![]() Mary Rundle has just released the audio version of "Dire Warning," book one of the Blackwood Pack series. The Blackwood Pack saga begins… Follow the journey of the Blackwood Pack, seven brothers who are wolf shifters in search of their fated mates – stories about love at first sight with twists and turns, angst and humor, romance and adventure. Each book has two men who meet, fall in love, mate and achieve an HEA but the stories also chronicle the continuing saga of the Blackwood Pack. For more than 100 years, Steel, one of the last Dire Wolves, has been looking for his mate the Fates promised him. Discouraged after meeting his latest date, he takes a short cut home, seeing in a naked hitchhiker everything he envisions the man of his dreams to be. His wolf and body tell him the man is his fated mate but why can't he pick up his scent? Robbed of his car, clothes and money, Jackson, Alpha of the Blackwood Pack, is left with no choice but to thumb a lift, frantic to get home to his six brothers. He's been protecting them from a rival pack who massacred most of his family and wants to finish off the rest. When Steel rolls down his window, Jackson knows he's found his fated mate but it would be too dangerous to claim him with his pack under attack. After the intervention of an Oracle and a Witch, Jackson finds the Fates gave him an unusual gift that made him unique-- and just for Steel. Navigating the mine field this revelation brings, Jackson and Steel must figure out how to make their relationship work while dealing with external forces determined to kill them and the rest of the Blackwood pack. Giveaway Mary is giving away a $20 Amazon gift certificate and a Blackwood Pack mug with this tour. Enter via Rafflecopter: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47128/? Excerpt Steel’s wolf was snarling and snapping as he drove away from Jimmy’s after leaving Jackson behind. He just couldn’t understand his wolf. What am I missing here? Jackson is not my mate. My mate has to be a wolf—he knew it because he’d been told not only by his mother who was an Oracle but by no less than three other Oracles. His mate would help save his species of wolves. The importance of this was impressed upon him throughout his life. He stepped on the gas, eager to get home to do some research. He needed answers because he had a feeling of foreboding about what was going to happen to Jackson and that was driving his wolf crazy. Finally arriving home, he stopped at the fifteen-foot-high gates, keyed in his passcode and then drove up the long driveway to his sprawling home, nestled among the trees on the knob of a small mountain. Although there were taller mountains to roam on his 200,000 acres of land, this spot spoke to his wolf spirit. He inhaled deeply as he got out of the truck, feeling his body reacting to the sights and smells around him. Looking around, he wondered if Jackson would like this spot as much as he did. And that did it—his cock hardened in a second and his blood started to heat up. What the fuck? He drove the image of Jackson’s firm body from his mind and thumped his cock several times to get it to go down. Hmmm, what to do first? Decision made, he stripped out of his clothes and stood still for a second before he called on his wolf and shifted. Birds scattered as the noise of bones cracking and stretching filled the air. When the sound faded away, Steel stood in his wolf form, shaking out his fur and scenting the air. Deer to the east, a small black bear and her cub ambling along the trail to the south and, yes there it was, a path that was free of any animal—Steel knew it wouldn’t be a good day to engage in a sparring match. His wolf was too unsettled for that. He struck out at a full run for the trail leading north to one of the tallest mountains on his land. His large paws made no sound on the thickly carpeted forest floor. Steel had gotten so many mixed signals from his wolf today he needed this time to figure out what was happening. He knew his wolf needed it also. While he was running, Steel examined his wolf’s feelings regarding Jackson because it was much easier to understand his wolf when they were one, especially now, since he hadn’t understood his wolf’s reaction to a man who had no scent. Taking in the smells and sounds of his forest, his mind searched and filtered through his wolf’s feelings. Steel found possessiveness, yeah, he already knew his wolf wanted to claim Jackson. The next feeling was protectiveness; he saw this when his wolf wanted to find and kill the men who attacked Jackson. Searching to see what else his wolf felt--oh my gods—what the fuck, love? His wolf loved Jackson because he knew Jackson was his mate. He nearly stumbled when that fact hit him. No! No! No! Jackson was human and couldn’t be my mate—or could he? His wolf had never been wrong before. He turned around and raced back home. He had to do the research immediately because if Jackson was indeed meant for him by the Fates, then Steel needed to claim him fast. Approaching his house, he fought his wolf to force a shift because his wolf was hell bent on finding his mate. Entering his home and ignoring his nakedness, Steel headed straight for his library. He impatiently yanked the door open and his wolf vision saw specks of dust dancing on the air currents of the huge, two-story, open room, lined with bookcases on both floors. His large desk sat in the middle of the room under a ceiling painted with stars and moons. He crossed over to his computer and entered the search terms he was looking for. Waiting, he drummed his fingers on the desk, as Jackson’s beautiful face flooded his mind. The quickness with which his cock hardened and the swiftness of the heating of his blood left him breathless. Shit, my reactions are happening quicker and growing in strength. His cock was now harder than he ever experienced in his long life and he stroked it vigorously, trying to relieve some of the pain. The computer finished its search, displaying a list of documents and books to review. Quickly glancing at the screen, Steel printed it out and started his research. As the hours dragged on, he was no closer to finding the answers than he’d been in the beginning. So far, he’d found no evidence to support his wolf’s claim the human was his mate. Still, it could be true, since he still had over three-quarters of the list to review. Sitting among a pile of books, he rubbed his eyes to remove some of their tiredness. He’d been up more than 24 hours and needed sleep before starting fresh again in the morning. Before he did, though, he sent the picture of the tattoo on Jackson’s chest to his mother asking her if she’d ever seen it before. He just had a gut feeling it was important and, hopefully, she would know what it meant. That knowledge would help narrow his search among the remaining documents and books. Steel entered his bedroom, wanting to collapse on the bed but forced himself to the bathroom where he turned on the water, climbing into the shower. As the hot water streamed over his tired and dirty body, his mind again returned to Jackson. Crap, I never got his last name. Well, at least I have an idea of where he lives. I wonder if anyone at the gas station… Author Bio The first book I ever wrote was Dire Warning in 2017 and, much to my delight, it became an Amazon Best-Seller. Readers loved it and I was on my way to chronicling the Blackwood Pack, seven brothers who are gay wolf shifters in search of their fated mates—stories about love at first sight with twists and turns, angst and humor, romance and adventure and, of course, happy endings. As my books began to be translated into other languages, I also became an Amazon International Best-Selling author and then achieved the honor of becoming an Amazon All Star writer due to their popularity. My ninth book, Mystic Guardian, has just been published and audible versions of the entire series are in progress. I love the M/M paranormal genre because it gives my imagination a lot of territory in which to roam. My mind can really run wild and come up with some amazing stuff when it doesn’t have to stay inside the box. My readers tell me they feel like they’re members of the pack as the stories unfold…as if they’re right there in the middle of the action. Others tell me it’s like watching a fast-paced movie. My writing style pulls no punches…readers love it and are always clamoring for the next book. Stories come to me as if channeled by my characters, all of whom I love (except for a few villains). They are eager to recount their lives, loves and adventures and are not inhibited when it comes to revealing steamy, sexy details. I currently live in the Northeast and love the beautiful change of seasons, my husband, and our quirky calico cat, though not necessarily in that order. I’m always happy to hear from my readers and can be reached