My teaser this week is from Run for the Roses, a romantic suspense. They left the restaurant and walked to Wyatt’s car. Stepping around Val, Wyatt went to the passenger side and unlocked the car door. Val saw Wyatt glance around the parking lot. No one else was around. When Wyatt reached out and slipped one hand through Val’s hair and pulled him gently closer, Val tensed despite his brain screaming at him not to. “Shush. I’m not going to hurt you.” Wyatt tenderly brushed his fingers through Val’s hair. “Though, I’ll be honest, I have hurt people. But they were bad people stealing valuable national treasures and wouldn’t give them back.” Val burst out laughing, and the tension left him. Wyatt smiled in that way that made the corners of his eyes crinkle. When Wyatt leaned in toward Val again, he inched forward. Wyatt’s kiss was light and gentle. He didn’t push, but seemed to wait patiently and coax Val into opening his lips. It was the hottest thing Val ever could imagine, and he moaned, rocking his hips into Wyatt as Wyatt’s tongue slipped over Val’s and skimmed the roof of his mouth. Val slid his arm around Wyatt’s back. At the same time Wyatt wound his free arm around Val’s waist, pulled him closer, and pressed his thigh between Val’s legs, applying steady pressure upward. It was delightful and maddening at the same time. No one had ever affected him in this way or so completely. Val wanted more. Wyatt ran a hand softly up Val’s spine, making him shiver, then moved his hand to Val’s shoulder. He pushed back from Val barely enough to break their kiss and caressed Val’s cheek with his own before saying in a low voice, “I thought I’d burst before I had the chance to kiss you.” Wyatt’s breath was warm against Val’s skin, making him quiver and his breath catch in his throat. Reaching around Val, Wyatt pulled on the car door latch. He nudged Val to the side and opened the door completely, then waved grandly at the inside. “Shall we?” Val nodded and slid into the car. “Thanks.” Wyatt shut the car door, jogged to the other side, and settled into the driver’s seat. “Just so you know, I did ask Janelle if she was okay with us going out.” Val chuckled. “Me too.” “So, about these men you were involved with, let me guess. You hooked up with these other guys because they acted in control, and that seemed exciting. You like a man who takes control and can be in charge, one who is dominant, but these men weren’t that—they weren’t dominant, they were abusive.” Wyatt took his gaze from the road for a few seconds and looked at Val. “Close?” Hello, Snippetteers! Happy Holidays to everyone. We've had a ton of snow here in Northeast Ohio, so I guess it's only fitting that my snippet this week comes from a book taking place in northern Ohio. Electric Candle is the second in The Sleepless City, a series I wrote with Anne Barwell. Jonas Forge is a police detective, Lucas Coate is the medical examiner and Blair Turner is Forge's soulmate... “Want the tour?” Lucas looked excited. Blair’s expression was suspicious. He glanced around the office and through the door to Lucas’s lab. “Are there dead bodies?” Lucas grinned. “Kid, it’s a morgue, and I’m a medical examiner. Of course, there are dead bodies.” “No, thanks, I’ll pass.” Forge laughed, and he felt Blair relax. “Blair, what’s wrong?” “Maybe it should wait until we’re back at the castle,” Blair said. “We can talk here, and Stewie knows about things like vampires and werewolves,” Forge said. He took a step closer to Blair and laid one hand on his forearm for a few seconds. A tingle ran through his hand and the length of his arm to spread across his chest and down his belly to settle in his groin. Blair arched an eyebrow and glanced down at Forge’s hand, convincing Forge he’d shared the experience. Forge didn’t move away, however. “I was tailed. Some guy, except I don’t think he was human. It was more like he stalked me.” Blair pulled his lower lip between his teeth. “I’d think it sounds crazy except….” “You’re a vampire having a discussion with another vampire in the office of a M.E. who is a werewolf?” Lucas asked. Find more snippets at The Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Electric Candle and all The Sleepless City books are available in Kindle Unlimited or for purchase on Amazon.
