Hello, snippetteers! This week in the US we have fires in the west and other parts had a 60+ degree temp drop in less than a day, going from scorching heat to snow. Wow! Now there is another storm coming to the Gulf. Everyone stay safe and healthy! This week's snippet comes from the second book in the Circles series, A Barlow Lens. This book has two intertwined stories going on, one taking place in 1927 and one is contemporary. This snippet is from the 1927 storyline. Apologies, it's slightly longer than 6 sentences. Tom and Philip both frequent a speakeasy located just west of Cleveland, Ohio that caters to homosexuals. “Mind if I join you?” Tom held up the drinks. “I thought you might like another one. And dinner.” The man stood up; he was several inches taller than Tom’s slight, just-over-six-foot frame. He held out one of those large, delicious hands and said, “Philip.” Tom shook the offered hand, liking its warm, strong feeling. No calluses, just a slight roughness to his skin. “Tom.” Philip looked down, scratched at the back of his head, and blushed. “I know.” Tom slipped into the chair opposite Philip and pushed the plate between them. “Have you tried Billy’s sandwiches? It’s one thing I look forward to every time I come here.” “You come here much?” “Not as much as I’d like. But you know how it is, have to be careful. This sure isn’t New York or Paris.” Tom bit into his sandwich, then sipped his whiskey. “Woo…not smooth.” Philip laughed. “No, it sure ain’t. But it does the job.” He picked up one of the sandwiches, took a bite, and chewed slowly. “You teach at that school up near West 140th.” It wasn’t a question. Tom nodded. “Is that where you know me from?” His voice stayed calm, but he had no idea how. Was it possible this was the father of one of his students? Tom wasn’t naïve enough to think it not possible. He’d just prefer not to get involved if that was the case. “I’m a cop, that’s part of my beat.” “Are you the reason this place never seems to get raided?” Tom asked. A Barlow Lens is available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.
Don't forget to head over to the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group for more snippets!
Jana Denardo
9/19/2020 05:02:36 pm
I very much liked this meeting Comments are closed.
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