My snippet this week is from Scintilla, book one of El Corazon. Yeah, Raul didn’t have time for this shit. He fucking ached from head to toe and that just pissed him off. Raul shifted to complete werewolf and charged the man. The guy never had the chance to get his knife, or any other weapon, out. Raul pounced, gripped the man by his neck and slammed him face first into the iron door. Not taking the time to see what damage that did, Raul decided to save the good, hardworking taxpayers of Texas some money. No charges, no trial, simply an execution. In one swift, clean movement, Raul snapped the man’s neck and simultaneously ripped through his throat, opening arteries and shredding muscle. He’d kill, but not torture. Read more diverse snippets in the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook. Scintilla is available in eBook, paperback and through Kindle Unlimited. Get the Spanish translation HERE.
Jana Denardo
10/1/2023 10:04:29 pm
Great action in this scene Comments are closed.
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