![]() Blurb: Bryce has been a firefighter for ten years, but when a horrific house fire leaves him reeling, he moves to a new city, hoping to shove those memories behind him. As he adjusts to his new station, Bryce keeps to himself until Matt and Toby, two hot young men in his unit, throw temptation in his path. Bryce knows better than to mess around with men he works with, especially two newbies who are in the closet. But after a difficult day, Matt and Toby offer him compassion and friendship, which slips so easily into sex Bryce finds the combination irresistible. Matt and Toby want to expand their relationship to include a third, and they've set their sights on their sexy bear of a lieutenant. Their first night together is a scorcher, and, more than that, it feels right, to all of them. But since Bryce refuses to hide who he is, and dating men on his shift is against the rules, all three men are going to have to make some tough choices if they want to stay together. Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Menage/Poly, M/M Romance, Firefighters, Romance Excerpt: “They’re watching you again,” Mason spoke in a low voice as he whizzed past Bryce, carrying drinks to the opposite end of the bar. “You’re imagining things again.” Ever since Mason swore that Toby and Matt, who’d become regulars at the bar after Bryce started working there, were gay and interested in Bryce, he’d been teasing Bryce about their interest. Bryce told himself not to look, but he couldn’t help glancing toward the corner booth where they always preferred to sit before going back to wiping down the bar. Did they sit there because it gave them a good view of the bar? Bryce scowled. No way in hell were his hands shaking. No way in hell was he letting himself get his hopes up. Even if they were gay, even if they were interested in him, starting something with two guys from work would be the pinnacle of idiocy. Hell, getting involved with more than one guy was insane from the start. Just because Mason and his boyfriends had made a threesome work didn’t make it realistic for Bryce. There was an exception to every rule. “You’re wrong,” Bryce said as he passed Mason on his way to take a customer’s order. Mason snorted in reply. Bryce was glad to see the bar was filling up. He did not need to spend the next hour telling himself not to look at Toby and Matt. He did plenty of that at the firehouse. Toby’s smile could heat up and entire room and Bryce never wanted to look away from it, unless it was to contemplate running his hands through Matt’s wavy brown hair while staring into his dark eyes. But if Mason was right and they were gay, maybe they really were lovers. If so, he had no business approaching them, whether they were watching him or not. Just because they liked to look didn’t mean they wanted to play. They didn’t need him fucking up whatever they had going. Plus, they worked together. They were a team, with people's lives on the line. The line at the bar grew long, and Bryce got busy taking orders, making drinks, and ringing people up at the register. When things finally slowed down, he needed a bathroom break. As he headed to the back, he noticed Matt and Toby playing pool with a couple of guys he recognized as regulars. Toby waved and he waved back, hating the way his pulse accelerated. What the hell was wrong with him? He pushed open the door of the restroom but failed to check his instinct to glance back over his shoulder. Toby’s eyes were glued to his ass. There was no doubt about it this time. He whirled back around before their gazes had a chance to meet. So Toby wasn’t straight. Bryce had to admit that now. He was gay or at least bi, but he was just appreciating the scenery. That didn’t mean anything. Bryce appreciated guys’ asses all the time. When Bryce left the bathroom, Toby and Matt were leaning in close, talking, arguing actually based on the angry expressions on their faces. Bryce hurried back to work, glad he didn’t have to decide whether to speak to them or not. Several minutes later, Toby appeared at the bar. Mason, the little bastard, wasn’t busy, but he made no move to take Toby’s order. “What can I get you?” Bryce asked. “Just cashing out our tab.” Our? Maybe Toby was just buying that night. “Sure.” Bryce looked Toby’s name up in the register, ran his card, and handed him the receipt to sign. “Thanks,” Toby said, flashing a smile that made his eyes twinkle. How was it that he made that single word sound flirtatious? Bryce was supposed to be the one who flirted, the one in control of a situation, but despite Toby being so much younger, Bryce ended up flustered every time they spoke. Pages or Words: 45,000 Words ‘Burning Up’ can be read as a standalone, but does reference characters from previous books. Sylvia was kind enough to answer a question for me: What's the significance of the book title? I needed a title that fit the pattern of the series: Fitting In (Book 1), Sorting Out (Book 2). Burning Up came to me almost immediately since the book is about a trio of fireman and they have really hot sex together. Here’s a sample of some of the heat they create…. “I dare you,” Toby said. Oh fuck no. Bryce thumped his glass down on the table. He was halfway to the dance floor before he realized just how well he’d been played. Matt laid a hand on his spine, encouraging him to keep moving. When they reached the edge of the crowd, Bryce took Matt’s hand and pulled him around to stand in front of Toby. “Dance with Toby like you were earlier. Hold him; show him how much you want him.” Matt swallowed. “O-okay.” Bryce heard the resistance to taking commands. Making him surrender again was going to be fucking amazing. “Make him crazy for you.” “Oh fuck!” Bryce read the words on Toby’s lips. “We’ll see about that.” Toby winked, obviously able to read his lips too. Matt turned to him, and Bryce sucked in his breath at the depth of emotion he saw in Matt’s dark eyes. “Are you sure?” Why