through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MeWe, email, or my website. Author Website: http://www.maryrundle.com Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/maryrundle69 Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/maryrundleauthor Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaryRundle69 Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryrundle69 Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14246427.Mary_Rundle Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/mary-rundle/ Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mary-Rundle/e/B0763CDQQ6/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1 ![]() ![]() William C. Tracy has a new Queer/MMF sci fi/fantasy/steampunk tale out, book two in the Dissolution Cycle: "Facets of the Nether." The Dissolution approaches. Sam has saved the Assembly of Species, but at a terrible cost. Locked in his apartment, his memories gone and his best friend abducted, he is once again crippled with anxiety. Meanwhile, Enos struggles to free her brother from imprisonment, alone for the first time in her life. Her true species has been revealed, and there are hints the deadliest of her kind survived an ancient war. But the Nether contains more secrets. A musical chime disrupts daily life, signaling changes to its very fabric. To solve this mystery, Sam must face his anxiety and confront truths about his memories and unique abilities. Only then can he save his friends from the machinations of the Life Coalition, by understanding the reality behind the Facets of the Nether. Amazon | Bookbub | GoodreadsGiveaway William is giving away a $10 Amazon gift card with this tour. Enter via Rafflecopter for a chance to win: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47129/? Excerpt - The appearance of a new house of the maji is not to be as surprising as its origin. My apprentice, who firmly appeared to be of the House of Communication, is the one who is showing me these new things, at my age. Truly, the Nether is changing. Journal of Origon Cyrysi, Kirian majus of the Houses of Communication and Power A chime erupted through the Imperium, as if all the crystal plates in the world rang and shattered at once. Samuel van Oen held his ears and, through the window of his mentor’s apartment, watched a flight of alien birds split and scatter at the noise. “What was that?” Sam dropped his hands from his ears as the sound stabilized into a deep, clear tone he felt in his gut. It was loud, but not as unbearable as it had been. Deep in the back of his mind, the Grand Symphony responded to the noise like a tuning fork against a plate of metal. The different rhythms fractured and multiplied at the chime, like the whole world was vibrating. No one answered his question, as Majus Cyrysi was out again. The Kirian had spent more time in the libraries of the Spire than in teaching Sam, not that he was ever particularly good at teaching. The tower of the House of Communication vibrated beneath Sam’s feet as the sound lessened to a background hum. The music normally playing in its halls had ceased during the explosion of sound, but now picked up fitfully, warring with the chime’s resonance. The flock of birds—with crests of orange, and three scaly wings down each side of their body—swooped in an irregular pattern, disrupted by the noise. Sam went to the window and looked down. To one side, dust fell from the strange stone bridge that ran from the middle height of the House of Communication to the immense wall of the Nether. He’d been out on it before, as it was a curiosity of this House, and maji occasionally used it to take in the view. There were a few maji on it now—a tall Etanela and two Methiemum—looking up at the immense wall of the Nether, bathed in blues and purples like a titanic sheet of ice. On the ground far below, people milled around in confusion. Sam guessed the bell-like sound wasn’t normal, but he’d only been in this place a little under two months. Before that, things became blurred and hazy in his mind. The presence that had rooted through his head took many of his memories. He remembered Earth, and that he had stayed with his aunt after something happened to his parents. Their faces refused to come to mind. Thinking about what happened at the Dome of the Assembly made him seek the silence of Majus Cyrysi’s apartment, and he couldn’t stop. He was obsessing about what he could have—should have—done differently. He was slowly spiraling down to a place of solitude and loneliness, and his body wouldn’t obey his deeper wish to break the cycle. Sam jumped back from the window as someone banged on the door. A spike like an icicle in his gut went through him. Sweat pricked his forehead. Don’t be someone new. It could only be one of a few people, but his throat threatened to close at the thought of explaining why he was sitting here alone, staring out a window. How long ago had Majus Cyrysi left? Sam put one eye to the peephole in the door, then sagged in relief. It was Enos. He could ask her about the sound digging its way into his head. He opened the door and let his friend in, looking her over. There were bags under her eyes and she hadn’t combed her long black hair. “You haven’t slept either, have you?” said Enos. Sam let out a burst of air. It wasn’t quite a laugh. “That’s what I was going to say.” He pulled her into the room by her hand, quickly closing the door. The hall should be familiar, but it didn’t feel like the right day to go outside. Again. “You hear that too, right? Do you know what—” Enos shook her head. “No idea. I was about to ask you. People are running around like mad. I don’t think anyone knows.” Then why would she think I knew? He stared at the closed door. Enos followed his gaze, then took his other hand. “It’s been a ten-day since you left Majus Cyrysi’s apartment.” She winced as if she had a headache. Probably that irritating chime. It was like a dull drill, pressing against the back of his head. Sam frowned. Now wasn’t the time to talk about going out. Couldn’t Enos see he had other things on his mind? “Before this noise started I was trying to remember…remember—” He bit his lip and focused over her shoulder. It was something about Earth. He’d almost had it. “Remember what?’ Enos asked, bringing his focus back. “Is it connected with the attack on the Assembly? Or about the new themes you hear in the Symphony? Can they help us find Inas?” Sam shook his head. He was letting Enos down. She won’t want to be with me anymore. He knew it wasn’t true, but the fact beat against the inside of his head. Inas had been the other side of a scale, balancing him. Without him, everything was harder. Author Bio William C. Tracy is a North Carolina native and a lifelong fan of science fiction and fantasy. He self-published his Dissolutionverse space opera books and has one epic fantasy published with a small press. He also has a master’s in mechanical engineering, and has designed and operated heavy construction machinery. He’s trained in Wado-Ryu karate since 2003, and runs his own dojo in Raleigh. He is an avid video and board gamer, a reader, and a writer. In his spare time, he cosplays with his wife such combinations as Steampunk Agent Carter and Jarvis, Jafar and Maleficent, and Doctor Strange and the Ancient One. They also enjoy putting their pets in handmade costumes and making them cosplay for the annual Christmas card. Get a novelette by signing up for William’s mailing list at http://williamctracy.com, or follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/wctracy for writing updates, cat pictures, and martial arts. Author Website: http://williamctracy.com/ Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/bill.tracy.311 Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/williamctracyswsf/ Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/wctracy Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracywc/ Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/60627.William_C_Tracy Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/William-C-Tracy/e/B01D1Z2MD8 ![]() ![]() Love will find out his way. Two men caught in the embrace of forbidden love. Two worlds trapped in a conflict that spans nations. Two lives lost to the cruel hand of time in a never-ending torture of yearning. But love is eternal. It lives through the darkest of times to whisper across the ages on the lips of those who crave it. Love will always survive. And James is about to find out that some people will do anything to capture loves lost kiss. It seems to James that monsters lurk in every corner. But there is always Adam. The one man who makes sense in his life, and the one person who offers him comfort when everything else seems so messed up. But as James finds himself growing closer to the enigmatic librarian, old monsters raise their ugly heads to threaten their relationship, and James is torn. Does he hold the hand of the