This week's teaser is from Shifting Chaos (book 4 of The Sleepless City). It wasn’t exactly a glowing endorsement of friendship, but it was a start, so Declan plowed ahead. “You two are bonded. Sharing such thoughts will strengthen that bond and help you both accept each other. If you feel him so much, then of course he feels you.” “Don’t you think I know that? As a matter of fact, I know a whole lot more than either one of you think I do.” Blair picked up the tablet and spun on his heel. He held up the tablet. “You write very well.” “Blair, wait.” Declan was honestly surprised when Blair turned back to him. “Once one of a soulmate pair is marked, the ability to feel the other so powerfully diminishes. What you and Jonas have is incredibly rare and special.” This last part was true, and Declan had to find a way to make Blair see that, for all their sakes. The front door opened, and Blair looked away from Declan, but not before he saw a hint of understanding cross Blair’s face. In the next instant, Blair’s expression softened to a smile. He’d likely heard, as had Declan, the approach of Simon’s human soulmate, Ben. Ben joined them, taking his bike helmet off and dropping it on a chair. “There are no jobs anywhere.” “I could check at the university,” Blair offered. Simon was a few steps behind Ben. “I just had a call from Marion. Apparently, Lucas and Forge were involved in some fracas at Council.” That got Declan on his feet. “What?” “What happened?” Blair asked. He turned his head toward the back door. A second later Moose was running to the back of the house. Jonas strode in, jerked his jacket off, and tossed it down beside Ben’s helmet, muttering as he went. He stopped and faced them. “Those fools have decided I have to be head detective.” Lucas came to a stop behind Jonas, grinning. “Wait, you’ve been pissed off all day because you got a promotion?” Blair asked. Ben lunged forward and threw his arms around Jonas’s neck. “Sweet as! We need to celebrate. It’s about time they recognized you like this. I think it’s crappy you haven’t been promoted until now.” Jonas pulled in a breath and stepped back from Ben. “Thank you, but it’s a fucking disaster.” “Another of the Council’s tricks,” Declan added. “They can’t do this, can they?” Simon said and sat down abruptly on the couch. “That’s against the Council rules.” “What’s wrong with all of you?” Ben turned in a circle, glaring at each of them in turn. “I can’t be the head detective.” Jonas took a DVD from the shelf under the television and put it in the player. He grabbed the remote control, aimed, and pointed. “This”—he waved at the scene appearing on the TV—”is why I can’t have this job.” An image of Stewie in relation to some incident that, by the looks of it, had happened a few years ago appeared on the screen. Underneath were the words “Boggslake, Ohio, Head Detective Stewart Belle,” and Stewie was speaking to a reporter. “Oh crap,” Blair said. He and Ben stood side by side. “Yes. Oh crap covers it nicely. The head detective must be a human, has always been a human. You know, someone who can be seen by a camera and is available during the full moon,” Jonas said. “Before Stewie there was some dick by the name of Felton, and before that we had the oh-so-delightful Smyth.” Ben nudged Blair and waved one hand between Declan and Jonas. “Have you noticed that between the thief and the cop, the cop is the one with the problems with authority?” “Oh yes, I have,” Blair said and nodded. He rolled his eyes, and Ben grinned. Jonas glanced back at Blair and cocked an eyebrow. “Those morons on the Council cannot do this and I told them so.” All the books in The Sleepless City series are available in
Kindle Unlimited. My teaser this week is from Strays. It's a scifi mm romance. Kyle came back to the world of consciousness slowly, eased awake by Daniel’s gentle urging. There was a lot of background noise and movement and it took him a few minutes to orient to the fact the van had stopped. He was being prodded to his feet. Kyle forced his eyes open and stifled a yawn. Looking around he finally focused on Daniel, blinking at him. They were the last ones left in the van. “C’mon, tiger.” Daniel pulled him to his feet. “Time to get you cleaned up and—” Kyle curled his lips to a lazy smile. “And you have a promise to keep.” “I have a room here. We’ll spend the night and go back in the morning. Got a few days off coming to us.” “Hmm,” Kyle hooked his fingers in the belt loops of Daniel’s pants and nuzzled his neck, planting soft kisses until he heard others close to the van again. “Hope you don’t plan on getting rest.” He followed Daniel through the maze that the barracks was to him, wondering if he’d ever learn his way around this place. By the time Daniel opened a door and stepped back for him to go through, Kyle was completely awake, mind spinning with how Daniel’s mouth had felt against his, how their bodies pressed so perfectly together. As soon as the door was shut and locked, Daniel was all over him, pushing him back against the wall, hands getting under the blankets and shoving them away. The man’s