did Bryce feel like Matt wanted him to be sure of something far more serious than fucking him again? “Are you?” Matt swallowed and Bryce studied the line of his throat. “Yeah. I…” He glanced over his shoulder at Toby. “I am.” Bryce nodded. “Then go get him.” Silvia Violet Silvia Violet writes erotic romance in a variety of genres including paranormal, contemporary, sci fi, and historical. She can be found haunting coffee shops looking for the darkest, strongest cup of coffee she can find. Once equipped with the needed fuel, she can happily sit for hours pounding away at her laptop. Silvia typically leaves home disguised as a suburban stay-at-home-mom, and other coffee shop patrons tend to ask her hilarious questions like "Do you write children's books?" She loves watching the looks on their faces when they learn what she's actually up to. When not writing, Silvia enjoys baking sinfully delicious treats, exploring new styles of cooking, and reading to her incorrigible offspring. Purchase Links Tour Dates/Stops: 23-Feb Inked Rainbow Reads Kimi-Chan Christy Loves 2 Read Amanda C. Stone 24-Feb Hearts on Fire Velvet Panic Nephylim Rainbow Gold Reviews 25-Feb Iyana Jenna Prism Book Alliance Cathy Brockman Romances The Novel Approach 26-Feb Molly Lolly Parker Williams Cate Ashwood 27-Feb Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words BFD Book Blog Love Bytes Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews Emotion in Motion As The Pages Turn MM Good Book Reviews ![]() First of all, a huge thank you to Elizabeth for allowing me to blog on her site today. I appreciate it very much! Illusions is my first published book, so I'm really new at guest blogging. I looked around at the other DSP author's blogs to get a few ideas and I found a few that I thought were interesting. One that I really liked was "How did you arrive at the title for the book". To me, that was one of the hardest things to do because you want to incorporate all of the things about the book and pull them together into - what you hope - is a cool title. What is an Illusion? Webster's describes it as something that looks or seems different from what it is : something that is false or not real but that seems to be true or real. When I was trying to find a name for the new book, I thought about all the characters. Most were living in some state of illusion. Right out of the gate, we have Skylar waking up with a huge handover to find that a fan has managed to sneak by all of his reserves and end up in his bed. Skylar doesn't remember her or their night, but quickly realizes that Emma (the fan) thinks she is in love with him and is convinced that Skylar will fall in love with her - once he meets her. Ryan, who is Aiden's best friend, is another huge fan of Skylar's. He's completely star struck and is convinced that Skylar is the character that he portrays on television. Needless to say, Ryan sometimes has a hard time separating the actor from the character. Kelly, the 80's "It" girl feels like she can pay for plastic surgery and keep the illusion that she still "Twenty-something" going on forever. And then we have the arsonist, whose entire agenda is based on an illusion. Now, that I think about it, Aiden may be the only one with his feet planted firmly on the ground. But even he buys into the illusion of Skylar and Sophie at some point. Then we have Skylar who has an illusion regarding the entire world. He feels he can do what he wants, when he wants and no one gets hurt. That's an illusion because it's not possible to treat people any way you like and expect no one to be hurt. One might even argue that the fact that Skylar says he will never fall in love, never need anyone, is also an illusion. But is it really an illusion if it could be true? However to me, Hollywood is the biggest illusion of them all. The entire entertainment business is build on illusions. When it comes to celebrities, normally the general public sees what Hollywood wants you to see. Unless you're in a celebrities inner circle, you'll continue to see exactly what is played out for you on the big screens and on the red carpet. And sometimes that "sight" is a well-oiled, fine tuned story. With the use of social media and the internet, it's become harder for celebrities to hide behind their illusions as well as they used to, but it's still there. If Hollywood wants you to believe that two people are in love off set, then you can bet money that it will be hard for you to believe otherwise. Because some illusions are better than real life. How about you? Have you ever been a part of something only to realize later that it was all an illusion? Not real at all? Thanks for everything! S.A. Ozment BLURB Ever since arriving in Hollywood, Skylar Murphy has been loving life. He’s starring in a hit television show and on the verge of grabbing the lead role in the most anticipated movie of the decade. Poised on the edge of superstardom, he doesn't want or need any complications to distract him from that goal. Whether he’s sleeping with a woman or a man, his noncommittal, no-strings-attached love life suits him perfectly, and despite his rep for playing gay roles, the world still thinks he’s straight. At the launch party for his new show, Skylar meets Aiden Moore, an openly gay firefighter by day and cater waiter to the stars by night. Skylar is immediately attracted to him, but Aiden rejects him. When an arsonist appears to have targeted Skylar, their paths keep crossing. Always up for a challenge, Skylar works to win Aiden over, and he agrees to a date. Soon enough they can’t stay away from each other. Despite hiding their relationship away from the ever-present paparazzi, they’re happy together until a jilted fan joins forces with the arsonist to sabotage their future. EXCERPT (Lead in-- Skylar ran into Aiden, who was serving champagne, at the premier party for The Executives. When there's a fire at the sound stage near Skylar's, he spots