This week's snippet is from Strays, a scifi MM Romance. There was a long, empty stretch of what looked like road between two buildings and Kyle headed for that, hoping he could double around and back to Daniel. He realized too late it was a wharf, jutting out into the lake. He stopped long enough to see the path behind him blocked, tiny bits of water slithering down his neck and back, causing him to shiver. The government agents were running at him; he had nowhere to go. Kyle realized if they had to follow him down the length of the wharf, they’d likely spread out; he might be able to dodge around them and back to solid land. If that didn’t work, it would at least give the Militia assault team more time to reach him. He didn’t have much choice he could see other than go farther onto the wharf. As soon as he cleared the shelter of the buildings, he was hit with sharp, cold winds coming off the lake. A split second later he learned the truth about black ice: you really didn’t see it until you were sliding across it. His feet found no purchase and Kyle’s legs spun out from under him. There were a few moments of the sickening feeling of being without gravity and not knowing up from down; then he hit the water and was plunged into frigid cold and dark. Read more snippets in the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Strays is available in eBook and through Kobo Plus.
3/10/2024 07:15:17 pm
That's a scary ending there with the ice Comments are closed.
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