I originally planned to write a little article on edits and how I feel about them. Then I spent the day with my daughter at a museum and saw a very interesting exhibit that set me to thinking.
The display was named Progress and it featured a look at life in Ohio and how it’s changed since the late 1800s. It was interesting and cool to see what things people once considered the most modern and technologically advanced items available at the time. As we walked through I began pointing things out to my daughter that my grandparents owned. My grandparents raised me and now, many years after their deaths, I’ve come to realize the older I get the more like them I am. They were both the people in our neighborhood to have the newest gadget and appliances. I remember vividly the day my grandfather brought home a new television. It was a color TV, and I was among the first of my friends to have such a thing in my house! I have spent so much of my life keeping up with the times that I never stopped to think where my desire came from. So many of my friends (and even my daughter) lament the fact they were born too late. They feel they should have lived in a slower, less technological society. Me, I moan and groan that I was born too early. I love technology. Bring on digital downloads, smartphones and Google Glass. The fact is that every age has had its technological advances, they simply vary. What we think of as old outdated was once new and spiffy. Without even realizing what I was doing or why, I’ve passed this trait along to many of my characters in varying degrees. One such character is Jonas Forge of my upcoming release Electric Candle. The name of the novel itself represents aspects of Forge’s character as well as the romantic relationship he develops in the course of the book. Electric represents new and high tech. A candle is old fashioned, simple, and low tech. Forge is an amalgamation of both. He’s old, 239 years old to be exact. Even though he was a vampire who was turned just before the American Revolution, he’s moved with the times. Throughout his life he’s desired the newest tools, and collected what was the height of technology for each era. He’s an old guy, but he loves his smartphone, uses a computer very well and has adjusted to all the advances every decade has offered. Forge is one of the lucky ones. He eventually was able to embrace what he’d become, adapt to his new life and move forward with each generation. The real trick will be surviving discovery of his soul mate, a fledgling vampire struggling to adjust to his new life, and nothing can prepare either of them for that. Originally posted as a guest blogger on Michael Rupured's website. Comments are closed.
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