My snippet this week is from For the Long Run. Jay mouthed a thank-you and took the glass, sipping the water. Setting the glass on the podium, he drew in a deep breath and looked around the room. “I’m sorry. As I was… I… um….” Jay faltered again, cleared his throat, and took a tissue from a box inside the podium and dipped it in the water. Senator Molloy leaned over, hands braced on his knees for a few seconds. He drew in a few deep breaths, then straightened and appeared normal. “What’s he doing?” Jeanette gripped Eric’s arm, pulling his attention back to Jay. Jay started wiping the damp tissue over his face. “I’m not pressing charges, and this isn’t going any farther, but… I’m done hiding.” “Oh shit,” Eric said. He took Jeanette’s elbow and turned her around, aiming her at the exit. “Can you get your car to the back entrance?” “Yes, but—” She was already fumbling in her purse for her keys. “Jay.” “I’ll get Jay. We’ll meet you there. Please, trust me on this.” Read more snippets in the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group! For the Long Run is available in eBook, paperback, audio and through Kobo Plus.
3/24/2024 10:18:38 pm
Another very tense, great scene Comments are closed.
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