Thank you, Elizabeth Noble, for hosting a stop on the Keeping House blog tour. Second, hey, everyone, I’m Science Fiction and Fantasy author Jeanne G’Fellers, and I’ve here to talk a little about my newest Paranormal Fantasy release, Keeping House, the second novel in the Appalachian Elementals series.
Keeping House picks up three months after Cleaning House left off, with my protagonist, Cent Rhodes, leaving to fulfill her part of the deal that saved her life. She’s to serve the she-King of the Hunter fey, Dane Gow, for three months each year, from Brigid to Beltane, and Cent’s more than a little intimidated, given who Dane is. But just who is Dane Gow anyway? Dane Gow is, in a word, complicated. She’s the thirtieth Hunter fey king (yes, I set a small batch of Scottish fey in the midst of Southern Appalachia, but we’ll save that reasoning for another day). Dane’s over four-hundred-years old but looks no more than twenty, runs a successful welding and ironworks business, and knows enough magic to fill a bookcase with volumes. She’s also plagued by the kings of the past, short-tempered, and oh, yeah, she’s a polyamorous lesbian married to Sissy and Bonnie Gow. Her relationship with Bonnie is tense at best, and their two hundred year long marriage has been a continual test of Dane’s patience. But Sissy? Four years of marriage and Dane’s still smitten even though Sissy has a serious problem with alcohol that’s fueled by Bonnie’s drama. All that aside, Dane’s got her eyes on Cent… again. Yes, they’ve been together in Cent’s past lives, and Dane wants Cent even though they’re both married this time around. Bonnie’s irate, and Sissy? Well, she’s handling it fairly well based on the excerpt below. Sissy wadded her napkin and sat straight. “Cent?” “Yeah?” “You got my blessin'. That’s all I wanted to say. You’re a damn sight easier to deal with than Bonnie.” Cent didn’t know how to respond, so she concentrated on her meatloaf and soup though her appetite was long gone. “Thanks, I guess. I don’t really know—” “You don’t need to say anything. Just be a friend to me, all right? I need all them I can get.” Yes, Sissy does need friends like Cent, and so does Dane and every other Hunter fey, but how is Dane going to convince Cent this is even possible, especially when it comes to Cent’s eternal spouse, earth elemental, Stowne? Well, that’s part of the story, I suppose, but here’s a bit of another character’s perspective on the relationship between Cent, Stowne, and Dane inside the novel. Conall leaned forward, lessening the space between them. “Stowne ain’t a knight in shinin' armor any more than Dane is, and they’re both capable of lyin' if they think it’ll sway your thinkin'.” “So are you.” “Touché.” He sat back. “You got no reason to believe me, but I ain’t got no reason to lie neither.” “You’re one of Dane’s men, reason enough.” “And her best friend.” He sipped his coffee. “I’m only telling you this because she’s… There’s more to all this than what you’re seein'.” So, complicated, right? It seems that description extends to more than just Dane within Keeping House, but complexities, when you get down to it, are what makes friends and lovers into family, aren’t they? END ![]() Jeanne G'Fellers has a new queer non-binary/gender fluid paranormal fantasy out in the Appalachian Elementals series: "Keeping House." Centenary Rhodes is caught in a deal she didn’t make. Thanks to her eternal lover, Stowne’s, quick thinking, she’ll live forever, but there’s a hitch. Cent’s now fey, and three months out of the year she’ll live on the other side of Embreeville Mountain among the Hunter Fey, serving their king, Dane Gow. As Cent begins wading through the anachronisms that come with being a Hunter, she learns that nothing is what it initially seems. Cent shares several past lives with Dane, who wants her back, and Stowne’s lied to Cent so many times that she’s having doubts about their marriage. To make matters worse, the past Hunter Kings are influencing Dane’s behavior, and the youngest Hunter, Brinn, might well be the most dangerous of them all. It’s going to be a cold, dark spring, and Cent needs to unite both sides of Embreeville mountain before her eternal life, her relationship with Dane, and her marriage to Stowne come permanently undone. Another rich Contemporary Appalachian tale about fantastic people and the magic they possess, including LGBTQIA+ characters Human and otherwise. Series Blurb: Come dance with the Appalachian fey and drink a little moonshine under the full moon while you hear Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Death share tales about families of our blood, families of our making, and magic both long ago and flowing through us now. Warnings: depiction of mental illness including on page psychosis; discussion of gender dysphoria, cutting, and self-harm; discussion of rape and murder; on and off page violence Giveaway Jeanne is giving away a $20 Amazon gift certificate with this tour. Enter via Rafflecopter for a chance to win: Direct link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b60e8d4772/? Excerpt I can do this. Cent unzipped the top of her coveralls and lowered her long johns to reveal the halter top beneath them. “Sorry, not sorry to disappoint you, King Dane.” She unfurled her wings and rolled her shoulders to shake them open. “Just look at all them sigils.” Dane stomped her boots on the circle sands as she laughed, and her men laughed with her. “You look like a doodled-out scratch pad.” She removed her arm from her coat and rolled her sleeve above her bracer to show the sigils tattooed across her plaster-pale bicep. “All us Hunters got them, but ours won’t warsh off with a good scrubbin’, and neither will yours by the time you get back to Stowne.” “Sigils remain intact even if they cannot be seen by the eye.” Cent’s spouse’s mouth thinned with the stress she knew they were feeling. “If the sigils are applied in perfect love and trust, that is. Rest assured, Centenary’s were.” “Like I care.” Dane