Aiden again. Not having been introduced, he refers to him as "Mr. Champagne".) "..." refers to edited dialogue for length *********** It couldn’t be… could it? Skylar looked again to make sure he was not mistaken. This time Skylar saw the flicker of recognition in Mr. Champagne’s eyes before he turned back to continue talking to his chief. As Skylar stood there, trying to decide his next move, he watched Mr. Champagne grab an ax from the side of the truck, put on his helmet, and disappear into the building. That was it. Maybe it was the sheer hotness of that guy just grabbing his ax and walking into a smoke-filled building, or maybe it was the memory of that rock-hard body, but Skylar knew he had to know more about him, fan or not. “…..” Mr. Champagne walked out of the building, which was now almost smoke free, and headed toward the fire engine. As he removed his helmet to wipe the sweat off his face, Sophie knew immediately why Skylar was so interested. It was the hot serving guy she had seen him flirting with at the party. “Is that the guy?” asked Sophie, motioning toward the firefighter. Skylar moved to block her from Mr. Champagne’s view. “Yes, that’s him, and would you please stop being so obvious?” “Are you going to talk to him?” she asked. Getting annoyed at the constant string of questions, Skylar just glared at Sophie and said, “I might. I haven’t decided yet.” Then, motioning toward the soundstage, he said, “But will you please meet me on set? I’ll be there in a second.” “Okay, fine, but I really think you should talk to him.” At Skylar’s second glare she said, “I’m leaving, I’m leaving. See you in a few.” Sophie walked off down to Soundstage 5. “…” Turning back to Mr. Champagne, who looked slightly busy trying to get the hose latched onto the truck, Skylar tried to be patient. But after a few more minutes, Skylar felt he had waited long enough. It’s now or never, he thought as he started toward the fire truck and the sexy fireman. “Hey,” said Skylar as he walked up behind Mr. Champagne. Mr. Champagne turned around. Upon seeing it was Skylar, he said, “Hey,” and then he immediately turned back to his truck to finish tying in the hose. He had no time for the disappearing actor. Okay, what the fuck? Not sure exactly how to take that reaction, but not wanting to back down, Skylar continued, “I saw you a few minutes ago, talking to your fire chief, and I thought that I recognized you. Didn’t you work The Executives premiere party the other night?” Aiden paused for a second, then turned back and replied, “Yeah, that was me.” And then, unable to stop himself, Aiden said, “Although, I must say, I’m surprised you remembered me. If I’m not mistaken, you were more than wasted that night.” “You can say that again,” Skylar agreed. “….” “Yet, I do remember you, so I believe that proves that I did have some clarity that night. But I have to admit, if you introduced yourself to me, your name was lost someplace between six and eight gin and tonics.” Aiden looked at him for a second before responding, “Actually, I didn't find it necessary to introduce myself. I was just serving champagne to the party guests.” Well, damn! Skylar, a bit taken back by the chill in the fireman’s voice, said, “Okay. I only thought that you might have because in my experience, most fans introduce themselves right away. Forgive me, I didn't mean to assume something so simple.” Aiden turned all the way around, looked Skylar straight in the eye, and said, “Actually you’re still assuming, if you think I’m a fan. Truth is, until that night, I didn't know who you were.” He paused before finishing with, “Sorry about that.” Skylar, a bit insulted yet somehow intrigued, stood there for a moment, taking all this new information in. Then he smiled, held out his hand, and quietly said, “No apology needed. Let me introduce myself. My name is Skylar Murphy.” And you are certainly going to know me now. Meet S.A. OzmentS.A. Ozment was born and raised in North Carolina. From day one, she had stars in her eyes and by the time she hit high school she wanted to move to NYC and sing on Broadway. The fates (her parents) had other ideas, so she was hustled off to college and four years later, she was an accountant and had pushed those dreams aside.
For many years, on her time off, S.A. worked with different actors as a forum manager/social media promoter. Today, she is again an accountant by day but still finds time to promote a few actors (some officially, some not so officially) at night. In 2013, she was laid off from her accounting job of twenty years. While looking for another job, she had free time to do other things. She had always loved to tell stories and therefore, she decided to use some of her experiences and write a book. Once the writing bug hit her, there was no stopping it. She has just finished her second book and is beginning a third. Most nights, you can find her curled up in the recliner with her laptop either writing or working on some type of promotion. unless "The Walking Dead" is on, then she will be found in front of the television. ![]() Excerpt: “So, anyway, Brian,” he said, ending a not uncomfortable lull in the conversation. “I’m looking forward to the ride to airport. I want to hear more about your work, and London, and whatever. But,” he gestured toward the window, “here comes Sonny and Luki and Bear. I’ll get more coffee on.” He rose, but before he turned toward the kitchen, he faced Brian and leaned forward, kissed his cheek swiftly and softly. He intended to step away, but Brian caught first one of his hands, and then the other, and held them both in one hand. “Jackie, thank you for that. But what I’d like even more is if you were to kiss me—” Brian lifted the index finger of his free hand and touched his own lips. “—just here. Will you?” “Yes,” Jackie whispered, and without any conscious decision to do so, added, “Yes, sir.” He leaned forward and touched his open lips to Brian’s, found