I was offered a contract from Dreamspinner Press for the fifth book in my Circles series earlier this week. So pleased to say Bait will be out sometime November/December of 2016.
This wee snippet is one of my favorite bits of banter between the two main characters. When he looked up Tyler was watching his movements intently. “Do you think it’s that serious?” Tyler set the flashlights on the floor. Linden shook his head. “I have no idea, but if there is someone in holing up in the other building, they’re hiding from you—maybe us if they’ve seen me—for a reason. I have a badge, but in situations like this about all the good it does is if I throw it at a perp and wing them in the forehead with it.” 5/29/2016 10:58:00 am
Now the question becomes, how good is his aim? (And I'd love to see that report when he turns in the paperwork!)
Elizabeth Noble
5/29/2016 11:57:56 am
Hahhaaa....they're trapped in a hotel that's shut down for renovations during a blizzard and they're not alone!
K.S. Trenten
5/30/2016 08:24:18 pm
Intriguing bit of mystery building up here!
Amy Rae Durreson
6/4/2016 03:25:39 am
Love the humour of this and the sense of building tension. 6/4/2016 03:53:04 am
I hope he can find something more threatening to throw before the day is out.
elizabeth noble
6/5/2016 08:20:43 am
Thank you everyone! Comments are closed.
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