hands were everywhere and all Kyle could think of was how much he wanted this, how he had wanted it for the entire time he’d known Daniel. However, Daniel was older and so very confident and so much more experienced that Kyle hadn’t known how to ask. He’d felt too foolish and clumsy, simply too young. Daniel was good to his word and didn’t seem to see those things at all. Holding Kyle close his tongue and lips worked up and down Kyle’s neck. Dropping his head back, Kyle sighed and ground his hips against Daniel, letting the other man take his weight and hold him up. Fingers pressing into the muscles along Kyle’s back, Daniel turned them and walked them backward until Kyle’s legs hit the bed. Flopping back he pulled Daniel down on top of him. Fisting the material of Daniel’s shirt, Kyle pulled and tugged until Daniel lifted his arms and the clothing slid away. “Maybe you could, you know, be naked too?” Strays is available on Amazon and is in Kindle Unlimited.
![]() Ann Marie James has a new contemporary gay romance out: The Way to a Man's Heart. And there's a giveaway! The heart wants what the heart wants… Christian Diaz grew up as the best friend and unofficial bodyguard to the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Corazón. After an incident left him questioning his place in the castle, Christian joined the military and didn’t return for ten long years. Now he’s been assigned to the castle as Royal Military Liaison to investigate the source of some recent threats against the crown. The annual Midsummer’s Ball is the perfect place for the anti-monarchy group to make their next move, so that’s where Christian will be too. If it gives him a chance to reconnect with his friends in the castle and make a play for the man he has compared all others to, it’s even better. Max Ramirez is now the head chef for the castle. He started as a sous chef at age twenty when Christian was just an awkward teen. Now that Christian’s back at the castle, all grown up and interested in Max, the chef is determined not to let an opportunity with Christian pass him by. When someone tries to sabotage the Midsummer’s Ball, Max and Christian need to work together to track down the people determined to make this event their last. Warnings: This book contains mentions of drug use, obsession, references to parental abuse, drink spiking, violence, attempted rape, and attempted murder. About the Series: There’s evil brewing on the Island of Corazón. While the ruling monarchy is almost universally well loved, both at home and abroad, there are rumors of a group who believe the monarchy needs to be eliminated, by any means necessary. Publisher | Amazon | First for RomanceGiveaway Ann is giving away an Amazon gift card with this tour: Direct Link: Excerpt The royal family of the Kingdom of Corazón greeted their guests for the Midsummers Ball as Christian watched. He ran a hand down the front of his dress military uniform to straighten it while he waited for his turn to be announced. This was his first formal duty as the newly appointed Royal Military Liaison, and he needed to make sure he looked his best. He shifted his feet to find some relief for his ankle, which was still sore from him standing for a long time. His last mission had not gone to plan, and a broken ankle had been the result. Although the cast had come off a couple of weeks prior, it still wasn’t one hundred percent. “Royal Military Liaison Lieutenant Diaz,” the herald announced. Christian caught the eye of Crown Prince Sebastian toward the end of the greeting line and his best friend’s eyes widened in surprise before his face lit up with happiness at seeing him. As the only child of the Castle Commander, Christian had grown up here, but he’d been in the service away from the castle for ten years. At thirty, Christian was the same age as Crown Prince Sebastian. They had been best friends from the time they had been in diapers, and even though Christian and the prince still got together when their schedules allowed, it wasn’t the same as seeing and being with him every day. Christian had missed him fiercely. The royal children of the kingdom were usually paired with a young playmate from the age of about ten. Christian had started earlier than age ten as Sebastian’s companion, since he was always with him anyway. As Castle Commander, his father was the head of the guard slash castle security. He’d taken the companion idea a step further and trained Christian to be as good as he could be in martial arts and marksmanship. In his father’s eyes, Christian was to act as another line of defense for the Crown Prince. While Christian had not carried a gun—that was the role of the actual bodyguards—he was trained in case he ever had to use one. With a nod to the herald, Christian stepped forward to greet the Queen of the Kingdom of Corazón. Queen Tania reached out both hands to Christian, and he clasped them and raised them to his lips while bowing over them. “My Queen… It is a pleasure to see you. You haven’t changed a bit.” “Lieutenant Diaz, it is a pleasure to see you as well. Ten years is way too long. We