Wow and awesome! I'm delighted to have Thianna Durston (and Logan--he's a hoot) on my blog today. Let's just get right to what she has brought us and of course what they have to say! Hello! And welcome to the Release Tour for the rewritten and rereleased All They Ever Needed trilogy. If you haven’t read Logan & Christian’s tale, this is a perfect opportunity to do so. I meant to write a post, but Logan thought he should have a word and asked me to pull out an interview I did with him right after the first book was published. He also updated a couple questions so here he is… Meet Logan Mannette. ![]() What is your author like? *chuckles* I’m so not answering that. *winks* Nah. She’s always willing to listen to either one of us, to stay up late typing into the night and she’s about as non-judgmental as it is possible to get. Seriously, I have tried to shock her and so far? Hasn’t happened. Where do you live? I live in a small city in Washington State. Well, for part of the year anyway. I’m actually a drama student at the University of Washington in Seattle, but I was born and raised in Yakima. It’s a great place to live. Four seasons, lots of stuff to do, plus everyone I love is there. *offers a shy grin* Absolutely everyone. What do you want the readers to know about you? Oh, good question. Well, like I said, I’m studying drama, but I’m also getting a degree in education because I love to work with kids. *laughs* Every year, I play Santa at my parents’ holiday party. It’s great to sit there and hear all the little munchkins wishes and their faces light up when I give them a toy. Best job in the world. What one thing you’re proud of? I’m assuming you’re asking what thing I have done that I’m proud of? *shakes head* I’m just me. But I am extremely proud of my boyfriend Christian. He’s just… *pauses* Amazing. He went through such hell and has managed to fight his way through it. Plus being willing to date a man when he was not sure of his own sexuality? He amazes me every single day. Everyone should be lucky enough to have a man like him in their life. What would you never share? *snickers* I did a lot of stupid stuff as a kid. I really did. My poor mother, it’s amazing she didn’t have to start taking something for stress. *His expression turns serious* But probably the one thing I don’t like to talk about was when I was younger, before I came out, pretending to like girls? That was rough. Having to smile and laugh with the guys about things I could care less about. And trying to hide the guy I am. That hurt. A lot. *His shy smile comes back* But my parents always stood by me. When I came out, they were happy for me. In fact, there has never been a time in my life where they haven’t been behind me one hundred percent. I think that’s why I feel comfortable to go and do whatever I need to. No matter what, I know they are there for me. If asked about an important memory, which one comes up first? Oh, wow. Well, I would have to say, my most intense memory has to be the night Christian came out to his parents. He was fully in the closet at that point and hell, we had just been going out for a week. But suddenly this wonderful, amazing man, who has more guts than anyone else I know, just came out in front of a whole room of people. It was… * He pauses and his eyes glisten with unshed tears* the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. What would you rather forget? *thinks hard about it* Nothing that I can think of, to be honest. I’ve had a great life so far and while I have done stupid things, there’s nothing there that I would like to forget. *Addendum* Now that all three parts of our story are out, I’m torn. Parts of me would like to forget about what happened in New York, but I think I had to go through that. It changed me, but it also made me stronger. All of my life, I’ve been accepted for who I am. Facing two people who refused to was harsh and hurt. But it helped me to see that they don’t matter in the long run. Because the people that do matter? They love me just as I am. Who or what is the greatest love of your life? That’s easy! *his face lights up* Christian Darringer is the most amazing man I have ever met. He went through hell, hell nobody should ever have to face, first for protecting someone and second for…*his throat closes up and he takes a couple huge breaths* The men he served with in the Middle East tried to kill him because he was labeled as gay. If they had succeeded, I never would have met him and he’s so wonderful. He’s fighting so hard to overcome that shit. *he takes another couple of breaths* Sorry, I just get very emotional about him because he’s everything to me, he truly is. I mean, I always wanted to find a man I clicked with and who got me, but I never expected to find someone I was so in sync with. I will admit… *he flashes a flirtatious smile* …I love to spank. It’s a huge fetish of mine. Grew, I suppose, out of the fact I grew up in a home where domestic discipline is the way of life. Christian loves to be spanked. So on top of all the other wonderful things about him? We share the same fetish. We’ve only been together a short while and are still learning about one another; he still doesn’t know a lot about domestic discipline. But we have plenty of time. *he smiles again, a warm one that looks as though it is meant for one very special man* Hopefully, a very long time. Tell me about your best ever kiss. *Logan takes a drink of coffee, his grin practically lighting up the room* Christian again. Have you ever been with someone who just clicks? And the more you get to know them, it’s like finding a piece of a puzzle you never even realized