Hello and welcome to the Virtual Fantasy Con blog tour! Virtual FantasyCon is a fun and interesting online event happening in October and best of all it’s free. The location is your computer. You can drop by any day during the event and check out the booths for that day. There will be authors, bloggers, editors, artists, and publishers to list just a few. There will be a Cosplay booth, Blog Hop Hunt booth, panel discussions, and a new booth this year an Author Cache Sale booth (This booth is new and is only for the participating authors on the day of each event. Books on sale for $1.99 or 0.99 can list these books in the comment section below for guests to find and buy.) It is put together by lovely people like Carol March, Raven Williams, Denise Garrou, and others who have worked behind the scenes to make this event happen. It’s a place to catch up on your favorite author and discover new authors. There is epic fantasy, urban fantasy, dark fantasy, children’s fantasy, and YA fantasy to name just a few of the different types of authors that will have a booth during the event. To find out more about the event check out the following social media links: Reader’s Corner Virtual FantasyCon Blog Hop Hunt ![]() I love the addition of paranormal characters and by extension the genres where they’re commonplace. Who among us didn’t dream as a child of having super powers or special abilities? Wasn’t it so much fun to imagine what it would be like to read minds, spin magic, or turn into another creature completely? Well, the good news is through the wonder of books you can! That’s the beauty of genres with paranormal and fantasy characters. They take people and make them more than the average human. Vampires can hear the heartbeats of those near them and move faster than the human eye can see. Werewolves become fearsome, almost undefeatable creatures who are very powerful. Wizards can warp time and space with magic. Within these genres are fantastical worlds that are much like our own, but with certain tweaks. The characters fire our imaginations because they can do just a little more than we mere mortals. Not only is fantasy/paranormal a genre all its own, but it’s a sub-genre in just about every other genre. Romance, historical fiction, mystery, all these genres have books featuring shifters, angels, vampires, witches and countless other types of characters that fall into the classification of paranormal or fantasy. These characters are fun. There are endless ways to spin various myths and legends and portray these characters. The addition of a fantasy/paranormal character or setting adds a whole different level and depth to any story. Traditionally, many paranormal beings live much longer lives. That gives an author the chance to explore various time periods through the eyes of the same character. Longer lives can add more layers to a character and it’s a creative way to show societal changes over the years. Let that little child who dreamed of taking flight, defeating the bad guy or changing into a wolf, get swept away in adventure. Escape for a few hours with a book featuring fantasy or paranormal world and characters. This genre has something for everyone! The Vampire Guard is my urban fantasy/scifi/thriller suspense series. Book one is Code Name Jack Rabbit. Please visit DSP Publications website from October 9 to the 16th and enjoy special pricing for this title. Come back on October 17 for the cover reveal of the second book, Quarry, which will be available for pre-order. Welcome to The Vampire Guard, where myth meets science—to devastating effect. When the threat is too great for human law enforcement to handle, world leaders turn to Akhkharu Nasaru: The Vampire Guard. Forge, Blair, Lucas, and Declan are recruited by one of the world’s most ancient and secret societies, where they employ a combination of supernatural powers and cutting-edge technology to hunt down terrorists, thieves, biological weapons… and sometimes even their fellow vampires and werewolves. An eclectic organization comprised of individuals with diverse personalities, backgrounds, and abilities, this guard has bite—and they’re not afraid to use it. Be sure to visit the other authors contributing to this blog tour:
Cyci Cade The storyteller http://cycicade.blogspot.com [email protected] Sept. 30th Marsha A. Moore Marsha A. Moore http://MarshaAMoore.blogspot.com [email protected] Sept. 30th Devorah Fox Dee-Scoveries http://devorahfox.com devorahfox @aol.com Sept. 26th Kim Headlee The Maze of Twisty Passages https://kimiversonheadlee.blogspot.com/ [email protected] Sept. 26th LG Surgeson The Black River Chronicles https://aberdduadventures.wordpress.com/ [email protected] Sept. 28th Karina Kantas Urbanhype101 http://www.urbanhype101.wordpress.com [email protected] Sept. 30th T S Paul T S Paul https://tspaul.blogspot.com/ [email protected] Sept. 27th Amy Wasp Welcome to the Wasp Nest www.aewasp.com [email protected] Sept. 28th Joseph Malik Writing and Fighting www.josephmalik.com/blog [email protected] Sept. 26th Anne Barwell Drops of Ink http://annebarwell.wordpress.com [email protected] Sept. 26th Debbie Manber Kupfer Paws 4 Thought https://debbiemanberkupfer.wordpress.com/ [email protected] Sept. 27th Andy Peloquin Andy Peloquin http://andypeloquin.com [email protected] Sept. 28th Jasmyn Novachek Hot Off the Shelves http://www.hotofftheshelves.com [email protected] Sept. 28th Elizabeth Noble Emotion in Motion http://www.elizabeth-noble.com/my-blog [email protected] Sept. 30th Marc Royston The Wizard’s Workshop www.marcroyston.com [email protected] Sept. 28th Kimberly Brouillette On the Ragged Edge http://www.kimberlybrouillette.com/on-the-ragged-edge.html [email protected] Sept. 30th Renee Scattergood Renee Writes http://reneescattergood.com [email protected] Sept. 27th Jae Byrd Wells Jae Byrd Wells www.what-the-hecc.com [email protected] Sept. 28th Lesley Donaldson Lesley Donaldson, Writer writerlesleydonaldson.com [email protected] Sept. 30th Jena Baxter Jena Baxter Books http://jenabaxterbooks.blogspot.com/ [email protected] Sept. 29th Diane Riggins Diane Riggins http://a-creative-mind.com [email protected] Sept. 29th Blog tour main page HERE. Comments are closed.
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