them soft when he added a bit of pressure, and sent his tongue darting just inside for a taste. They broke the kiss together, but as it ended, Brian sucked and then nipped at Jackie’s bottom lip. Brian smiled, and after he let go of Jackie’s hand, stroked once over Jackie’s shoulder and arm—a comforting touch, Jackie thought. “Thank you, Jackie,” Brian said, his eyes sparking with something like mischief. “That was lovely.” Pages or Words: 76,000 words, 194 pages Use discount code SHOTOFJB Meet Lou Sylvre Lou Sylvre lives and writes on the rainy side of Washington State, penning mostly suspense/romance novels because she can't resist giving her characters hard times but good love. Her personal assistant is Boudreau, a large cat who never outgrew his kitten meow, and he makes a point of letting her know when she's taken a plot tangent too far. He (Boudreau) invites readers to give their feedback as well! Where to find the author: Author Page Part 13
Xander shivered despite the fact it was hot and humid. He remembered seeing a story on the news about heat waves and that hypothermia was a problem during such weather. It made no sense, but maybe it did. The humidity against his skin made him dizzy and woozy. He was sweating so much it was trickling down his face and neck. The sensation was sticky and thick and annoying as fuck. Lifting one hand to wipe the sweat away, Xander was surprised when he looked at his fingers. They were covered in red stuff. He’d heard of sweating bullets, but red sweat? A sluggish thought formed: he was bleeding from his head. “I need a shower,” Xander grumbled. Using his other hand he started to push off the ground. When had he sat on the ground? He certainly wasn’t going to get his car running sitting on the fucking ground. He’d made a complete fool out of himself in front of Peter--and yes it mattered! Then his car wouldn’t start. This was a crap of a day. “Not so fast.” Someone--Peter--said from behind him and pushed him back onto his butt with a strong hand on his shoulder. The memory of Peter’s hands all over him the week before flashed to the forefront of his mind. Then his cock took notice. Xander was screwed. It was a well-known fact the human male only had enough blood for one head at a time. Maybe it was a good thing all that blood was rushing down, it might stem the bleeding. Peter sat cross-legged next to him and began dabbing at Xander’s forehead. It stung and Xander made a halfhearted attempt at swatting Peter’s hand away. Xander’s cock chimed in with an opinion that was the complete opposite of what Xander’s brain advised. Peter huffed a breath and grabbed Xander’s hand, holding it tightly. With his other hand he shook a canister and Xander heard a whoosh. A second later something thick covered a spot on his forehead. “Ow ow...that stings!” Xander cringed at the way he whined. “Stop it. Sit still. Do you know what happens to open wounds in this heat? Maggots.” Xander froze and blinked at Peter. “I have maggots?” His voice sounded much too thin and weak. Peter used one hand to dab and wipe at Xander’s head while still holding Xander’s hand with his other hand. “No.” Peter grinned suddenly. “But it made you sit still long enough for me to clean you up and put on some liquid bandage.” “You’re a sick fuck, you know that?” Peter laughed softly. “What’s wrong with your car?” “Won’t start.” “Yeah, that part I figured out. Need a jump?” Peter asked. When Xander raised his eyebrows Peter turned beet red. “Your battery, I mean--uh. Do you need to get started?” Xander burst out laughing. Peter let go of Xander’s hand and rested it in his lap. Xander missed Peter’s grip at once. Why on earth he reached out and took hold of Peter’s hand he’d never know. Chalk it up to blood loss and stupidity. “I’m sorry,” Xander said softly. “I don’t want to be a jerk.” “So you’ve said.” Peter stood up. At the same time he grabbed ahold of Xander’s arm and hauled him to his feet. “I’ll drive you home and we can get your car later.” “My apartment isn’t--” “I don’t pick my friends by where they live,” Peter snapped. Xander made a face. “We’re friends?” “I’d like to be,” Peter grumbled. “You did see me naked.” Peter had one arm around Xander’s waist and was guiding him to his truck. The parking lot and sky swirled around one another but finally settled into their proper places once Xander was sitting in Peter’s truck. “Gimme your keys.” Xander didn’t have the energy to argue. He fished in his pocket and held them out to Peter then watched as Peter gathered everything near Xander’s car up and put it in the trunk. The hood was shut and Peter locked the car before jogging back to his truck. He blinked and realized he must have dozed off because the next thing he saw was Peter’s house. Peter helped him inside and to the couch. “You sit tight, I’ll fix you a sandwich, and you need to get some water into you. Then we’ll deal with your car.” Xander nodded, and leaned back. The couch was comfortable and nice. Xander was dirty, sweaty and bloody. He started to push off, he didn’t want the couch ruined. The room did a slow spin and a dip making Xander sink back onto the couch. Maybe he’d just sit here for another minute and catch his breath. When Xander opened his eyes again he felt much better. There was a glass of water on the coffee table and a blanket had been thrown over him. He lifted his hand to his head feeling a neat gauze bandage taped in place. The air conditioner must have been on because the room was actually slightly cool. The spot where he’d whacked his head still stung and hurt, but the rest of his head was fine. A glance out of the window and Xander saw the sun was setting. He sat up and stretched, looking around. He could see the driveway through the window and Peter’s truck was sitting in there. There was a shower running. Xander downed the glass of water and followed the sound of running water. The bathroom door was slightly ajar so Xander pushed