have missed you.” “I apologize for the lengthy absence, Your Highness. I needed a change, but I am assigned here for the foreseeable future, so you will have time to get sick of me again.” “So my husband has told me. I am excited to have you home, although in a different capacity as the Royal Military Liaison. I look forward to catching up.” “As do I.” The queen turned a stern eye on her eldest daughter, who was standing to her right. “Princess Zia, isn’t it wonderful that Christian will be back with us for a while?” Christian tried to mask his sneer as his gaze went to Zia, who was not at all happy this evening. Of course, she wouldn’t be, since she wasn’t the center of attention. She wasn’t a very nice person and never had been. She was also part of the reason he’d left and joined the military. What she did… No, he wasn’t going to think about it. It was in the past. He was stronger and even more deadly now. It was time for him to face his demons. The military had finished the training his father had started, turning him into a true weapon. At twenty-eight, Christian had hoped Zia would have grown up and stopped being so self-absorbed, but the affliction seemed to have gotten worse instead of better in the time Christian had been away. Christian gave Princess Zia a shallow bow. “Princess Zia.” That was all he could manage. He wasn’t going to lie and say he’d missed her. Princess Zia tossed back her hair and gave him her haughtiest look. “Mr. Diaz.” “It’s Lieutenant Diaz, actually, Your Highness.” Christian didn’t wait for her to respond, instead turning to greet the king of the Kingdom of Corazón. A striking man, even in his fifties, King Raul Hart exuded a sense of calm authority that Christian had always admired, making him seem larger than life. “King Raul.” Christian bowed low in front of the man. When he straightened, Christian was shocked to realize that he was now taller than the king. When they had met briefly the day before, the king had been busy on a phone call and had just waved him into his office and into a chair. Christian had experienced another surprise growth spurt after he had joined the military at age twenty and was now six-three, but he hadn’t realized that made him taller than the king. “Hello again, Royal Military Liaison Lieutenant Diaz.” The king’s eyes twinkled at him as he ignored protocol and pulled Christian into a hug. “I didn’t get a chance to do that when we met yesterday. I wanted to correct that error.” “Yes, sir.” Christian returned the hug before stepping back and offering him a crisp salute. “Lieutenant Diaz reporting for duty, sir.” “As you were, Lieutenant. Now I think there’s someone here who can’t wait to greet you. It was hard keeping this a secret from him.” “I know. I talked to him earlier, and I almost spilled the beans.” Christian moved down the line and tried to keep a stern expression on his face as he saluted before grinning at one of his best friends. “Crown Prince.” “Why didn’t you tell me you were being assigned to the castle as Royal Military Liaison?” “I thought you would like the surprise of it. It just happened a few days ago.” Christian once more ran a hand down the front of his military uniform. “First mission, the Midsummer’s Ball. It’s a very tough assignment.” Author Bio Ann Marie James is fluent in two languages, English and sarcasm. She believes that you will never learn anything new if you don’t read as much as you can, and/or talk to every stranger you meet. She always looks for the best in people and to treat people the way she wants to be treated. Above all Ann Marie believes in love, whatever form it takes. Relationships are hard, love is the glue that keeps it together. Author Facebook (Personal): Author Facebook (Author Page): Author Twitter: Author Instagram: Author Amazon: ![]() My snippet this week is from Jewel Cave, book three in the Circles romantic thriller series. Candice crossed her arms and paced back and forth. “This feels wrong, and it stinks. How much clothing did Clint take?” Griff met her gaze and shook his head. “He didn’t take anything except Phoenix and Fern, his wallet, and phone.” “He didn’t—?” She blew out a breath. “What about his car? You do know the license plate number, right?” “Yes, but….” Griff stopped chewing. “He didn’t take his car either.” “Is it in your name?” “No. It’s not,” Griff said. He finished the bagel. His brain was working better. Twisting around, he picked up the coffee. “Why the hell would he leave and not take his car, then?” Candice stopped and stared at him. “This really doesn’t feel right.” “Yeah, I know. But I can’t exactly organize a manhunt for my boyfriend. Hell, reporting him missing isn’t likely to do much good either. We had a fight the night before I came home to find him gone. We haven’t had sex in, I don’t know, a few months and… you know as well as I do what people will think. Domestic dispute. My partner packed up and left.” Griff didn’t mean to erupt in front of Candice the way he had. “Except he didn’t pack a damn thing and either walked off or called someone to pick them up. And I can’t prove a goddamn thing!” When Candice went to his office door and called two other people in, then shut the door behind them, Griff realized he’d been yelling. Many more snippets can be found on the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Jewel Cave is available on Amazon and is in Kindle Unlimited. It can be read as a stand alone.
