Today I welcome the authors of The Demon of Hagermarsh, Beryll & Osiris Brackhaus. They were kind enough to answer a few questions. Oh, and they've got their own WiKi. How cool is that? The artwork for this book is nothing short of amazing. 1) Tell us what the book is about. 'The Demon of Hagermarsh' is about a young knight in service of the Emperor, being sent undercover to a remote fishing village to investigate a potential demonist cell. Mostly, the book deals with him figuring out what is going on in town, figuring out if he really wants a romantic relationship with the cute baker, and figuring out how to use his powers in a way that doesn't create too much collateral damage. 2) What's the genre of the book? How about the series of Sir Yaden’s adventures? Mainly, the book is a mix of adventure and MM romance in a space opera setting, maybe with a dash of mystery and New Adult. The following books will have more adventure, bromance, romance and intrigue. 3) How does the book relate to the entire series? 'The Demon of Hagermarsh' takes place in a relatively confined setting. Just one town, and it's not about saving the world, just about not letting things get worse than they are. Over the course of the series, though, the stakes will be getting higher, and the settings progressively larger and wildly diverse. More like dipping the toe into the water than a full-on assault of all the setting has to offer; which would have been a bit much for a first book, in our opinion. 4) Will all novels in the series be romances? No. While there will be other romances, most of the novels will have an adventure core with romance, bromance and family subplots. 5) So the main character is a young knight? Yes, Yaden is the latest addition to the Emperor's Lotus Knights. Think of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table - confidants and representatives, doing good in the name of the Emperor. Though in this case, without the shining armour. 6) The main character is supernaturally gifted, a psion. What is psionics? Psionics in this setting is the power to influence the material world with your mind alone. The main character is a petrakinetic, able to shape and move rock and soil as he likes - well, as long as he's got enough energy to do it. He grew up on a planet with a lot of volcanic activity and frequent earthquakes, and powerful as he is, he saved a lot of lives back there. But the power to tame a volcano is not necessarily what you need when trying to smoke out a demonist coven, and in combat situations, it's way too prone to cause significant collateral damage. So while quite a powerful Psion, our main character has a lot to learn before he's got a handle on the 'hero in the name of the Emperor' business. 7) I've seen there's an entire wiki detailing this universes background, 99.9% of which does not appear in this novel. Why all the work and will I be able to understand the novel without knowing all the information? Yes, the world building that has gone into this novel is huge, indeed. But 'The Demon of Hagermarsh' offers only a tiny slice of all this. That is why we decided on such a restricted setting and relatively simple plot for the first book. While almost none of the information in the wiki are mentioned in the book itself, all of it makes for an organically grown, consistent and 'lived-in' universe. Each encounter, each viewpoint is based on all of the background world building and that shines through. After discussion with our beta readers, we cut the last remaining bits of exposure, confident that we have managed to create a setting that feels both delightfully alien and comfortably familiar at the same time that is sufficiently organic that it doesn't need datadumps. 10) Through 'memory'-chapters we get to know the past of our main characters. Why did you choose this way to give this information in small doses? The 'memory'-chapters offer an additional dimension to the characters' motivations and attachments. While the story itself could be read perfectly without them, they cast a light on values and relationships that might not be instantly obvious to a reader. Especially concepts like slavery and aristocracy, whích are not central to the story, but inform every character's interaction to a certain degree. If we had put them into the primary story, they would have felt like inorganic insertions - no one ever feels the need to state the obvious in the middle of the day. But offering these 'memory' chapters gave us the chance to illustrate those crucial moments in a - hopefully - lively and engaging way. 9) Even if I had no interest in sci-fi – is there a highlight that I would be missing if I didn’t read the novel? Well, one thing that is a highlight in our eyes is the world building - grown over two decades by now, it's neither Hard SF nor Grimdark, but a wild patchwork of different cultures, beliefs and values, very colourful. We love reading and telling culture clash stories, as those always deepen our understanding of our own culture and our perceptions of what is 'normal'. And maybe the more important way in which the 'Virasana Empire' for us is uniquely different is the positive outlook. The setting is pretty grim in many places, but it is never hopeless. If anything, it's on an overall upswing, and things, as bad as they might be, are improving, little by little. As with all our books, we guarantee a happy ending. Only we're not telling