man he is falling for, or does he run for his life to keep that man safe from the darkness which haunts him? History is catching up with the present, and as its terrible presence grows ever closer, a shocking revelation destroys any hope that James may have of living a normal life. The chase is on, and the real horror has only just begun. ‘Being Alive’ is the third installment of my shocking ‘Alive’ serial set in my Dark MM Universe. Meet Sean KerrWriting is a privilege and pure joy. I love to tell complex, character driven stories, and my ‘Alive’ series enables me to tell a story that spans so many fascinating literary characters and to explore their history from a unique LGBT perspective. It is an honour to be a part of this community, and I am proud to be here with you to explore these thrilling tales! Thank you for joining me on this journey. My name is Sean Kerr, and I am a 50-year-old gay man living in Cardiff, Wales with my husband of 28 years, Derek. We have our mad cat, Rita and, and a host of tropical fish. I worked on building sites for years, and I used the money earned from that to put myself through college, specialist paint techniques etc. I trained in fine art, and then I went out and painted murals on client’s walls, and created Roman Bathrooms and fantasy hand painted bedrooms, all the rage back in the late eighties and nineties. I then became an Interior Designer for a large DIY chain. For the past thirteen years I ran my own Interiors business, and while that is no longer in existence, I am now looking for my next challenge in life! By day I make handmade jewelry and sell them on my Etsy shop. But by night I transform into the author! It took me some years to get to this point. I spent a very long time trying to get an agent because I thought it was the right thing to do, and after a heck of a lot of refusals, I nearly gave up. I came so close to hitting the delete button on Dead Camp 1 because I thought I did not stand a chance. At the very last moment, I decided to have a go at approaching a few publishers directly, and I sent the manuscript to six. Within two weeks, I had offers of publication from three! Let’s just say that there may have been tears lol. It was my chance, at last, to become a part of a world that I have always loved and admired from a distance, and it is one of the very best things to ever happened to me. I recently ventured into the world of self-publishing. ‘The Man Inside Me’, ‘Alive’ and ‘The Last Child’ represent my first wave of self-published work, though I have been lucky to be able to use the same editor who I worked with on my traditionally published works. My book, ‘The Man Inside Me’ is an MM Victorian Gothic Romance, and I think it is the favourite thing I have written so far. It deals with two men in their fifties trying to find love again, a subject that is very close to my heart as I approach that milestone. It is a very important book to me, and while it has some very ‘KERR’ twists and turns, it is, at its heart, a very romantic tale that deals with middle age. I am particularly proud of this book, and it is a very different spin on the MM genre. Alive is my latest book, and the start of a whole new Dark Universe series. Part gay romance, part horror, part sci fi, part historical. I know, quite the mix. But that’s what I love to do. Conspiracy, mash ups and sexy horror!! I have since written the sequel, Still Alive, and I am now excited about the release of the third book in the series, Being Alive! This series is inspired by my love for classic literature and the fabulous old black and white Universal Studios monster movies. I have read most of the books those old films were based on. It has always been my dream to write a series of books that share these characters from film and literature in an adventure told from an LGBT perspective, and it is an absolute honour to write these books. One character in particular has been a favourite of mine since I was a child, and I can’t tell you how much of a thrill it is to write about him. It is difficult to talk about these books without giving too much away, as I don’t want to spoil the many surprises inside the pages. But this series provides a new insight into some very famous creations, and oh, they are a joy to write! I hope you will join me on this journey and venture into my Dark MM Universe. And it all started with the prequel book, ‘The Man Inside Me.’ Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to meeting you on social media. ![]() Happy Father's Day to all the dads (or moms that fill both parental roles). It's officially summer here in the northern hemisphere and my flowers are finally starting to pop out! How is everyone doing? Are you all staying well and keeping busy? I've been gardening, as you can see I'm not the best at it, but I do enjoy it. Of course that means potted flowers on my porch too. ![]() Of course Finn is enjoying the sunny skies and warmer weather too. It's a lot of fun watching my short dog run through the tall grass. He loves it and goes straight for it every time. He's like a land dolphin.
Of course reading (and writing) requires a beverage. Lately, I've been making my own cold brew coffee again. I use whole beans coarsely ground and some spices like cinnamon and allspice. Yum! A bit of hazelnut liquid creamer and a dollop of chocolate sauce makes a great drink! Don't forget to check out The Big Sale page for some terrific book collections at great prices. There's something for every one there. What's your favorite reading beverage? I'll enter everyone who comments into a contest for a free eBook copy of For the Long Run (which is also in Kindle Unlimited). I'll announce the winner on Sunday, June 28.
![]() Beryll and Osiris Brackhaus has a new MM sci fi space opera romance out: "The Pet and His Duke." Robert is a pet, a human pleasure slave, and well past his prime. So when teenage Duke Thomar of Aylian buys him via mail order, Robert first suspects a dreadful misunderstanding. The duke is young, handsome and headstrong, and the very last thing he needs while struggling to secure his reign over his planet is an aging bargain bin pet by his side. Only, the more time Robert spends with Thomar, the more he learns that the young duke rarely makes mistakes. Unless, of course, Thomar dashes off on one of his mad adventures, which Robert increasingly becomes a part of… ‘The Pet and his Duke’ is a standalone m/m romance novel in the ‘Virasana Empire’ universe. Written by Rainbow Book Award winners Beryll and Osiris Brackhaus, it is a story of self-determination and love, and Happily-Ever-Afters in the most unlikely places. Excerpt Robert looked up from his latest romance novel as the door to the Ducal Suite opened to admit his master. He was seated in his armchair at the burning fireplace, huddled under a woollen blanket. Early autumn in the capital of Aylian was usually pleasantly mild, but this year had brought an uncomfortable chill to Toraskah. Thomar had explained that this was a problem caused by the Eigenrealität-bubble of the Aliaerean Realms leaking through the demon portal above them, messing with the climate. Whatever that meant. Apparently someone very important named Lady Beverly was working hard on correcting the issue, but it was all very complicated and would not be fixed before this winter, which promised to actually bring snow to the capital, a rare occurrence indeed. All Robert had understood was that it was fucking cold, would get even colder, and would stay that way for a few months. Blinking somewhat owlishly through his reading glasses, Robert watched his master carry a huge bowl filled with various types of fruit over to him. Thomar was home from work early and that usually meant he was so fed up with his duties that he was only left with the choice to either walk out or start shooting people. However, his smile looked decidedly indecent and made Robert discount that theory. Thomar placed the bowl of fruit on the low sidetable next to Robert's armchair. He pushed Robert's feet off the footstool and inappropriately settled himself there, smiling up at his pet. Robert carefully took off his reading glasses and placed them on the table with his book. His master obviously wanted something, and as usual, Robert wasn't sure what it was. "How was your day, my lord?“ he tried to gauge Thomar's mood. "Pretty nice, actually.“ Thomar drew a vicious-looking N'Ptalini dagger from a concealed compartment in his left boot, picked up a lima fruit from the bowl and started peeling it. "I was stuck in a meeting between Bishop Claudius of the Belligra and demon Ambassador Brassion for the last three hours and got to listen to them yelling at each other while entirely ignoring me.“ He dropped the lima peel to the ground, cut a fillet out of the ripe fruit and noisily sucked it off his blade. „I don't think they have noticed that I left.“ "I see.