![]() Today I welcome Sarah Madison to my blog. Sarah is a fellow Dreamspinner Press author and a friend. We have a lot in common. Sarah is a veterinarian, I'm a veterinary nurse. We both competed in equestrian events and have a great love of animals featuring them often in our books. So, it's fitting that she chose to write about her pets while a guest on my blog! Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Sarah Madison, author of Truth and Consequences, Book 3 in the Sixth Sense series. Hi Sarah, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself, your background, and your current book. Well, I’m a longtime animal lover. At one point, I wanted to become a naturalist like Jane Goodall. Suffice to say, I have a lot of pets! I frequently feature animals in my stories as well. Truth and Consequences is book 3 in the Sixth Sense series. It features FBI Agents Jerry Lee Parker and John Flynn, and the events that occur when Flynn accidentally touches a mysterious artifact and gains unusual powers. As the Sixth Sense series unfolds, we learn there is a set of such boxes, and that Lee and John aren’t the only ones looking for them. They’re in over their head, and the water is just getting deeper… ![]() Tell us about your pets – past or present. Pictures are a must! (Not really, but they would be welcome.) Oh dear. You made the mistake of asking… At the moment, I have two horses, two dogs, and three indoor cats, as well as three semi-feral cats outside I’m in the process of taming. Two have made good progress, and have been neutered and vaccinated. The third is still quite wild, but we’re making friends. I bought my first horse as a three year old for 89 cents a pound—the going price for horse meat at the time. He was being sold at slaughter, and I bought him even though he was the homeliest horse ever. I only have one picture of him where he looks handsome, and that took some creative posing, let me tell you! He’s thirty years old now, missing one eye, and looking even uglier than ever. But he was my first, best horse and I owe him much. My second horse is my baby. I chose her parents and was present at her birth. She is big, strong, and utterly magnificent. We no longer compete; I had to retire her due to arthritis in her hocks. She has nearly died three times however, so every day we have is a gift. I’ve always had German Shepherds. I’m on my fourth one now, and he is an utter goofball. I jokingly say that my camera has a Shepherd permanently etched in the viewfinder because I take so many pictures of my dogs, but when they are this handsome, how can you resist? I recently inherited my mom’s little dog. I never thought I’d be the sort of person who’d own a little dog, but this guy is tough as nails and puts the Shepherd in his place when he gets out of line. I love him! My cats range in age from eight to eighteen. Some people are dog people. Some are cat people. I can’t imagine my life without both. I love waking at night to the purring of a cat settling down by my side. I love reaching out and stroking soft fur, only to fall back asleep with a smile on my face. Back to the book... Excerpt: I knew the moment John walked into the bar. It was like my sonar pinged, my radar lit up—you name it. I heard the door open, and without turning around, I knew it was him because the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Because something in my gut tightened, and my cock lifted in earnest. I watched him in the mirror as he scanned the room, locked in on my presence, and stalked toward me like a panther in a pen full of sheep. Everyone else in the room was aware of him as well. I practically preened when he came up beside me. He took a seat and signaled the bartender, who came over with flattering attention. Connect with Sarah MadisonSarah Madison is a veterinarian with a big dog, an even bigger horse, too many cats, and a very patient boyfriend. She is a terrible cook, and concedes that her life would be easier if Purina made People Chow. She writes because it is cheaper than therapy. Tour Dates & Stops: 14-Oct: Vampires, Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My, The Blogger Girls, MM Good Book Reviews 15-Oct: Jessie G. Books, Divine Magazine, Lee Brazil 16-Oct: Iyana Jenna, Three Books Over The Rainbow, KathyMac Reviews 19-Oct: Kimi-Chan, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words 20-Oct: Wicked Faerie's Tales and Reviews, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Emotion in Motion, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves 21-Oct: Full Moon Dreaming, Happily Ever Chapter 22-Oct: The Hat Party, Bayou Book Junkie 23-Oct: Hearts on Fire, Love Bytes, My Fiction Nook 26-Oct: BFD Book Blog 27-Oct: Molly Lolly, Inked Rainbow Reads, Elisa - My Reviews and Rambling Comments are closed.
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