My Patients By Minnow Saint James, PH.D. National Board Certified Fellow of Clinical Hypnosis, in Public Service Mine is the business of Going and Coming, co-incidentally that is also the name of the new novel by Christopher Stone. Quite simply, I go to the past, or even the future, life of my patient, coming back with the other life root of their present-day challenge. Recently Past Life Regression Therapy, the official publication of the Institute for Mental Health Through Past Life Regression Therapy, asked me about the type of patient who turned to past life regression therapy in general, and to me, in particular. Here’s what I told them: “I cannot speak for the many other fine past life regression therapists. I can only speak for my own professional experience. “Most of the people who turn to me for past life regression therapy do so out of desperation. They’ve already spent energy, money, and time, trying to heal their life’s greatest challenges traditionally: through ministers and other counselors, physicians, psychiatrists, and so forth. “So, in many cases, those in need of healing come to me only after all forms of traditional therapies have failed. How many times I’ve heard this during my initial consultation with a new patient: ‘Dr. Saint James, you are my last, best hope.’ “I understand that many new patients come to me against the wishes of their spouse, family, and/or friends who believe that in seeking past life regression therapy, their loved one has really gone beyond the valley of the dolls. “That’s because, even now, in the sixteenth year of the twenty-first century, many people equate my therapy as no more effective than the New Age practices of wearing crystals, or wearing so-called healing magnets in one’s shoes. You could rightly say that I’ve spent my adult life defending the effectiveness and validity of my work: First as a traditional hypnotic regression therapist, and now as a past life regression therapist. “I’m betting you won’t be surprised to learn that the number of people who question the validity of my therapy quadrupled after I transitioned from hypnotic regression therapy to past life regression. Not long ago one particularly outspoken member of the press labeled all past life regression therapy ‘Nothing more than hocus-pocus, mumbo-jumbo.’ In addition to the patients who come to me as their court of last resort, many others are curiosity seekers, or fans of my international bestseller, In a Past Life, I…. My five hundred dollar an hour fee, of itself, weeds out most of the curiosity seekers. Most commonly each session lasts between ninety minutes and three hours. For the simply curious who don’t blink when they learn my fee, I have a New Patient Questionnaire that, among other things, separates the frivolous from the serious. And then there’s the Initial New Patient Consultation. If, during that visit, I determine that the would-be patient is little more than a curiosity seeker, then I refuse to book an appointment for past life regression. I must be highly selective about new patients. The nature of my work dictates that I can only work with two patients per day, one in the morning, and the second after lunch. Even so, I have a four-month waiting list for new patients. “As for the nature of the problems that bring people my way let me say they are highly diverse, different as night and day. One morning, I may be working with someone who has an irrational fear of the darkness, and that very afternoon’s patient may be a someone who flatly refuses to have a minor surgical procedure because she fears that she will die in the process. Last week, I had a male client who needed to learn why ‘nature called’ whenever he became sexually aroused with a partner. “Under hypnosis, patients have revisited past, and sometimes future, lives to discover why they get blue when it rains, why they believe themselves unworthy of love, or even why their flesh crawls whenever they see a bird.” ![]() Excerpt: Who am I? My name is Dr. Minnow Saint James. My family and friends call me Minn. To everyone else, I am Dr. Saint James. I was born and raised in Beverly Hills, California, amid swimming pools, movie stars, and private schools. My parents are Sheila and Russell Saint James. Father owns and operates Saint James Cadillac, six highly successful Cadillac dealerships in the San Fernando Valley. Mother, known simply as She to one and all, is Lady Bountiful to Beverly Hills at large, conceiving and coordinating many of its most prestigious charity events. Want someone to coax an antisocial celebrity into hosting a Republican fundraiser? Mother is your go-to gal. A youthful forty, I now live and work in Hermosa Beach, California, one of Los Angeles County’s loveliest South Bay beach cities. Minnow, now there’s a moniker you don’t hear every day. That is, unless you happen to be me. Jokes about my first name haunted my school years. But these days, when people speak of Dr. Minnow Saint James, there’s no mention of his quirky first name. They talk about my professional achievements: You see, nowadays, I have a wildly successful practice as America’s leading Past Life Regression therapist, and I’m also the founder of the Institute for Mental Health Through Past Life Regression Therapy, -now an international organization - with my friend and former professor, Dr. Adrian Finkelstein, as the Institute’s CEO. But what exactly is a Past Life Regression therapist? I am in the business of going and coming – that is, going into my patients’ past, and sometimes future, lives through hypnotic regression, and coming back with the other life origins of their present life challenges. My work is cutting edge and evolutionary. Let me put it this way: medical marvels such as artificial limbs, Titanium plates and other metal joints, and pacemakers, have already transformed humans from biological organisms into creatures that are biological and technological hybrids. Similarly the science of psychology, will soon come to understand the necessity of treating the individual’s entire mental gestalt - including what we think of as past, and even future, lives - in order for the person to achieve mental health. In my practice, I’ve been treating that entire gestalt for the past seven years. I’m the future of good mental health; science’s better way and brighter tomorrow. But to Psychology Today, and to most of the mental health community, the jury is still out on past life regression therapy, and so they claim my work is not science based. Nonetheless my success rate, in excess of eighty-five percent, not only speaks for itself; it is the envy of the “scientifically sound” therapies. My services are sought out by people from all