My snippet this week is from Marked Yours, book 1 of Sentries! “It is when that someone can get you killed. Fuck him all you want but believe me when I say you care about him, open yourself up to someone like that, and it’ll destroy you.” “I’m not backing down on this, Dad. Either you do this and treat Nick how I say or stay away from us. Both of us.” “I’m your father. You can’t mean you’ll pick a slave over me.” “He’s my responsibility. Nick depends on me, and I need to be able to depend upon him. Without that we’re both dead and you know it. Frankly? He’s better company, and I think he cares more for me than you ever did. You’re not who I work with or live with, and that’s how I want it. My way or no way. Where do you get the idea that will destroy me?” There are many more snippets from a wonderful collection of writers in the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Marked Yours and the entire Sentries series and the Sentries box set are available from your favorite online book seller. It can also be purchased from the publisher, JMS Books.
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