“ It was of course exceedingly impolite for the Duke to slip away like that, but Thomar knew that perfectly well himself. "So, I thought I'd come home and see how my favourite pet is doing.“ Thomar discarded the rest of the peeled lima and picked up a mango instead. Again his dagger went to work, this time with juice dripping over his fingers. "I'm good, thank you, my lord,“ Robert replied politely. He was not sure where his master was leading with this seemingly innocent conversation. "You do look a bit cold.“ Thomar eyed him thoughtfully, licking mango juice off his fingers. "I've been wondering if we should find someone to fix the palace’s central heating.“ He popped a piece of mango into his mouth and continued sucking on his fingers with obvious relish. "Not sure if it's worth the effort if the climate is fixed by next winter though.“ "I'm sure we can make do until then.“ It was kind of hard to concentrate on the conversation when his master was such a pleasant distraction. "Yeah, you're probably right.“ Thomar discarded the half-eaten mango as well, along with the dagger, and started rummaging in the fruit bowl until he produced an already cut piece of melon. "And the cold has some advantages too, eh? Snuggled up under blankets, sharing warmth...“ Thomar bit into the piece. Melon juice ran down his chin and he spent some time mopping it up with his fingers and licking them clean. Robert watched hypnotised. He was slowly getting an idea of what his master wanted but he felt it was safer to ask first. Only how to phrase that question? "So... anything in particular I can do for you tonight, my lord?“ he finally asked, while Thomar picked up a handful of strawberries from the bowl. "Hm... actually... yes.“ Thomar lasciviously licked the first fruit and bit off half of it. "You know... I enjoyed that afternoon on the first day of our vacation.“ He sucked the juice from the rest of the strawberry. "When you ordered me onto the bed and fucked me so hard I thought you'd split me in half.“ Robert gave an undignified, half-choked sound. Pounding his master hard while half-crazed with lust was one thing. Having his master talk about it and demand more of it was another thing altogether. Then again, Thomar was doing a great job of getting him to that half-crazed state again. "You seem to need some inspiration...“ The next strawberry followed, this time including Thomar licking red juice off his lips with his terribly agile tongue. By now, the blanket as well as the fire seemed way too hot for Robert's liking. He felt heat pool in his groin as Thomar grinned up at him, sinfully sexy in his black uniform and that innocent face with eyes that promised pleasure as far from innocent as possible. "You think you can repeat that performance?“ Thomar asked, turning his attention back to the bowl of fruit. This time he reached for a banana, but Robert's hand shot out and grabbed his wrist before he could pick it up. Discarding any kind of careful considerations, Robert got to his feet and pulled his master against himself forcefully. He was rewarded with a breathless laugh full of delight. He covered Thomar's mouth in a demanding kiss and tasted the unexpected fruit cocktail with Thomar's own taste the cherry on top. Author Bios We are Beryll and Osiris Brackhaus, a couple currently living our happily ever after in the very heart of Germany, under the stern but loving surveillance of our cat. Both of us are voracious but picky readers, we love telling stories and drinking tea, good food and the occasional violent movie. Together, we write novels of adventure and romance, hoping to share a little of our happiness with our readers. Beryll An artist by heart, Beryll was writing stories even before she knew what letters were. As easily inspired as she is frustrated, her own work is never good enough (in her eyes). A perfectionist in the best and worst sense of the word at the same time and the driving creative force of our duo. Osiris An entertainer and craftsman in his approach to writing, Osiris is the down-to-earth, practical part of our duo. Broadly interested in almost every subject and skill, with a sunny mood and caring personality, he strives to bring the human nature into focus of each of his stories. Author Website: http://www.brackhaus.com/ Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011014541510 Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brackhaus Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brackhaus/ Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6427435.Osiris_Brackhaus Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Osiris-Brackhaus/e/B00IVTRO2E ![]() ![]() A.D. Ellis has a new contemporary MM romance out: "Hearts Ablaze." Chase Steele and Xander Copperfield are down on their luck, as similar as they are different, and ready for a love they didn’t even realize they’d been waiting on their whole lives. With two gorgeous “tough guys” discovering and exploring their true selves, Hearts Ablaze is a steamy, slow-burn, friends-to-lovers, opposites attract, bisexual awakening romance. *This is the first book in the Forged in the City series.* Amazon | QueeRomance Ink | GoodreadsAbout the Series: Love will find you whether you’re ready for it or not. Join the men of the Forged in the City series as they navigate the twists and turns of falling in love when it’s least expected. This series contains steamy, M/M age-gap, opposites-attract, friends-to-lovers romance tropes. Series LinkGiveaway A.D. is giving away a $20 Amazon gift card with this tour. Enter via Rafflecopter for a chance to win: Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47126/? Excerpt As I quietly opened the door, I was overcome with nervous anticipation. Sage and Bode were nice, they invited me to stay, there was no reason to feel like I was intruding or needed to sneak around. Yet, I found myself just outside of the kitchen eavesdropping on Sage and Bode. I hadn’t meant to slink in the shadows and listen to their conversation, I just wasn’t exactly sure where I wanted to be and their words caught my attention. Before I knew what was happening, I was spying like a damn spying spier. “Think about it. It’s like fate. Remember when you didn’t want me to move in here? You did everything you could to convince the guys to pick someone else. But you ended up with me and it turned out to be fabulous.” Sage’s words were low and persuasive. “Ginny finds her long-lost nephew, he discovers his aunt and a sister he never knew, and it looked very much like he and Xan are totally hitting it off.” “Babe, he’s a complete stranger.” Bode’s words were gruff. “Ginny had his records checked. You checked his records—even had Mark check them which I’m still not okay with. We could run a complete check for employment.” Sage paused and I heard the soft noises of a gentle kiss. Bode groaned. I was a total perv hiding in the shadows and getting turned on knowing Sage and Bode were kissing. “We need an employee. We have an extra room.” Sage was laying it on thick. “We could help bring two siblings together and maybe even strike a love connection.” Bode began to speak, but I missed what he said because I nearly shit myself as Rosie gripped my hand and basically screamed, “Whatcha doin? Why you hidin?” Sage and Bode stuck their heads out of the kitchen and I prayed to melt into a puddle right there. Rosie shrugged when she realized it wasn’t a game and went back to playing with Oliver. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to listen in.” My words poured from me like the pathetic excuse they were. “Really, I came for coffee, heard Sage and didn’t want to interrupt. By the time I realized you were talking about me, it was too late and I was frozen.” I ran a hand over my face, my cheeks on fire. “Shit, I’m so sorry.” “Don’t sweat it,” Sage assured and waved a dismissive hand in the air. “Coffee?” Since I wasn’t lucky enough to die on the spot, I nodded and entered the kitchen. “Yes, please.” “Well, what would you think?” Bode leaned against the counter. “About?” I stammered. Sage beamed at Bode. It was clear Sage had won. Something told me Sage often won when it came to winning over Bode. “Sage is right. We do need an employee at The Lizard. We lost quite a few people to college graduation or busy school schedules.” Bode shrugged. “We planned on inviting you to be around as much as possible to build a relationship with Rosie. If you’d be willing to have a complete background check, the position and room are yours.” I stared at him for years. Decades even. “What’s wrong with him? Did I break him?” Bode scowled and spoke out of the corner of his mouth to Sage. Sage chuckled and moved closer to me. He pushed my jaw up. “Close your mouth, sweetie.” He stepped between me and Bode. “Chase, would you like a job at The Salty Lizard? It’s not glamorous or exciting.” He frowned. “Actually, it can be kinda