shoved her arm back into her coat. “It’s my turn, you worn-out gravel heap. That was our deal.” She lunged forward to grab Cent by the arm. “Let go!” Cent wrenched away and moved to stand between Pyre and Exan, her elemental escorts. “I’ll fly with them.” She blew Stowne a kiss and stretched her wings, shivering. “Hold on.” She pulled a pair of striped leg warmers from her pocket and slid them over her arms. They were horribly outdated, but they’d been a cheap thrift shop solution, and she was glad she’d remembered them. Still, they weren’t enough for the current weather. “Betcha she can’t keep up.” Dane’s guard, Conall, snorted and extended his hand to the guard with the dreadlocks. “Deal, Weeds?” Weeds knocked his hand away. “Nothing to be gained there because you’re right.” He pulled a red wool chullo hat from his pocket and drew it over his head, topping that with a pair of ski goggles he lowered over his eyes. “She’s not going to get there without help.” “Manners, boys.” Dane pulled a pair of leather Steampunk-style goggles over her eyes. “Best not judge until we see what she’s got under the hood. Come on. We’re late for a helluva shindig.” She laughed as she took to the air, hovering above the circle until Cent, Pyre, and Exan joined her. Her men took to the air behind them, Weeds pressing ahead while Conall brought up the rear. We’re sandwiched in.Cent flew as hard as she could, hoping to lessen the distance between her and Dane, but it kept growing. “Problem?” Conall flew up behind Cent as she struggled to keep speed. “Get movin’.” “I’m trying!” Cent almost stopped mid-air to confront him, but Pyre grabbed her by the shoulder, pulling her to the right so he flew past. “Not a good idea.” Pyre hooked their smoky arm through hers, urging her along. “You’re cold.” They sent warmth into her, but she still shivered. “Let us give you the energy to do this.” A thread of Exan’s black mass wrapped her left arm. “Come along.” “What’s the holdup?” Dane flew back to face them. “Havin’ trouble keepin’ up, girlie?” She moved closer. “Guess Conall’s right after all. You need him to carry you the rest of the way?” Dane snickered when Conall returned to hover, scowling, behind her. Their beating wings stirred the air more than Cent’s, and her teeth chattered to the point she couldn’t hide it. “I’ll get there.” But she knew she’d be struggling even with Pyre and Exan’s help, and she was so cold their warming energy wasn’t enough. “You can’t, admit it.” Dane surged forward to grab Cent around the waist, forcing her wings to roll then tuck as Exan and Pyre’s grips fell away. “Your spirit form can fly, but your real wings are puny. Best hold on, or I’ll let you fall.” She turned Cent outward, holding her with one stout arm as they began to move. “Your eyes ain’t used to this cold and movement combined, so keep them closed until we’re— no. Hey, Weeds.” Dane slowed until he caught up along with Pyre and Exan, who both moved to see Cent’s face. “I’m fine.” She blinked away the frost that’d collected on her eyelashes. “Let her do the work if she wants.” “I got stuff to get done, or you’d be suckin’ up the rear, that’s all.” Dane motioned to Weeds. “Give her your goggles.” “But— yes ma’am.” His dismay spread across his face as he pulled a scarf from his pocket, wrapping it around his head until only his eyes showed. I’m making a great impression on him. “Put them on, and let’s get movin’. Much longer up here and our wings’ll start freezin’.” Dane pulled Cent’s coveralls and long johns to her chest and opened her own coat to wrap her in it. “Damn rookie-ass flyer. Next time, wear a hat too.” Dane jerked her welding cap from her pocket, pulling it over Cent’s head as they gained speed. Air whipped around them as they moved, and it began to sleet, pelting Cent with ice shards and freezing over her goggles by the time they touched down. “Someone get her a blanket!” Dane tore the goggles from Cent’s face and blew warm, tobacco-tainted breath in her face. “And somethin’ hot to drink!” Her voice softened. “You all right, sugar?” “Let go!” Cent broke away and rushed to Pyre and Exan’s sides before they could fully manifest. “Dane’s being nice,” she whispered as she pulled off the leg warmers then raised her long johns and coveralls. “I don’t know what to do.” “Take a deep breath and look around.” Pyre kept their voice soft and calm, which frightened Cent all the more. “She means you no harm this night.” Exan wrapped their arm around her shoulders. “This is Dane’s kingdom, and she is in control of all you see.” They spun her around to view the nearly three-dozen pale Hunter faces, some clearly pissed by her presence, others amused, and a few too clouded in their expression to read, clustered around the bonfire she stood near. “Welcome back to my world, Centenary Rhodes.” Dane bowed before her then rose wearing a mischievous smile. “Let’s get this party started!” Author Bio Born and raised in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Science Fiction and Fantasy author Jeanne G’Fellers' early memories include watching the original Star Trek series with their father and reading the books their librarian mother brought home. Jeanne’s writing influences include Anne McCaffrey, Ursula K. LeGuin, Octavia Butler, Isaac Asimov, and Frank Herbert. Jeanne lives in Northeast Tennessee with their spouse and five crazy felines. Their home is tucked against a small woodland where they regularly see deer, turkeys, raccoons, and experience the magic of the natural world. Author Website: https://jeannegfellersauthor.com/ Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/Jeannegfellersauthor Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/jlgfellers Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorjeannegfellers/ Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=Jeanne+G%27Fellers Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jeanne-GFellers/e/B01N0YWCT7/ ![]() Comments are closed.
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