My snippet this week is from Tethered Pair (Book #5 of Sentries). They wound their way through the few people on the decks at that time, dodging other passengers to keep sight of Snow. He was heading to the lower decks and midship, which made no sense to Todd. Without warning Snow veered to the side, grabbed the rail, and vaulted over. Todd reached the railing, grabbing onto it to stop himself from flipping over a few seconds before he heard a splash. “Shit,” Todd grumbled. “Crap,” Nick muttered. In the next instant, he was leaning over the rail beside Todd. When Nick started hoisting himself over the railing, Todd grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar, fingers curling under the slave collar around Nick’s neck as well, and yanked back. “What the hell are you doing? You’re not jumping in after him,” Todd said. Nick scowled, seeming to deflate while he protested, “But he’s getting away.” Sometimes Nick was too focused, just like a dog after a bone. “No.” Todd held up one finger and released his hold on Nick. “But—” “No,” Todd repeated. “Todd, he’s—” “I said no.” Nick looked down at the water and the small waves created by Snow swimming away. “He’s Jah’lar. Pyrahni die and can apparently have a career change.” “That’s crazy.” Nick sighed. “I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. Think he knew who we were all along?” Read more snippets on the Rainbow Snippets Facebook group. Tethered Pair is available in eBook and paperback. There is also a box set with all six books.
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