They settled into their seats, and Declan leaned back, yawning. He took Lucas’s hand and squeezed, whispering, “Get some rest. Stop your fretting.” “We’re going to stop that ship from sinking, right?” Lucas said in a low voice. He shifted so his shoulder pressed solidly against Declan’s. “And make sure the Sloanes are safe?” “It’s my goal, Lucas.” Declan’s voice was soft and steady. “Make sure you keep your eyes open and have your earbud in. If there is even a hint of trouble, don’t be afraid to say so. There’s no such thing as a false alarm in this sort of business.” Lucas studied Declan for a few seconds before relaxing more. “You’re worried about me?” Declan looked at him, surprise all over his face. “Of course I am. It’s not as if you have a lot of experience in covert work. It’s easy to get flustered or think you’re overreacting to something.” “Personal experience talking?” “Oh, yes. The first few ‘jobs’ Jonas and I pulled, I think we screwed up more than we got right,” Declan said. “It’s something of a miracle we survived. There was no one to coach us, we just fumbled right on through. Well, in Jonas’s case it was more like he bulldozed through.” Lucas laughed softly. “And yet, you both survived,” he pointed out. Declan chuckled. “You are very right. Fortunately, later on we were able to infiltrate organizations that offered formal training.” He squeezed Lucas’s hand again. “We’ll be fine.” Lucas leaned over and gave Declan a quick kiss on the cheek. “Yes, we will be.” Code Name Jack Rabbit is available in eBook, paperback
and through Kindle Unlimited. Comments are closed.
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