Meteor showers are so much fun to watch. You don't need anything special, just something comfortable to sit on while you look up. Most veteran viewers recommend you recline at about a 30 degree angle to avoid a stiff neck. Meteor viewing doesn't require special equipment, your eyes will do nicely. In astronomy terms this is called naked eye viewing. (Mind out of the gutter!) There are a few facts you need to know to ensure the very best viewing possible. Knowing the radiant, or the section of the sky the shower will originate from is important. You don't want to be looking west when all the action is coming from the north! The higher in the sky the radiant is the more meteors can be seen. This time usually occurs between midnight and dawn with the peak hours between 2 and 4 am. That's the time you'll be 'facing into' the shower. Don't forget it will take your eyes a while to adjust to seeing in the dark. It's important to retain your night vision by avoiding bright lights. Depending on your age and the temperature outside regaining night vision can take a few minutes to an hour or so. The longer you're out there in the dark them more you'll see. Hint: to make a night vision flashlight take red nail polish (any shade will do, but be sure it's a true red) and paint the glass lens. Works great and is very inexpensive! Next week I'll go into how those pretty light shows are created. Until then, don't forget to go outside at night and look UP! Use coupon code ElizabethNoble to receive 30% off any title of mine on either Dreamspinner or DSP Publications. Coupon expires 1/31 at 11:59pm ET
This little bit comes from my recently submitted novel, The Long Con. Colt is one of the MCs and Phillipe is his coworker turned friend. His text to Phillipe was a little less business-like. “We’re going on a date! Dinner and music. He didn’t say date but that’s a date. Right? Right?” Having recently discovered the emojis he added a string of them. “Ugh. Emojis.” Was Phillipe’s reply. “That’s why I use them,” Colt messaged. “Bastard. Just the two of you? Definitely a date.” “And Frank,” Colt answered. “There was an incident when we were leaving the building with the recording studio.” “I heard. R U Ok?” “Yes. Was spooked for a bit but fine now.” Colt could imagine the wicked grin on Phillipe’s face. “Not using real words is because I used emojis isn’t it?” He added another huge string of bouncing smiling little characters. Use coupon code ElizabethNoble to receive 30% off any title of mine on either Dreamspinner or DSP Publications. Coupon expires 1/31 at 11:59pm ET
One of my favorite astro activities is meteor showers! I live in northeast Ohio, so often times I'm prevented from seeing them by clouds. However I always keep track and try.
The ones I like best are in October and December, the skies are usually much clearer here because of the colder temperatures. I always get a thrill when my youngest son calls me in the middle of the night and asks if I'm watching. When he was little he'd stay up with me. Meteors are best seen between 2 and 4 am. Next week I'll go into why that is. Here's the sale I promised! Use coupon code ElizabethNoble to receive 30% off any title of mine on either Dreamspinner or DSP Publications. Coupon expires 1/31 at 11:59pm ET Major Meteor Showers in 2017 ShowerRadiant and direction Morning of maximum Best hourly rate Parent QuadrantidDraco (NE)Jan. 3 60-100 2003 EH1 LyridLyra (E)April 22 10-20Thatcher (1861 I) Eta Aquariid*Aquarius (E)May 6 20-60 1P/Halley Delta AquariidAquarius (S)July 3 02 096P/Machholz Perseid*Perseus (NE)Aug. 12 90 109P/Swift-Tuttle OrionidOrion (SE)Oct. 21 10-20 1P/Halley Southern Taurid*Taurus (S)Nov. 5 10-20 2P/Encke LeonidLeo (E)Nov. 17 10-20 55P/Tempel-Tuttle GeminidGemini (S)Dec. 14 100-120 3200 Phaethon ![]() This little bit is from my WIP that is actually finished and awaiting a contract decision. The book is The Long Con and one of the MCs, Mal, is having a serious discussion with himself! For perhaps the first time in his life, Mal was a bundle of indecision. One half of his brain kept screaming twenty-four and employee. The other half shouted equally as loudly real friend and mutual attraction. He’d been able to spot fake friends after Mal’s first few missteps and what was growing between he and Colt was true affection. Was he using Colt’s age and the fact he worked as Mal’s public persona as an excuse? He was alone in his suite, preparing for the next trip. Looking at his reflection in his mirror he muttered, “Be honest, Mal Kensington, yes, you are making excuses.” Read other awesome snippets. Check out all my books. Until next time, happy reading, Elizabeth January 23-31: Use coupon code ElizabethNoble to receive 30% off any title of mine on either Dreamspinner or DSPP. Coupon expires 1/31 at 11:59pm ET This weekend I celebrate an anniversary. I belong to a group of dog owners and the majority of our dogs are rescues so we have Gotcha Day. The day our dogs became part of our family. It was twelve years ago this sweet girl came into my life and she's been a joy since day one!
She was three and a half weeks old and was one of several puppies thrown out into the snow on a cold January night. Two boys found her and called the animal control officer. Eventually she was brought into the animal hospital where I work. Since she was so little the animal control officer didn't want to keep her at the shelter. I was off that weekend and said I'd help. He kept her the first night and I took her home the next day to 'foster' her until she was of an adoptable age. I think she was in the house all of four hours before my kids and I just fell in love with her. The following Monday I called the shelter and asked what I had to do to adopt this puppy. The shelter director laughed and said she'd had a feeling that little puppy wouldn't come back to the shelter and was happy this little girl found a home. She's always been so darn cute and personable she would've been adopted right away I'm sure. Since my pup was found on a street called Rosewood her name became Rosie. As you can see being adorable is some sort of super power for her. I can't believe it's been 12 years and I've treasured each and every day. Happy Gotcha day, Rosie! |
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