![]() Vampires. Let’s take a minute to consider them. They come in all shapes and sizes and can do interesting things. Some are soulless undead, others sparkle. Vampires are featured in folklore spanning virtually every culture in every form imaginable. Their written concept dates back to the beginning of literature. Their origins vary according to the legend, and the list of their capabilities is as many and varied as the cultures in which they abound in an ever shifting world of changes depending on the decade they exist in. Makes one wonder. They’re sexy. Some are sex crazed. They all have one thing in common, however: those delectable, utterly delicious fangs. Fangs have become synonymous with vampires. Technically, fangs are incisors and commonly referred to as ‘eye teeth’ or ‘canine teeth’. Let’s not sully the sexy with too much fact, though. A vampire’s fangs can be used for so much more than simply biting holes in their victims. Lift a lip, snarl a little, let those pointy teeth show and you’ve got people shaking in their shoes or shivering for more. They can be used to lightly, or not so lightly, scrap along a lover’s skin, delivering a delicious tease or a playful nip when needed. Jonas Forge is a small town homicide detective. He describes himself as the brawn, not the brains, of his group of friends. A description absolutely no one believes. He is also a 240 year-old vampire and one of the stars of my novel, Electric Candle (book #2 of The Sleepless City, a series written with Anne Barwell). He’s had a lot of practice with this vampire business and uses his fangs for a variety of reasons ranging from comical, to everyday to just plain sexy. Aggravate him and he’ll show a bit of fangs for just long enough to get his point across and make a person wonder, what did they see? He likes to pretend he’s a hard-ass, something else those who know him don’t believe. In reality the guy is a big sweetheart. One of his human friends, Ben, does nothing but roll his eyes when Forge attempts being scary. It’s hard to believe a guy is frightening when you’ve seen him open beer bottles with those fangs. Where Forge excels at using his fangs—he’s had lots of practice don’t forget—is in the seduction department. In Electric Candle when the fangs come out during sex no one dies; well maybe the other guy does just a little from the sheer hotness of it all and the desire to have more! Forge isn’t a subtle man, a fact everyone who knows him absolutely believes. When he discovered the power of those fangs against skin, how they made his lover shiver and beg for more… well let’s just say he’s perfected his technique. Fangs are powerful weapons when used to draw blood or skilled tools used to make love’s first kiss skyrocket to new heights of desire. Vampires in our series have soul mates, and when they meet, the biological drive to bond is irresistible. Failing to do so could make a vampire insane. That doesn’t mean it’s love at first sight, bite, or anything else. For Forge, it’s a bit of a surprise. His soul mate turns out to be a brand new, shy, confused vampire who has no real clue as to what he is or what he is capable of. What does this have to do with fangs? In The Sleepless City series, our vampires’ fangs are a part of their emotional expression. Both Forge, and his new found soul mate show their fangs to varying degrees when they are frustrated, angry, trying to prove a point or aroused. In Forge it becomes an interesting mix of sweet and sexy. Originally posted on Guys Like Romance Too Comments are closed.
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