My snippet this week comes from Jewel Cave, book 3 of Circles, m y romantic suspense thriller series. Griff put the few sheets of paper into Clint’s outstretched hand, then leaned back and rested his arm on the back of the couch behind Clint’s shoulders. “You’re doing your presentation on me?” Clint asked. “No. I’m doing it on me. I’m the guy who is supposed to prevent stuff like what you went through. I’m not alone, and it’s hard to admit sometimes we can’t protect the people we love the most. It hurts.” “I’m sorry I didn’t lock the doors,” Clint whispered. “You told me over and over to lock the doors.” “Aw, Clint, it’s not your fault. Dylan would have gotten in, or you would have let him in. You thought he was your friend. If you’d fought more, he’d have shot you. You’re alive, and I don’t care about anything else.” Griff tapped two fingers against the end table. “Here’s an idea: we’ll sell the house, get something bigger, maybe out farther with more land or—” “I don’t want to do that. We’ve worked hard on this house. Is that what you really want?” Check out all the other snippets in the Rainbow Snippet Facebook group! Jewel Cave is available in eBook, paperback and
through Kobo Plus and Apple Audio. Comments are closed.
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