exciting sometimes. And it’s always fun. Great people.” He dipped his head to catch my eyes. “Chase? Job? You want it?” I nodded and tried to work my sandpapery thick tongue. “Yes, yes, of course, I want it.” I tried to breathe, but my lungs seemed to be faltering. “We have a room here. You’d pay rent, but it’s a decent price. We’d set some ground rules. You’d have to be okay living with kids.” Sage spoke slowly as if trying to explain quantum physics to me. “Would you like the room?” “I, um, I just can’t. I mean, yes, of course I’d want the room, but I can’t ask you guys to give me a job, give me a room, and let me hang with my sister. It’s too much.” I moved to the right and leaned against the sink. “Want to talk about the rent and salary? Make a decision from there?” Sage patted my arm. I nodded mutely. Sage went to check on the kids and set them up with crayons and coloring books along with Kidz Bop on a tablet. Author Bio A.D. Ellis is an Indiana girl, born and raised. She spends much of her time in central Indiana as an instructional coach/teacher in the inner city of Indianapolis, being a mom to two amazing school-aged children, and wondering how she and her husband of almost two decades have managed to not drive each other insane. A lot of her time is also devoted to phone call avoidance and her hatred of cooking. She loves chocolate, wine with friends, pizza, crocheting and naps along with reading and writing romance. These loves don’t leave much time for housework, much to the chagrin of her husband. Who would pick cleaning the house over a nap or a good book? She uses any extra time to increase her fluency in sarcasm. Author Website: https://www.adellisauthor.com Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/adellisauthor Author Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ADEllisAuthor Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adellisauthor Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8068864.A_D_Ellis Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/a-d-ellis/ Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/A.D.-Ellis/e/B00K0YJ8CW ![]() ![]() M.J. Calabrese has a new Gay/Bi mystery thriller out: "Warrior's Way." And there's a giveaway! Friends since childhood, Albuquerque detective Eagle Woodard and criminal profiler Adam Coulter are dragged into a serial killer case. Gay couples are being murdered and tortured and the FBI needs their help to capture the sadistic murderer. Deciding to implement a plan to trap the killer, Adam and Eagle go undercover as an involved gay couple. Or is it really pretend? Faced with their toughest challenge yet, they must find the active serial killer before he strikes again. With the powers that be not cooperating and the killer proving to be elusive, will Eagle and Adam be able to stop the murderer while navigating their changing relationship? Please Note: This is the first book in an ongoing story arc. Although the case is solved, the relationship ends on a cliffhanger. Contains graphic violence and scenes of torture. Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CAN | QueeRomance InkGiveaway M.J. is giving away a $25 Amazon gift card with this tour. Enter via Rafflecopter for a chance to win:
Direct Link: Excerpt ![]() The cool wind attacked Eagle Woodard’s body as he fell head over heels. He tumbled, body tightly tucked as he cleared the modified Cessna, momentarily catching sight of the blue, cloudless horizon before stretching out to embrace the air. Below him, the rust toned surrealist canvas of desert and mountains began to take shape as he allowed himself to freefall through the biting tempest. The winds transformed his tanned face, warping it into a mad, Joker-esque grin. The former Army Ranger set his plan into motion. Pulling his muscular arms tightly against his torso, the angle of his descent began to change. ‘I feel the need, the need for speed.’ If the wind hadn’t been so brutal, he would’ve laughed. How many times had they used those iconic words in training? At 38, it felt like a lifetime ago. Eagle tilted his head down. He pressed his legs together with toes pointed toward the heavens, becoming a human bullet streaking through the atmosphere. He could feel the friction heating his head and shoulders. His dark, goggle covered eyes flickered to the left, quickly gauging his altitude in relation to the horizon. One…, two…, three seconds passed. Eagle reveled in the multitude of sensations inundating his body. The angry roar of the wind deafened him. The white noise of the rushing air blotted out all sound except for the popping of the black, nylon jumpsuit. The wind strained the cloth protecting him almost to its limit. The powerful, talon-like turbulence threatened to shred his clothes, leaving him bare and unprotected from the tempest. The bee sting lash of his long, raven ponytail as it whipped against his neck and face revitalized and reddened his brown skin. ‘Four…, five…, six…, seven…, eight.’ With an eerie calm, Woodard counted the seconds. As he drew closer and closer to terra firma, his confidence in his abilities never wavered. Here he was master. Here he was the great bird of his people’s folklore. He was the embodiment of Atsáh, the Eagle, swooping with deadly accuracy toward his prey on the ground. The Albuquerque homicide Detective didn’t need to see his altimeter. He knew he only had a few more moments of precious freedom. Reluctantly, his right hand moved reflexively to the left side of his chest. Gripping the cold metal ring, he tugged. A grunt of air was forced from his lungs. The nylon straps crisscrossing his body suddenly tightened, drawing him up. Eagle grimaced as pain seared up his back. The sudden opening of his parachute at this rate of speed aggravated more than one old injury. Gravity, the purveyor of his discomfort, pressed his chin to his chest for an instant before the strain of rapid deceleration eased. With skill born of countless jumps, Eagle maneuvered the billowing canopy toward his destination. Calculating the high desert cross winds, he made a last-minute correction which allowed him to plant his right foot firmly onto the center of the large, white cross target. As his left foot touched down, he leaned back, encouraging his chute to take the rest of the breeze until it collapsed and fell impotent to the sand. Instantly, the tall man began to gather the yards of thin ripstop nylon and cord into his arms, beating down any last show of resistance from the exuberant ram-air parachute. Turning, Eagle reached up and pulled his goggles from his face just as his cell phone rang. Pulling it from his zippered pocket, he grimaced at the sight of the familiar number. “I thought I was supposed to have a day off, Captain.” “You do, but I’ve got an FBI agent here that needs to talk with you. Says you knew his brother. Here, talk to him.” “Detective Woodard, my name is Kessler. Rick Kessler. I think you served with my brother, Dean, in the Army.” The voice and the name triggered unpleasant memories of a time he had tried to bury. He couldn’t tell if it was his Spanish or Navajo side sending a warning chill up his spine. Suddenly, Eagle realized the man on the other end of the line was waiting. “Yeah, sorry. Yeah, I remember Dean. He died in Afghanistan, didn’t he? Sorry.” What Woodard remembered was what a closeted bastard the guy had been and how he’d used the knowledge of Eagle’s own closeted sexuality against him. Threatening to report him and risking dishonorable discharge at best…, or death if members of their team found out. He didn’t mourn Dean Kessler’s passing when he got word that some insurgents finished him. “Captain said you were with the FBI?” “Yes. Detective Woodard, I’ve heard a lot about you and Dr. Coulter. I was very impressed when you apprehended Martin Devoreaux. I read the case report. You and Dr. Coulter are quite the team. The good doctor’s a legend at the bureau. His book on Ritual Behaviorism Among Serial Killers is mandatory reading now at the academy.” “Oh, Adam would love to hear that.” Eagle rolled his eyes. The last thing Adam Coulter needed was something to bolster his ego. “If it’s alright, I really need to talk with both of you about a case I’m working. I think you might be able to help me.” “Today?” “No. I’m still putting some final touches on a plan I’ve got in motion. How about tomorrow morning at your home? I want to keep this as low key as possible. Strictly, on a need to know basis, so I’d prefer it if your Captain and I met with you and Coulter privately.” Eagle unzipped his jumpsuit from chin to navel. “What time?” “0900?” “Sure. Tell Cap to bring the creamer.” Pocketing his phone, Eagle gathered his parachute from the ground and slowly made his way to his truck. Stowing the chute away, he unzipped his jumpsuit the rest of the way. Dragging it down off his shoulders, he revealed a tan-colored work shirt and jeans. He