![]() A big happy Father's Day to all the dads and single moms who double duty as mom and dad. No matter if you do it alone or with a partner, you're doing a great job. Parenting is the world's most difficult job, don't ever let anyone tell you differently. ![]() M. Timothy Murray has a new space opera out: Time Paradox. And there's a giveaway! The time crew are unexpectedly thrust six hundred years into Thumar’s past, where a planet wide plague is raging. These intrepid time travelers are predestined to find a cure. When they return to the future, they discover their actions dramatically changed their original timeline. With help from Derak’s brother and the mysterious Time Sentinels of the universe, they set out across time, space, and dimension to fix their time paradox. Can they stop the space-time-continuum from tearing itself apart and destroying the known universe? Amazon | iUniverseGiveaway Timothy is giving away an Amazon gift card with this tour: Direct Link: Excerpt Prologue The large scorpion centered in a barbed circle glowed blood red on the back wall of the Supreme Council chamber. Imbedded computer screens illuminated the ominous faces of the council members. A single blinding white spotlight in front of the raised curved dais focused on the poor soul being interrogated in the center of the darkened room. Number Three continued. “Commander Thompson, are you telling us this is all you found? What good are you and your men if this is all you return with? You’re useless, we can assign you a more appropriate mission.” Charlie Thompson served the council for over two hundred years. He was their best assassin. He could infiltrate any government, corporation, or secured site, until now. This perplexed Charlie and infuriated the council which never accepted failure at any level. “Number Three,” he choked out. “We exhausted all our resources and tortured everyone who had momentary contact with Derak Jamar. His immediate and extended family disappeared. Their files are closed. Not even our highly placed mole had the security clearance to view Jamar’s files. It’s as if his entire history never existed.” Number Two addressed the commander. “What about his friend, Jack Morgan, and his family? We can get to him that way.” “They disappeared too. Their files have the same security clearance. Our mole informed me she couldn’t spy any further without risking her cover.” “Then what use do we have for this worthless slug?” Number Three demanded. “None, Sir. She and her entire family met a slow, painful end, one of my more creative works of art. I brought her deputy into the fold with a little persuasion. He should prove more useful,” commander Thompson reported. “Let’s hope so, for your sake, Commander,” Number Two threatened. Number One spoke. “Commander, did you bring back any useful information?” “Yes, Number One. There are three intergalactic corporations that have equal security measures. They have Derak Jamar’s fingerprints all over them. He is a dangerous enemy; it is reported he single-handedly took out a battalion of Kek in the Chambar Valley Offensive. It is rumored that Master Li trained him.” “That traitor!” Number One exploded. “I have a special death reserved for him. We must tread cautiously with these two. Find a hole in Jamar’s security. Don’t fail us this time, Commander. Dismissed!” The commander left the dreaded chambers and made his way to April’s Pleasure Palace. Maybe he could catch up with his buddy, Dr. Vander. After the chamber doors closed behind the commander, Number One went off. “Is that what we’re down to? Pansies and cowards who have forgotten all the good we’ve done for them? I’ll show them all! Number Nine, make sure the commander’s wife dies in premature childbirth, along with the child. That will send the proper message.” “Isn’t that extreme, Number One? He has served us…” “Number Nine! Would you like to keep your seat?” “Yes, Number One,” he choked out. “I’ll see to the arrangements.” “If the known galaxy doesn’t want to acknowledge our honorable intentions and peaceful salutations, we must give them something to pay attention to. Our goal is the same, a unified galaxy ruled by our values of fairness and judgment. Who could ask for a better arrangement?” The Planetary Survey Derak commanded the planetary survey mission, Jack was the pilot. Shesain, Shenar, Dr. Bundett, Thumar’s leading herbal doctor, and Seamus McGrew, a planetary geologist from Earth, rounded out the crew. Jack laid in the course to the first set of coordinates. While on the flight controls under Jack’s watchful eye, Shesain became curious about a section he had not taught her. “What does this do?” she asked, pointing to a yellow touch pad with a warning light flashing red. “Don’t touch that.” Jack said. Damn techs