My snippet this week comes from Jewel Cave, book 3 of Circles. “I’m sorry, baby, but this was safest for you,” Dylan said. He straddled Clint and leaned forward, taking the gag off. He cupped Clint’s face with both hands, brushing his thumbs over Clint’s cheeks. “You have such sexy eyes. I love how dark brown they are.” He raised one hand to Clint’s hair, but must have remembered what Clint had said the previous day and pulled away, fingers curling to a loose fist. “I bought some supplies. They’re in the van.” Dylan shimmied off Clint and used the chain between his wrists to pull him to his feet. The gag and locks were removed and the chains readjusted so Clint could walk. Dylan wound one arm around Clint’s waist and pulled Clint against him, then wormed his other hand between them, rubbing Clint’s cock. Clint pulled in a deep breath and held it, scrunched his eyes shut, and tried not to think about what was happening. Dylan took one of Clint’s hands and pressed his palm to Dylan’s groin. The shudder that ran through Clint was obviously mistaken for excitement, because Dylan groaned and ground his pelvis against Clint’s. There are so many wonderful snippets in the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Jewel Cave is available in eBook, paperback and through Kindle Unlimited.
Jana Denardo
9/25/2022 02:27:28 pm
I'm not sure Clint is where he wants to be in this situation
Elizabeth Noble
10/3/2022 09:29:52 am
No, he is not! Comments are closed.
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