pushed the loose-fitting black nylon from around his narrow waist. Wrestling the last couple of inches of fabric over his shoes, Eagle jerked the material free and tossed it behind the driver’s seat completing his impromptu striptease. He looked up toward the sun before glancing at his watch. “Yeah…, I know, I’m late.” He said to no one, but the wind. Author Bio ![]() My mother now regrets her fateful words she offered the day I came home from our small town library in Palm Springs, California (yes, I’m a Cali girl) complaining that there were no more books to read. “Then why don’t you write some.” My father never saw his old Remington portable until I entered college and they gifted me an IBM Selectric. By then I had produced at least two dozen unpublishable novels which make me cringe when I read them today. I found inspiration in innumerable odd jobs (from migrant work as a Date palm pollinator to the person who cleans the washing machines at the launderette to professional Dominatrix) for stories. After a stint in Rehab for Alcohol and Heroin abuse (so when I write those scenes, I know what I’m talking about), I cleaned up and have stayed that way for 29 years. (Me and Sir Elton, LOL). My gypsy lifestyle gave me a unique perspective on the different people who inhabited the Washington, Oregon, Arizona, California, and New Mexico areas where I have lived. After 3 very bad marriages to men, I finally figured out what was wrong and fell in love with a woman when I lived in Portland, OR 23 years ago. We’ve been married since 2008 (yes it was legal in California at that time). We now live in Asheville, NC and love the people in this liberal and accepting corner of the mountains of North Carolina. Author Website: https://www.mjcalabrese.comAuthor Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100043704531611Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/authormjcalabrese/Author Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/calabrese_mjAuthor Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mj.calabrese/Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/m-j-calabrese/Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/M-J-Calabrese/e/B082VDNB6T/![]() A big welcome to Dominique Wild! She brings us a sinfully fun new novel, AND an article about what makes great BDSM! ![]() Blurb: When you have the perfect boyfriend—sweet, romantic, supportive, and your high school sweetheart—you’re supposed to be happy. But Sarah’s also in love with Peter, her boyfriend’s best friend. He’s funny, surprising, and he brings the spice to her life she craves. When secrets come out into the open will she get what she wants, or lose everything? During Sarah's 21st Birthday club crawl her best friend Cassie catches her an inch away from kissing Peter. Now Peter knows about her desires, and Cassie is furious at her. If word gets out the scandal would ruin Sarah and Mike’s college careers – she’s the University's Instagram famous head cheerleader and he’s the quarterback – not to mention their relationship. If Sarah can't find a way to make the relationship with Peter work she could lose him forever. Do the school's darlings have room for another man? And if so, how can they have a relationship without getting discovered? Find out why one reader said, "I'm thinking this author has some solid talent. I definitely recommend those who enjoy reading (good) BDSM. Click to buy and join the satisfied readers who are discovering that Dominique Wild is the up-and-coming Kink writer to watch! 5 Elements of a Great BDSM Story BDSM is an increasingly popular romance sub-genre, and with good reason. It’s new to a lot of readers, it can add a lot of suspense to a scene, and—best of all—it’s hot! Let’s look at the different elements that go into making a kinky story work, from my viewpoint as an author writing them. Trust Trust is the bedrock of any BDSM scene or relationship. Without trust it’s impossible for a submissive to relax and fully enjoy the experience, and no good Dom will enjoy an encounter where their submissive is truly scared or unwilling. So how does this play out in a scene? It means that the submissive trusts fully that the Dom understands their limits and won’t violate them. It means that the Dom is fully aware of any safety concerns related to the planned activities and has taken steps to avoid anticipated problems. There is also trust around feelings, too. A submissive can become very vulnerable in a BDSM scene and it takes a lot of trust to willingly surrender to that vulnerability. A Dom also has to trust that the submissive won’t react poorly to the scene and become angry at the Dom for doing something to hurt them. And both parties have to trust that the other will accept their kinky desires and return them, instead of rejecting them. Trust is essential for good BDSM, so to me it is an essential component of the story. Trust is sexy, and exploring that to the limits can be deeply satisfying. Expression of feelings The best part of any romance story is getting to experience the main character’s feelings as they fall in love, and then live their lives with their partner(s). The BDSM in a story should help that process happen. How does the bottom feel while being tied up, whipped, collared, or ordered to kneel? How does the top feel about wielding the whip, giving orders, or putting that collar on? How does the shared experience affect the relationship? BDSM is a wonderful opportunity to deepen the emotional ties in a relationship, so a story should touch on that at every opportunity. Sensuality It goes without saying that sex is a very sensual experience, and BDSM is the same. Many people engage in BDSM simply for the variety of sensations it provides, which is often called sensation play. The feel of soft fur on your skin, the sting of a whip, the way alternating hot then cold makes your skin come alive, or the feel of being completely bound and immobile – all of these things have a unique sensation which can add zest to your scene, and your sex life. This is true of almost all types of BDSM activity, from light sensation play on up to heavy pain play for the very masochistic submissive. It’s all about finding the sensations you enjoy and getting more of those. All good writing touches on the five senses anyway, so this is an easy fit for a kinky story. Expression of Dynamic Another part of any romance story is seeing how the dynamic develops between the main characters, and that is also true of BDSM stories – except in BDSM the term dynamic can have a different meaning. It’s often used to refer to the power dynamic between a Dominate and a submissive. Many BDSMers enjoy playing with an exchange of power, which means that the submissive willingly gives the Dominant the power to control the scene within certain limits. This can be all about having some hot sex for the night, or it can encompass the whole relationship if a submissive looks to a Dom to provide guidance and support on a daily basis. The beautiful thing about relationship dynamics is that it’s very individual. No two relationships have the exact same dynamic, because every single person has different needs. You can take the template of a dominant man and a submissive woman and write it a million different ways. The individual characters in a story shape that specific D/s relationship into something unique – just like in real life. That makes BDSM a fascinating topic to explore in fiction, because the opportunities are endless. Variety Variety isn’t strictly necessary for a good story, but it certainly helps! I like putting the characters into a new situation, and giving the reader a new experience that they may not have had before. A lot of BDSM practitioners actively seek out new kinky experiences, so BDSM can be a great way to explore ones desires and limits. That’s why I included Shibari in One Night in Sin. It’s not something that’s frequently written about in popular BDSM books, and I think I came at the rope bondage in a way that will be new to some readers. ~~~ I bring all of these elements into One Night In Sin: A BDSM Club Experience. It’s the first book in my Sinfully Sexy series. Each book is a standalone story that features a new couple with a different dynamic and kinky relationship. They are all connected through Sin, an exclusive BDSM Club in Miami. A little excerpt teaser: His thumb swept across her belly, making her skin tingle. She raised her arms to wrap them around his neck, which lifted her shirt a little and exposed more skin. He slid his palm across her stomach and around to her side to pull her firmly to him. “I want to tie you up,” he said, kissing her softly on the forehead. “A chest and pelvic harness.” He kissed her nose. “That will make you look pretty and feel good.” He placed a lingering kiss on her mouth. “That okay with you?” “A harness? Sounds serious,” Sarah said, chasing after