My snippet this week is from Electric Candle, book 2 of The Sleepless City, cowritten with Anne Barwell. “Yeah. I don’t remember most of the time between dying and Declan rescuing me. I know I was angry, a lot. I wanted to die and didn’t and I was fucking pissed off about that. And scared. Every day was nothing but terror and I’m not even sure I can explain why.” Blair leaned his elbows on his knees and rested his chin against his knuckles, watching Forge. “And Declan rescued you from that?” “Yes. It was bizarre. When I left society, there was no United States. We were the British Colonies. I came back to a whole new nation, new life, and nothing I knew remained,” Forge said. “I understand being lonely and thinking I have to live that way, with no one else, no companions. Declan came along, I don’t know how, or why he felt the need to help me, but he did. He took care of me and made the world a much less scary place for me at what was possibly the lowest point in my life.” “That’s rough. So, you and this Declan guy stuck together?” Forge nodded, and Blair stared up at the sky for a few minutes before continuing. “You love him a lot, huh?” “Yes. But I have a bond with you, so my feelings for you are stronger than for anyone else.” Blair nodded. “Do you like him—Declan—more?” Forge opened his mouth, then closed it and looked away. Blair stood up. “That’s what I figured. I’m tired now, and the pain stopped. Guess I’ll go back to bed.” Electric Candle is available from Amazon and is on sale this week. $3.99 for the eBook and $9.99 for the paperback.
Read more snippets at The Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. 6/15/2021 02:21:27 pm
This sounds like a really cool story with a lot of romantic tension.
Elizabeth Noble
6/18/2021 09:26:27 pm
Thank you!
Elizabeth Noble
6/18/2021 09:26:56 pm
And it's just beginning! 6/18/2021 02:04:49 am
Oof, finding out your soulmate loves another has got to suck.
Elizabeth Noble
6/18/2021 09:27:17 pm
Yes, yes it does.
Jana Denardo
6/19/2021 01:43:18 pm
Ouch, what a heartbreaking situation to be in. Comments are closed.
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