walks of life, and from all over the world. My private practice has a six-month waiting list. Quite simply, while Mother is the go-to woman for Charitable Beverly Hills, I’m the guy ya gonna call when you believe the challenges of your current life may be rooted in a past, or future, one. Often my therapy represents the last, best hope of patients who have tried and failed to achieve mental health through traditional treatments. The profession has many perks. For one, it is much easier dealing with other people’s issues than with your own. I have a good excuse, if not a good reason, for leaving my own challenges and shortcomings unexamined. That is how I’m able to avoid pesky questions. Questions such as: Why, at forty-years-old, am I without a spouse, a boyfriend, or even the steady hook-up? I like to think the lack of romance in my life, and the absence of booty in my bed, are products of the spiritualization of my thought, gained in the eight years since my personal transformations. That is what I like to think. The truth may vary. ![]() Meet the author: Born in Bronx, New York, and raised in Fresno, California, Christopher Stone’s early years were dominated by school, watching television and motion pictures, bicycling, skating, and reading avidly. Summers were spent swimming, and doing whatever it took to survive the oppressive San Joaquin Valley heat. But he also remembers fondly the yearly summer trips to New York, to visit family and friends – and to see Broadway shows. Christopher left Fresno, for Hollywood, California, during his college years after being accepted into the Writers Guild of America’s Open Door Program, a two-year, scholarship, training ground for aspiring screen and television writers. As it happened, rather than a teleplay or screenwriting gig, his first professional writing job was in journalism – as the Los Angeles Editor for Stage Door, at that time, Canada’s equivalent of the U.S. entertainment trade weekly, Variety. Christopher would later use his Writers Guild of America training to co-author and sell the original screenplay, The Living Legend, with Jon Mercedes III, to the Erin Organization, and later, and also with Mercedes, to write two seasons of The Party Game, a Canadian TV game show. As a young freelance entertainment journalist, he contributed to many Los Angeles-based publications, among them The Advocate, for which he wrote a breezy film column, “Reeling ‘Round,” and the Los Angeles Free Press. During this time, he became a member of the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle. Christopher dipped his toes into the world of motion picture advertising and publicity, as assistant to the West Coast Director of Advertising and Publicity for Cinerama Releasing Corporation, in Beverly Hills. At the same time, he also did special advertising and publicity projects for 20th Century-Fox. Christopher went on to become an Account Executive for David Wallace & Company, a public relations firm specializing in entertainment accounts – and located on West Hollywood’s legendary Sunset Strip. Returning to his first love, writing, Christopher became a full time freelance contributor to national consumer publications including Us, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, McCall’s, In Cinema, and The National Enquirer, among others. Many of his stories were syndicated worldwide by the New York Times Syndication Corp. Another important area of endeavor for Christopher Stone was Re-Creating Your Self. A Blueprint for Personal Change that he first developed for himself, the journalist went on to teach the principles and processes of Re-Creating Your Self to others – first, in private sessions, later, in workshops and seminars, and, finally, for California State University Extended Education. Eventually, one of his students suggested he write a book version. Re-Creating Your Self was first published in hardcover by Metamorphous Press, and subsequently published in a trade paperback edition by Hay House. It has since been published in Spanish, Swedish and Hebrew language editions. When not writing, Christopher used his longtime interest in, and study of, metaphysics, to teach meditation and psychic development classes – first in Beverly Hills, then later, in Manhattan Beach. He went on to co-author, with Mary Sheldon, four novellas for a Japanese educational publisher, and then, also with Mary Sheldon, the highly successful The Meditation Journal trilogy of hardcover books. Subsequently, he returned to journalism, this time, contributing hundreds of print and online entertainment features, columns and reviews to magazines and websites. For eight years, Christopher was the Box-office Columnist for, a popular online motion picture site. In his private life, Christopher Stone met David M. Stoebner on May 17, 1994, and they have been together ever since. In 2008, they were married in Los Angeles. They share a home with their three pets in Coastal Los Angeles County. In 2013, Christopher’s pet project has been transforming their rarely used kitchen table area into a killer, retro 1950s Diner Nook, complete with a 1952 Seeburg Table Top jukebox, a neon diner sign, and a malt machine. Christopher’s first novel, Frame of Reference was e and print published, in fall 2012, by MLR Press. A short story, Sweet Homo Alabama was published by MLR Press, December 19, 2012. Stone spent much of 2013 writing Frame of Reference 2: The Dark Side of Stardom, a sequel novel to Frame of Reference, as well as, Abracadabra, and a short story, published at Halloween. But the indefatigable scribe also found time to contribute weekly reviews, columns and interviews to Queer Town Abbey. On December 11, 2015, Christopher will introduce readers to the Past Life Regression therapist, Dr. Minnow Saint James, the subject of his new series, The Minnow Saint James Metaphysical Adventures, in the Christmas short story, Shaking the Holiday Blues Away, MLR Press. Going and Coming: The Minnow Saint James Metaphysical Adventures, Book 1, will be released by MLR Press, January 22, 2016. Where to find the author: Website Link: Facebook Link: Twitter Link: Goodreads Link: Tour Dates & Stops: 22-Jan: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Love Bytes, BFD Book Blog 26-Jan: Molly Lolly, The Novel Approach 28-Jan: MM Good Book Reviews, Happily Ever Chapter 2-Feb: Elisa - My Reviews and Ramblings, Hearts on Fire, Divine Magazine 4-Feb: Velvet Panic, Prism Book Alliance 9-Feb: A.M. Leibowitz, My Fiction Nook 11-Feb: Lee Brazil, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie 16-Feb: Book Lovers 4Ever, Havan Fellows, Emotion In Motion Comments are closed.
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