his mouth when he pulled away. “Nah.” Peter brought his hands between them to trace a finger across her shoulder right where it met her neck, one finger on each side and down to join between her breasts, then sweeping his palms across her chest and around so that he was cupping her on either side. “It will come down here, then surround you with pretty knots. Nothing tight, just pretty.” Then he slid his palms down her sides to rest snugly on her hips. “And another harness here to give us something to hold onto while we fuck you.” He slid a hand down to cup her pussy firmly. “Sound fun?” She was getting wet from his grip on her, and the feeling of his hands all over her. “Well now I’m curious, so definitely.” She leaned up to kiss him hard. Mike came up behind her and ran his hands down her back to rest on her hips below Peter’s and kissed her neck. “So how does this work?” Sarah leaned back into him. Mike found that sensitive spot that always made her shiver and nibbled on it, and she gave a little giggle. He made a pleased noise and rubbed his hands up and down. She was glad to have his familiar touch. It made this surreal thing with Peter seem more real. “Start by showing a little skin,” Peter said, tugging at the hem of her shirt. Sarah lifted her arms and he pulled her blouse up and over her head, then laid it on a chair against the wall. He brought his hands up to cup her lacy bra eagerly, then slowly pulled it off after Mike unhooked it. He grinned as the lace fell away and she was bared to him. He cupped her softly, running his thumbs along the sides of her breasts, and her nipples tightened up at the light touch. “Damn,” he whispered. He pushed them together and bent to brush his lips across her curves, then licked her nipple and sucked it lightly. Sarah pushed up into his mouth and whined and he laughed a little. “Impatient,” Peter chided, pulling away. “Now the rest of you.” He deftly unbuttoned her pants and tugged on them so she could shimmy out and let him lay them over the chair. Mike was still close behind her and he slid his palm across her belly and down between her legs. She leaned back into him and smiled when he nuzzled her neck then sucked until she was sure she’d have a hickey there. She was even wetter than before, and definitely ready to see what Peter had in mind. Peter lifted one of the coils of rope and untied it. He shook it out then put the ends together to fold the rope in half. “Top or bottom first?” “Um, top,” Sarah said, snuggling into Mike’s embrace while she watched Peter come over to lift the rope over her head and rest it behind her neck and over her shoulders. It was smooth, with just a little bit of weight to it. He brought the rope together in front of her chest and the dangling ends tickled her stomach. “Mike, you’re in charge of keeping her hair up and out of the way.” Mike dutifully gathered her blond waves up into a high ponytail. Peter nodded. “First, Sarah, if at any time you need to get out, you just tell me to stop and I’ll untie you immediately. I’ll cut the ropes off if I need to. Okay?” His expression was earnestly concerned, which touched her. “Okay. I trust you.” He smiled. “Good. So now the first knot,” Peter said, looping the rope together just above her breasts and pulling the end through. She watched with fascination as his expression turned to one of concentration while he created another knot below her breasts. He was normally such a goof, the expression was a little unexpected on him. He smiled as he surveyed what he’d done, then tugged her forward a little by his hands on her waist to make space between Mike and herself. Mike peered around Sarah’s shoulder to see the knots. “Pretty cool,” he said. “Looks kind of fancy.” “Yeah, that’s why I like this particular harness. It’s pretty. It will look good on you, RaRah,” Peter said, looping the rope behind her and bringing it back around to pull it through the ropes above the top knot. He grinned at her quickly, looking excited before looking back to his work. Meet Dominique Wild![]() Dominique believes the only Sin is not following your heart. Through her writing she explores love and sex through the lens of BDSM, polyamory, and queer relationships. The more diverse and inclusive the better. She loves a cozy blanket, cup of tea, and a sexy read on a cold night. ![]() Mary Rundle has a new MM paranormal erotic romance out, book nine in the Blackwood Pack series: Mystic Guardian. And there's a giveaway! The Blackwood Pack saga continues… This is part of an on-going series by Amazon International Bestselling Author, Mary Rundle – catching up on previous titles is advised. Readers of previous books will enjoy meeting old friends once more as the pack does what it does best ̶ caring for one another and helping shifters everywhere. Carson never dreamed his six bothers would get their fated mates before he did and now, hanging on with the barest of hope he’d be next, he ends up devastated when it doesn’t happen. Unable to cope with seeing so many happy couples around him at the pack house in California, he accepts a job offer in France, intent on building a new life—only to discover the Fates have not forgotten him at all. After graduating from university, Remy, a low-level warlock leaves the world of magic behind, believing there’s no place in it for him. Encouraged by his parents, to accept a job offer at the Chateau des Flammes winery, he begins working for Arthur MacDùghlas, the dragon shifter owner, finally finding a place for himself in the world. Happy with his new position, Remy’s life abruptly changes when his parents unexpectedly die and he becomes the guardian of his three younger brothers. Muddling through the unexpected role of fatherhood, he finally finds his footing until…his life is upended once again when Carson, his fated mate arrives on his doorstep. Shocking surprises, treacherous plots, an action-packed rescue, and many unexpected twists and turns make this passionate love story by Mary Rundle impossible to put down once you’ve read the first page. Giveaway Mary is giving one lucky winner a $20 Amazon gift card AND a Blackwood Pack mug with this blog tour. Enter via Rafflecopter for a chance to win: Description: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d47124/? Excerpt Remy was surrounded by chaos—the new normal since he became his brothers’ guardian when he was twenty-four. Looking over his shoulder as he was preparing Rune’s bowl of oatmeal, he saw Galen and Eamon chasing each other through the kitchen, waving plastic swords. “Hey, stop, you two! Go wash your hands before sitting down at the table.” Turning back to the task at hand, Remy poured the hot oatmeal into a small bowl, setting it aside to cool before giving it to Rune. The last thing he needed was for his youngest brother to burn himself again. It’d been a steep learning curve after taking custody of his three brothers; sometimes he questioned if he’d made the right decision, especially when one of them got hurt. The guilt he felt when it happened always triggered his memories of sitting in the lawyer’s office faced with a life-changing choice. It would all come rushing back—the numbness of his grief, how cold he felt while listening to his parents’ will being read—his world being turned upside down. “Mr. Marchant? What do you want to do?” When the lawyer’s voice finally penetrated through the thick fog of his mind, Remy lifted his face and stared at the lawyer. “What do I want to do about what?” “Your brothers. As far as I can determine you are their only living relative.” “That’s right,” Remy murmured, fresh grief washing over him about his young brothers growing up without the love of their parents to shelter them from the hate in the world. “You do have the option of sending the boys to an orphanage that will accept boys like them.” Shaking his head, Remy would—could never do that. He didn’t know what went on in those places, but he’d heard enough about them to know it wasn’t good. Frankly, he didn’t even know why they were allowed to exist. “No, they belong with me,” he replied. “Are you sure? It’s a lot of responsibility for someone as young as you.” Ignoring the comment, Remy asked, “What do I have to do to legally become my brothers’ guardian?” “I’ll have the papers drawn up, ready for your signature tomorrow.” Nodding, Remy stood, extending his hand. “That will be fine. Thanks.” Then he headed out to the waiting room where his brothers rushed him as soon as he entered. Taking Rune from Galen’s grasp and settling him on his hip, he said, “C’mon boys, let’s go.” After signing the papers the next day and attending his parents’ funeral, Remy packed up his brothers’ few belongings and brought them back to France, where he began to build a new life for them…and himself. Giving Rune a few apple slices in an effort to keep him quiet, Remy headed over to the doorway, scooping up Eamon