop to the illegal activities, rescue an endangered animal, and create the future they both want—a future they can share. Pages or Words: 280 pages Categories: Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance, Science Fiction Excerpt: “You’re offering to help?” Jonah whispered harshly, his throat raw from the tension still riding his body. “Are you sure you want to know what I need to finish this?” Jonah almost smiled at the wariness that crept into the lieutenant’s gaze, but the amusement that relaxed his features died when Davis nodded. “I’ve orders to assist you in any way you need.” Anger flooded him then. The stupid man was so focused on carrying out his orders he didn’t know what he was offering. What he was risking. “Are you volunteering to help me, Lieutenant?” The roughness in Jonah’s voice smoothed to a silken purr, and the lieutenant’s expression finally showed the uncertainty it should have all along. Jonah felt guilty at the pleasure he felt in bringing that expression to Davis’s face. But only a little. He decided the lieutenant was a smart man when he stepped away. “Tell me what I have to do, and I’ll tell you if I can help.” Jonah forced a grin. He hadn’t tried to take control like this since Wes—better not to go there. Not while he was standing with power still tight in his body. The fallout would be beyond his control. Instead he reached out and grabbed the lieutenant’s hand and pushed it roughly against the aching length of his dick. “This is what you have to do, Lieutenant. The power is stored there and needs to be released. My dick, your mouth. Get the picture?” Davis snatched back his hand and fumbled a few steps back from the momentum. But he didn’t leave. Jonah frowned. He’d been sure he’d scare him off with that. “What’s your name, Lieutenant? If you’re going to suck me off, it seems a little ridiculous that I don’t know your name.” “I didn’t say I was going to suck you off,” Davis exclaimed. Buy the book: Dreamspinner Press E-Book Dreamspinner Press Paperback Meet the author: E E Montgomery wants the world to be a better place, with equality and acceptance for all. Her philosophy is: We can’t change the world but we can change our small part of it and, in that way, influence the whole. Writing stories that show people finding their own ‘better place’ is part of E E Montgomery’s own small contribution. Thankfully, there’s never a shortage of inspiration for stories that show people growing in their acceptance and love of themselves and others. A dedicated people-watcher, E E finds stories everywhere. In a cafe, a cemetery, a book on space exploration or on the news, there’ll be a story of personal growth, love, and unconditional acceptance there somewhere. Where to find the author: Web, blog and free short stories: www.eemontgomery.com Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ewynelaine.montgomery Twitter: @eemontgomery1 Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5347023.E_E_Montgomery Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/E-E-Montgomery/e/B008LO3SBA/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1427806072&sr=1-2-ent Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eemontgomery11/ Dreamspinner Press: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/AuthorArcade/e-e-montgomery Escape Publishing: http://www.escapepublishing.com.au/author/ee-montgomery Goodreads Link: Goodreads Publisher: Dreamspinner Press Cover Artist: Aaron Anderson Tour Dates & Stops: Parker Williams, MM Good Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, BFD Book Blog, Jessie G. Books, Cheekypee Reads and Reviews, Full Moon Dreaming, Inked Rainbow Reads, Havan Fellows, The Hat Party, Bayou Book Junkie, Velvet Panic, Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews, 3 Chicks After Dark, Mikky's World of Books, Up All Night, Read All Day, Decadent Delights, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Emotion in Motion, Ogitchida Book Blog, Carly’s Book Reviews, Butterfly-O-Meter, Iyana Jenna a Rafflecopter giveaway ![]() I'm delighted to announce Jewel Cave received an honorable mention in the 2015 Rainbow Awards. The Judge left some very nice comments: Wow. I read this book and was hooked from the first chapter. I smiled. I laughed. I was so tense with the events that occur in the story that my stomach clenched and I wanted to be blue to read faster, but I wasn't able to. To feel that level of tension, that thrilling grip of suspense really reflects the author's amazing writing style. I wasn't even aware that this book was part of a series until the end after the About The Author. Clint and Griff's story was so fully developed, so fully formed, every character fleshed out fully, that I didn't need to read the other books in the series to be able to understand what was going on, though the author's writing style was so engaging that I can't wait to read them. Each scene was so wonderfully described that I felt as if I were there, struggling to escape, caving, or searching for my loved one. This is definitely a book that I can see myself going back to read over and over again. So great. |
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