Adam’s fears of pairing are valid, but if he doesn’t get past them, he’ll lose his best friend’s love forever. Omega Adam and Alpha Matt have been best friends all their lives. Matt has been there for Adam from his first heat. They’ve never been apart and Adam has never considered being with another person. So, it confuses Matt when Adam refuses to allow Matt to bite and pair with him. Adam has seen for himself what happens when an alpha leaves his paired omega, when his mother went through the excruciating pain of a new alpha bite. Knowing his best friend as well as he does, he knows that if Matt ever bit and paired with him, Matt would never leave and consign Adam to the pain of a new bite or a life without sex. But Adam knows that it wouldn’t matter how Matt felt, he’d stay even if he felt trapped by the situation, making them both miserable and hurting Matt badly. When Adam finds himself pregnant with Matt’s baby, he panics. All his attempts to keep Matt from getting trapped have been useless. With no idea what to do, he ends up hurting Matt anyway. If he doesn’t come to terms soon with his fears, he could find himself completely alone and losing the only person he’s ever loved. Sometimes Matt couldn’t let go of the annoyance at his alpha nature. His best friend was an omega, which meant taking two forms of Sepelocycline—injectable for the immediate, and pill form for longer-term management—balancing heats, and being looked down on in society. That last one wasn’t as bad where they were—some areas in the US and some other countries were horrible—but bad enough. Matt, on the other hand, was an alpha. Still problematic to a point, but not as bad as it was for omegas. He took his own form of heat medication—the Desinocycline, also in two forms—but it wasn’t nearly as necessary as it was for Adam. He didn’t have to suppress his nature like Adam did because their society didn’t blame him if he was affected by omega pheromones. Omegas were the ones most often held responsible if an alpha couldn’t stop themselves from attacking the omega. If the omega didn’t take their medication or stay in their homes and away from others when they were in heat, they were blamed. Matt understood to a point. If an alpha didn’t take their suppressant, it went beyond difficult to almost impossible to stay away from an omega in heat. Matt didn’t like it, though, and never thought it was fair, especially since there was a medication for alphas to help them control their own nature. Shouldn’t alphas be responsible for their behavior? It wasn’t like the meds were expensive or hard to come by. All an alpha needed to do was provide proof of their status as an alpha—not difficult, considering it was a designation on their driver’s license or state ID—and they could get the drug from any number of places. Shaking his head, Matt tried to push the thoughts off, but he couldn’t quite manage it. They came up every month lately. Every time he helped Adam through another heat, his mind brought up the same worries. ![]() Grace Duncan grew up with a wild imagination. She told stories from an early age – many of which got her into trouble. Eventually, she learned to channel that imagination into less troublesome areas, including fanfiction, which is what has led her to writing male/male erotica. A gypsy in her own right, Grace has lived all over the United States. She has currently set up camp in East Texas with her husband and children – both the human and furry kind. As one of those rare creatures who loves research, Grace can get lost for hours on the internet, reading up on any number of strange and different topics. She can also be found writing fanfiction, reading fantasy, crime, suspense, romance and other erotica or even dabbling in art. Hello Snippetteers! I hope everyone has had a pleasant week. This week's snippet comes from Whiskey and Moonshine, a sweet, hot, feel good romance. The older man near the head of the line was obviously listening in. He arched an eyebrow, then pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger and stared at his shoes. Colt wondered who he was and why he was here, then took a minute to study him further. Shoulder muscles bulged under his suit jacket, his waist was trim, and he had the stance of someone with confidence. Bodyguard. It was the first word that came to mind. If he wasn’t, Colt reasoned, he was some sort of security. Just because Colt had never seen him around before meant nothing. It was logical to think Mr. Kensington would be attending the auditions, so some of his personal staff would be here too. The line cleared of four more applicants. Liking the eccentric billionaire angle, Colt decided to use it in another capacity. “So how serious do you think they are about the fasting and the medical leeches for some kind of bleeding every month?” A few more men left, grumbling under their breath. Bodyguard guy rolled his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds, shaking his head. Colt inched toward the next man but stopped in his tracks when the bodyguard turned and glared at him, then crooked his finger, indicating for Colt to approach him. Colt twisted and looked behind him, then pointed to his own chest and mouthed the word, “Me?” The man nodded and stepped around the other applicants to Colt. “Come with me.” He took firm hold of Colt’s arm. For more fun snippets check out the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group!