through and walked inside all the while telling himself he was stupid, dumb, crazy. He didn’t do relationships and he shouldn’t just have sex with a nice guy like Peter. Except he couldn’t make his feet turn around. He stripped off his clothes. His cock was already rock hard and he seriously needed a shower. Peter turned and arched an eyebrow when Xander stepped into the shower and slipped both arms around Peter from behind. Part 12 Sophie Bonaste (Part 1, 7 and 9) Charlie Cochet (Part 8) Grace Duncan (Part 3 and 11) Kim Fielding (Part 6) Lane Hayes Elizabeth Noble (Part 5) Brynn Stein (2 and 10) Suki Fleet (Part 4) About Sara York Writing is Sara York's life. The stories fight to get out, often leaving her working on four or five books at once. She can't help but write. Along with her writing addiction Sara has a coffee addiction. Some nights, the only reason she stops writing and goes to sleep is for the fresh brewed coffee in the morning. Sara enjoys writing twisted tales of passion, anger, and love with a good healthy dose of lust thrown in for fun. Almost a quarter of a century ago she met her lover, falling for him after knowing him for ten minutes. Sara's passion for him comes out in her stories, mixing with her passion for life, love, and good times, flowing onto the page and becoming tales from the heart. http://sarayork.com/sarayork/ About Neil Placky: Neil Plakcy has been reading romance novels since he used to borrow Harlequins from his mother as a teenager. He is delighted to have his first M/M romance, GayLife.com, under contract with MLR. He is the author of Mahu, Mahu Surfer, Mahu Fire and Mahu Vice (August 2009), mystery novels which take place in Hawaii. Publishers Weekly called Mahu Fire "Engrossing... a sharp whodunit," and the book has received enthusiastic reviews from Library Journal, Out, In LA, and many mystery and GLBT websites. He is co-editor of Paws & Reflect: A Special Bond Between Man and Dog and editor of the gay erotica anthologies Hard Hats and Surfer Boys. Plakcy is a journalist and book reviewer and writes author interviews for Gaywired.com. He is an assistant professor of English at Broward College's south campus in Pembroke Pines, vice president of the Florida chapter of Mystery Writers of America, and a frequent contributor to gay anthologies. http://www.mahubooks.com About RJ Scott: I am a writer of male/male novels and short stories. Writing MM Romance with a Happy Ever After... I am in awe that people read my writing and thank you all for taking the time to read, rate and review. Rj xxxxx About me...I live in the UK just outside London. I love reading anything from thrillers to sci-fi to horror; however, my first real love will always be the world of romance. My goal is to write stories with a heart of romance, a troubled road to reach happiness, and more than a hint of happily ever after. http://rjscottauthor.blogspot.co.uk About Vicktor Alexander: Vicktor Alexander “Vic” wrote his first story at the age of 10 about his youngest sister and her destruction of the world…with her breath. Much to his youngest sister’s dismay the story was a hit and became the first story of a series all dealing with the planets that were destroyed by his siblings and their strange quirks and body odors. Vic now enjoys writing about shifters, humanoids, cowboys, firemen, rent boys, fairies, elves, dancers, doctors, Doms, Subs, and anything else that catches his fancy, all sexy men falling in love with each other and having lots of naughty, dirty, man-on-man sex. Author of the best-selling series, The Tate Pack, Vic is a huge fan of the “happily-ever-after” ending. But while his characters all ride off into the proverbial sunset, all sexually satisfied and in love, they all bear the scars of fighting for that love, just like in real life. Out and proud, Vic does not believe that love only comes in one form, one race, one gender and that not only is gender fluid, by sexuality as well. Vic loves to make people laugh and when he’s not writing, or rather, procrastinating in writing, he’s reading, playing the Sims 3, hanging out with his very supportive adopted family, talking to his adopted daughter, whom he affectionately calls "Chipmunk", seeking the man or men who can handle his crazy, stressful, soap opera-esque life and being distracted from his writing by drooling over pictures of John Barrowman, Scott Hoying, Charlie David and Shemar Moore. http://vicktoralexander.com About Nicole Dennis: Ever the quiet one growing up, Nicole Dennis often slid away from reality and curled up with a book to slip into the worlds of her favorite authors. Over the years, she's created a personal library full of novels filled with dragons, fairies, vampires, shapeshifters of all kinds, and romance. Always she returned to romance. Still, there were these characters in her head, worlds wanting to be built on paper, and stories wanting to be told and she began writing them down whether during or after class. She continues to this day. Only recently has it begun to become fruitful, spreading out to let others read and enter her worlds, meet her characters, and see what she sees. No matter what she writes, her stories of romance with their twists of paranormal, fantasy, and erotica will always have their Happily Ever Afters. She currently works in a quiet office in Central Florida, where she also makes her home, and enjoys the down time to slip into her characters and worlds to escape reality from time to time. At home, she becomes human slave to a semi-demonic tortie calico. She loves to hear from readers and fans, so don't be shy. Find her on the net or send an email. http://www.nicoledennisauthor.com About Jackie Nacht Short, sexy and sweet---where a little love goes a long way. That's the best way to describe Jackie Nacht's stories. She was introduced to M/M Romance through her sister, Stephani, and read it for years. Then, she thought it was time to put her own stories on paper. She began writing short and sweet stories that ended with a happily ever after. Thinking back to her own book addiction, where there were many nights she stayed up way too late so she could read just one more chapter---yeah, right---she decided to write short romances for young adults as well as adults. Hopefully, they will give high school and college students or working men and women something they can read during their lunch hour, in between classes or just when they want to briefly get away from the daily stresses of everyday life. