This book picks up where A Shot of J&B leaves off so it’s important to read this series in order. I adore this couple, Brian Harrison and Jackie Vasquez (nephew of Luki Vasquez from the Vasquez and James series). They have their own lives, goals and interests, yet still work hard at being a couple. They manage to keep their relationship alive, grabbing the little hours a week they have together, and we’re treated to some wonderfully hot scenes between them. While they think about each other and worry about each other, neither sits around pining away when they’re not together. In the previous book we were introduced to a truly, deliciously evil foe. Now we find out this foe has a partner, which was a nice surprise. One of the things I adore about Lou Sylvre’s mysteries is the reader knows all along who the bad guy is, but the characters do not. This gives her books that creepy don’t open the door type vibe. These are among my favorite types of mysteries. It’s so interesting to see how the characters find out how much trouble they’ve gotten into only when it’s too late! Watching as Brian and Jackie are pulled farther into a vicious murder scheme and don’t even realize it until they’re in so deep it looks as if they can’t escape creates a incredible sense of excitement. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough! Their smarts and bravery shines through and they survive, but not without scars and changes to be made. The supporting characters are diverse and lend depth to the main characters and the story. There isn’t the same amount of guns and fists type action in this book as readers of Ms. Sylvre’s previous series might expect. The action is more in the ‘cat and mouse’ category, which creates more of a psychological thriller. Brian and Jackie are in London where the cops don’t routinely carry guns and some procedures are different. Since Brian hasn’t been in the field much in London this creates some frustration, and then outright danger for him and Jackie despite being qualified and skilled with firearms. I really enjoyed watching him work through protecting Jackie and carrying out his duties without some of the tools he was trained to use. Jackie is eight-ish years younger than Brian and has gone through extensive trauma in his life. Woven into the story are details of his ongoing recovery. He’s very self-aware for someone in his early twenties which was refreshing. Jackie isn’t needy but he does need and want Brian’s support, as well as that of his family. He’s not shy about asking for that support, which is also refreshing to see in a romance. Brian is a natural protector and caretaker. I loved how he steps into that role without reservation, and sometimes imperfectly, when it comes to Jackie and his wellbeing. This is a great series and I’m excited to read more! This book was provided by the publisher for a fair and honest review. Comments are closed.
Welcome to My World