![]() K-Lee Klein has a new MM contemporary western romance out: "Finally Home - Josiah." And there's a giveaway! Josiah Nelson left the family home where his father’s bullying and his own fears made life a penance, swearing never to return. Now he has a funeral to arrange, another joyless Christmas holiday to survive, and a ranch to sell, before he can finally wipe the last dust of his childhood off his shoes and settle into his lonely big city life. When he arrives in his hometown, Wyatt Ames is still there, still out and proud and everything Josiah secretly wanted when they were growing up. He can’t help feeling a tiny, fragile hope that this time, things might turn out differently. Especially when Wyatt seems set on teaching him that home isn’t the house you live in. It’s the place where your heart belongs. Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | KoboGiveaway K-Lee is giving away a $15 Amazon Gift Card with this tour. Enter via Rafflecopter: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47164/? Excerpt It was like a bad dream come to life. Not the kind where a monster is hiding in the closet ready to eat your face, but more like an unending loop of being stuck somewhere you just didn’t want to be. Home. Josiah Nelson hadn’t thought of the old ranch that way in a long time. Yet there he was, ramping up the old weathered steps to his childhood home, and regretting every minute of it. The high-pitched squeal of the old weathered screen door shook the silence of the chilly night air when Josiah tugged it open. It startled him, bringing a rush of memories to the forefront of his mind, some good but mostly bad. Stepping over the broken door frame, he slipped inside the all-too-familiar house. That particular board had been broken since he was a child and someone should have fixed it long ago—maybe he should have taken a little more responsibility around the old place, but soon, it wouldn’t be his problem. The musty smell hit him first; earthy, damp like like a moldy pair of wet socks. He wrinkled his nose when the underlying scent of pine cleaner assaulted his sinuses next. Someone had obviously tried to scrub away the history of the place, the bad memories that held anger and dysfunction. It was probably the most disconcerting aspect of walking into the house. After Josiah's mom died, his daddy's domestic skills hadn't changed, hadn’t improved, in the least. Anything that didn't involve horses, trucks, or beer had been half-assed at best and apparently age hadn’t changed his daddy’s habits. Gosh, had it really really been eight years since him mama had been gone? He supposed they were together again—if you believed in that kind of thing—thought his mom was more suited to heaven while his father should be further south. Cancer had taken them both; different kinds, different years, but the same body-ravaging killer. His mama’s death had been the hardest time of his life. The offered sympathies he’d been offered when she passed still burned a hole in his heart--she's in a better place, at least she's not suffering anymore, she wouldn't want you to be sad. It had disturbed him, made him angry. Did they expect him to not mourn? To just let her go and wash his hands of all she’d meant to him? Josiah hadn’t been ready to let her go, but how much of a monster would he have been to want to prolong her last few months of suffering. Losing her had made Josiah’s world so much smaller, so much unhappier and dark. It was cliché to say she’d been his rock, his best friend, but it was true. He’d been left with a father who was practically a stranger, and well, that was a whole different can of worms. Coming home brought back so many deep-buried regrets, guilt that rocked him to the core on bad days. Josiah imagined most people felt those same things and learned to deal with them, but he wore his like a badge of disgrace or failure or both. He closed his eyes, concentrating as he inhaled deeply then slowly let it out. The unwanted, unsummoned, emotions that threatened to send him huddling into the corner like the child he’d once been, had to be set aside, shoved back in that overflowing box at the back of his mind. If he was going to fall apart it couldn’t be in the first five minutes of stepping into the place. His mind and heart had to be clear and open, and he had to be able to deal with everything before any feelings could be allowed to run loose. Sprawling into an emotional abyss of emptiness would have to wait. He reminded himself that it was only for a few days, at least he hoped that’s all it would take to get things in order and leave the rest in the lawyer’s hands. A few days and he could leave all this behind again, go back to the sad life he’d built himself. Sad but exempt from the pain of the past. But good intentions didn’t always pan out and Josiah’s true feelings scurried to the surface as he trailed shaky fingers over his mom’s cherished antique buffet table His was breathless and hot tears stung his eyes when he caught sight of the plain, white urn. It was pushed to the side of the credenza like an after-thought, rather than holding a place of honor where it belonged. Though he supposed the glass vase’s importance had been lost when it’s intended use had been ignored and overruled. Before her death, Josiah’s mama had picked out her own urn. She liked the pretty dragonflies pressed into the base and the simple shape and color. Josiah’s biggest regret was buried deep in the