how that may look, and considering the settings' options, it's gonna be both pretty out there and yet whole-heartedly human and soulful. Just one example: The main character's family is the emotional pivotal point of the entire series. But the problems they deal with will never be problems they have with each other. They will face external problems, figure out how they all can contribute to solving them, and get shit done. 10) What is the next adventure readers can look forward to that Sir Yaden will have to tackle? The next adventure sends Yaden to 'The Windmines of Bora Bora', which is a penal slave hard labour camp on a moon of Yaiciz. It's a dark, snarky adventure and bromance novel, and it's already available for preorder at all the usual retailers! ![]() Beryll and Osiris Brackhaus have a new MM fantasy book out: The Demon of Hagermarsh. “The Emperor cares for each and every one of his subjects.” Many consider the catchphrase of the imperial Lotus Knights to be nothing more but well-polished propaganda, but for Yaden, it is a way of life. A young Lotus Knight himself, his first mission in service of the Emperor sends him to the remote village of Hagermarsh, a suspiciously friendly place on a planet known for its inhospitable people. But how to uncover a demonist coven when nothing bad ever happens? Getting to know the villagers only complicates things - the motherly fishmonger surely isn’t a demonist. Nor the gruff leader of the local militia. And definitely not the cute baker from across the street. Or are they? Come discover a dazzling, hopeful universe of knights and monsters, of psions, aliens and ancient deities! The Demon of Hagermarsh is the first book of ‘Sir Yaden’, an epic SF saga of grand adventure, romance, bromance and family, set in the multi-faceted Virasana Empire. It is a romantic adventure and can be read as a standalone. Excerpt Instantly, Yaden was on his feet and in the sales room, only to realise that he had absolutely no reason to do so except for his curiosity, but now it was too late for a credible retreat. “Good day, Sir,” he greeted Colin, hoping he'd come across as a diligent shop servant and not some weirdo. Colin looked a little startled at his sudden appearance, but he gave him that sunny smile of his. “Good day, Yaden. I thought I'd break with tradition and come in first, so the rest of them can follow. Me being the other most recent newcomer to the village and all.” “Oh?” So that was why Colin seemed so out of place in Hagermarsh. “You're not from here either?” “Actually I sort of am. My family has owned that bakery for generations. But my mother and her sister ran away to Schimmelbach. They hated this place, so, I wasn't born here.” “Really? But what's to hate here? Hagermarsh seems pretty nice so far.” “I don't actually know,” Colin replied with another smile, this time bittersweet. “Mother died when I was little, so Aunt Mildred raised me. And she rarely talked about their time in Hagermarsh.” “So there's a terrible, dark secret to this village?” Yaden tried to keep his tone down and not too hopeful. Colin laughed out loud. “In Hagermarsh? If there is one, I haven't been initiated yet. I only moved here a few years ago, when my Grandpa died and I took over the bakery. And so far, it's been the nicest place I've ever lived in.” Not a useful lead. Yaden feverishly tried to figure out a way to ask more questions without making their conversation sound too much like an interrogation, until he noticed that Colin was looking at him with that beaming smile of his. It made him terribly nervous. “So ... What are you looking to buy?” Inelegant, but at least it was a way out. “A few odds and ends. We do need the General Store to open again. Which reminds me, can I have my basket back, yet?” “Actually, I dropped it off with your apprentice yesterday. Didn't he tell you?” Yaden had specifically told the youth to let his master know, but had only received the usual grunt in return. Colin groaned dramatically. “Rory! That lazy foghead is going to be the death of me one day! Eithne insisted that regular work would be good for him and he would improve, but I swear he is getting worse. That's what you get for listening to a kind old lady trying to barter off one of her grandsons.” “I'm … sorry?” “No, no, not your fault at all.” Colin's smile was back again in a blink. How could a man smile that much? “I'll deal with him. After all, he is my apprentice and I'm responsible for him. I'll get him into shape eventually.” He pulled a small note from his pocket, scanned it and for the first time properly looked around the sales room, his eyes going wide. “Wow! This is so orderly. And so much. It looks like you have at least one of everything.” Before moving from Erys to Lagoona, Yaden would have agreed. He vividly remembered the first time he and Darios had visited one of the big shopping malls in Ridge, the highrise quarter of Agami, and gaped at the sheer amount of stuff on sale they hadn't even known existed. They sure had felt like clueless country bumpkins. But after a year in the Empire's capital, he had gotten used to it to a point where the General Store's range of goods felt rudimentary to him. “Mostly I need a new pen and a whole bunch of different spices.” Colin smiled at Yaden hopefully. “Could you show me where everything is?” “Sure, though we may not have exotic spices in stock. But we can order them for you.” “That would be