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter and at her webpage. www.jackienacht.com Blurb(s): Storming Love: Blizzard – Jens & Elliot by Sara York (release date: 1/23/15) Jens Arnesen is only looking for a taste of the city, a place to experience Boston. What he finds is a sexy naked man who ends up being more than he bargained for. Elliot Matthews needs a place to stay until the storm blows over and the airports open. Being walked in on by Jens starts out as an annoyance but grows into the best thing in his life. When the skies clear and the airports open, they have no choice but to part. If only they lived closer to each other then life would be perfect. When the storm throws them together, can Jens and Elliot make the most of the situation? Storming Love: Blizzard – Kimo & Mike by Neil Plakcy (release date: 1/30/15) Former competitive surfer and Honolulu homicide detective Kimo Kanapa’aka is in his element in his home state of Hawaii. But a ski trip with his partner, fire investigator Mike Riccardi, knocks him off balance. As a bitter storm rages outside the condo where they’re staying, one of Mike’s college buddies is feuding with his wife and the other is making sexy overtures to Kimo. Will these tensions ruin the vacation and perhaps even drive a wedge between Kimo and Mike? Storming Love: Blizzard – Seth & Casey by RJ Scott (release date: 2/6/15) The blizzard of the century has stranded teacher Casey McGuire and pupils at a country retreat. As a last resort and fearing for their lives he calls his ex, fireman Seth Wild. The same man who promised that he would always be there for Casey. Seth is on sick leave after a terrible accident leaves him near dead. He's wallowing in self pity and he's already driven away the only man who cared about him. Casey. When he receives the call, he is the only person left to help and nothing will stop him. Because if Seth can't help, then very possibly Casey and the kids won't make it out of this alive. Storming Love: Blizzard – Layne, River & Damion by Vicktor Alexander (release date: 2/13/15) It has taken Damion Martin six months to finally start to get over the startling break-up from his partner Layne Haylse. They’d been high school sweethearts and blissfully in love. Then the man suddenly wanted nothing to do with him. Having to work with him at Yale University almost every day made the separation that much harder. Meeting the young marketing major, River Cunningham, may just be the ticket to helping Damion heal. But they say that to every story there’s two sides, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle. When a harrowing blizzard crashes through Connecticut, trapping all three men inside the campus library, they will soon find that sometimes things aren’t as black and white as they seem. When the truth is revealed, it may change their lives forever. Storming Love: Blizzard – Gavin & Morgan by Nicole Dennis (release date: 2/20/15) Drained from forecasting both hurricanes and twisters, Gavin Larson, a meteorologist, accepts a request to become the head forecaster for a Philadelphia television station. He goes for a trial time during winter. A calm, quiet winter where he can recharge. Until he discovers a series of potential events ready to clash. Taking over his family's position, Morgan Rylee Whittaker III feels the pressure to follow their lofty attitude, he can't stay hidden in the executive suites. He jumps into the chaos. Bumping into the meteorologist, Morgan feels a thump of arousal, but listens when Gavin locates a dangerous blizzard heading up the coast. Together, they protect and prepare Philadelphia from the incoming nor'easter. They dance around the steady beat of attraction brewing between them as the storm rages. Storming Love: Blizzard – Stokes & Ford by Jackie Nacht (release date: 2/27/15) Ford and Stokes are about to weather two storms; the blizzard coming their way and their growing feelings for one another. Stokes has been rooming with Ford ever since the first day of college. Although his feelings had started out as friendly, over time, they have grown deeper. He's fallen for Ford, hard, but how the hell is Stokes going to tell Ford? When college winter break approaches, Stokes decides to take Ford up to his parent's rental to have a fun weekend with Ford and finally let his best friend know what he feels. However, with a blizzard coming in, they will have to weather the storm outside and in their hearts. Where to find the authors: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jackie.nacht https://www.facebook.com/author.rjscott?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/sara.york1?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/NicoleDennis.Author?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/vicktoralexanderb?