bottom of the empty vase. Mama had wanted to be cremated, had made it very clear when she brought her purchase home. “Sprinkle some of my old ashes by the pond, Josi. Then I’ll always be here to watch over you. I’ll always be close.” He missed her so much, not a day went by that he didn’t think about what he’d lost that sorrowful day. And even worse, he’d failed her last request. Because the awful fact was that she was buried in a dark box in the wet ground, rather than being scattered around the pond and spending the rest of eternity in that stupid urn. Josiah’s father had made the final decision. The stubborn old bastard refused to pay the extra cost of cremation. Instead he’d put his beloved wife of twenty-eight years in the cheapest casket he could find, then buried her in the local cemetery. Josiah had been afforded no say in the matter and his father had dismissed his wife’s last request like yesterday’s news. Knowing the man better than he’d ever wanted, his decision shouldn’t have been a shock to Josiah. Now eight years later the rage remined, fueled with unsaid words for his dad. And Josiah would be damned if he’d fulfill any wish his old man might have—Christmas or not. Author Bio K-lee Klein grew up in the beautiful mountains of British Columbia and now lives only two hours away in Calgary, Alberta. Her life is blessed by three now-grown (but still spoiled) kids and a new, adorable grandson who calls her Gwaa Gwaa. She has a patient husband of over thirty years and spends her days being bossed around by a kitten named Poe, a senior feline called, Miss Chili, and a canine, Princess Chewie. K-lee’s writing muse is terribly temperamental so to keep him close by and in-check, she had him inked on her left calf. Yet she still writes on his schedule and inspiration, and quite honestly, he can be a bit of a drama queen. K-lee writes mostly contemporary but has forayed into paranormal and urban fantasy, and her favorite tropes to write and read are hurt-comfort, friends to lovers, opposites attract, and relationships with children. Her biggest accomplishment as an author was overcoming all the hurdles to transition from publisher releases to her first self-published book. Although K-lee considers herself to be an extroverted introvert and revels in her solitude, she very much enjoys traveling to conferences to meet up with friends old and new. She’s grateful for all the people in her life who accept her as she is and support her through the ups and downs as a mom, wife, friend, and joyfully obsessed writer. Author Website: https://kleeklein.com Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/kleemoon Author Facebook (Author Group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/812548795471921 Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/Klee_Klein Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kleeklein/ Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5073338.K_lee_Klein Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/k-lee-klein/ Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/K-lee-Klein/e/B008FGA6FA%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share ![]() Hello Snippetteers! I hope you've all been well and safe this week. My snippet this time around is from Run for the Roses, the first of the Circles romantic mystery/suspense series. I think one of the best things about doing these snippets is re-reading bits of my books with no other purpose than to enjoy them. Val and Wyatt are the two main characters and this is their first date. They left the restaurant and walked to Wyatt’s car. Stepping around Val, Wyatt went to the passenger side and unlocked the car door. Val saw Wyatt glance around the parking lot. No one else was around. When Wyatt reached out and slipped one hand through Val’s hair and pulled him gently closer, Val tensed despite his brain screaming at him not to. “Shush. I’m not going to hurt you.” Wyatt tenderly brushed his fingers through Val’s hair. “Though, I’ll be honest, I have hurt people. But they were bad people stealing valuable national treasures and wouldn’t give them back.” Val burst out laughing, and the tension left him. Wyatt smiled in that way that made the corners of his eyes crinkle. When Wyatt leaned in toward Val again, he inched forward. Wyatt’s kiss was light and gentle. He didn’t push, but seemed to wait patiently and coax Val into opening his lips. It was the hottest thing Val ever could imagine, and he moaned, rocking his hips into Wyatt as Wyatt’s tongue slipped over Val’s and skimmed the roof of his mouth. Run for the Roses and all of the Circles eBooks are on sale this month for $2.99. They are also in Kindle Unlimited. To read other great snippets head on over to the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Purchase Run for the Roses