were supposed to disengage that time-control panel before we left. Why is it still on? “That’s part of the time travel circuit.” Before Jack could reach the control to disable it, Shesain’s hand slid in the direction of the yellow touch pad. Derak moved to stop her, but her fingers brushed the pad. Everyone in the ship froze. Derak, in mid-stride, felt queasy. As the crew recovered, Derak’s momentum carried him forward, and he touched the pad before hitting the floor hard. He got up and removed Shesain from the pilot’s seat. Jack took the science station. “What did I do?” Shesain asked in shock. “I don’t know yet!” Derak growled. The indicator upon entering hyperspace is a clockwise swirling of stars in an inverted cone shape. This tells the Captain and navigator that they entered an artificially created wormhole. The wormhole they entered rotated counterclockwise. “What did I do?” Shesain asked. Her voice quivered. “I don’t know yet. I have to check the navigation computer,” Derak answered, in a consoling tone this time. “Jack, what are you seeing?” “The readings are crazy! Wait, the chronometer is running backwards! We’re going back in time, and I don’t know how far.” “Is the ship recording this? We’ll need the data to return,” Derak said. “From the start,” Jack responded. “We should stop soon,” Derak said. They watched in horror as the cone of earth and sky rotated counterclockwise. It slowed down, and the crew went through the same transitional sensations as they had in the beginning. When they entered normal space again, they held their breath as they hovered over a similar, yet unfamiliar feeling landscape. “Put her in D-gen, Jack, we don’t want to be seen. We must not cause a time paradox. There is no way to know how this will affect the future we originated from, or the present timeline.” Derak ordered. “D-gen activated. We should land and access the situation.” “Excellent idea, Jack. Set her down in a concealed area.” Jack landed The Shesain in a well-protected meadow outside a sizable village and shut down the engines. They all breathed a sigh of relief. Jack and Derak turned to Shesain sitting in a corner hiding her head. “I told you NOT to touch that pad!” Jack yelled at Shesain. “I…I…didn’t mean to. It…it…was an accident,” she answered, breaking down into tears. Derak stopped Jack before he could go any further. He sat down next to Shesain and put his arm around her as she buried her head into his shoulder. “My dear, Chimera, when a flight instructor tells you no, they mean it.” Derak turned towards the others. “We need to know how far back we travelled.” He lifted Shesain’s chin; smiled and kissed her. She wiped her eyes and sniffled before looking up at the others. “Shesain, you and Shenar look up the histories while Jack and I figure out how far back in time we traveled. Seamus and Dr. Bundett help the girls out, will you?” They nodded and led Shenar and Shesain to the computer station. Jack and Derak looked at each other and shook their heads. After consulting the ship’s chronometer and computer, they time-traveled back to the year 1814. Author Bio Tim lives in Nevada City, California, with his wife, Ronna Lee Joseph, and their scrappy cat, Harley. He is involved with several writers groups. Besides documenting the adventures of Thumar, he writes short stories about talking animals and rude Christmas trees. Author Website: Author Facebook (Personal): Author Facebook (Author Page): Author Twitter: Author Instagram: https://www.instagram/thumarpublications/ Author Goodreads: ![]() Click on the banner to find something wonderful to read! 📚Multiple genres! 📚Many on Kindle Unlimited! 📚Love! Adventure! Suspense! Spicy! ![]() Drunk on love. Like a well-aged whiskey, master distiller and old-money entrepreneur Malone Kensington is elegant and refined. Unfortunately, he’s also a perfectionist who is more dedicated to the success of his generations-old company than his own love life. That company needs a public spokesman. What Colton Hale lacks in sophistication, he more than makes up for with the charisma that’s allowed him to survive on the street from a young age and charm his way into the lucrative—if overwhelming—public position at the Kensington Distillery. When Mal takes Colt under his wing, hoping to polish off his rough edges, opposites attract and a passionate romance blossoms despite the differences in age and background. But can it survive a Kensington Board of Directors who believe Colt is nothing but a gold digger and a kidnapper determined to profit from the love of Mal’s life—dead or alive? My teaser this week is from Whiskey and Moonshine! When Colt was trying to convince them he was the perfect choice, it all seemed like a great idea. However, he’d never been around this much wealth, and except for what he’d picked up these past weeks since he’d been here, he knew very little about the production of spirits. Maybe he was out of his league. “Should he use an accent similar to mine?” Mr. Kensington asked. He, like Audrey, had a soft Southern accent. “Your voice is deeper. It’s nice,” Colt observed. Mr. Kensington