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/neil.plakcy?fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/JackieNacht https://twitter.com/Rjscott_author https://twitter.com/VVeeB https://twitter.com/sarayork https://twitter.com/NeilPlakcy https://twitter.com/NDennis_Author Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Kimi-Chan, BFD Book Blog, Hearts on Fire, Andrew Q. Gordon, Emotion in Motion, Cathy Brockman Romances, Cate Ashwood, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Bayou Book Junkie, Havan Fellows, Charley Descoteaux, Bike Book Reviews, Carly’s Book Reviews, The Novel Approach, Amanda C. Stone, Molly Lolly, Velvet Panic, MM Good Book Reviews, Divine Magazine, 3 Chicks After Dark, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Fallen Angel Reviews, Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews, EE Montgomery, For the Love of Bookends, Nephylim Hello, and welcome to the blog hop! I decided to simply put a few excerpts up, the first two are from books already released and the third is from an upcoming release. I'm offering a free eBook from my backlist, the only book not eligible is A Barlow Lens. ![]() Tethered Pair: released November 2014 “Let’s try other music.” This tune wasn’t quite as slow and had a more pronounced beat. Positioning Nick’s hands, then his own, Todd leaned forward far enough to brush a light kiss over Nick’s cheek. He whispered into Nick’s ear, “Listen to the music and try to follow it… and me… and relax… and—” “Have fun, damn it!” Nick grinned, pressing his head close to Todd’s, his tongue swiping a wet path over Todd’s ear. “Damn straight!” “Anyway, launch is in a few hours, and there’s a party in the formal ballroom after that,” Todd said. He snickered when he got his foot out of the way of Nick’s just in time. “Don’t look down.” Todd hustled Nick out of their suite, and they headed toward the main deck. They could have watched the launch from the small balcony off their room, but Todd wanted to see everything. He’d never understood why launches were always at night, but once they reached the main deck and the companionway that ringed it, he understood immediately. Slave porters were moving along the deck, lighting small oil lamps and cranking Faraday lights that were hung in strings along the rail. The engines hummed. Todd could feel the vibration under his feet. He glanced sideways at Nick, took his hand, and pulled him closer to the rail so they could lean over and look. Nick’s face split into a brilliant smile when he looked out. The river was dark, lights from the boat reflecting off the water. He turned and leaned back against the rail, facing Todd and looking up. “That is worth this whole trip,” Nick said, motioning to the upper part of the boat. Todd twisted around and followed Nick’s gaze with his own. The steam stacks were ringed with polished metal—it looked like brass, from the coloring. Red and black streamers flowed in the gentle breeze. The horn blared, and Todd could feel how the engines rumbled, their power ramping up. Nick looked down, then back up at him, and grinned. “Wow.” “Yeah,” Todd agreed. “Okay, now I get why you are so fascinated with these boats and wanted to see this for yourself,” Nick said. Other passengers cheered and waved to people seeing them off on the pier as the paddle wheels came to life and the boat began its journey. As it pulled away from the shore and docks, it picked up speed until, once in the center of the river, Todd could actually feel a slight breeze from its movement on his face. He twined his fingers through Nick’s and tugged him in for a light kiss. “This is how I always imagined it would be,” he said. He’d dropped his voice so it was low and husky. It had the desired effect on his young mate. Nick sucked in a breath. Nick pressed close, shivering, his lips curled into a smile against Todd’s mouth. “This is pretty amazing,” Nick said softly. Check out the Sentries page to see all the books in the series! A Barlow Lens, released January 14, 2015 ![]() After coffee and breakfast, Val looked much better and Wyatt definitely felt much better. “Kevin destroyed all our evidence. How are we going to find out what happened?” Val asked. They sat at the table, and he was finishing a second cup of coffee. “From what we learned so far, I’m having a hard time believing it was Tom who started that fire. I want the end of the story.” “I agree. That article you read, the one written by one of the surviving students, you said she disputed Tom being at fault,” Wyatt said. “Yeah.” Val put his coffee cup down with a soft clunk. “Think she’s still alive?” “I suppose it’s possible. If not, maybe we can track down a relative who might be able to shed some light on things.” He stood up, taking his phone. “I have to call Lily. We were supposed to meet her yesterday, and I want to make sure she’s all right and let her know we’re okay.” It took them some serious searching, putting both training and skills to good use. Wyatt had years of experience researching and ferreting out useful bits of data from the most mundane sources. He was constantly impressed and surprised by Val’s ingenuity and downright creativity when it came to hunting facts and people on the internet. Val found sites and resources Wyatt would never have thought existed, let alone gone to while trying to locate someone. They ended up spending a day at the police museum and city hall searching records, even enlisting Lily’s aide. She was able to aim them at documents kept at the museum and a local university containing a great deal about the woman who’d written the article as well as other pieces that had appeared in newspapers over the years. The woman had mounted a campaign to bring the story of what really happened to light, but it never seemed to happen. It took considerable effort on all their parts, but finally there was a solid trail to be followed. While it didn’t lead to the little girl who grew into the woman who’d written the article, they did have a clear picture of who she was. “Molly and her brother Dennis, who was three years older, survived the school fire,” Val said, reading Wyatt the notes and timeline they’d put together. “Molly was really an amazing woman. She grew up and married a Tony Petite a few years before we got into World War Two. He was in the Navy and stationed in Hawaii. They not only lived through Pearl Harbor, but she also survived the 1946 tsunami. He wasn’t in Hawaii at that time.” “That is one lucky woman. She lives through a fire that killed more than survived, the