![]() Pat Henshaw has a new MM holiday romance out: "Heart of the Holidays." And there's a giveaway! Everyone hopes his road to happily ever after will be carefree and smooth, but too often hair-pin turns and detours seem to get in the way. Having thought he was on the road to forever before, former Silicon Valley programmer Dan Lassiter is leery about pedaling down it again. His elderly companion Charlie urges him to get to know Rick Reardon whose bakery is across the street from Dan’s bicycle shop. Under the watchful eye of Charlie, Dan and Rick take tentative steps towards each other, all the while trying to avoid potholes such as exes, homophobes, and family problems. As summer turns to fall and then winter, they hope that the road will be smooth going from their first date and first kiss to having what Rick’s sister euphemistically calls their “sleep overs”. At each step, though, they are tripped up and wonder why there seem to be so many bumps in their road. Maybe Dan and Rick should heed some of Charlie’s sage advice or maybe they should listen to their hearts instead of the warnings from their pasts. QRI Universal Buy LinkGiveaway Pat is giving away two $10 JMS Books gift cards with this tour. Enter via Rafflecopter: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47163/? Excerpt The kids and their mom arrived after lunch, right about the time Charlie usually turned in for a nap. He gave them the once over as they got out of the car, nodded to me with raised eyebrows, and ambled back toward the house. I guess he figured he’d meet them sometime, probably sooner rather than later, so he didn’t have to knock himself out now. It was the siesta part of his day. After the kids tumbled from the car and jumped on Rick, he pointed at my open garage and waved at me. I waved back, and they galloped across the street. “Hi, I’m McKinsey! You can call me Mack.” The red-haired boy danced in front of me. His hair blazed in the sun and was as bright as his green eyes and freckles. He didn’t look anything like his uncle. “So these are all the bikes I can ride? Can I try them out first?” “Yeah, but don’t go very far. I’ve got an app keeping an eye on them.” “Cool. Bye.” He didn’t wait for me to explain further, but ran toward the racks so fast that I thought he would barrel into them. A small hand on my arm stopped me from chasing after him. “Don’t worry. He’s careful. He won’t hurt the bikes. We won’t go far because of mom.” Since I wasn’t worried about the bicycles, I looked down into brown eyes, a solemn face, and curly sable hair. “I’m Leslie. Everyone calls me Lee. My brother throws himself into his activities. I don’t. Can we choose any of the bicycles?” I glanced up at their uncle who shrugged at me. The small hand let go of my arm, so I looked down at Lee again. “Yes. You have three choices. One, you can select a bike and ride it the entire time you’re here. Two, you could come back to the garage and pick another one to ride for the day, the half-day, the hour, or however long you want it. That means if you wanted, you could ride every bike in this place in one day. Or your third choice, you could stay at the bakery and not go bike riding at all.” I winked at her. “I would choose the bakery except then I’d look like a human lead balloon if I did.” She giggled and put her hand on my arm again. “I like you, Mr. Dan. I think we’ll get along fine.” She nodded and gave me a long assessing once over. “Don’t worry. You don’t look like a balloon at all. Not at all.” If she’d been in her teens, I would have thought she was flirting. But Lee seemed as if she was merely making an observation. I liked both kids and their approaches to life. I’d be willing to bet Charlie would like them too when he got up from his nap and met them. Unlike her brother, Lee sauntered over to the bikes, many of which were now askew thanks to Mack’s unsorting process. She carefully started to right those tossed aside. She stopped at a turquoise bicycle, hopped on, and waved to me and her uncle as she sped away. Her brother was long gone. The bike rack still needed straightening which would give me something to do while Charlie snoozed. I started toward it. Rick had surged across the street and was striding up to me. “Here. I’ll help.” He stood staring down at the mishmash of bikes. “If you show me how to untangle them without making things worse." I nodded. “I don’t get it. Aren’t you afraid people will just take off with your bikes and you’ll never see them again?” I watched him bend over to pick up one on the ground. My groin tightened at the sight. We were going out to dinner. Together. Soon. My heart and dick lifted as my mind piled up image after image of dinner and afterward. It was about time for me to get back in the saddle as it were. Author Bio Pat Henshaw, born and raised in Nebraska, has lived on the U S's three coasts, in Texas, Virginia, and now California. Before she retired, she held a number of jobs, including theatrical costumer, newspaper features reporter and movie reviewer, librarian, junior college English instructor, and publicist. She also loves to travel and has visited Canada, Mexico, Europe, Egypt, Thailand, and Central America as well as almost all fifty US states. Now retired, she enjoys reading and writing as well as visiting her older daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren on the East Coast and playing havoc with her younger daughter's life in NorCal. She thanks you for reading her books and wants you to remember that every day is a good day for romance. Author Website: https://pathenshaw.com Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/pat.henshaw.10 Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/foothillspride Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/HenshawAuthor Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phenshaw2018/ Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6998437.Pat_Henshaw Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/pat-henshaw/ Author Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/pathenshaw ![]() A Shot of J&B is the first book in the Vasquez Inc by Lou Sylvre.
