![]() Last month Lou Sylvre was kind enough to give me and the Ruger men a spot on her blog. She and Luki had a few things to add as well! Elizabeth: Hello, and thank you to Lou Sylvre for giving me a spot on her blog. Actually this time the spot will go one of my favorite tough guys, Todd Ruger to answer a few questions.
Todd: Only one of your favorites? Elizabeth: Shhh, we don’t want the others getting jealous. Lou doesn’t have all day, she has her own tough guys to cater to so, let’s dive right in. Lou: Luki Vasquez you get back here right now! Todd is not going to bother Sonny at all. He loves Nick! Elizabeth: Recently, within the covers of Collared Souls, you had to do something very difficult for you. Tell us about it. Todd: You’ll have to be more specific, I was sort of kept busy start to finish with difficult things. You never gave me a moment’s rest. Elizabeth: You and Nick had to return to the village Nick grew up in, Eldrid. How’d that go for you? Todd: You wrote the book, don’t you remember? Elizabeth: *clears throat* Why don’t you share, for all the nice readers? Todd: Okay, no need to get testy. Taking Nick back there, the way we had to go about it, was a fat pain in the ass. Chancellor Clarke likes to pretend he’s our friend, but he really just uses us. I would have rather gone back for our own reasons, but that’s not how things worked out. To be honest, it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Nicky was scared going back there, even though he did a great job of covering up how he felt. It was like a constant itch, the vibes I got from him the whole time we were there. Elizabeth: But you both got things done? Todd: Of course we did! I was a bit sad because I didn’t have a chance to blow the place up. Elizabeth: You did speak to a very important person from Nick’s past, however. Todd: Yeah, that was a highlight. See, Nick had a tutor the entire time he was growing up, a guy called Linn. He was a real prick and thought a good way to get a kid to behave was to hit them. I’ve spent a few years fantasizing about snapping the little twerp in half. I held back and only hit him a few times. Elizabeth: There was another thing you did for Nick while you were there, can you tell us about it? Todd: My biggest problem was making these people see Nick as my mate and a sentry. Not a little slave kid. He had strict instructions not to kneel to any of them. I had to make him stay on his horse to be sure and threaten to restrict his coffee drinking. Luki: Oh my god! Lou: Luki, relax. One more outburst and you’re out of here! Elizabeth: The ultimate punishment for Nick! Todd: You got that right. Elizabeth: Thank you for sharing with us today. Todd: Don’t you want to talk about the hidden archive, or the bombs and shooting, or… ? Elizabeth: We don’t want to spoil things. Todd: Not even my Dad? Elizabeth: No. And don’t sulk. Nick: Todd says I pout when I don’t get my own way. And I loved what he did to Tutor Linn. Talk about revenge. Todd: Where’d you come from? Did you hear all that? Nick: *nodding* Where do you think I came from? Don’t tell me I have to explain that to you. Elizabeth: Nick, since you’re here, tell us, how did you feel going back to Eldrid. Nick: There’s a saying ‘you can’t go home again’, but that’s not really true. You can go home, but you can’t go back to the way things were when you were a child. I could never have stepped foot in that village without Todd. He really made me see I could go back a different person, not a slave, but a sentry. Todd’s my hero. Todd: *Groan* Maybe we should give these nice readers an excerpt. Nick: And don’t forget the blurb. Luki and Lou: Bye, you two. Thanks for stopping by! Blurb and Excerpt Comments are closed.
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