who was running through it. Taking the sword from his hand, he set it down on the butcher-block counter, then, tickling his brother’s belly, he smiled at the sound of childish laughter filling the room “Noooo, Remeee.” Eamon made futile attempts to escape Remy’s hold, laughing as he protested being captured. “Didn’t I tell you to wash your hands?” Remy said, giving a fake growl. “I wuz fightin’ Gally.” “Who was winning?” Remy asked, carrying his brother over to the kitchen sink. “I wuz!” shouted Galen, standing in the middle of the kitchen, brandishing his sword. “Uh, uh! I wuz!” Eamon yelled, squirming in Remy’s arms as he tried to get down. “Oh no, you don’t,” Remy said, turning on the faucet, while lowering his brother so he could wash his hands. “Hey, use soap,” he admonished, handing a bar to his brother. “Aww, why? Gally never does.” “I do, too,” Galan yelled. “Stop yelling,” Remy said automatically as he dried Eamon’s hands and swiveled around, setting him on his chair. Turning to Galen, he growled, “C’mon, you, too. And put your sword next to Eamon’s.” “Dang it. Why do I have to?” Galen pouted, slapping his sword down on the counter. “What if someone attacks me when I’m eating?” “No one’s going to attack you,” Remy said, helping Galen up on the stool so he could reach the water. “You don’t know that.” “Yes, I do. Now go sit down.” Once Remy made sure Galen had obeyed him, he turned back to the three bowls of oatmeal, sticking his pinky in each of them to check the temperature. Finding them cool enough, he poured maple syrup and cream in them before setting bowls in front of Eamon and Galen—and then placed Rune’s on his high chair table. Sitting down next to his youngest brother, Remy couldn’t help but notice what a beautiful child he was. Even though Rune was all-boy, he had an angelic air about him that reminded Remy of cherubs painted on the ceilings of French cathedrals. His big, deep blue eyes pierced Remy’s soul while his beautiful white, curly blond hair was so fine, you had to be really up close to see it. Dipping a spoon into the oatmeal, Remy brought it up to Rune’s mouth, slipping it in when his brother smiled. Suddenly, the kitchen door swung open as Mrs. Beasley swooped in. “Oh, my goodness,” she exclaimed, “you are running late this morning.” Glancing over at her, Remy grinned. “And how is that different from any other morning?” “Ahh, true,” agreed Mrs. Beasley, removing her jacket and setting it down next to her big bag she’d dropped on the rocking chair next to the stone fireplace. Hustling over, she took the spoon from Remy’s hand. “Shoo, go get ready. I can finish feeding our Rune.” Rising quickly, Remy gave Mrs. Beasley a quick kiss on her plump cheek. “Thanks, Mrs. B. The new owner is arriving today and I promised to pick him up at the airport.” Glancing once more at Galen and Eamon, satisfied they were behaving, he rushed upstairs to shower and dress. Checking the time on the grandfather clock as he hustled past it, he muttered under his breath. “Sacré bleu!” He’d be cutting it close. Author Bio Hello, I'm Mary Rundle and welcome to my Amazon Author page. I write MM paranormal erotic romances. The first book I ever wrote was Dire Warning in 2017 and, much to my delight, it became an Amazon Best Seller. Readers loved it and I was on my way to chronicling the Blackwood Pack, seven brothers who are gay wolf shifters in search of their fated mates– stories about love at first sight with twists and turns, angst and humor, romance and adventure and, of course, happy endings. Now, five books later, Shadow Voice, another Best Seller, has just been released to critical acclaim. I love the M/M paranormal genre because it gives my imagination a lot of territory in which to roam. My mind can really run wild and come up with some amazing stuff when it doesn’t have to stay inside the box. My readers tell me they feel like they’re a member of the pack as the stories unfold. As if they’re right there in the middle of the action. Others tell me it’s like watching a fast-paced movie. My writing style pulls no punches– readers love it and are always clamoring for the next book. Stories come to me as if they were being channeled by my characters, all of whom I love (except for a few villains). They are eager to recount their lives, loves and adventures and are not inhibited when it comes to revealing steamy details. I currently live in the Northeast and love the beautiful change of seasons, my husband, and our quirky calico cat, though not necessarily in that order. I love to hear from my readers so feel free to get in touch with me via Facebook, Twitter, MeWe or my website www.maryrundle.com I’m always happy to hear from my readers and can be reached through Facebook, Twitter, MeWe, or my website. I never went to school to learn writing nor attended a writing workshop, but it didn’t stop me from entering a writing contest and from that came my first book, Dire Warning. Readers loved it and I was on my way to chronicling the Blackwood Pack, seven brothers who are gay wolf shifters in search of their fated mates– stories about love at first sight with twists and turns, angst and humor, romance and adventure and, of course, happy endings. My stories come to me as if they were being channeled by my characters, all of whom I love (except for a few villains). They are eager to recount their lives, loves and adventures and are not inhibited when it comes to revealing steamy details. I love the M/M paranormal genre because it gives my imagination a lot of territory in which to roam. My mind can really run wild and come up with some amazing stuff when it doesn’t have to stay inside the box. Although my writing is sometimes raw—that’s the way I like to tell my stories—readers love it and are clamoring for more. I currently live in the Northeast and love the beautiful change of seasons, my husband, and our quirky calico cat, though not necessarily in that order. Please join me as we travel through my wonderful fantasy world of shifters who are Fated Mates and all have HEAs. I love to hear from my readers so feel free to get in touch with me via Facebook, Twitter, or my website www.maryrundle.com Author Website: https://www.maryrundle.com Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/maryrundle69 Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/maryrundleauthor/ Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaryRundle69 Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maryrundle69 Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14246427.Mary_Rundle Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/mary-rundle/ Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mary-Rundle/e/B0763CDQQ6 ![]() I've got some great deals for you today. ![]() Get A Barlow Lens for only $2.99 or read in Kindle Unlimited. Digging into history can turn deadly. Wyatt Harig and his partner Vladimir ‘Val’ Mihalic are busy planning their wedding when Wyatt’s old friend asks him to investigate the mysterious death of her uncle, Tom Manning, in a fire back in 1927. Back then men were silent, tough, and expected to marry nice girls. Working with Val, Wyatt digs up clues uncovering the truth behind the tragedy. When Tom met Philip in a speakeasy outside Cleveland, Ohio the spark between them was instantaneous. They fell hard and fast for each other. However, with Philip working as a beat cop and Tom as a schoolteacher, their relationship being discovered meant the end of everything. As the story of Tom and Philip slowly reveals itself, and Wyatt and Val realize nothing is as simple as they originally believed. While their trail heats up, an old enemy of Wyatt’s decides he’s waited long enough for revenge. Wyatt’s life before meeting Val catches up with him and the results could prove fatal. ![]() For the Long Run has been re-released with some minor changes. Get it on Amazon or read in Kindle Unlimited. What if your life was a lie? From the outside Jay’s life seems idyllic, a twenty-something, runs his family’s business with high disposable income and freedom. The reality, is Jay’s life is dictated by a bigoted, controlling, abusive father who insists Jay simply can’t be gay. Jay yearns for his own life with a dominant man, but it’s an out-of-reach pipe dream. When he meets trained Dom, Eric, the most Jay can hope for is the occasional one-night-stand or quick fling. Eric has his heart set on Jay, and not only for more than one night. Jay is the type of sub Eric could easily spend the rest of his life with, fall in love with. While trying to navigate winning Jay’s love, his Eric’s life is further complicated by chasing down a killer who may be something other than human. When Jay is targeted, Eric wants only to protect him. Can he save Jay’s life and win his heart as well? CollectionsClick on the banner to be taken to the collection.
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