This book isn’t a mystery but an introduction, or rather re-introduction, to the main characters. These men, Brain Harrison and Jackie Vasquez met when both were much younger and there was an immediate connection. For reasons, only one of which was the fact he was only sixteen, Jackie was in no position to enter into a relationship. Brian recognizes this and puts his feelings for Jackie on his mental backburner, realizing when and if the right time ever came, their patience would pay off. Fate smiles on Brian and brings he and Jackie together again enough years later they’re both adults. Throughout the story Brian and Jackie rediscover each other. At first, it’s mainly through correspondence but eventually Brian arranges a weekend getaway for the two of them. Both of these young men are multilayered and complicated people. They’re cautious when it comes opening up to other people and that makes for a very interesting dynamic between them. They have common kinky desires and begin their exploration, falling in love along the way. The Dom/sub element of their lives falls into place naturally, but not too quickly, which is nice. The reader gets to savor their journey without being rushed along. There is a set up for the mystery to come in the next book in the series and we’re introduced to a truly diabolical villain. A Shot of J&B is a quick, hot, emotionally charged story that will draw the reader into the world of Vasquez Inc. **A copy of this book was provided by the publisher for a fair and honest review. I'm putting the finishing touches on Code Name Jack Rabbit in preparation for release day, January 12, 2021. It's the first book of The Vampire Guard series.
It can currently be pre-ordered on Amazon and will be available in Kindle Unlimited. Blair took a deep breath. “I don’t want to screw this up or see Bronwen get hurt. She seems nice.” “Blair, she may not be innocent. We have no idea how well she knows the werewolf. We’re guessing what her relationship with Vaughn was simply based on how she reacted to you. When it comes down to it, we don’t know that much yet. Don’t form an opinion of her—simply get information from her.” “She was honest with me,” Blair said softly. “That time,” Forge reminded him. “You can’t let her get to you and give her a way to mess with your head. Remember, we don’t know that much about her,” Forge glanced over at Blair for a second before he turned his attention back to the road, taking a right onto Boggslake’s main street and stopping outside an antique store. They wandered through the front door to a cashier’s counter with a girl sitting behind it. The girl’s eyes glowed gold, and her gaze flicked from Forge to Blair and back again. Forge snorted and leaned one elbow on the counter. “Please. Don’t be ridiculous. I need to talk to Jasper.” He held up his badge. “It’s official.” She huffed a breath, and Forge heard her press a button under the counter. A few minutes later, Lucas’s uncle came from a door that led to the back rooms of the store. Hidden underneath the store were the Boggslake Supernatural Council’s meeting rooms. “Detective Forge and Dr. Turner. To what do I owe this visit?” Jasper had always reminded Forge of an older version of Lucas. The similarities didn’t stop with physical features, though Jasper’s hair was an even mix of gray and brown. Casting a glance at the girl, Forge asked, “Can we talk in private?” She raised an eyebrow and rested her chin in her hand, smirking. Hello Snippetters! This week's snippet is from Scintilla, an urban fantasy/paranormal romance thriller. Brandon is a magical human with the ability to control electricity. Raul is a werewolf. Bissett is the leader of the human trafficking ring they're trying to infiltrate and bring down. Bisset sighed and Brandon heard him move away, returning a few minutes later. A file folder was dropped onto the desk in front of Brandon. Bisset leaned over Brandon’s shoulder, close enough Brandon felt the heat from his body. Brandon’s shiver was almost impossible to suppress. Bisset flipped the folder open and spread three photos out across the desk beside the keyboard. “What can you find on these kids?” Bisset’s breath smelled of garlic and cheese. Raul stretched his arms in front of him, clasped his fingers together and cracked his knuckles. “Move,” he growled. Brandon glanced far enough to the side to see Raul push Bisset away. Raul situated himself behind Brandon and said roughly, “Okay, Sparky, get to work.” Brandon shoved the keyboard away, dragged the computer tower closer and scooted the chair as close to the desk as possible before he put one finger over a USB port and another against the modem port. Raul put his fingers in position around Brandon’s neck and waited while Brandon extended his electrical field outward. The gasp and nervous snicker from their audience told Brandon they’d seen the blue haze begin to pulsate between Brandon and Raul. He let his shoulders slump and body relax into Raul’s connection with his electric field. As long as he concentrated on his task and not how his body reacted to Raul’s phantom touch, they’d be safe… he hoped. He gave himself a mental shake and studied the photographs in front of him. Scintilla is available in eBook and on Kindle Unlimited.
Read a variety of snippets on the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. |
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