bombing of a naval base, and a tsunami.” Wyatt settled in a chair. He’d bought some large pads of paper with adhesive strips on the back and watched as Val stuck them to the wall, making lists and drawing arrows from one thing to the next. For more info check HERE ![]() Jewel Cave, coming in April 2015 Clint nearly jumped out of his skin when someone’s strong arm snaked around his waist and pulled him back against a firm body. Warm breath blew in his ear along with the words, “You left the door unlocked again. I could be the neighborhood whack job here to bludgeon you to death after defiling you.” “You scared the crap out of me!” Clint yelped, trying to squirm away, but it was useless. “You’re the guy on this street with all the big guns.” Behind him Griff chuckled and used one finger to move Clint’s hair away from his neck. He pressed a soft kiss to the spot. Clint glared down at the dogs. “And you two! You need watchdog lessons.” Griff let go of Clint, turned him, and shook him by the shoulders for a second. “Lock the goddamn doors. Even if someone smashes through the storm door, you’ll at least hear them.” He raised his eyebrows and leaned away from Clint, letting him go. “For me. Please.” “What you really don’t want is some moron busting up the storm door since you’d have to help me replace it,” Clint muttered. Griff pointed up. “Hey, I happen to have a deep appreciation for that door. Notice I’m tactfully not mentioning how delightful you are when you work on a construction project?” Clint burst out laughing. Griff’s blue-gray eyes twinkled, and the corners crinkled in the way Clint loved when Griff smiled. “Sorry I’m late,” Griff said, leaning down to pet the dogs. For more info check HERE Kendall McKenna Anne Barwell Elin Gregory Jennifer Wright Morticia knight Ethan Stone N.J. Nielsen Tara Lain Tali Spencer Stephen del Mar Cecil Wilde H.B. Pattskyn C. J. Anthony Catherine Lievens Karen Stivali Lisabet Sarai TM Smith Lily G Blunt Christopher Koehler Tracey Michael Sibley Jackson Alexa Milne L M Somerton Megan Linden Draven St. James Charlie Cochrane Eva Lefoy Thianna Durston Aidee Ladnier M.A. Church Brandon Shire Sue Brown Jessie G David Connor Hayley B James J.M. Dabney Julie Lynn Hayes April Kelley Elizabeth Noble Amanda Young DP Denman Bronwyn Heeley Annabeth Albert Neil Plakcy A.J. Marcus Kazy Reed Shiloh Saddler ![]() Many thanks to Elizabeth Noble for agreeing to host me on my first ever blog tour! A little about me: I’m a teacher and a mother of two small children. When I’m not teaching or parenting, I’m writing. When I began, I heard the quote that your first million words don’t count. I never planned to reach a million words, but when I did, I just kept going. This year I hit three million. My partners are all queer, so that must make me queer too. Just kidding! I’ve been out as bisexual, polyamorous and kinky to pretty much the whole world since the mid-90s. Although I primarily write stories with polyamorous and BDSM themes, this novella is nothing but sweet vanilla geek m/m erotic romance. Purchase Blurb: Chase Parker never imagined he'd run into his high school adversary, Mitch Ramsay, on a commuter train. Four years can do a lot to change a person, like Mitch developing a fascination with Italian poetry and Scrabble, or playing defense for the Detroit Red Wings. One thing hasn’t changed, however: Mitch is still in love with Chase, and he’s not going to settle for less than everything from Chase in return. While the history they share isn’t all positive, apologies and honesty might give them a second chance at happiness. Excerpt: The sushi restaurant was packed more closely than the train. They ended up sitting at the bar, watching the chefs make their astonishing creations. There was Mitch’s hand, right there next to his, holding his cup of tea. Chase watched the hand until it moved away, unzipping his jacket and sliding it off his shoulders, and -- he choked a little on his tea. “You okay?” Mitch asked, a little concerned. Chase decided it would be better to say nothing, because "oh my god your arms" was about all his brain could come up with. He was pretty certain he could never span Mitch’s bicep with his two hands, but “can I squeeze your muscles" was another thing he couldn’t ask. “What’s that on your arm?” he finally managed. Mitch smiled wryly. “That’s part of the crazy, I guess. Here.” He pulled back on his right sleeve, revealing the lower edge of a tattoo. Even without seeing the whole thing, Chase could tell it was an elaborate, photo-realistic tattoo of a bear. He reached up with one hand and pushed the sleeve up higher, trying to see more of -- the tattoo. He was looking at the tattoo. I’ve always had a fascination with tattoos. I wore a lot of temporary tattoos when I was a teenager, and drew all over my arms and legs, but my parents made it very clear that I would not be getting a tattoo until I was an adult. You can guess what I did shortly after I turned eighteen! I was lucky enough to get three beautiful tattoos from artist Suzanne Fauser before she passed away. Most of the remainder were done by her incredibly talented apprentice. I have a full leg piece and several smaller ones — one of which was done by a shaman in a sacred drumming circle. Tattoos, by definition, are transformative experiences. I’ve used them to heal profound hurts, to reclaim my body after trauma, to celebrate hidden parts of me and to manifest the aspects of myself I most want to flourish. Twenty years later, I adore every one of my tattoos (even the one I drew myself that really isn’t so pretty) and I can't wait to get my next one. In the story, Mitch has two very different tattoos, each evoking a part of his personality. My wonderful cover artist, Aaron Anderson, did a good job of evoking the more fabulous of Mitch’s two tattoos. You’ll just have to imagine the bear on his hunky arm! Connect with Amy |
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