you were looking for? Christian is that for me. And when we kiss? *he groans and his head lolls back* From the first time our lips touched, I felt something I have never felt with anyone else. There is a connection between us that is, well, quite fucking fabulous actually. Where can I meet you again? Besides our story As Natural As Breathing, Thianna has continued our story in Took My Breath Away, and Breathe Each Other In. Like I said, she’s a good egg. Christian and I talk to her all day long, sometimes waking her up at three a.m. She doesn’t mind- well, she grouses about it at first, but once we get talking, she quickly turns on her computer and gets writing. Christian and I would love it if you would check out our story. He has come so far and he just amazes me every day. Though in the second part of our tale? *he grimaces and shakes his head* Thianna got into my head a bit too much, but it all ends up well. Better than well. Speaking of which, she also got into my head quite a bit in the third part. *cocks brow at author* Stop that. *grins* ![]() Blurb: As Natural as Breathing – Book One For Christian Darringer, life isn't worth living. Just back from the Middle East—scarred and with permanent damage to one leg—he doesn't think anyone will want him for anything. He didn't plan on meeting someone he can’t stop thinking about. Pulled toward the startling younger man, he begins to question a lot of things—especially his sexuality. Not one to hide from a challenge, he plunges ahead only to find himself more than just attracted to Logan. Logan Mannette has almost everything he ever wanted: loving parents, happiness, friends, and security. The only thing missing is the love of his life, a love just like his parents have. When he meets Christian at a party, everything changes. Instantly attracted, he does his best to help the sad man and quickly finds himself feeling more than he has ever felt before. Raised in a domestic discipline household, he holds that ideal as what he wants. His interest in spanking has become a fetish and when Christian admits he wants to be spanked, Logan believes he might have found the perfect man. Just as everything begins for them, Christian's past intercedes and one of his brothers makes waves about him dating a man. When it lands Christian in the hospital, he is forced to reevaluate their budding romance. Being with Logan might feel as natural as breathing, but if it costs Christian everything he cares about, is this new relationship worth it? Took My Breath Away – Book Two While unhappy to be missing four weeks of Christian's company, Logan is thrilled to spend a month with his father's relatives in New York. A naturally gregarious individual, he’s used to winning people over and getting things right. Unfortunately the Mannettes are not what he expects and for the first time in his life, he doubts who he is. Christian has regained some of his old self-esteem and is taking on new challenges. Besides growing in the relationship he has with Logan, he takes the time his boyfriend is away to learn more about domestic discipline. He learns a little online but it is Gregory, Logan's father, where he gains most of his information. Including the fact that his natural strength puts him in a position he doesn’t expect. Logan hits rock bottom and Christian runs to the rescue. He saves Logan from New York, but puts their relationship in a new sort of peril. When the dust settles, who will be left on top? Breathe Each Other In – Book Three Christian takes to heart everything he learns from Logan's father. As he and Logan go forward in their DD relationship, he finds that he’s willing to not just take on the mantle of head of house, but to embrace it. With Logan graduating from college, Christian takes the next logical step and asks his boyfriend to move in. Even with the stress of student teaching and trying to figure out what to do after graduation, Logan leaps at the chance to live with the man he loves. The pressure of graduation begins to get to him and the only thing keeping him grounded is the amazing man at his side. Those closest to them make huge changes in their own lives and when an unexpected job offer lands in Logan's lap, they have to make a life-altering decision. No matter which way they go, they need to give something up. Play it safe and stay home or accept the job and move away from their families? When it comes to decision time, there is one thing they are not willing to part with. That one thing makes all the difference in the world. All They Ever Needed Boxed Set: This boxed set contains the first three books (As Natural as Breathing, Took My Breath Away, & Breathe Each Other In) in the All They Ever Needed M/M Domestic Discipline Romance series. Buy The BooksAs Natural as Breathing: A Thia Thing || Amazon || B&N || iTunes || Smashwords || Paperback Took My Breath Away: A Thia Thing || Amazon || B&N || iTunes || Smashwords || Paperback Breathe Each Other In: A Thia Thing || Amazon || B&N || iTunes || Smashwords || Paperback All They Ever Needed Boxed Set: A Thia Thing || Amazon || B&N || iTunes || Smashwords Meet Thianna Durston![]() Thianna Durston is a writer by day and supernova by night. Or at least that’s what the faeries tell her. And who is she to deny those pesky *cough* lovely little creatures? She lives in the Pacific Northwest, though her heart belongs elsewhere. In the meantime, until she can return to the place she calls home, she happily lives in a city that still thinks it’s a small town. Thankfully, it has given her muse lots of amusing places to start a story. |
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