My teaser this week is from Edge Jump. Brett sighed and picked up another card, this time showing Rylan a photo of a boy and girl dressed for a competition. “These kids are wearing outfits almost exactly like yours.” “So what?” Rylan grumbled. “They live in France. For every card from someone famous there are three here from kids.” Brett gathered up a handful of cards, showing Rylan the photographs attached. “Little kids, medium sized kids, older kids. Rylan, you’re their hero. They want to skate like you.” He shrugged and held up the hockey team card. “Okay, these kids want to skate like me, but the point is they look up to you.” “Joke’s on them, isn’t it? Unless they want to be a has been.” “You’re not the first great athlete to be side lined by an injury, and you won’t be the last,” Brett snapped. “That doesn’t mean your life is over or that you don’t have plenty to give, or other career opportunities.” “Was a great athlete. Was a world class skater,” Rylan shot back. Saying the words filled the back of his throat with burning bile. “You’ll always be a great athlete, even a hundred years after you’re dead! No one and nothing can take your accomplishments away from you. There is no reason you can’t help others with their hopes and goals. You’re kind, patient and have a lot of skills to offer. I told you before, you’d be a great coach.” “Yeah, I can’t even do that now since I can’t demonstrate anything,” Rylan shouted. He turned away when tears stung his eyes. “You know what? Pity parties will get you nowhere. I’ve got half a mind to take you out to the hall, turn you over my knee and paddle your ass in front of everyone. I mean, for God’s sake you only skate on one foot half the time anyway. You’ve got one good leg, use it,” Brett argued. “You wouldn’t dare.” Rylan’s self-pity evaporated, replaced by defiance. “Well, no, you’ve got me there, I wouldn’t. You’d probably get off on it and this is an orthopedic ward, there’s little kids around. They seem to break a lot of bones.” Brett raised his eyebrows and smiled softly when Rylan flipped him off with a smirk. Edge Jump is available in eBook, paperback
and through Kindle Unlimited. Comments are closed.
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