One of my favorite astro activities is meteor showers! I live in northeast Ohio, so often times I'm prevented from seeing them by clouds. However I always keep track and try.
The ones I like best are in October and December, the skies are usually much clearer here because of the colder temperatures. I always get a thrill when my youngest son calls me in the middle of the night and asks if I'm watching. When he was little he'd stay up with me. Meteors are best seen between 2 and 4 am. Next week I'll go into why that is. Here's the sale I promised! Use coupon code ElizabethNoble to receive 30% off any title of mine on either Dreamspinner or DSP Publications. Coupon expires 1/31 at 11:59pm ET Major Meteor Showers in 2017 ShowerRadiant and direction Morning of maximum Best hourly rate Parent QuadrantidDraco (NE)Jan. 3 60-100 2003 EH1 LyridLyra (E)April 22 10-20Thatcher (1861 I) Eta Aquariid*Aquarius (E)May 6 20-60 1P/Halley Delta AquariidAquarius (S)July 3 02 096P/Machholz Perseid*Perseus (NE)Aug. 12 90 109P/Swift-Tuttle OrionidOrion (SE)Oct. 21 10-20 1P/Halley Southern Taurid*Taurus (S)Nov. 5 10-20 2P/Encke LeonidLeo (E)Nov. 17 10-20 55P/Tempel-Tuttle GeminidGemini (S)Dec. 14 100-120 3200 Phaethon |
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