smiled softly at him. “Thank you.” “I don’t think so. Unless someone has a very exotic accent, I’m not sure people pay much attention,” Mr. Grice pointed out. “Pretending he’s from this area will likely backfire on us at some point. It’s better to avoid something like that from the beginning.” “He will need a new wardrobe,” Audrey added. “Gwendolyn will need Colt’s measurements so she can do some shopping for him.” Gwendolyn nodded. “I need to get a few things. I’ll be back before Phillipe is finished with his hair.” She hurried from the room. More of Colt’s dark hair fell to the floor. It had a nice shine in the light, and the individual hairs were on the thicker side with a little wave. Phillipe took a spray bottle and spritzed Colt’s hair, then cut more. He worked from back to front. After a few minutes, he stood in front of Colt, lifted his chin, spritzed again, and combed Colt’s hair down to cover his face before Colt heard the gentle clip of scissors. The strands that fell to the floor weren’t nearly as long as the ones Phillipe cut from the back of Colt’s head. It didn’t take long before Phillipe was turning Colt’s head again. Audrey and Mr. Kensington moved around so they stood in front of them. Audrey put her tablet down and stood staring with Mr. Kensington, who crossed one arm across his middle and braced his other elbow against it with his chin in his palm, watching. When Philippe blow-dried Colt’s hair, using a brush to flip his hair around, Audrey gasped, and Mr. Kensington’s eyes widened. Whiskey and Moonshine is on sale this week! The eBook is $3.99 and the paperback is $9.99. It's available in Kindle Unlimited as well.
![]() Mary Rundle has a new paranormal MM romance audiobook out: Shadow Voice. And there's a giveaway! The Blackwood Pack saga continues… This is part of an on-going series and reading the previous titles is advised. Readers of the past books will enjoy meeting old friends once more as the pack does what it does best ̶ caring for each other. Slate, one of the last Dire Wolves, has carved out a life which suits him fine—plenty of traveling to exotic locations and an abundance of one night stands to handle his needs. While he’s happy for his brother, who has found his Fated Mate, Slate isn’t interested in finding his—at least not for a long time. That is, until his body betrays him. Seeking his mother’s help—who is an Oracle—Slate pays a visit to the Blackwood Pack where he finds the Fates have once again, messed with his life. Dakota, the chef for the Blackwood Pack, fell in love with cooking as a young child and ultimately the kitchen became a place of refuge for him. Suffering with a ‘curse’ through much of his childhood, he relied heavily on his mother’s help to deal with it. After the massacre of his mother and siblings by their greedy uncle, Dakota barely survives, but finally forges a life for himself, content to stay home and take care of the people he loves. A long-hidden secret, rejection of a mate, acceptance of rare gifts, and a brutal kidnapping are just some of the obstacles Dakota and Slate must battle together to save their relationship. As the pack rallies around them, both must learn to trust the other before they can find the happiness that the Fates have ordained for them. Giveaway Mary is giving away an Amazon gift card and a Blackwood Pack Pub Mug with this tour: Direct Link: Excerpt The sounds of the forest faded as Dakota lost himself in the pleasure of kissing his mate’s soft but firm lips—that was, until the sound of his growling stomach broke the spell. Breaking off the kiss, an embarrassed Dakota said, “Uhm, sorry, I haven’t eaten since this morning.” “Babe, mine has been growling too; I haven’t eaten since last night. Didn’t you hear it?” Dakota shook his head. “I guess I was a little preoccupied,” he said, shyly. Glancing around the glen, he realized how late it was. “Holy shit! I have to get home and make dinner!” Dakota said, stumbling, as he tried to get up. “Whoa! Trust me…my mother has made dinner for everyone, well, except for us.” “But Jackson will worry why I’m staying out so late. I never told anyone where I was going.” Grabbing Dakota’s hand, he pulled him back down beside him. “No he won’t, because I told him where you were and he knows I was headed out to find you.” “Did you tell him we’re mates?” “Yes, do you have a problem with that?” Sighing, Dakota shook his head. “Not really. It would’ve come out sooner or later anyway.” The resignation in Dakota’s voice wasn’t reassuring but Slate decided to not worry about it right now; instead he wanted to get his mate back to the house and then, feed him. “Why don’t we head back and I’ll make you something for dinner.” Dakota’s face brightened. “That’s right, Colton told me you like to cook. Okay, do you want to shift and run back or walk back?” “I’d prefer to walk back with you in the moonlight, if that’s all right.” Dakota thought it over and decided he really did want to spend more time with his mate. He knew they needed to talk about having pups and all of that, but right now, he just wanted a moonlight stroll with Slate. “That’s