great. Okay, let me see. Most urgently, I need some garnak, ideally whole pods, and some dried lurka leaves. Do you have any terran caraway, by chance?” There wasn't much assistance Yaden could offer, apart from showing him where they kept the spices. Deciphering the labels on the tins would have taken him much longer than Colin. But he recognized them at a glance, and Yaden stayed with him to portion out the amounts he needed and bring them over to the counter. When Colin followed him to the counter, he noticed Darios properly for the first time and did a double take at his size. “Master Darios, who actually owns the store,” Yaden introduced. Darios greeted Colin with an amicable grunt and put his book down to ring up Colin's purchases. “I promised Master Colin a discount in exchange for his welcoming bread,” Yaden reminded him. “Oh, no, that is absolutely not necessary.” Colin looked embarrassed, but Darios glanced at Yaden with a decidedly amused twinkle in his eye. Instead of figuring in a discount, he pulled two extra pencils from the box he kept under the counter and pushed them over to Colin. “Thank you.” He smiled first at Darios and then at Yaden again. For a Leichnami he smiled suspiciously much, but his smile was warm and pretty and Yaden couldn't bring himself to mind. “Well, I should be on my way before the rest of Hagermarsh starts wondering whether you have eaten me.” Walking him to the door was ridiculous, of course, but Yaden trailed behind him. “Will I see you at the scribba training tonight?” Colin asked when he stepped out onto the porch. “I thought that is only for the fighting citizens?” Colin shook his head. “No, it's a bit of a social gathering, too. Lots of people standing around, drinking beer and giving useless advice to us poor fork-wielding folk.” He smiled yet again. “I could introduce you to some of the younger villagers.” Yaden gave an exaggerated shudder. “I'm not sure I want to meet them if they are anything like Bridget from next door,” he grabbed the opportunity to gather more information. “Oh, so you met Bridget?” Colin's smile gained a decidedly snarky edge. “Did she give you the 'in this village we don't tolerate any bullying and you better not step out of line' speech?” “Actually, she asked me lots of questions. And she gave me the 'if anyone bullies you, I'll protect you' speech.” “She did?” Colin looked amused and indignant at the same time. “Now, why do you look worthy of protection to her and I get treated like a ticking time bomb?” “I don't know. Maybe I look harmless?” Which was more than a little ridiculous considering what Yaden was capable of. “Mmh,” Colin huffed and shrugged. “Granted, Bridget is a bit odd. But there are some nice folks in Hagermarsh. They only act gruff when there is a chance of strangers observing them. Hagermarsh is a real community where people look out for each other. I think you'll like it here.” Colin gave him that movie-star smile again, but Yaden had to struggle keeping up his own. Those last sentences had triggered all alarms in Yaden's head. All of that sounded way too much like propaganda, crafted to keep the population calm, happy and ignorant of any ugly things happening behind the scenes. It sounded very much like the slogans the Lotus Pavilion PR team had drummed into his head. Colin had even the right kind of wholesome handsomeness that made believing such stories so easy. If Yaden managed to pinpoint where this propaganda was coming from, he'd be on the right track. “See you at the training, tonight?” Colin asked. Yaden only managed an affirmative grunt. “Looking forward to it. Oh, and you may wanna bring some beer. That'll go a long way in making you less of a stranger.” Yaden grunted again. Maybe not beer, but he had unpacked a whole crate of different kinds of schnapps and brandy earlier. Those would surely work just as well. He managed a parting smile before Colin turned around and left across the road. Author Bio We are Beryll and Osiris Brackhaus, a couple currently living our happily ever after in the very heart of Germany, under the stern but loving surveillance of our cat. Both of us are voracious but picky readers, we love telling stories and drinking tea, good food and the occasional violent movie. Together, we write novels of adventure and romance, hoping to share a little of our happiness with our readers. Beryll: An artist by heart, Beryll was writing stories even before she knew what letters were. As easily inspired as she is frustrated, her own work is never good enough (in her eyes). A perfectionist in the best and worst sense of the word at the same time and the driving creative force of our duo. Osiris: An entertainer and craftsman in his approach to writing, Osiris is the down-to-earth, practical part of our duo. Broadly interested in almost every subject and skill, with a sunny mood and caring personality, he strives to bring the human nature into focus of each of his stories. Author Website: http://www.brackhaus.com/ Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011014541510 Author Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brackhaus Author Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brackhaus/ Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6427435.Osiris_Brackhaus Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Osiris-Brackhaus/e/B00IVTRO2E ![]() Comments are closed.
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