fine, I’d rather do that too,” he said, rising to his feet again, and offering his mate a hand. Grabbing it, Slate rose, and slinging the empty backpack over his shoulder, led Dakota down the mountain on the dirt path he’d followed when he was searching for him. “I’m hoping you know the way back.” “Yup…just follow this path until you get to a fork, then take the one to the right and it’ll lead us back to the house.” Walking in silence for a few minutes, Slate wished they were already mated so at least he could know what his mate was thinking, but he knew it would take some time before that happened because of the promise he made to his mother. “Was Jackson angry I left?” asked Dakota, worrying about what he would find at home. Slate stopped, turned around so he was facing Dakota, then grasping his other hand, he looked intently at his mate. “Not at all. Please stop worrying about it. I told Jackson you were my Fated Mate and I wanted to claim you, but I told you I won’t do that until you agree, okay?” Dakota stared at his mate’s face, loving how the moonlight highlighted Slate’s features. Nodding slowly, he felt his worry disappear as his body was flooded with his mate’s love. Smiling in response, he said, “You know when you do that, it makes it so easy for me to forget everything except you.” Growling his approval, Slate said, “Good, now let’s go so I can show off my cooking skills.” Giggling in response, Dakota happily followed his mate. “Tell me more about the trouble you got into as a pup.” Snorting, Slate said, “Only if you promise never to tell anyone what a complete shit I was back then. Sometimes when I think back about all the crap I pulled, I’m amazed my parents still speak to me now after surviving my youth. Half of it was spent going to bed early as punishment and my poor brother spent half his youth trying to talk me out of my crazy ideas. By the way, he never did…the best he could hope for was getting me to make a few changes in the interests of protecting me from the danger that made my ideas so cool.” “Did he get punished too?” “Sometimes, but usually when he came up with his own ideas,” Slate said, laughing. “My mother told my father I was a bad influence on Steel the time we took her car and drove it into town so we could go to the fair.” “Why, cause you didn’t get permission?” Smiling broadly, Slate said, “No, though we didn’t do that either. My parents were furious because Steel was only twelve.” “Twelve? Holy shit! Now I know why you didn’t ask.” “Right. We knew what the answer would’ve been even though my brother could drive very well. The funny thing, it was actually my brother’s idea to drive us and, of course, I was all for it.” “What was the big deal about the fair?” “We heard there’d be lions and elephants and since we’d never seen any, Steel thought it’d be the only time we’d have a chance to. So off we went and had a fucking good time eating all the different foods and going on rides. We never did see any animals, but the fun we had playing the games…and winning…made up for it. You know, if it weren’t for the games, we’d have gotten away with it.” “I don’t get it. How could games give you away?” Author Bio The first book I ever wrote was Dire Warning in 2017 and, much to my delight, it became an Amazon Best-Seller. Readers loved it and I was on my way to chronicling the Blackwood Pack, seven brothers who are gay wolf shifters in search of their fated mates—stories about love at first sight with twists and turns, angst and humor, romance and adventure and, of course, happy endings. As my books began to be translated into other languages, I also became an Amazon International Best-Selling author and then achieved the honor of becoming an Amazon All Star due to their popularity. My tenth book, Darkness Master has just been published and audible versions of the entire series are in progress. I love the M/M paranormal genre because it gives my imagination a lot of territory in which to roam. My mind can really run wild and come up with some amazing stuff when it doesn’t have to stay inside the box. My readers tell me they feel like they’re members of the pack as the stories unfold…as if they’re right there in the middle of the action. Others tell me it’s like watching a fast-paced movie. My writing style pulls no punches…readers love it and are always clamoring for the next book. Stories come to me as if channeled by my characters, all of whom I love (except for a few villains). They are eager to recount their lives, loves and adventures and are not inhibited when it comes to revealing steamy, sexy details. I currently live in the Northeast and love the beautiful change of seasons, my husband, and our quirky calico cat, though not necessarily in that order. I’m always happy to hear from my readers and can be reached through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or my website. Author Website: Author Facebook (Personal): Author Facebook (Author Page): Author Twitter: Author Instagram: Author Goodreads: Author QueeRomance Ink: Author Amazon: |
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